What does Russia need dying communist Europa for?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Interesting question? Why Russia still cares about opinion of Europa, a dying continent run by idiots? A good relation with USA and China is more important.
What can Europa do better as USA or China?
Russia shall stop current wrong politic and establish more pragmatic relationship with two important countries.

If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.
If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
Russia is simply a gas station masquerading as a nation.

You're of course right, our Forum Clown Happy Slappy will be of course glad to hear it.

- No one dies from Russian Sputnik, it looks like to be the best vaccine in the world
- Russian hypersonic nukes can destroy both Europa and USA within 20 minutes completely
- Russia has the strongest army, Otherwise Biden would have already attacked Donbass
- Even after 100 years of Jewish rulership couldn't destroy it, look what happens when true patriots will run it.
Russia is simply a gas station masquerading as a nation.

You're of course right, our Forum Clown Happy Slappy will be of course glad to hear it.

- No one dies from Russian Sputnik, it looks like to be the best vaccine in the world
- Russian hypersonic nukes can destroy both Europa and USA within 20 minutes completely
- Russia has the strongest army, Otherwise Biden would have already attacked Donbass
- Even after 100 years of Jewish rulership couldn't destroy it, look what happens when true patriots will run it.
Russia is simply a gas station masquerading as a nation.

You're of course right, our Forum Clown Happy Slappy will be of course glad to hear it.

- No one dies from Russian Sputnik, it looks like to be the best vaccine in the world
- Russian hypersonic nukes can destroy both Europa and USA within 20 minutes completely
- Russia has the strongest army, Otherwise Biden would have already attacked Donbass
- Even after 100 years of Jewish rulership couldn't destroy it, look what happens when true patriots will run it.

Nope, here is our Happy Slappy. He's busy last time and doesn't post his 'great news' about Putler and his 'Mongolia'

If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
You've all been trained to follow the most brutal authoritarian monster you can find. Russians have never known freedom or democracy and are repulsed by the very idea of not living under someone's heel
If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
You've all been trained to follow the most brutal authoritarian monster you can find. Russians have never known freedom or democracy and are repulsed by the very idea of not living under someone's heel

In comparison to Merkel and her Corona regime Putin is an Angel.
Since almost one year Germany looks like a prison

If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
You've all been trained to follow the most brutal authoritarian monster you can find. Russians have never known freedom or democracy and are repulsed by the very idea of not living under someone's heel

In comparison to Merkel and her Corona regime Putin is an Angel.
Since almost one year Germany looks like a prison

Russia is a lot like Alabama. No one ever found honest prosperity unless they went somewhere else to find it.
If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
You've all been trained to follow the most brutal authoritarian monster you can find. Russians have never known freedom or democracy and are repulsed by the very idea of not living under someone's heel

In comparison to Merkel and her Corona regime Putin is an Angel.
Since almost one year Germany looks like a prison

Russia is a lot like Alabama. No one ever found honest prosperity unless they went somewhere else to find it.

AL doesn't have unstoppable hypersonic nukes, Russia has them.
That's the difference
If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
You've all been trained to follow the most brutal authoritarian monster you can find. Russians have never known freedom or democracy and are repulsed by the very idea of not living under someone's heel

In comparison to Merkel and her Corona regime Putin is an Angel.
Since almost one year Germany looks like a prison

Russia is a lot like Alabama. No one ever found honest prosperity unless they went somewhere else to find it.

AL doesn't have unstoppable hypersonic nukes, Russia has them.
That's the difference
That closet queer Putin is not stupid enough to start threatening other countries with nukes. Russia would become an international pariah to the point that they will never see another Dollar or Euro go into their pockets and the Ruble will be worth less than used toilet paper.
If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
You've all been trained to follow the most brutal authoritarian monster you can find. Russians have never known freedom or democracy and are repulsed by the very idea of not living under someone's heel

In comparison to Merkel and her Corona regime Putin is an Angel.
Since almost one year Germany looks like a prison

Russia is a lot like Alabama. No one ever found honest prosperity unless they went somewhere else to find it.

AL doesn't have unstoppable hypersonic nukes, Russia has them.
That's the difference
That closet queer Putin is not stupid enough to start threatening other countries with nukes. Russia would become an international pariah to the point that they will never see another Dollar or Euro go into their pockets and the Ruble will be worth less than used toilet paper.

Russia is already a disliked country by the West and hasn't anything to loose.
Regarding Dollar which true value is already 1,000 times lower as toilet paper.
Do you really believe Russians are too dumb to collect Dollar or Euro?

Never trust presstitutes, you're completely fooled

If every last Russian suddenly succumbed to liver failure tomorrow no one would give a shit. That's how bad Putin is making you people look.

There are more as 40m Russian immigrants worldwide, mostly in USA, Germany and Israel.
Almost 90% support Putin.
Interesting why?
You've all been trained to follow the most brutal authoritarian monster you can find. Russians have never known freedom or democracy and are repulsed by the very idea of not living under someone's heel

In comparison to Merkel and her Corona regime Putin is an Angel.
Since almost one year Germany looks like a prison

Russia is a lot like Alabama. No one ever found honest prosperity unless they went somewhere else to find it.

AL doesn't have unstoppable hypersonic nukes, Russia has them.
That's the difference
That closet queer Putin is not stupid enough to start threatening other countries with nukes. Russia would become an international pariah to the point that they will never see another Dollar or Euro go into their pockets and the Ruble will be worth less than used toilet paper.

Russia is already a disliked country by the West and hasn't anything to loose.
Regarding Dollar which true value is already 1,000 times lower as toilet paper.
Do you really believe Russians are too dumb to collect Dollar or Euro?

Never trust presstitutes, you're completely fooled

Nope. We are still America and Russia is just Russia. They are far too busy robbing each other to ever do anything that might benefit them as a nation. Putin is a thief that has robbed his country of a future.
Russia is simply a gas station masquerading as a nation.

You're of course right, our Forum Clown Happy Slappy will be of course glad to hear it.

- No one dies from Russian Sputnik, it looks like to be the best vaccine in the world
- Russian hypersonic nukes can destroy both Europa and USA within 20 minutes completely
- Russia has the strongest army, Otherwise Biden would have already attacked Donbass
- Even after 100 years of Jewish rulership couldn't destroy it, look what happens when true patriots will run it.
Russia wouldn't say if anyone died from sputnik, they are liars.
Russia's hypersonic nukes are a maybe... maybe. one anecdotal and fake test does not make an arsenal.
Russia's army stopped just inside Ukraine and didn't take it all because most of their shit broke down. Notice they are no fighting hand to hand?
Your true patriots looted Russia for everything it was worth. And now the whole world hates Russians. Bravo.
Russia is simply a gas station masquerading as a nation.

You're of course right, our Forum Clown Happy Slappy will be of course glad to hear it.

- No one dies from Russian Sputnik, it looks like to be the best vaccine in the world
- Russian hypersonic nukes can destroy both Europa and USA within 20 minutes completely
- Russia has the strongest army, Otherwise Biden would have already attacked Donbass
- Even after 100 years of Jewish rulership couldn't destroy it, look what happens when true patriots will run it.
Russia wouldn't say if anyone died from sputnik, they are liars.

Don't forget social networks.
It wasn't heard anything

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