What do the Native Americans say?

Are you NA? No. Am I NA? No. Is my husband NA? Yes. BIA was put in to place by people who were or became corrupt, and they had help from corrupt NA's. Read up on Pine Ridge in what is happening today....this year...in 2017. The tribal police force are mostly on the take, therefore there isn't much help for safety. The tribal council voted to LIFT the ban of alcohol sales in Pine Ridge....and that did not come from white people. That vote came from tribal elders who want the $$$ it brings in, which there is little of.

Your quest to lay blame on "white people" is as corrupt as the people...white AND brown...who are helping destroy the rez. Not just whites.

I lay the blame where it needs to go. There was never a need for the BIA. There was never a need for the Pine Ridge Reservation.

You don't get that.

And yes I do have Cherokee ancestry. One of my grandmothers was 1/2 Cherokee thank you.
The blame can be put on many. Not just "white" people. The BIA was and is just one of many corrupt unneeded things, yet there it is. And it wouldn't have much umph if there was no help coming from INSIDE the rez itself with the elders who line their own pockets in some form or another.

You need to get off the blame game and either do something about it yourself instead of ranting on a message board, or find some kind of release to let the hate go that heads nowhere.

Put together a package before this winter. Coats, wood, thermals, blankets, propane, food, socks, shoes, monetary donations for the schools and the children, the elders freezing to death in the horrid winters. Have you done that? I have. Quite a few times. Me, who has nothing anymore, still finds time to shop at thrift stores and pick up something useful I can send to their donation center. In pine ridge, there are no casinos. They are there, waiting to die while trying to survive. Stuck on a spit of land that belonged to them in the first place. Point is, they keep trying. All you are doing is sitting in front of your monitor complaining about your own woes instead of DOING SOMETHING.

I don't need to do anything but what I am doing now in my hometown working to stop police from harassing people of color. The fact is that whites own this. These guys should not be living on a reservation waiting for me to make them care packages because the white man moved them to reservations. Means said some things you don't seem to get like when he said that the American Indian can be an Indian anywhere but I the US. Whites all over this world, including some right here are whining about some fake genocide because they believe they are losing their identity and yet that is what whites did to the NA's. That's what they do now to them. But you can't understand how that leads to all those negative statistics you cited. You cant see how it creates corruption from within because of the competition to get that extra buck in order to live a little better.

There ain't no hate here lady. There is speaking truth. You don't know what I have done and yet your ass assumes that all I have eve r bone is complain and that's because you listen to dumb ass white race baiters ell you that. I couldn't have worked 12 hours per day for most of 32 years in the black community to fight the things happening there. Oh no, I was just sitting on my ass complaining about what whitey owes me, Fuck you. Stop repeating that stupid white racist bull shit to people. Its way off and you look stupid as hell when you say shit like that. Whites are going to get blamed for what they have done. Too bad, whites should not have done it, and whites not should have allowed it to keep going. So work to end that instead of posting up excuses for white racism because it's not a thing of the past.
Meanwhile....I am off to more positive things to muse on. Have a good night and try to lose some of that white hate you have going on there in your head.

No white hate exists here.
I think you need to listen to it again. Russell Means did indeed make a powerful speech, but he also included corrupt INDIANS also involved in the quest for "who is more powerful".


leftards only hear what they want to hear
American Indian Activist Russell Means Powerful Speech, 1989

I suppose he's a racist too. He is speaking to whites about what whites have done to them. Listen good.

Don't his words sound familiar? The question is when will the excuses stop from whites?

I suppose we will hear how np one here put the Native Americans on reservations. But the reservations still exist. Poverty is high, alcoholism and suicide are high. And why is that? For the same reason the black community has drug use and crime that whites like those here talk abut in per capita.

These people are not just randomly decided to drink themselves to death for no reason folks. Maybe they wouldn't had they not been forced out of their homes.

By whites.

actually it is what democrats have done to them starting with Andrew Jackson

his anger is misplaced

No it is what whites have done to them. I know you want to try remaking the democratic party into the democratic party of the 1850's but this is 2017 and they aren't. His anger is justified.

he did not say only whites

it is not "remaking" it is simply history that the democrats have been awful for the Indians
No. Whites did this. What is your solution?

Oh... you want ME to solve it?

Okay, pull your big girl panties up and deal with it... that's fucking LIFE!

There's MY solution in a nutshell. Because, no matter what is done, it's never going to appease you because you're a racist who is always going to find a way to blame "whitey" for your problems.

Well then since you seem to be the whiny white type who wants to holler racism all the time because it is pointed out what whites have done and continue doing wrong to others, pull up your own britches and understand that I am going to blame whitey for what whitey as done.

Well that's what I said. Why do anything? You're going to whine and blame your problems on "whitey" no matter what, so what would be the point of doing a thing to appease you? Go fuck yourself! You think you're the only minority who ever was done wrong? It's been happening since the dawn of civilization and it will continue happening.

When you're yammering about these "Native Americans", you do realize you're actually talking about over 100 various tribes of indigenous people who mostly didn't like each other and were constantly at war amongst themselves before the white man ever came here? There were tribes who completely wiped out other tribes... mass genocide!

It was white Europeans who lumped them all together as "Native Americans" but they weren't native anything related to America, they existed here thousands of years before America was discovered. It's actually offensive that you ignore their tribal names and individual cultures. But that's how civilizations have always worked... someone stronger and bigger comes along and defeats the weaker civilization... and fucking life goes on!

There is no remedy or solution, that's why you didn't come up with one. There's no dollar amount to right the wrongs. We're not going to take all white people's wealth and assets and give it to "Native Americans" and white folks aren't going to slash their throats out of a sense of guilt and injustice or move back to Europe in some mass exodus. Those things aren't going to happen so you need to grow the fuck up and get on with life.
American Indian Activist Russell Means Powerful Speech, 1989

I suppose he's a racist too. He is speaking to whites about what whites have done to them. Listen good.

Don't his words sound familiar? The question is when will the excuses stop from whites?

I suppose we will hear how no one here put the Native Americans on reservations. But the reservations still exist. Poverty is high, alcoholism and suicide are high. And why is that? For the same reason the black community has drug use and crime that whites like those here talk about in per capita.

These people are not just randomly decideding to drink themselves to death for no reason folks. Maybe they wouldn't had they not been forced out of their homes.

By whites.

What whites have done to them? You mean introduce them to civilization? Because I don't see any natives living in teepees, or riding a horse to go hunt and gather their food at a supermarket. I even saw one complaining about something on TV the other day wearing FUCKING COWBOY BOOTS!!!! :lmao:
I paid my reparations last visit to a tribal casino.
Far as I am concerned. We are even Steven.
images (4).jpg
American Indian Activist Russell Means Powerful Speech, 1989

I suppose he's a racist too. He is speaking to whites about what whites have done to them. Listen good.

Don't his words sound familiar? The question is when will the excuses stop from whites?

I suppose we will hear how no one here put the Native Americans on reservations. But the reservations still exist. Poverty is high, alcoholism and suicide are high. And why is that? For the same reason the black community has drug use and crime that whites like those here talk about in per capita.

These people are not just randomly decideding to drink themselves to death for no reason folks. Maybe they wouldn't had they not been forced out of their homes.

By whites.

Typical butthurt Lefturd crap - bringing up something from years ago to attack our president.
How about this...how about we start teaching NATIVE American history.
Back when I was in achool, we learned that Andrew Jackson was a great President. We were lied to.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
The genocide of the Native Americans should be taught so that it's not repeated, and yes, I am a Cherokee

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
How about this...how about we start teaching NATIVE American history.
Back when I was in achool, we learned that Andrew Jackson was a great President. We were lied to.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
The genocide of the Native Americans should be taught so that it's not repeated, and yes, I am a Cherokee

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
You were never genocided, Tonto. If you had been you wouldn't be here. We stole your land fair and square. Then very magnanimously we gave y'all reservations. The people who were genocided were the people YOU stole the land from. You guys slaughtered everybody. (genocide) We gave you some land and an x-box and taught you to read. Stop complaining about the past. You are making us wish we HAD genocided you just to get y'all to shut the fuck up already.
How about this...how about we start teaching NATIVE American history.
Back when I was in achool, we learned that Andrew Jackson was a great President. We were lied to.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
The genocide of the Native Americans should be taught so that it's not repeated, and yes, I am a Cherokee

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
You were never genocided, Tonto. If you had been you wouldn't be here. We stole your land fair and square. Then very magnanimously we gave y'all reservations. The people who were genocided were the people YOU stole the land from. You guys slaughtered everybody. (genocide) We gave you some land and an x-box and taught you to read. Stop complaining about the past. You are making us wish we HAD genocided you just to get y'all to shut the fuck up already.

"We"? YOU didn't take anyone's land, and it would turn out badly for YOU if YOU tried. History is not a game for bigots and racists.
How about this...how about we start teaching NATIVE American history.
Back when I was in achool, we learned that Andrew Jackson was a great President. We were lied to.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
The genocide of the Native Americans should be taught so that it's not repeated, and yes, I am a Cherokee

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
You were never genocided, Tonto. If you had been you wouldn't be here. We stole your land fair and square. Then very magnanimously we gave y'all reservations. The people who were genocided were the people YOU stole the land from. You guys slaughtered everybody. (genocide) We gave you some land and an x-box and taught you to read. Stop complaining about the past. You are making us wish we HAD genocided you just to get y'all to shut the fuck up already.

"We"? YOU didn't take anyone's land, and it would turn out badly for YOU if YOU tried. History is not a game for bigots and racists.

If we get your anti-Racist way, all the unique, and diverse people of the World, including Native Americans would only be discussed in the History books.

I think that's sad, but you're obviously cold blooded, and don't have normal feelings.
Unkotare is not anti racist. He thinks he is. Anti racism does not include ignoring racism or taking racism hoisted at you. Anti racism is the ability to be able to see when a person is fighting racism by making the racist fell the same pain they produce. Unkotare is a simple minded timid bigot.
Unkotare is not anti racist. He thinks he is. Anti racism does not include ignoring racism or taking racism hoisted at you. Anti racism is the ability to be able to see when a person is fighting racism by making the racist fell the same pain they produce. Unkotare is a simple minded timid bigot.
" Anti racism is the ability to be able to see when a person is fighting racism by making the racist fell the same pain they produce. "

Do you hear that, white people? It's explicit. No one has an excuse anymore.

Embrace racism or die you dumb blinking white sheep.
Unkotare is not anti racist. He thinks he is. Anti racism does not include ignoring racism or taking racism hoisted at you. Anti racism is the ability to be able to see when a person is fighting racism by making the racist fell the same pain they produce. Unkotare is a simple minded timid bigot.
" Anti racism is the ability to be able to see when a person is fighting racism by making the racist fell the same pain they produce. "

Do you hear that, white people? It's explicit. No one has an excuse anymore.

Embrace racism or die you dumb blinking white sheep.

Nah ain't nobody talking about embracing racism. Except you. What I am doing is called when you get punched in the mouth, punch back.
How about this...how about we start teaching NATIVE American history.
Back when I was in achool, we learned that Andrew Jackson was a great President. We were lied to.
Andrew Jackson was a monster.
The genocide of the Native Americans should be taught so that it's not repeated, and yes, I am a Cherokee

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
You were never genocided, Tonto. If you had been you wouldn't be here. We stole your land fair and square. Then very magnanimously we gave y'all reservations. The people who were genocided were the people YOU stole the land from. You guys slaughtered everybody. (genocide) We gave you some land and an x-box and taught you to read. Stop complaining about the past. You are making us wish we HAD genocided you just to get y'all to shut the fuck up already.
As a matter of fact, paleface, we were. After you stole our land, your hero, Andrew Jackson led the way to eliminate us. It didn't work as we are still here.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Unkotare is not anti racist. He thinks he is. Anti racism does not include ignoring racism or taking racism hoisted at you. Anti racism is the ability to be able to see when a person is fighting racism by making the racist fell the same pain they produce. Unkotare is a simple minded timid bigot.
" Anti racism is the ability to be able to see when a person is fighting racism by making the racist fell the same pain they produce. "

Do you hear that, white people? It's explicit. No one has an excuse anymore.

Embrace racism or die you dumb blinking white sheep.

Nah ain't nobody talking about embracing racism. Except you. What I am doing is called when you get punched in the mouth, punch back.

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