What do all the attached cities have in common-- besides riot sites?

The cities with no Republicans are a great example of what Democrat rule leads to. When the criminals took over, the law bidding citizens left. Just like today as we see people fleeing Democrat areas.

Democrats literally send Coronavirus patients to nursing homes to kill old people and Jack up the Coronavirus numbers to justify a lockdown they hope kills the economy. If you're a law bidding person and living in a Democrat area, get out while you still can.
And if you're a cop in a Democrat city, QUIT - NOW!
I guess there are no major towns run by Republicans that had protest.

The OP was talking about riots, not protests.

Lots of cities with Republican mayors had protests.

Every single person that I have ever heard defend the riots was on the political left. I have never heard any Republican defend riots.

Democratic Candidate Defends Looting: "So What? Burn It To The Ground If That’s What It Takes"

You are spot on, DragonLady.
Salt Lake City, Utah hasn't had a Republican mayor in over 40 years.
Rocky Anderson, one of my favorite mayors of SLC, was not only a Dem but he's gay, too!
Sex perverts shouldn't hold political office.
Like this guy?

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