What can whites do to heal race relations?

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I hope Trump get elected so we get white power back to America like of course W Bush when he stared a war against scum regim Saddam's Iraq. Saddam's Iraq threaten America's military with nuclear energy and posentiel nuclear weapons enough is enough for America. If not Trump get elected I hope Mike Lee or Cruz get elected instead 2020 when Clinton can get her second period how really are dumb for all boys in America how really need a man as president sure. Obama are a babyface ball when he never start a war with ground forces..

Is that you Kristian?
I am an older white male. My belief is that for a good part, blacks are their own worst enemy. Everybody is so concerned about race. I have to wonder why it seems to be so important to blacks whether white people like them or not. And while I agree it really isn't that simple, it really kind of is.
Why is it so important to them that I live next door. Or that I shop in the same places. Why is it so important that I not move to another table in a restaurant? I mean I don't really care if they personally like me or not. It isn't relevant and has nothing to do with whatever they have the right to do or not. I have never gone out of my way to do anything to prevent any blacks from doing the same things that I am doing. I don't care if they do. Whatever they do has nothing to do with me and what I do has nothing to do with them.
Equality? Come on. There is no such thing. Some people are richer. Some poorer. Some Smart. Some not. Some handsome some not. That's just the way it is. That is not going to change. You can't legislate equality any more than you can effectively legislate human behavior.
Equal opportunity is the thing. Functional equality is non-sequitur. The most you can hope for is functional equal opportunity. That you can legislate for. And it has been done. Blacks already have equal opportunity. In many cases their access to opportunity has been enhanced to enable them to compete.
What can whites do to heal race relations? While there are certainly things that could be done, I think a lot of the problem is that the expectation is too high.
What exactly is equality? How does it define itself in regards to race relations. How does it apply?

Equality is the state of being equal. Especially in status, rights and opportunities.

This is the definition in the context of race.

First of all there is no such thing as functional equality. There is no equality among people as to abilities either mental or physical. Some people are smarter, some not so smart. Some people are better looking. Some have more motivation and ambition. Some have considerably less. Some people are richer and some not so rich. And of course money creates it's own opportunity. It enhances ones 'equality'.

So to establish a functional equality among the populace is impossible. It is beyond the scope of societal intervention. However, functional equal opportunity is possible. And when we speak of equality of people's we must therefore throw in that caveat.

The very most we all can expect or hope for is to receive equal treatment under the law and as a cultural imperative. One thing we can't expect is that we will be liked or accepted by everyone. Nor is it necessary to be so.

I have this feeling and evidence that much of the racial dialogue comes down to something quite simple.

Here it is. It appears that a good many white people don't like blacks. It also appe

that many blacks don't like whites. And further there are large segments of both populations whose feelings are somewhat ambiguous. No kidding you say. You didn't need me to tell you that. The reasons each have are many. Many the same. Many different.

Blacks already have the legal equality the white population has. I don't know what else they expect. If you aren't liked perhaps you may want to change your behavior.

Myself, I have never done anything to limit the rights and opportunities of blacks. I don't care if they have the same rights and opportunities as I do. This is fine. What they do has nothing to do with me. However, I have the right to like or not like whomever I wish. And I don't currently like black behavior or intent. You are not helping either yourselves or all of us together.

The point of all of this is that blacks already have the tools they need. What they need to do now is just calm down. Start working the program. Getting mad rarely really helps anything. And you are angry. Strong emotions. They skew your thinking.
What can whites do to heal race relations?

One would think we do enough with all the EBT cards we send to the ghettos every month...no?
Sending us your used EBT cards is not much in the way of help. Maybe if you whites got off welfare you could send us something worth value instead of being the highest demographic on welfare.

More delusion...you're so fun to listen to...you're so lost.
You may need to check your data there tuff-guy.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
What can whites do to heal race relations?

One would think we do enough with all the EBT cards we send to the ghettos every month...no?
Sending us your used EBT cards is not much in the way of help. Maybe if you whites got off welfare you could send us something worth value instead of being the highest demographic on welfare.

More delusion...you're so fun to listen to...you're so lost.
You may need to check your data there tuff-guy.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

He's not very good at math.....
What can whites do to heal race relations?

One would think we do enough with all the EBT cards we send to the ghettos every month...no?
Sending us your used EBT cards is not much in the way of help. Maybe if you whites got off welfare you could send us something worth value instead of being the highest demographic on welfare.

More delusion...you're so fun to listen to...you're so lost.
You may need to check your data there tuff-guy.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Sorry white boy.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN
What can whites do to heal race relations?

One would think we do enough with all the EBT cards we send to the ghettos every month...no?
Sending us your used EBT cards is not much in the way of help. Maybe if you whites got off welfare you could send us something worth value instead of being the highest demographic on welfare.

More delusion...you're so fun to listen to...you're so lost.
You may need to check your data there tuff-guy.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month

He's not very good at math.....
Youre not very good at bathing are you cave monkey?
What can whites do to heal race relations?

One would think we do enough with all the EBT cards we send to the ghettos every month...no?
Sending us your used EBT cards is not much in the way of help. Maybe if you whites got off welfare you could send us something worth value instead of being the highest demographic on welfare.

More delusion...you're so fun to listen to...you're so lost.
You may need to check your data there tuff-guy.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Sorry white boy.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Yes, you will address me as white boy...thank you.
324 million in the United States and you bring up a demographic based on one town and 5,000 people all because it's "fits" for you...haha..so typical of "you folks"....You're just plain crazy...Leave it to the delusional and iQ challenged to come up with this shit....You've lost all credibility here. Now try again.
Lets re-visit a link for REAL nationwide demos / data...Please note, unlike some editorial written by a low-life beat writer pushing an agenda the U.S. Census Bureau is pretty credible and is not ran by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or the NAACP
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
I think white people need to die off. Leave civilization to the browns and yellows, there are billions of us and we can handle it.
What can whites do to heal race relations?

One would think we do enough with all the EBT cards we send to the ghettos every month...no?
Sending us your used EBT cards is not much in the way of help. Maybe if you whites got off welfare you could send us something worth value instead of being the highest demographic on welfare.

More delusion...you're so fun to listen to...you're so lost.
You may need to check your data there tuff-guy.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Sorry white boy.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Yes, you will address me as white boy...thank you.
324 million in the United States and you bring up a demographic based on one town and 5,000 people all because it's "fits" for you...haha..so typical of "you folks"....You're just plain crazy...Leave it to the delusional and iQ challenged to come up with this shit....You've lost all credibility here. Now try again.
Lets re-visit a link for REAL nationwide demos / data...Please note, unlike some editorial written by a low-life beat writer pushing an agenda the U.S. Census Bureau is pretty credible and is not ran by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or the NAACP
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Good white boy. I thought I would have to force you to accept your given name. Since you accepted it without a fuss I have no need to be firm with you.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.

Stop being brainwashed, drugged out dumbasses and embrace White separatism. When you see a flock of birds that are all the same kind of bird, are they wrong? When you see a school of fish that are all the same kind of fish, are they wrong? Etc. times zillions. What you call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Welcome to reality.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.

Stop being brainwashed, drugged out dumbasses and embrace White separatism. When you see a flock of birds that are all the same kind of bird, are they wrong? When you see a school of fish that are all the same kind of fish, are they wrong? Etc. times zillions. What you call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Welcome to reality.

Human beings are all the same kind of critter.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.

Stop being brainwashed, drugged out dumbasses and embrace White separatism. When you see a flock of birds that are all the same kind of bird, are they wrong? When you see a school of fish that are all the same kind of fish, are they wrong? Etc. times zillions. What you call "racism" wouldn't even exist unless there was a useful and highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. Welcome to reality.

Human beings are all the same kind of critter.

Bullshit. Are bobcats and lynx the same kind of critter? Or mule deer ans white tail deer. Ir spotted dolphins and bottle nose dolphins? Etc. times zillions. Also, the word "race" is just a politically correct way of saying "species." I will also include some pictures for you to compare the differences.
3 skull graphs, small.jpg
human skulls photo.jpg
Recognize white privilege.

I was pulled over today in one of the projects where we work. The officer first looked at me like I was crazy for being out there, then asked me why I was there, and then told me I ran a stop sign and not to do it again, and let me go.

Tell me that a black person living in that project would have had the same experience.
I work with a guy from Uniondale.
There's an unreported shooting in a night club at least once a week.
Tell me that happens in White neighborhoods.
White italian neighborhoods it does happen.Its not reported by the media.
Recognize white privilege.

I was pulled over today in one of the projects where we work. The officer first looked at me like I was crazy for being out there, then asked me why I was there, and then told me I ran a stop sign and not to do it again, and let me go.

Tell me that a black person living in that project would have had the same experience.
I work with a guy from Uniondale.
There's an unreported shooting in a night club at least once a week.
Tell me that happens in White neighborhoods.
It doesn't. I've asked Asslips and others in here several times to name a white neighborhood anywhere in America where white thugs routinely gun one another down in the streets as happens daily in hoods all over this country and they can't because it doesn't exist.

A few days ago here in Grand Rapids they were holding a memorial service for a black thug recently gunned down. On the street outside gun shots rang out yet again and the dead thug's mother or grandmother, forget which now, was shot! Didn't kill her but she took a bullet just like thousands of other innocent blacks in their shooting gallery hoods. Only in black America. And of course it's all the fault of white people.
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