What do normal people - think of Israel?

...When you agree that god's judgement would be against you, and that he too will have to just suck it up, I cannot think you really feel that the international community is wrong, so much as it is to be evaded.
No, what I implied was that God might not agree with or approved of their course of action.

Then again, God would not have agreed with the forcing-out and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Muslim domains during the 1948-1975 timeframe, and a thousand-and-one other Muslim sins, either, so, I don't think the Israelis have to worry overly much.

Compared to the Muslims, in their historic treatment of the Jews and other Infidels, the Israelis would have to go a long way to catch up, to get the Good Lord as pissed at the Jews, as He is already pissed at the Muslims.

Seems to me your respect for your sky fairy is below par.
As a metaphor for 'good' you piss on his perspective. You refuse to accept the tests he puts you through without seeing them as an excuse to do evil to other people. The WRONG people of course, as German Europeans in the main were gods instrument of pain against Judaism, and Zionism 'gets even' by being evil to Palestinians.

You are all over the place Kondor. You confess to your crimes, you tell us that Israel will terrorise anyone who resists them without reference to right or wrong, you are happy to target the civilians and children of Palestinians, as that will bring them most pain and you hope will make them obedient to your wishes.

Now, had you told me all this but said before hand that you were a Satanist, I would understand. But you pretend your sky fairy is a just and decent bloke.

Not consistent with your acceptance of your own evil Kondor.
But thank you. You capture the Zionist position very well.
...When you agree that god's judgement would be against you, and that he too will have to just suck it up, I cannot think you really feel that the international community is wrong, so much as it is to be evaded.
No, what I implied was that God might not agree with or approved of their course of action.

Then again, God would not have agreed with the forcing-out and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Muslim domains during the 1948-1975 timeframe, and a thousand-and-one other Muslim sins, either, so, I don't think the Israelis have to worry overly much.

Compared to the Muslims, in their historic treatment of the Jews and other Infidels, the Israelis would have to go a long way to catch up, to get the Good Lord as pissed at the Jews, as He is already pissed at the Muslims.

Seems to me your respect for your sky fairy is below par.
As a metaphor for 'good' you piss on his perspective. You refuse to accept the tests he puts you through without seeing them as an excuse to do evil to other people. The WRONG people of course, as German Europeans in the main were gods instrument of pain against Judaism, and Zionism 'gets even' by being evil to Palestinians.

You are all over the place Kondor. You confess to your crimes, you tell us that Israel will terrorise anyone who resists them without reference to right or wrong, you are happy to target the civilians and children of Palestinians, as that will bring them most pain and you hope will make them obedient to your wishes.

Now, had you told me all this but said before hand that you were a Satanist, I would understand. But you pretend your sky fairy is a just and decent bloke.

Not consistent with your acceptance of your own evil Kondor.
But thank you. You capture the Zionist position very well.

What arrant nonsense!! You flatusplatter all over this thread as if your satano-pontifications have some cred or value. They are as worthless as any other claim out of the vast cess pool that is racism and anti-semitism in particular. It is the Pal terrorist groups that terrorise their OWN people first, and then move on to kill and maim anyone who happens to be Israeli, Jewish or Western. Hamas are the scum buckets of the earth. That you find them appealing is ridiculous; you must really hate it when the suicide bombers miss their targets!!! Your heroes in action twenty years ago!!

He had attended two secret sessions of the Hamas cell, and his two main teachers, young activists in their 20s who recruit and train other youths for suicide missions, are now in Palestinian jails awaiting trial in Mr. Arafat's controversial security courts created in February as part of a crackdown on Islamic militants.

Following last week's bombings, the first two Islamic militants arrested for earlier bombings were convicted and sentenced respectively to 15-year and 25-year jail terms.

Musa says he was exhausted after questioning by the Palestinian police and had received a ''few slaps'' but was not tortured or physically harmed.

When he was released after 10 days, concerned relatives rallied around to bring the youth back into the family fold and convinced him that taking one's own life was not serving Islam.

Musa, who was also questioned by Hamas officials from the pro-Hamas al-Watan newspaper in Gaza City between interrogations by the Palestinian police, says that he was fearful of Hamas retribution now that he had exposed their secrets.

A Boy Bomber Changes His Mind - CSMonitor.com

...and this refuse are now in charge of Gaza.....you idiot!!

The court took upon itself the job of examining the fence section by section, even in places where it has already been completed. The International Court of Justice in The Hague determined that all parts of the barrier not on the green line violates international law because it has been built in occupied territory, the Supreme Court determined that the state is entitled to defend itself and its citizens, even in territories defined as "under belligerent occupation" according to the 4th Geneva convention - but it cannot build a fence in order to annex land.

The court conclusion is different from that of the International Court of Justice. According to the Supreme Court:

The main difference between the two judgments stems primarily from the difference in the factual basis upon which each court made its decision. Once again, the simple truth is proven: Facts lie at the foundation of the law, and the law arises from the facts (ex facto jus oritur). The ICJ drew the factual basis for its opinion from the Secretary-General's report, his written statement, the Dugard report, and the Zeigler report. The Supreme Court drew the facts from the data brought before it by the Palestinian petitioners on the one hand, and the State on the other.

The ruling by the court will have an impact on roughly 40 different petitions which are now pending before the court asking for changes of the barrier route in several additional sections.

Israeli Supreme Court opinions on the West Bank Barrier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Law says Israel is justified.

Well normal people see very clearly why Israel won't join the ICC when the ICJ's opinions are ignored. Normal people think Israel's justice is self serving.

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory


The Court finds that the construction by Israel of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its associated régime are contrary to international law; it states the legal consequences arising from that illegality

So normal people think Israel

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong,
suborns citzens of other nations to subvert those nations' interests,
does not separate religion and government,
is favoured too much by US Policies in the ME,
has self serving justice.
The ICC is one of those places where the pygmies band together to try to pull down the big game.

Wake me up when you've got a case in the ICC that will stand on its own merits.
Hilarious, indeed.

With the additional advantage of being largely true, metaphorically, and, to some modest extent, actually, in practice.

Rather like the UN General Assembly (the gathering of pygmies) versus the UN Security Council Permanent Five (the Big Game).

All it takes is a skeptical eye turned towards some of these half-assed Internationalist venues and the stacked-decks that they operate from, to find merit in such an observation.
...When you agree that god's judgement would be against you, and that he too will have to just suck it up, I cannot think you really feel that the international community is wrong, so much as it is to be evaded.
No, what I implied was that God might not agree with or approved of their course of action.

Then again, God would not have agreed with the forcing-out and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Muslim domains during the 1948-1975 timeframe, and a thousand-and-one other Muslim sins, either, so, I don't think the Israelis have to worry overly much.

Compared to the Muslims, in their historic treatment of the Jews and other Infidels, the Israelis would have to go a long way to catch up, to get the Good Lord as pissed at the Jews, as He is already pissed at the Muslims.

Seems to me your respect for your sky fairy is below par.
As a metaphor for 'good' you piss on his perspective. You refuse to accept the tests he puts you through without seeing them as an excuse to do evil to other people. The WRONG people of course, as German Europeans in the main were gods instrument of pain against Judaism, and Zionism 'gets even' by being evil to Palestinians.

You are all over the place Kondor. You confess to your crimes, you tell us that Israel will terrorise anyone who resists them without reference to right or wrong, you are happy to target the civilians and children of Palestinians, as that will bring them most pain and you hope will make them obedient to your wishes.

Now, had you told me all this but said before hand that you were a Satanist, I would understand. But you pretend your sky fairy is a just and decent bloke.

Not consistent with your acceptance of your own evil Kondor.
But thank you. You capture the Zionist position very well.

You must have been starved of oxygen in the womb.
Hilarious, indeed.

With the additional advantage of being largely true, metaphorically, and, to some modest extent, actually, in practice.

Rather like the UN General Assembly (the gathering of pygmies) versus the UN Security Council Permanent Five (the Big Game).

All it takes is a skeptical eye turned towards some of these half-assed Internationalist venues and the stacked-decks that they operate from, to find merit in such an observation.

The UN's Gen Ass has indeed become a Palestinian shill, spending an inordinate amount of its time and resources not just castigating Israel but DIRECTLY supporting Hamas terrorist operations through their "Human Rights" Council, the ICJ and UNRWA. Despite outrageous and often deadly infractions elsewhere, their "Human Rights" Council has aimed 45.9% of their country-specific resolutions at - drum roll, please - ISRAEL. I won't even bother to mention the "work" of the Council's predecessor, The UN Commission on Human Rights, which was disbanded for its unapologetic and unvarnished bashing of Israel and Jews. Thanks in large part to the 57 member OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference), the UN Gen Ass and its subsidiaries have become the instrument with which the OIC expresses its "love" for Jews.

United Nations Human Rights Council - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gaza Bedfellows UNRWA And Hamas - Forbes
Well normal people see very clearly why Israel won't join the ICC when the ICJ's opinions are ignored. Normal people think Israel's justice is self serving.

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory


The Court finds that the construction by Israel of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its associated régime are contrary to international law; it states the legal consequences arising from that illegality

So normal people think Israel

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong,
suborns citzens of other nations to subvert those nations' interests,
does not separate religion and government,
is favoured too much by US Policies in the ME,
has self serving justice.
Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people... who do not live in Socialist Gangbang or Pygmie Countries aren't overly concerned with the machinations of the ICC.

Normal people... realize that the ICC deals from a Stacked Deck (pre-existing bias and prejudice) in its rare dealings with Israel...

Normal people... realize that the outputs of the ICC in this context have as much value as a roll of toilet paper...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Well normal people see very clearly why Israel won't join the ICC when the ICJ's opinions are ignored. Normal people think Israel's justice is self serving.

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory


The Court finds that the construction by Israel of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its associated régime are contrary to international law; it states the legal consequences arising from that illegality

So normal people think Israel

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong,
suborns citzens of other nations to subvert those nations' interests,
does not separate religion and government,
is favoured too much by US Policies in the ME,
has self serving justice.
Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people... who do not live in Socialist Gangbang or Pygmie Countries aren't overly concerned with the machinations of the ICC.

Normal people... realize that the ICC deals from a Stacked Deck (pre-existing bias and prejudice) in its rare dealings with Israel...

Normal people... realize that the outputs of the ICC in this context have as much value as a roll of toilet paper...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...


Kondor's lost it.
Normal people... realize that the ICC deals from a Stacked Deck (pre-existing bias and prejudice) in its rare dealings with Israel...
Hmmm. 6, 7, 10, 12 and 16 I'd say...

So normal people think Israel

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong,
suborns citzens of other nations to subvert those nations' interests,
does not separate religion and government,
is favoured too much by US Policies in the ME,
has self serving justice.
Last edited:
Normal people... realize that the ICC deals from a Stacked Deck (pre-existing bias and prejudice) in its rare dealings with Israel...
Hmmm. 6, 7, 10, 12 and 16 I'd say...

So normal people think Israel

maintains apartheid regimes,
commits war crimes,
wags the US,
doesn't keep its promises,
casts itself as a victim,
won't join courts because it will be found guilty,
imposes collective punishments on occupied territiories,
provokes wars of convenience,
is living a self centred fantasy where other people's views don't count,
restricts the economic growth of Palestine,
believes it can do no wrong,
suborns citzens of other nations to subvert those nations' interests,
does not separate religion and government,
is favoured too much by US Policies in the ME,
has self serving justice.
Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people... don't think much about Israel, one way or the other, except for Muslim crazies and their propaganda shills who have a hard-on for Israel...

Normal people... think even less of the Palestinians... with good reason... hiding behind their women and children like pussies... knuckle-dragging savages...

Normal people... don't allow Hamas and Hezbollah and ISIS-ISIL-IS and al-Qaeda propaganda shills to define 'normal people' for them...

Normal people... don't believe 9/10 of the shit that Hamas and Hezbollah and ISIS-ISIL-IS and al-Qaeda propaganda shills vomit-up as commentary...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Just sayin'...
Normal people... don't think much about Israel, one way or the other, except for Muslim crazies and their propaganda shills who have a hard-on for Israel...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people... don't think much about Israel, one way or the other, except for Muslim crazies and their propaganda shills who have a hard-on for Israel...

Normal people... think even less of the Palestinians... with good reason... hiding behind their women and children like pussies... knuckle-dragging savages...

Normal people... almost certainly turned away from those BBC pollsters afterwards and went back to eating their sandwiches and drinking their beers...

Normal people... realize that an Israel with rough edges on it is far preferable to another pissant Middle Eastern country filled with Muslim crazies...

Normal people... in Western countries - when push comes to shove - will stand with Israel in any confrontation with the Muslims...

Normal people... in non-Muslim countries realize that the Palestinians are merely another variant of the re-emerging Islamic plague of locusts...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

Normal people...

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