What Did Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi Know, And When Did She Know It?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Washington Post, citing an internal document, reported last month that prior to the deadly Jan. 6 riot, the FBI office in Virginia issued a warning that extremists were headed to Washington, D.C. for "war." Pipe bombs were also later discovered near the Capitol were placed there the night before, reports said.

The revelations seem to contradict early claims that Trump's speech that day led to the unrest.

The FACT that 'extremists' were headed to Washington DC on 6 Jan 'to wage war' was not a secret. The FBI knew it. They issued a WARNING about it so preparations could be made.

1. FACT: FBI records show the planning for the intended violence had been conducted using Big Socialist Tech Twitter and Facebook.
- This fact completely underrmines the Democrats' false narrative that President Trump incited a spontaneous 'Insurrection' on 6 January.

2. FACT: The Capitol Police were warned that a massive mob was headed to DC to 'wage war'. with prior warning, the Capitol Police:
- Put in place at the Capitol light-weight, easily moved rails to 'block off' and 'protect the Capitol' (When the violence started, THEY were the ones shown on video moving those barriers to give the extremists access to the Capitol building.)
- Failed to have more Policemen on-hand to protect the Capitol that day.

The Capitol Police were completely unprepared to protect the Capitol and the politicians. They not only absolutely SUCKED...video evidence shows they AIDED AND ABETTED the extremists who the FBI warned came to DC to 'wage war'. (Aiding and abetting 'the enemy' in a 'war' is called 'Treason'. A thorough investigation of the Capitol Police is needed.

3. Without there being any Intel indication that there was any threat to DC on Inauguraytion Day OR at any time from then until TODAY, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats broiught in more troops than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to turn DC into the 'Green Zone' in Baghdad...but after being told that extremists are coming to Washington to 'wage war', the Capitol police did not 'plus-up', Local Police were not tapped to assist, the FBI did not offer up agents to help on 6 Jan (although they did reportedly clear pipe bombs from the area that were planted before 6 Jan), and not 1 National Guard member was brought in to secure the Capitol.!

Since Pelosi works closely with the Capitol Police on security measures, I would like for all of Pelosi's communications - phone call records, text messages, and e-mails - to determine if there was any coordination between the Capitol Police and Pelosi from the time the FBI issued the warning about the extremists on the way to DC until the day of 6 January! She HAD to have received the FBI's warning about extremists heading to DC on 6 Jan to 'wage war'. If she did, she also failed to ensure anything was done to ensure proper precautions were taken.

All the evidence supports Nancy Pelosi's statement she made durinbg an interview prior to the Articles of Impeachment even being authored. In that interview Pelosi declared / confessed to the world that this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is all about protecting the Democratic party by eliminating the political threat of President Donald Trump running ahgsain in 2024 and / or beyond.

THIS needs to be investigated, as well.

Graham is not being letting himself be distracted but is focused on the critical minute details Pelosi and the Democrats don't want anyone to see...and meanwhile, Joe Biden is taking a personal wrecking ball to the United States with his record-setting number of EOs...


I don't know what universe Lindsey Graham lives in but this looks like a desperate attempt to deflect the narrative. Nothing more than I'd expect from Trump's biggest dick sucker.
Like all the other enablers in the Senate, Graham will soon be on the record..again. No one cares what he has to say except the Still Trying To Stay Relevant "anchors" at Fox.
The Washington Post, citing an internal document, reported last month that prior to the deadly Jan. 6 riot, the FBI office in Virginia issued a warning that extremists were headed to Washington, D.C. for "war." Pipe bombs were also later discovered near the Capitol were placed there the night before, reports said.

The revelations seem to contradict early claims that Trump's speech that day led to the unrest.

The FACT that 'extremists' were headed to Washington DC on 6 Jan 'to wage war' was not a secret. The FBI knew it. They issued a WARNING about it so preparations could be made.

1. FACT: FBI records show the planning for the intended violence had been conducted using Big Socialist Tech Twitter and Facebook.
- This fact completely underrmines the Democrats' false narrative that President Trump incited a spontaneous 'Insurrection' on 6 January.

2. FACT: The Capitol Police were warned that a massive mob was headed to DC to 'wage war'. with prior warning, the Capitol Police:
- Put in place at the Capitol light-weight, easily moved rails to 'block off' and 'protect the Capitol' (When the violence started, THEY were the ones shown on video moving those barriers to give the extremists access to the Capitol building.)
- Failed to have more Policemen on-hand to protect the Capitol that day.

The Capitol Police were completely unprepared to protect the Capitol and the politicians. They not only absolutely SUCKED...video evidence shows they AIDED AND ABETTED the extremists who the FBI warned came to DC to 'wage war'. (Aiding and abetting 'the enemy' in a 'war' is called 'Treason'. A thorough investigation of the Capitol Police is needed.

3. Without there being any Intel indication that there was any threat to DC on Inauguraytion Day OR at any time from then until TODAY, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats broiught in more troops than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to turn DC into the 'Green Zone' in Baghdad...but after being told that extremists are coming to Washington to 'wage war', the Capitol police did not 'plus-up', Local Police were not tapped to assist, the FBI did not offer up agents to help on 6 Jan (although they did reportedly clear pipe bombs from the area that were planted before 6 Jan), and not 1 National Guard member was brought in to secure the Capitol.!

Since Pelosi works closely with the Capitol Police on security measures, I would like for all of Pelosi's communications - phone call records, text messages, and e-mails - to determine if there was any coordination between the Capitol Police and Pelosi from the time the FBI issued the warning about the extremists on the way to DC until the day of 6 January! She HAD to have received the FBI's warning about extremists heading to DC on 6 Jan to 'wage war'. If she did, she also failed to ensure anything was done to ensure proper precautions were taken.

All the evidence supports Nancy Pelosi's statement she made durinbg an interview prior to the Articles of Impeachment even being authored. In that interview Pelosi declared / confessed to the world that this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is all about protecting the Democratic party by eliminating the political threat of President Donald Trump running ahgsain in 2024 and / or beyond.

THIS needs to be investigated, as well.

Graham is not being letting himself be distracted but is focused on the critical minute details Pelosi and the Democrats don't want anyone to see...and meanwhile, Joe Biden is taking a personal wrecking ball to the United States with his record-setting number of EOs...

View attachment 455786

You can squirm like a worm to get rid of that nasty after taste of Trump but it just won't go away.
The Washington Post, citing an internal document, reported last month that prior to the deadly Jan. 6 riot, the FBI office in Virginia issued a warning that extremists were headed to Washington, D.C. for "war." Pipe bombs were also later discovered near the Capitol were placed there the night before, reports said.

The revelations seem to contradict early claims that Trump's speech that day led to the unrest.

The FACT that 'extremists' were headed to Washington DC on 6 Jan 'to wage war' was not a secret. The FBI knew it. They issued a WARNING about it so preparations could be made.

1. FACT: FBI records show the planning for the intended violence had been conducted using Big Socialist Tech Twitter and Facebook.
- This fact completely underrmines the Democrats' false narrative that President Trump incited a spontaneous 'Insurrection' on 6 January.

2. FACT: The Capitol Police were warned that a massive mob was headed to DC to 'wage war'. with prior warning, the Capitol Police:
- Put in place at the Capitol light-weight, easily moved rails to 'block off' and 'protect the Capitol' (When the violence started, THEY were the ones shown on video moving those barriers to give the extremists access to the Capitol building.)
- Failed to have more Policemen on-hand to protect the Capitol that day.

The Capitol Police were completely unprepared to protect the Capitol and the politicians. They not only absolutely SUCKED...video evidence shows they AIDED AND ABETTED the extremists who the FBI warned came to DC to 'wage war'. (Aiding and abetting 'the enemy' in a 'war' is called 'Treason'. A thorough investigation of the Capitol Police is needed.

3. Without there being any Intel indication that there was any threat to DC on Inauguraytion Day OR at any time from then until TODAY, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats broiught in more troops than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to turn DC into the 'Green Zone' in Baghdad...but after being told that extremists are coming to Washington to 'wage war', the Capitol police did not 'plus-up', Local Police were not tapped to assist, the FBI did not offer up agents to help on 6 Jan (although they did reportedly clear pipe bombs from the area that were planted before 6 Jan), and not 1 National Guard member was brought in to secure the Capitol.!

Since Pelosi works closely with the Capitol Police on security measures, I would like for all of Pelosi's communications - phone call records, text messages, and e-mails - to determine if there was any coordination between the Capitol Police and Pelosi from the time the FBI issued the warning about the extremists on the way to DC until the day of 6 January! She HAD to have received the FBI's warning about extremists heading to DC on 6 Jan to 'wage war'. If she did, she also failed to ensure anything was done to ensure proper precautions were taken.

All the evidence supports Nancy Pelosi's statement she made durinbg an interview prior to the Articles of Impeachment even being authored. In that interview Pelosi declared / confessed to the world that this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is all about protecting the Democratic party by eliminating the political threat of President Donald Trump running ahgsain in 2024 and / or beyond.

THIS needs to be investigated, as well.

Graham is not being letting himself be distracted but is focused on the critical minute details Pelosi and the Democrats don't want anyone to see...and meanwhile, Joe Biden is taking a personal wrecking ball to the United States with his record-setting number of EOs...

View attachment 455786

They all knew....There's a reason there was almost no LE on hand, and the few that were stood aside.
The reason why there were radicals was because Trump built them up to the state they were in before 1/6 and Trump was desperate to overturn the election even if he had to break the law to do it.
The Washington Post, citing an internal document, reported last month that prior to the deadly Jan. 6 riot, the FBI office in Virginia issued a warning that extremists were headed to Washington, D.C. for "war." Pipe bombs were also later discovered near the Capitol were placed there the night before, reports said.

The revelations seem to contradict early claims that Trump's speech that day led to the unrest.

The FACT that 'extremists' were headed to Washington DC on 6 Jan 'to wage war' was not a secret. The FBI knew it. They issued a WARNING about it so preparations could be made.

1. FACT: FBI records show the planning for the intended violence had been conducted using Big Socialist Tech Twitter and Facebook.
- This fact completely underrmines the Democrats' false narrative that President Trump incited a spontaneous 'Insurrection' on 6 January.

2. FACT: The Capitol Police were warned that a massive mob was headed to DC to 'wage war'. with prior warning, the Capitol Police:
- Put in place at the Capitol light-weight, easily moved rails to 'block off' and 'protect the Capitol' (When the violence started, THEY were the ones shown on video moving those barriers to give the extremists access to the Capitol building.)
- Failed to have more Policemen on-hand to protect the Capitol that day.

The Capitol Police were completely unprepared to protect the Capitol and the politicians. They not only absolutely SUCKED...video evidence shows they AIDED AND ABETTED the extremists who the FBI warned came to DC to 'wage war'. (Aiding and abetting 'the enemy' in a 'war' is called 'Treason'. A thorough investigation of the Capitol Police is needed.

3. Without there being any Intel indication that there was any threat to DC on Inauguraytion Day OR at any time from then until TODAY, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats broiught in more troops than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to turn DC into the 'Green Zone' in Baghdad...but after being told that extremists are coming to Washington to 'wage war', the Capitol police did not 'plus-up', Local Police were not tapped to assist, the FBI did not offer up agents to help on 6 Jan (although they did reportedly clear pipe bombs from the area that were planted before 6 Jan), and not 1 National Guard member was brought in to secure the Capitol.!

Since Pelosi works closely with the Capitol Police on security measures, I would like for all of Pelosi's communications - phone call records, text messages, and e-mails - to determine if there was any coordination between the Capitol Police and Pelosi from the time the FBI issued the warning about the extremists on the way to DC until the day of 6 January! She HAD to have received the FBI's warning about extremists heading to DC on 6 Jan to 'wage war'. If she did, she also failed to ensure anything was done to ensure proper precautions were taken.

All the evidence supports Nancy Pelosi's statement she made durinbg an interview prior to the Articles of Impeachment even being authored. In that interview Pelosi declared / confessed to the world that this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is all about protecting the Democratic party by eliminating the political threat of President Donald Trump running ahgsain in 2024 and / or beyond.

THIS needs to be investigated, as well.

Graham is not being letting himself be distracted but is focused on the critical minute details Pelosi and the Democrats don't want anyone to see...and meanwhile, Joe Biden is taking a personal wrecking ball to the United States with his record-setting number of EOs...

View attachment 455786

They all knew....There's a reason there was almost no LE on hand, and the few that were stood aside.
Then if they knew Trump knew also and he is the one responsible for the event and the happening all together. Why did Trump stay silent while the capitol was over run and the offices of Congress breached by insurgents?
You can squirm like a worm to get rid of that nasty after taste of Trump but it just won't go away.

'Like Democrats, Ihave no explanation for or defense of the FBI, CAPITOL POLICE, OR NANCY PELOSI who completely failed to take action to protect the Capitol despite the fact that they were warned in advance that violent extremists were headed to DC to 'wage war'...which totally destroys the Democrats 2nd confessed politically partisan Impeachment scam narrative.'

Thanks, snowflake.
The reason why there were radicals was because Trump built them up to the state they were in before 1/6 and Trump was desperate to overturn the election even if he had to break the law to do it.

Thank you again for another ignorant 'Orange man Bad' response thathas already been debunked by the FBI. You're really on a roll this morning, snowflake.

You can squirm like a worm to get rid of that nasty after taste of Trump but it just won't go away.

'Like Democrats, Ihave no explanation for or defense of the FBI, CAPITOL POLICE, OR NANCY PELOSI who completely failed to take action to protect the Capitol despite the fact that they were warned in advance that violent extremists were headed to DC to 'wage war'...which totally destroys the Democrats 2nd confessed politically partisan Impeachment scam narrative.'

Thanks, snowflake.
Why do you leave out the leader of the nation who knew, Donald Trump? Why do you think he is not in the tryst?
The reason why there were radicals was because Trump built them up to the state they were in before 1/6 and Trump was desperate to overturn the election even if he had to break the law to do it.

Thank you again for another ignorant 'Orange man Bad' response thathas already been debunked by the FBI. You're really on a roll this morning, snowflake.

Your complete and utter professional ignorance pertaining to the subject is rather old, you could stop playing against the fact that Trump lied for months about voter fraud even before the election and now you expect us to believe that rumors of insurrection was the fault of the Dems who had nothing to do with it, while you claim that Trump is totally innocent of organizing, building up resentment by lying and refusing to interdict in the attack. Your argument is weak and lacking in any truth.
Then if they knew Trump knew also and he is the one responsible for the event and the happening all together.

President Trump was holding one of hundreds of peaceful rallies he has held over the last 4 years, none of which were violent. It was not until 6 January when 'extremists' carried out their pre-planned violence by infiltrating the Trump rally (as the FBI reports states and video and testimony confirms) and initiated the violence, aided bu the Capitol Police.

It was / is not President Trump's job to act on FBI warnings, run the Capitol Police, or do Pelosi's 'job' of coordinating security for the Capitol. Serious, desperate 'reaching' and an eve nbigger FAIL, snowflake.

:p Keep going - you're amusing.
Your feeble attempts at defending heir Trump is most laughable. He is guilty and you can't stand the fact that he is because if he is it will kill the Trump momentum in politics which is on a level with the Nazis in 1924.
Why do you leave out the leader of the nation who knew, Donald Trump?

Why don't you provide the link to the evidence showing President Trump knew about the planned pending violence?

'Link' or 'LIE', snowflake. PUT UP or STFU!

Tic tock....
The Washington Post, citing an internal document, reported last month that prior to the deadly Jan. 6 riot, the FBI office in Virginia issued a warning that extremists were headed to Washington, D.C. for "war." Pipe bombs were also later discovered near the Capitol were placed there the night before, reports said.

The revelations seem to contradict early claims that Trump's speech that day led to the unrest.

The FACT that 'extremists' were headed to Washington DC on 6 Jan 'to wage war' was not a secret. The FBI knew it. They issued a WARNING about it so preparations could be made.

1. FACT: FBI records show the planning for the intended violence had been conducted using Big Socialist Tech Twitter and Facebook.
- This fact completely underrmines the Democrats' false narrative that President Trump incited a spontaneous 'Insurrection' on 6 January.

2. FACT: The Capitol Police were warned that a massive mob was headed to DC to 'wage war'. with prior warning, the Capitol Police:
- Put in place at the Capitol light-weight, easily moved rails to 'block off' and 'protect the Capitol' (When the violence started, THEY were the ones shown on video moving those barriers to give the extremists access to the Capitol building.)
- Failed to have more Policemen on-hand to protect the Capitol that day.

The Capitol Police were completely unprepared to protect the Capitol and the politicians. They not only absolutely SUCKED...video evidence shows they AIDED AND ABETTED the extremists who the FBI warned came to DC to 'wage war'. (Aiding and abetting 'the enemy' in a 'war' is called 'Treason'. A thorough investigation of the Capitol Police is needed.

3. Without there being any Intel indication that there was any threat to DC on Inauguraytion Day OR at any time from then until TODAY, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats broiught in more troops than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to turn DC into the 'Green Zone' in Baghdad...but after being told that extremists are coming to Washington to 'wage war', the Capitol police did not 'plus-up', Local Police were not tapped to assist, the FBI did not offer up agents to help on 6 Jan (although they did reportedly clear pipe bombs from the area that were planted before 6 Jan), and not 1 National Guard member was brought in to secure the Capitol.!

Since Pelosi works closely with the Capitol Police on security measures, I would like for all of Pelosi's communications - phone call records, text messages, and e-mails - to determine if there was any coordination between the Capitol Police and Pelosi from the time the FBI issued the warning about the extremists on the way to DC until the day of 6 January! She HAD to have received the FBI's warning about extremists heading to DC on 6 Jan to 'wage war'. If she did, she also failed to ensure anything was done to ensure proper precautions were taken.

All the evidence supports Nancy Pelosi's statement she made durinbg an interview prior to the Articles of Impeachment even being authored. In that interview Pelosi declared / confessed to the world that this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is all about protecting the Democratic party by eliminating the political threat of President Donald Trump running ahgsain in 2024 and / or beyond.

THIS needs to be investigated, as well.

Graham is not being letting himself be distracted but is focused on the critical minute details Pelosi and the Democrats don't want anyone to see...and meanwhile, Joe Biden is taking a personal wrecking ball to the United States with his record-setting number of EOs...

View attachment 455786

She must have been under the mistaken notion that the executive branch would guarantee her and the veep's safety.
Your feeble attempts at defending heir Trump is most laughable.

I am glad you find DOCUMENTED / REPORTED FACTS 'laughable', snowflake, but they don;t come close to your schtik this morning.

Washington Post

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If you can't dispute the facts attack the source.

If you can't attack the source......... Resort to personal attacks. ^^^^VVVVV
She must have been under the mistaken notion that the executive branch would guarantee her and the veep's safety.

Yeah, stupid bit@h. The President does not provide Security for the Capiton, is not in charge of running the Capitol Police, and is not in charge of Pelosi's security detail.

Then if they knew Trump knew also and he is the one responsible for the event and the happening all together.

President Trump was holding one of hundreds of peaceful rallies he has held over the last 4 years, none of which were violent. It was not until 6 January when 'extremists' carried out their pre-planned violence by infiltrating the Trump rally (as the FBI reports states and video and testimony confirms) and initiated the violence, aided bu the Capitol Police.

It was / is not President Trump's job to act on FBI warnings, run the Capitol Police, or do Pelosi's 'job' of coordinating security for the Capitol. Serious, desperate 'reaching' and an eve nbigger FAIL, snowflake.

:p Keep going - you're amusing.
He had zero business holding a rally on 1/6th and the only reason he did was to get the mob to keep him in office. How does a large group of people that have financial troubles afford the trip to DC? Trump organizers paid for people to travel along with Christian groups who are also part of the insurgency. You people killed the only political standing you ever had in the nation by the putsch-like action on 1/6 and now you people will be paying for it both socially and politically even if it takes the rest of their lives to outlive their shame.

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