What do you think North Korea's "Christmas gift" to the US will be?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Heard about this yesterday. Seems that Un is getting a bit upset with Trump and his denuclearization talks. Un feels like Trump is simply using him for a political prop, and now is warning that how Trump handles the talks in the near future will determine what kind of "Christmas present" he will send to the US.

What do you think he's gonna send the USA for Christmas?

And yeah.................because I know a lot of you will holler "fake news" unless its from a conservative news site, that is why I linked it to the FOX article. There are lots of other articles on this as well.

North Korea warns US will choose its 'Christmas gift' if Trump fails to meet looming nuclear deadline

Ri Thae Song, North Korea’s vice minister of foreign affairs in charge of relations with the United States, warned of an approaching end-of-year deadline, saying that President Trump’s recent calls for more talks is “nothing but a foolish trick hatched to keep the DPRK bound to dialogue and use it in favor of the political situation and election in the U.S.,” Reuters reported.

He referred to North Korea by the initials of its formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

“The DPRK has done its utmost with maximum perseverance not to backtrack from the important steps it has taken on its own initiative,” Ri said in his statement. “What is left to be done now is the U.S. option and it is entirely up to the U.S. what Christmas gift it will select to get.”

North Korea has been ramping up missile tests and other military demonstrations in recent months in an apparent pressure tactic over the talks. Negotiations have faltered since a February summit between Kim Jong-un and Trump in Vietnam which broke down after the U.S. rejected North Korean demands for broad sanctions relief in exchange for a partial surrender of its nuclear capabilities.

Kim later issued his end-of-year deadline and has also said the North would seek a “new path” if the U.S. persists with sanctions and pressure. Working-level talks last month in Sweden broke down over what the North Koreans described as the Americans’ “old stance and attitude.”

On Tuesday, Ri did not clarify what he meant by a “Christmas gift,” but a Reuters breaking news editor speculated on Twitter that North Korea could be threatening a satellite launch, an outright ICBM test, a SLBM test far from Korean Peninsula or a nuclear test.
Yanno, Trump didn't help things much with his response. He said that we have the greatest military in the world (and we do), and he would hate to have to use it against N. Korea, but he would if he had to.

If both sides keep ramping up the rhetoric, it could get ugly next year.

And, with China being an ally of N. Korea, as well as that Trump pissed off Xi this year with his bill in support of the Hong Kong protesters, chances are good that if Un starts a war with the US, China is gonna side with N. Korea.
probably the same thing he gave Obama......

Un has basically done that to Trump each and every time they have met. Now, he's ramping up the rhetoric.

And, with Trump pissing off China like he has been, China is going to support N. Korea if a war breaks out.
probably the same thing he gave Obama......

Un has basically done that to Trump each and every time they have met. Now, he's ramping up the rhetoric.

And, with Trump pissing off China like he has been, China is going to support N. Korea if a war breaks out.
un wanted to meet trump to get his picture taken with him...and they wont start a war...kim aint that brave....
No U.S. President has attempted to reason with North Korea since "give 'em hell" Harry Truman left us in a state of war after we lost an estimated 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in a freaking 3 year quagmire that Truman mismanaged. Now the crazy angry left thinks NK is being used as a political prop because Trump brought the rogue nation to the negotiation table. Go figure.
No U.S. President has attempted to reason with North Korea since "give 'em hell" Harry Truman left us in a state of war after we lost an estimated 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in a freaking 3 year quagmire that Truman mismanaged. Now the crazy angry left thinks NK is being used as a political prop because Trump brought the rogue nation to the negotiation table. Go figure.
Praising a murderer is not the same as bringing anybody to a negotiation table.
His Christmas gift will be a failed test that lands somewhere near Japan again...

Same nonsense just a different decade...

North Korea said Tuesday that dialogue with the United States has been nothing but a “foolish trick” and warned Washington that it could be on the receiving end of an unwelcome Christmas gift.

The North Korean regime has given the United States until the end of the year to drop its “hostile policy,” come up with a new approach to talks and offer concessions in return for its decision to end nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) tests in 2018.

Well, thank goodness Kim said "Christmas gift" and didn't say "Holiday gift", or Trump and all his little snowflakes would have a meltdown.

I guess instead of a love letter this year, Kim is putting coal in Trump's stocking.

'He wrote me beautiful letters and we fell in love': Donald Trump on Kim Jong-un - video

What a rube Trump is! :lol:
Perhaps we should station a couple of ships off the Korean coast with THAD missiles and just shoot down anything he launches.

Heard about this yesterday. Seems that Un is getting a bit upset with Trump and his denuclearization talks. Un feels like Trump is simply using him for a political prop, and now is warning that how Trump handles the talks in the near future will determine what kind of "Christmas present" he will send to the US.

What do you think he's gonna send the USA for Christmas?

And yeah.................because I know a lot of you will holler "fake news" unless its from a conservative news site, that is why I linked it to the FOX article. There are lots of other articles on this as well.

North Korea warns US will choose its 'Christmas gift' if Trump fails to meet looming nuclear deadline

Ri Thae Song, North Korea’s vice minister of foreign affairs in charge of relations with the United States, warned of an approaching end-of-year deadline, saying that President Trump’s recent calls for more talks is “nothing but a foolish trick hatched to keep the DPRK bound to dialogue and use it in favor of the political situation and election in the U.S.,” Reuters reported.

He referred to North Korea by the initials of its formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

“The DPRK has done its utmost with maximum perseverance not to backtrack from the important steps it has taken on its own initiative,” Ri said in his statement. “What is left to be done now is the U.S. option and it is entirely up to the U.S. what Christmas gift it will select to get.”

North Korea has been ramping up missile tests and other military demonstrations in recent months in an apparent pressure tactic over the talks. Negotiations have faltered since a February summit between Kim Jong-un and Trump in Vietnam which broke down after the U.S. rejected North Korean demands for broad sanctions relief in exchange for a partial surrender of its nuclear capabilities.

Kim later issued his end-of-year deadline and has also said the North would seek a “new path” if the U.S. persists with sanctions and pressure. Working-level talks last month in Sweden broke down over what the North Koreans described as the Americans’ “old stance and attitude.”

On Tuesday, Ri did not clarify what he meant by a “Christmas gift,” but a Reuters breaking news editor speculated on Twitter that North Korea could be threatening a satellite launch, an outright ICBM test, a SLBM test far from Korean Peninsula or a nuclear test.

Perhaps we should station a couple of ships off the Korean coast with THAD missiles and just shoot down anything he launches.


Actually, it's spelled "THAAD", and they are Army missiles. The Navy's equivalent system is the Aegis missile defense.
Perhaps we should station a couple of ships off the Korean coast with THAD missiles and just shoot down anything he launches.

I wish we would.

I think you mean THAAD, though.

But since it's North Korea and our ships, the Aegis ballistic missile defense system is more applicable.
What do you think North Korea's "Christmas gift" to the US will be?
Fruit Cake
Oops. BikerSailor beat me to it.

Sorry about that G5000, but it really bothers me when people think they can mix and match the various parts and equipment of the various branches interchangeably like they are Lego blocks. Bugs the shit out of me, especially after 20 years in the Navy.

Good to see that it bothers you as well, though.
His Christmas gift will be a failed test that lands somewhere near Japan again...

Same nonsense just a different decade...
Actually, the DPRK has had several successful ballistic missile tests. Including a launch from a submarine. They deliberately cause their missiles to land in Japanese waters just to piss off the Japanese.

It's too bad your propaganda outlets keep you in the dark.

What do you think North Korea's "Christmas gift" to the US will be?

A big bunch of nothing. Like this thread.

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