What does living within your means really mean?

Another politically correct comment as anti American as it can get.

It's not a problem of people having kids it's a problem that Bush and the rest of the 1% sold peoples jobs to comunism. Putting labels on people that do not agree with you is just creating worthless bumper stckers.

American is a government based on laws of the people, by the people, for the people not for the 1% fascist tax evaders.

Politically correct? Not at all. None of those people receiving government handouts are paying federal taxes at all unless they are working at a job in which they are paying into their own social security fund. I and my husband have worked two and three jobs when things got tough and there were a lot of days that we pretty much made do with oatmeal and pinto beans and potatoes because we couldn't afford anything else, but we never, and I ean NEVER expected anybody but us to take care of us or our kids.

And the law of the land should be that people will make sure their children are adequately housed, fed, clothed, educated, and otherwise cared for or they will lose those kids. I don't expect you to pay to raise my kids and I sure as hell don't want to get stuck ith the bill to raise yours.

Anyone that does not like the American constitution and what it stands for need to immigrate to a country that supports the fascism that they support.

The constitution defines the American government not what anyone's personal opinion wants to make out of it.

I have not seen one of these propaganda supporting phony conservatives support anything but tax evaders and welfare for the 1% and the racism paid for by the working public as well as supporting communism with American jobs.

There is nothing in the Constitution that suggests people are not expected to provide for and parent their kids. There is nothing in the Constitution that was intended to allow anybody to be entitled to somebody else's property. The Founders to a man were in agreement that the federal government would not be authorized to dispense charity in any form because they were smart enough to understand both the violation of rights and the danger of corruption in that.

Those of you who choose to not support yourselves and your families are the ones who should move to socialist countries where the nanny government is the expectation and the norm. We eeeeeeevul conservatives would then like to restore this country to be the great nation that the Founders gave us.

And among other things that would include an expectation that the government and all able bodied people would live within its/their means.
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