What Do You Think about Refusing of Procreation?

Oct 17, 2009
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Wonderful Women, dear Men!

No one can deny that Capitalism is going to enter the next step, a look at the "Deathtable" -thread makes clear that discussions running in the U.S.A. are not unsimilar to those in Germany.

Furthermore the politics lie in the hands of Capital, Democracy is only a well presented illusion.

So there is true need for actions of peaceful resistance, and of course Capitalism still depends on work. To dump wages politics has taken care for an oversupply of work, for a mass of unemployed who are living miserably - as a specter for all working people so that they are prepared to chuck any toad they get presented.

Karl Marx had made empirical researches about that in Manchester/England around 1860, and what he found belongs to the accepted knowledge of the Economics: There is no minimum of wages as long as there are enough unemployed who are living worse than the employed.

So it would really be an efficient mean to propagate the refusing of procreation cause that would mean to dig off the water of the Capitalists.

With kindest regards

Your sincer

Winfried Sobottka, speaker of United Anarchists in Germany
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What the hell are you talking about?

Go back to your final solution
Hey Terral! We got someone you should meet! :eusa_whistle:
Terral is going to fall in love!:happy-1:
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One or two years ago I read an article in the German weekly magazine "FOCUS" about the instruments to keep down free discussion in Chinese internet. Among those instruments: Agents of the system in all forums who kill discussions the system wouldn´t like.

I have thought this would be a U.S.-forum. Obviously I was wrong: This is a Chinese forum.
No one killed your discussion.

You just didn't make any sense and it is hard to respond to something that makes no sense.
One or two years ago I read an article in the German weekly magazine "FOCUS" about the instruments to keep down free discussion in Chinese internet. Among those instruments: Agents of the system in all forums who kill discussions the system wouldn´t like.

I have thought this would be a U.S.-forum. Obviously I was wrong: This is a Chinese forum.

A thread dying from lack of interest is not a conspiracy

Try making sense in your next post
No one killed your discussion.

You just didn't make any sense and it is hard to respond to something that makes no sense.

Why shouldn´t it make any sense to introduce how to force inhumane Capitalism that dominates all political parties, all medias and so on down to it´s knees?

What Your are doing is obvioulsy killing of discussion, too: Giving no arguments but writing my words wouldn´t make sense. That is unclean, nothing else.
No one killed your discussion.

You just didn't make any sense and it is hard to respond to something that makes no sense.

Why shouldn´t it make any sense to introduce how to force inhumane Capitalism that dominates all political parties, all medias and so on down to it´s knees?

What Your are doing is obvioulsy killing of discussion, too: Giving no arguments but writing my words wouldn´t make sense. That is unclean, nothing else.

Try being coherent - it might help "the discussion"
No one killed your discussion.

You just didn't make any sense and it is hard to respond to something that makes no sense.

Why shouldn´t it make any sense to introduce how to force inhumane Capitalism that dominates all political parties, all medias and so on down to it´s knees?

What Your are doing is obvioulsy killing of discussion, too: Giving no arguments but writing my words wouldn´t make sense. That is unclean, nothing else.

Sorry Winnie..
You still don't make sense. Spouting leftist slogans does not make an argument. Try to state specific objections rather than "So it would really be an efficient mean to propagate the refusing of procreation cause that would mean to dig off the water of the Capitalists."
Wonderful Women, dear Men!

No one can deny that Capitalism is going to enter the next step, a look at the "Deathtable" -thread makes clear that discussions running in the U.S.A. are not unsimilar to those in Germany.

Furthermore the politics lie in the hands of Capital, Democracy is only a well presented illusion.

So there is true need for actions of peaceful resistance, and of course Capitalism still depends on work. To dump wages politics has taken care for an oversupply of work, for a mass of unemployed who are living miserably - as a specter for all working people so that they are prepared to chuck any toad they get presented.

Karl Marx had made empirical researches about that in Manchester/England around 1860, and what he found belongs to the accepted knowledge of the Economics: There is no minimum of wages as long as there are enough unemployed who are living worse than the employed.

So it would really be an efficient mean to propagate the refusing of procreation cause that would mean to dig off the water of the Capitalists.

With kindest regards

Your sincer

Winfried Sobottka, speaker of United Anarchists in Germany

English isn't your first language.
Then there is the part about me actually supporting capitalism. I also disapprove of anarchy in general.
Wonderful Women, dear Men!

No one can deny that Capitalism is going to enter the next step, a look at the "Deathtable" -thread makes clear that discussions running in the U.S.A. are not unsimilar to those in Germany.

Furthermore the politics lie in the hands of Capital, Democracy is only a well presented illusion.

So there is true need for actions of peaceful resistance, and of course Capitalism still depends on work. To dump wages politics has taken care for an oversupply of work, for a mass of unemployed who are living miserably - as a specter for all working people so that they are prepared to chuck any toad they get presented.

Karl Marx had made empirical researches about that in Manchester/England around 1860, and what he found belongs to the accepted knowledge of the Economics: There is no minimum of wages as long as there are enough unemployed who are living worse than the employed.

So it would really be an efficient mean to propagate the refusing of procreation cause that would mean to dig off the water of the Capitalists.

With kindest regards

Your sincer

Winfried Sobottka, speaker of United Anarchists in Germany

fick dich winnie,

robbed a bank recently?
No one killed your discussion.

You just didn't make any sense and it is hard to respond to something that makes no sense.

Why shouldn´t it make any sense to introduce how to force inhumane Capitalism that dominates all political parties, all medias and so on down to it´s knees?

What Your are doing is obvioulsy killing of discussion, too: Giving no arguments but writing my words wouldn´t make sense. That is unclean, nothing else.

Try being coherent - it might help "the discussion"

Try to cause what You say: Where did I leave the way of logic?

You can´t prove that I did - so why do You state I did? That is unclean, nothing else. The same is to say about the defamings from other sides here that are real spam - dirty spam.

Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists
Let me say this in the universal language of similies.

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