What Do You Not Understand?

You actually may learn more than you allow yourself to learn.
That's another trait not employed by message board posters- they already know everything there is to know about everything there is to know about everything- their shallow, narrow mind told them so.
What I understand is America will get back to land of the free and the home of the brave with the Statue of Liberty calling out for those in need.
No. It won't. ALL Empires Fall- read history- if one fails to acknowlege history, one is doomed to repeat it- the statue of liberty has become a joke- in this, the land of the free where Liberty and Justice for all is but a snarky bumper sticker slogan and the Philosophy of Life that set us on our path is sneered at and rarely even mentioned-
trump is attempting way more than "going through the court."
He is asking 'his people' to overturn an election of the American People.
That may be your belief- but, the results are what count- I think what we're seeing, intentionally or not, is that the courts, touted as being all about, allegedly, applying law are being exposed for the frauds they are-

And before spouting/spewing talking points, I'd suggest looking at all the evidence

Ballot not Folded = not a legal vote

Now, that may, or may not be used- if not, then the fix is in- and, again look at all the evidence- the video in the link I posted explains how it can be used, very easily and quickly and prove, beyond a doubt, the fraud being perpetrated happened and if allowed will ensure (and perhaps, insure) no election going forward can ever be trusted in this Country.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Finally! A reasonable response without the curse words, insults and childish gibberish that seems to be the norm on here.

Your question is a valid one and that is why I keep asking, but get no response to "how many ballots nationally were cast without down ballot votes included".
If none, or few, your point is on target.
But those who cheat aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree....so IF there was cheating....IF.......then maybe they simply wrote in presidential votes.

And yes, more people voted than ever....but to say Biden won because people hated Trump so much doesn't hold much water when well over 70 million people voted for Trump.
Of course it "holds water". Trump was the most unpopular President in modern history. Yes, Republicans love him, but when you going to realize that nationwide Republicans are a minority?

None of that is true
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.
I will not take the courts as nothing but corrupt. Who would think of it as any other way when they found the 'Affordable' Care Act Constitutional. Stand them on their head they are all the same only the repugs are cowards. Look at the genocides and illegal wars obama pulled under a repug congress. The only answer will be Americans from both the civilian and military sector, vets and freedom lovers that want their children to enjoy the freedoms hey once had. All others aren't worth their salt. Right is might and we will be up against the low of the low. They are not prepared to dish out what they are about to receive.

When I watched Delta Force flatten the walls of the Branch Dividian Church with tanks and flame throwers as crazy government agencies machine gunning anyone trying to escape the fire out an exit it was time. When a judge reversed the jury's decision of innocent, turned it around putting anyone left alive in prison for maximum sentences it was time but I guess no one though we had been through enough. Now these evil sub- human gives a lot more. As a matter of fact if we cower again why don't we just sign something to the effect "We will disarm, bow down and shut the hell up. Not again. 'LEADERLESS RESISTANCE' a good read "Give me liberty or I'll kill ya till you're dead."
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Finally! A reasonable response without the curse words, insults and childish gibberish that seems to be the norm on here.

Your question is a valid one and that is why I keep asking, but get no response to "how many ballots nationally were cast without down ballot votes included".
If none, or few, your point is on target.
But those who cheat aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree....so IF there was cheating....IF.......then maybe they simply wrote in presidential votes.

And yes, more people voted than ever....but to say Biden won because people hated Trump so much doesn't hold much water when well over 70 million people voted for Trump.
I'm not a cursing kind of gal....but I can understand why people curse here and if I were a cursing kind of gal....this place would be first in line for me to commit such a sin! :D

I believe the figure I've read is 3% of the voting population tend to only vote for president, top of the ballot... on average....and the farther down the ballot the candidate is positioned, the less likely voters, voted for their race.

First, to me....I'm shocked Trump got over 74 million...that's what is just unbelievable in my neck of the woods! :)

Ponder on a couple of other things...

The huge serge in voters were likely a good portion newly registered voters, and likely inspired to vote...in the presidential race ....and know only the candidates names in the presidential race, and likely do not know enough about politics to vote in the other races, or why they even matter.... these could be the voters who just wanted Trump gone, (or the people who just wanted Trump to win!)

But another reason Biden got so many votes, while democrats down ballot lost so many seats, could be that a good portion of those who voted for Biden were Republicans.... the Never Trumpers, The Lincoln Project followers, the Romney/ McCain types....

Contrary to all the right wing hype of voter fraud in the big cities like Detroit, and Philadelphia etc..... Biden got fewer votes in 2020 in these large cities, than Hillary got in 2016! Yep, that's a fact! It also solidifies there was no cheating by Democrats in these big cities in my mind....

Biden got his increases, in the suburbs and small town communities.... even in "red" counties where he lost, he lost by less of a percentage than Hillary lost in 2016..... he got more votes than Clinton in every red county...
So, again, to me this indicates all those Lincoln Project kind of right wingers gave Biden a lot of votes....
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1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.
I will never understand why you people look up to Trump. He is so obviously a moronic, whiny little bitch.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us in the early 1980's about the communist agenda and the infiltration of communist operatives in this country and the tactics they use......and his warning wasn't heeded. No one that has any common sense and has kept up with the mountains of evidence of voter fraud and software chicanery and manipulation could ever say with a straight face that Pedo Joe "won" the election. Someone that was rescued off the scrap heap and then picked a loser like Harris that didn't even last in the leftard race until Iowa. These delusional dumb fucks actually believe that the voting majority preferred a career, compromised politician that couldn't even draw flies to his infrequent appearances got ten million more votes than the obamamonkey? Biden is an even bigger "empty suit" than the jug-eared queer that had leftards swooning and fainting at the mere sight of him.

Leftards believe that if they scream defiantely that "Biden won!!!!" in spite of the overwhelming evidence of rampant voter fraud and software manipulation that it will somehow legitimize this Chi-com puppet and dissenters will slink away and accept Pedo Joe.........yeaaaah, I don't see that happening. The cloud of "voter fraud" is going to hang over that sloped skull of his with the bad hair transplant cosmetic job like flatulence.
Last edited:
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.
I will never understand why you people look up to Trump. He is so obviously a moronic, whiny little bitch.

Clean the spittle off the mirror when you are finished.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us in the early 1980's about the communist agenda and the infiltration of communist operatives in this country and the tactics they use......and his warning wasn't heeded. No one that has any common sense and has kept up with the mountains of evidence of voter fraud and software chicanery and manipulation could ever say with a straight face that Pedo Joe "won" the election. Someone that was rescued off the scrap heap and then picked a loser like Harris that didn't even last in the leftard race until Iowa. These delusional dumb fucks actually believe that the voting majority preferred a career, compromised politician that couldn't even draw flies to his infrequent appearances got ten million more votes than the obamamonkey? Biden is an even bigger "empty suit" than the jug-eared queer that had leftards swooning and fainting at the mere sight of him.

Leftards believe that if they scream defiantely that "Biden won!!!!" in spite of the overwhelming evidence of rampant voter fraud and software manipulation that it will somehow legitimize this Chi-com puppet and dissenters will slink away and accept Pedo Joe.........yeaaaah, I don't see that happening. The cloud of "voter fraud" is going to hang over that sloped skull of his with the bad hair transplant cosmetic job like flatulence.

We sat on our hands, and now we pay for the lack of effort.
It's simply the result we deserve

That's the only thing you've ever been accurate about. Well done.

Let's cut to the chase: there is not the slightest of possibilities that more people voted for this, than voted for Trump and his policies.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
What I understand is America will get back to land of the free and the home of the brave with the Statue of Liberty calling out for those in need.
No. It won't. ALL Empires Fall- read history- if one fails to acknowlege history, one is doomed to repeat it- the statue of liberty has become a joke- in this, the land of the free where Liberty and Justice for all is but a snarky bumper sticker slogan and the Philosophy of Life that set us on our path is sneered at and rarely even mentioned-
Usually it takes 200 years for an empire to fall. With the repukes rejected we can go back to honor, courage and compassion. What we do need is to get rid of all of the rumps concepts of America and get back to the basics which includes rejection of conservative ray goon omics.
It's simply the result we deserve

That's the only thing you've ever been accurate about. Well done.

Let's cut to the chase: there is not the slightest of possibilities that more people voted for this, than voted for Trump and his policies.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
You list republican ideals and claim them to be progressive thoughts!
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us in the early 1980's about the communist agenda and the infiltration of communist operatives in this country and the tactics they use......and his warning wasn't heeded. No one that has any common sense and has kept up with the mountains of evidence of voter fraud and software chicanery and manipulation could ever say with a straight face that Pedo Joe "won" the election. Someone that was rescued off the scrap heap and then picked a loser like Harris that didn't even last in the leftard race until Iowa. These delusional dumb fucks actually believe that the voting majority preferred a career, compromised politician that couldn't even draw flies to his infrequent appearances got ten million more votes than the obamamonkey? Biden is an even bigger "empty suit" than the jug-eared queer that had leftards swooning and fainting at the mere sight of him.

Leftards believe that if they scream defiantely that "Biden won!!!!" in spite of the overwhelming evidence of rampant voter fraud and software manipulation that it will somehow legitimize this Chi-com puppet and dissenters will slink away and accept Pedo Joe.........yeaaaah, I don't see that happening. The cloud of "voter fraud" is going to hang over that sloped skull of his with the bad hair transplant cosmetic job like flatulence.
No one has shown the supposed voter fraud. They say they have it but haven't produced it.
What I understand is America will get back to land of the free and the home of the brave with the Statue of Liberty calling out for those in need.
No. It won't. ALL Empires Fall- read history- if one fails to acknowlege history, one is doomed to repeat it- the statue of liberty has become a joke- in this, the land of the free where Liberty and Justice for all is but a snarky bumper sticker slogan and the Philosophy of Life that set us on our path is sneered at and rarely even mentioned-
Usually it takes 200 years for an empire to fall. With the repukes rejected we can go back to honor, courage and compassion. What we do need is to get rid of all of the rumps concepts of America and get back to the basics which includes rejection of conservative ray goon omics.

Having folks like you aboard speeds the process.
It's simply the result we deserve

That's the only thing you've ever been accurate about. Well done.

Let's cut to the chase: there is not the slightest of possibilities that more people voted for this, than voted for Trump and his policies.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
You list republican ideals and claim them to be progressive thoughts!

Every one of the above is a stated goal of the Democrat Party.

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