"WHAT COMES NEXT?" Missing from GOP Debates. Anyone notice?




Remember, defeating Iraq all the way up to the infamous "Mission Accomplished" only cost a few billion dollars. It was what came next that cost three trillion, the lives of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands more and the destruction of much of our military. Not to mention the cost to the hundreds of thousands of Christians and the women that live or lived in Iraq.

The Bush tax cuts added a small bump to our economy. Then it left us trillions in debt. Republicans simply passed out of few bucks for people to spend and did nothing to actually grow the economy. No infrastructure was built up. Nothing that looked towards the future. Just a quick money bump.

Defunding the EPA is not a serious policy. So we use up resources and end up with dirty air and dirty water. How is that a "plan".

Even the Christian Science Monitor points out that Republican nominee's scams will leave us many trillions further in debt. Because "cut taxes" and nothing else is not a serious policy.

Anyone notice that there is no debate on this board between Republicans and anyone else? Democrats debate each other as well as the Independents. Republicans dutifully repeat talking points and call names. Try to get them to discuss economic policy or explain what happens after we bomb Iran. You can't. They simply don't think that far ahead.

And look at what they are running on now. Abortion? How does this "debate" improve the country? Gay rights? Most right wingers say they don't even know any gays. Health Care is the number one cause of bankruptcy. What is their health care plan? Deregulate so it's even worse? They can't explain how that works. Some even say cross state lines so we can make sure no one can regulate health care. Is that a serious plan? Cause more bankruptcies?

Their entire campaign is reduced to attacking Obama or trying to take credit for his successes (getting Bin Laden and the auto industry).

I'm not attacking them or calling them names. I'm simply pointing out these "facts".

So, where is the debate? To borrow a famous Bush line, "Bring it on!"
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As I heard from another poster, I forget who to give credit to, saying obama got Bin Laden is like saying Nixon landed on the moon.

Remember, defeating Iraq all the way up to the infamous "Mission Accomplished" only cost a few billion dollars. It was what came next that cost three trillion, the lives of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands more and the destruction of much of our military. Not to mention the cost to the hundreds of thousands of Christians and the women that live or lived in Iraq.

The Bush tax cuts added a small bump to our economy. Then it left us trillions in debt. Republicans simply passed out of few bucks for people to spend and did nothing to actually grow the economy. No infrastructure was built up. Nothing that looked towards the future. Just a quick money bump.

Defunding the EPA is not a serious policy. So we use up resources and end up with dirty air and dirty water. How is that a "plan".

Even the Christian Science Monitor points out that Republican nominee's scams will leave us many trillions further in debt. Because "cut taxes" and nothing else is not a serious policy.

Anyone notice that there is no debate on this board between Republicans and anyone else? Democrats debate each other as well as the Independents. Republicans dutifully repeat talking points and call names. Try to get the to discuss economic policy or explain what happens after we bomb Iran. You can't. They simply don't think that far ahead.

And look at what they are running on now. Abortion? How does this "debate" improve the country? Gay rights? Most right wingers say they don't even know any gays. Health Care is the number one cause of bankruptcy. What is their health care plan? Deregulate so it's even worse? They can't explain how that works. Some even say cross state lines so we can make sure no one can regulate health care. Is that a serious plan? Cause more bankruptcies?

Their entire campaign is reduced to attacking Obama or trying to take credit for his successes (getting Bin Laden and the auto industry).

I'm not attacking them or calling them names. I'm simply pointing out these "facts".

So, where is the debate? To borrow a famous Bush line, "Bring it on!"

You must be blind, or your hackery is blurring your vision. There is debate here between Republicans/Conservatives/NeoCons/TeaParty on a daily basis. With 4 candidates we're always going back and forth arguing with each other about the pros and cons of each. It's you libs who aren't having a 'debate', you're kinda stuck with the incumbent and his 50% disapproval rating.

And even the CSM has to admit that ONE Republican candidate would lower the debt and deficit, WITHOUT RAISING TAXES...
As I heard from another poster, I forget who to give credit to, saying obama got Bin Laden is like saying Nixon landed on the moon.

See what I mean? Republicans let Bin Laden go. Bush said he "didn't think about him any more". Obama made getting Bin Laden a priority of his administration from day one. But, of course, he had nothing to do with getting Bin Laden. How the right gets from one point to the next is a mystery to me. Some call it "leapfrog".
What I would have liked to see in the Debates are questions of Executive Privilege, Checks and Balances, Due Process. Especially concerning the ground rules of using Drones over Sovereign Territories, Political Assassinations, the misuse of Recess Appointment's, Bribing Legislators to pass unread Legislation. You know, the basic stuff.

Remember, defeating Iraq all the way up to the infamous "Mission Accomplished" only cost a few billion dollars. It was what came next that cost three trillion, the lives of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands more and the destruction of much of our military. Not to mention the cost to the hundreds of thousands of Christians and the women that live or lived in Iraq.

The Bush tax cuts added a small bump to our economy. Then it left us trillions in debt. Republicans simply passed out of few bucks for people to spend and did nothing to actually grow the economy. No infrastructure was built up. Nothing that looked towards the future. Just a quick money bump.

Defunding the EPA is not a serious policy. So we use up resources and end up with dirty air and dirty water. How is that a "plan".

Even the Christian Science Monitor points out that Republican nominee's scams will leave us many trillions further in debt. Because "cut taxes" and nothing else is not a serious policy.

Anyone notice that there is no debate on this board between Republicans and anyone else? Democrats debate each other as well as the Independents. Republicans dutifully repeat talking points and call names. Try to get the to discuss economic policy or explain what happens after we bomb Iran. You can't. They simply don't think that far ahead.

And look at what they are running on now. Abortion? How does this "debate" improve the country? Gay rights? Most right wingers say they don't even know any gays. Health Care is the number one cause of bankruptcy. What is their health care plan? Deregulate so it's even worse? They can't explain how that works. Some even say cross state lines so we can make sure no one can regulate health care. Is that a serious plan? Cause more bankruptcies?

Their entire campaign is reduced to attacking Obama or trying to take credit for his successes (getting Bin Laden and the auto industry).

I'm not attacking them or calling them names. I'm simply pointing out these "facts".

So, where is the debate? To borrow a famous Bush line, "Bring it on!"

You must be blind, or your hackery is blurring your vision. There is debate here between Republicans/Conservatives/NeoCons/TeaParty on a daily basis. With 4 candidates we're always going back and forth arguing with each other about the pros and cons of each. It's you libs who aren't having a 'debate', you're kinda stuck with the incumbent and his 50% disapproval rating.

And even the CSM has to admit that ONE Republican candidate would lower the debt and deficit, WITHOUT RAISING TAXES...

specifics please.

If Bush had been the President to kill bin Laden, the Republicans would STILL be shouting from the mountaintops about it.

But he didn't. So they aren't.


Well, at least he didn't help the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow any Government's. :D

Remember, defeating Iraq all the way up to the infamous "Mission Accomplished" only cost a few billion dollars. It was what came next that cost three trillion, the lives of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands more and the destruction of much of our military. Not to mention the cost to the hundreds of thousands of Christians and the women that live or lived in Iraq.

The Bush tax cuts added a small bump to our economy. Then it left us trillions in debt. Republicans simply passed out of few bucks for people to spend and did nothing to actually grow the economy. No infrastructure was built up. Nothing that looked towards the future. Just a quick money bump.

Defunding the EPA is not a serious policy. So we use up resources and end up with dirty air and dirty water. How is that a "plan".

Even the Christian Science Monitor points out that Republican nominee's scams will leave us many trillions further in debt. Because "cut taxes" and nothing else is not a serious policy.

Anyone notice that there is no debate on this board between Republicans and anyone else? Democrats debate each other as well as the Independents. Republicans dutifully repeat talking points and call names. Try to get the to discuss economic policy or explain what happens after we bomb Iran. You can't. They simply don't think that far ahead.

And look at what they are running on now. Abortion? How does this "debate" improve the country? Gay rights? Most right wingers say they don't even know any gays. Health Care is the number one cause of bankruptcy. What is their health care plan? Deregulate so it's even worse? They can't explain how that works. Some even say cross state lines so we can make sure no one can regulate health care. Is that a serious plan? Cause more bankruptcies?

Their entire campaign is reduced to attacking Obama or trying to take credit for his successes (getting Bin Laden and the auto industry).

I'm not attacking them or calling them names. I'm simply pointing out these "facts".

So, where is the debate? To borrow a famous Bush line, "Bring it on!"

You must be blind, or your hackery is blurring your vision. There is debate here between Republicans/Conservatives/NeoCons/TeaParty on a daily basis. With 4 candidates we're always going back and forth arguing with each other about the pros and cons of each. It's you libs who aren't having a 'debate', you're kinda stuck with the incumbent and his 50% disapproval rating.

And even the CSM has to admit that ONE Republican candidate would lower the debt and deficit, WITHOUT RAISING TAXES...

specifics please.

RDean, How many times must you to be warned about copying other peoples homework? :eusa_drool:
What I would have liked to see in the Debates are questions of Executive Privilege, Checks and Balances, Due Process. Especially concerning the ground rules of using Drones over Sovereign Territories, Political Assassinations, the misuse of Recess Appointment's, Bribing Legislators to pass unread Legislation. You know, the basic stuff.

You mean the current foundations of our government?
The gop candidates don't frame the debate. As pointed out earlier the whitehouse and media matters does as they are the ones picking the questions.

Media Matters??? Oh Yeah. ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avER-t6GL4U]the godfather . scene from the horse's head in bed . francis ford coppola - YouTube[/ame]

the godfather . scene from the horse's head in bed

Remember, defeating Iraq all the way up to the infamous "Mission Accomplished" only cost a few billion dollars. It was what came next that cost three trillion, the lives of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands more and the destruction of much of our military. Not to mention the cost to the hundreds of thousands of Christians and the women that live or lived in Iraq.

The Bush tax cuts added a small bump to our economy. Then it left us trillions in debt. Republicans simply passed out of few bucks for people to spend and did nothing to actually grow the economy. No infrastructure was built up. Nothing that looked towards the future. Just a quick money bump.

Defunding the EPA is not a serious policy. So we use up resources and end up with dirty air and dirty water. How is that a "plan".

Even the Christian Science Monitor points out that Republican nominee's scams will leave us many trillions further in debt. Because "cut taxes" and nothing else is not a serious policy.

Anyone notice that there is no debate on this board between Republicans and anyone else? Democrats debate each other as well as the Independents. Republicans dutifully repeat talking points and call names. Try to get them to discuss economic policy or explain what happens after we bomb Iran. You can't. They simply don't think that far ahead.

And look at what they are running on now. Abortion? How does this "debate" improve the country? Gay rights? Most right wingers say they don't even know any gays. Health Care is the number one cause of bankruptcy. What is their health care plan? Deregulate so it's even worse? They can't explain how that works. Some even say cross state lines so we can make sure no one can regulate health care. Is that a serious plan? Cause more bankruptcies?

Their entire campaign is reduced to attacking Obama or trying to take credit for his successes (getting Bin Laden and the auto industry).

I'm not attacking them or calling them names. I'm simply pointing out these "facts".

So, where is the debate? To borrow a famous Bush line, "Bring it on!"
are you going to ask all these Questions and then disappear when you get asked Questions like you do in so many of your other threads?.....
What I would have liked to see in the Debates are questions of Executive Privilege, Checks and Balances, Due Process. Especially concerning the ground rules of using Drones over Sovereign Territories, Political Assassinations, the misuse of Recess Appointment's, Bribing Legislators to pass unread Legislation. You know, the basic stuff.

You mean the current foundations of our government?

In one sense.... Yes.
What I would have liked to see in the Debates are questions of Executive Privilege, Checks and Balances, Due Process. Especially concerning the ground rules of using Drones over Sovereign Territories, Political Assassinations, the misuse of Recess Appointment's, Bribing Legislators to pass unread Legislation. You know, the basic stuff.

I would have liked them to explain how to grow the economy. Get manufacturing back to to this country. How to get our young people educated. How to get broadband into our business community. How to get our bridges up to code. "Real" things. Things that affect the average American.

With many companies paying zero in taxes and some even getting subsidies back, cut corporate tax is not a "real" strategy. But it does make a good talking point.

Republicans never even talked about the number one cause of bankruptcy, which, of course, is health care. Instead, they've been defined by "let him die".

If Bush had been the President to kill bin Laden, the Republicans would STILL be shouting from the mountaintops about it.

But he didn't. So they aren't.


Well, at least he didn't help the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow any Government's. :D

Then why are the women in Iraq now wearing Burkas? Besides this is supposed to be about Republican policies. So far, no one has made a serious attempt to explain a single one.
In case you were in a coma at the time comrade dean, democrats voted for boots on the ground in Iraq and then they sat back like bystanders or members of the jihad undermining the mission every chance they got. Don't forget the nut case democrat senate majority leader trying to get Americans to lay down their arms and surrender when he said "the war is lost". Don't forget democrat senator John Kerry calling American Troops "terrorists" and democrat congressman calling Marines "murderers" and then there is the DNC purchase of a full page ad in the NY Times calling the commander of American Troops "betray-us". Yeah it wasn't mentioned in the debates but I bet the republican candidate, who ever he is, will bring it up during the campaign.

Remember, defeating Iraq all the way up to the infamous "Mission Accomplished" only cost a few billion dollars. It was what came next that cost three trillion, the lives of thousands of Americans, the maiming of tens of thousands more and the destruction of much of our military. Not to mention the cost to the hundreds of thousands of Christians and the women that live or lived in Iraq.

The Bush tax cuts added a small bump to our economy. Then it left us trillions in debt. Republicans simply passed out of few bucks for people to spend and did nothing to actually grow the economy. No infrastructure was built up. Nothing that looked towards the future. Just a quick money bump.

Defunding the EPA is not a serious policy. So we use up resources and end up with dirty air and dirty water. How is that a "plan".

Even the Christian Science Monitor points out that Republican nominee's scams will leave us many trillions further in debt. Because "cut taxes" and nothing else is not a serious policy.

Anyone notice that there is no debate on this board between Republicans and anyone else? Democrats debate each other as well as the Independents. Republicans dutifully repeat talking points and call names. Try to get them to discuss economic policy or explain what happens after we bomb Iran. You can't. They simply don't think that far ahead.

And look at what they are running on now. Abortion? How does this "debate" improve the country? Gay rights? Most right wingers say they don't even know any gays. Health Care is the number one cause of bankruptcy. What is their health care plan? Deregulate so it's even worse? They can't explain how that works. Some even say cross state lines so we can make sure no one can regulate health care. Is that a serious plan? Cause more bankruptcies?

Their entire campaign is reduced to attacking Obama or trying to take credit for his successes (getting Bin Laden and the auto industry).

I'm not attacking them or calling them names. I'm simply pointing out these "facts".

So, where is the debate? To borrow a famous Bush line, "Bring it on!"
are you going to ask all these Questions and then disappear when you get asked Questions like you do in so many of your other threads?.....

for instance......
Anyone notice that there is no debate on this board between Republicans and anyone else
are you serious?......or is this just yet ANOTHER statement you cant back up?....

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