‘What Did Obama And Biden Know And When Did They Know It?’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Obama and Biden make Nixon look like an Eagle Scout.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley demanded answers from former President Barack Obama on the Senate floor Monday amid new revelations in recent weeks further exposing the Russiagate conspiracy claims as a deep-state coup attempt orchestrated by top officials in the previous administration.

“Last week, former President Obama said the rule of law is at risk because of the Justice Department’s dismissal of the [Michael] Flynn case,” Grassley said. “I believe the opposite is true. The rule of law is at risk if the federal government can get away with violating the Constitution to do what they did to Lt. Gen Flynn. And when it comes to those violations and other misconduct by former government officials, Obama and the mainstream media pundit circle are silent.”
The ODS threads just keep comin'. The Trump admin must be terrified by the poll numbers. But then, they do all know they'll be in prison if Trump doesn't win.

Thing is, even if they are terrified of prison, they shouldn't be getting the cultists this hysterical this soon. The cultists can't carry this level of hysteria into the election. This is a panic response from the Trump admin, and not a well thought out one.
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The ODS threads just keep comin'. The Trump admin must be terrified by the poll numbers. But then, they do all know they'll be in prison if Trump doesn't win.

Thing is, even is they are terrified of prison, they shouldn't be getting the cultists this hysterical this soon. The cultists can't carry this level of hysteria into the election. This is a panic response from the Trump admin, and not a well thought out one.
As the arrests and trials progress this year expect the number of threads on Obamagate to go exponential. Go find a coloring book and stay off the Internet if it troubles you.
As the arrests and trials progress this year expect the number of threads on Obamagate to go exponential.

You've all said that kind of stuff hundreds of times before. Why should anyone laugh less hard this time?

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" if you can't understand why everyone is ignoring your latest conspiracy babbling.
As the arrests and trials progress this year expect the number of threads on Obamagate to go exponential.

You've all said that kind of stuff hundreds of times before. Why should anyone laugh less hard this time?

Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" if you can't understand why everyone is ignoring your latest conspiracy babbling.
#Obamagate is the top trend. And it’s just begun.
Great topic for an election year.
Maybe Obama and Comey need to be questioned by the FBI, and if they say anything that isn't 110% true, then prosecute them.

There are a lot of Americans that would like to put questions to Obama and his crew regarding many of the perfidious acts perpetrated during his administration. Unfortunately no president has ever been prosecuted for acts he perpetrated while in office. Unfortunately the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left may attempt to do just that to Trump after his leaves office.
The best anyone can hope for is the convictions of the president's 'men' that did his criminal bidding.
We've seen it time and again as with the director Koskinen of the IRS. He was caught lying and perjured his testimony to the Congressional investigators on TV. The man walks Scot free today....
Today there is no justice found in D.C. politics. It's a two tiered system. According to the PMS/DSA there's only

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Time to Perp-Walk Barack Obama and Joe Biden

“Obama used instruments of the State/intelligence community to disseminate/legitimize paid oppo research in order to obtain warrants to spy on Trump campaign, & then to delegitimize the results of the election once Trump won… [Obamagate] dwarfs Watergate”


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