what are your thoughts on this scenario?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
A couple has a child

They spoil him, allow him to be a bully to other children, etc..

People complain about what the child does but the parents don't seem to do anything and the child just keeps on being a total brat and doing mean and evil things to others..

Lawsuits are filed but the parents' attorney says you can't get any $$ because it wasn't them who did the damage

He tells you to wait until the hoodlum is older but no one knows at what age he will have any $$ to pay for the damage
A couple has a child

They spoil him, allow him to be a bully to other children, etc..

People complain about what the child does but the parents don't seem to do anything and the child just keeps on being a total brat and doing mean and evil things to others..

Lawsuits are filed but the parents' attorney says you can't get any $$ because it wasn't them who did the damage

He tells you to wait until the hoodlum is older but no one knows at what age he will have any $$ to pay for the damage
I think your understanding of the law is weak. Parents are responsible for their children. Just ask the parents of the 15-year-old boy was charged with murder and terrorism for a shooting that killed four fellow students and injured more at a Michigan high school. There is talk about charging the parents for enabling it to happen.
I think your understanding of the law is weak. Parents are responsible for their children. Just ask the parents of the 15-year-old boy was charged with murder and terrorism for a shooting that killed four fellow students and injured more at a Michigan high school. There is talk about charging the parents for enabling it to happen.
i am not ignorant of the law and I know there are remedies for kids who do evil and violence..

I am just wondering what people would htink if, say, they did not have any options to get restitution from the parents... There is a reason I am asking this question, which I will get to soon
Lawsuits are filed but the parents' attorney says you can't get any $$ because it wasn't them who did the damage

so that's the end of the story ... if they are chistians the kid surly will be packing, are they in grade school yet.
A couple has a child

They spoil him, allow him to be a bully to other children, etc..

People complain about what the child does but the parents don't seem to do anything and the child just keeps on being a total brat and doing mean and evil things to others..

Lawsuits are filed but the parents' attorney says you can't get any $$ because it wasn't them who did the damage

He tells you to wait until the hoodlum is older but no one knows at what age he will have any $$ to pay for the damage
Parents are financially liable for the actions of their children.
i am not ignorant of the law and I know there are remedies for kids who do evil and violence..

I am just wondering what people would htink if, say, they did not have any options to get restitution from the parents... There is a reason I am asking this question, which I will get to soon
Oh, its a hypothetical scenario? In that case, if you cant sue the parents and they wont do anything about it, you have get some older kids to fuck up the hoodlum. Threaten the kid when no one is around. If he was truly dangerous to my kid, i might pull a Tanya Harding on him.
Oh, its a hypothetical scenario? In that case, if you cant sue the parents and they wont do anything about it, you have get some older kids to fuck up the hoodlum. Threaten the kid when no one is around. If he was truly dangerous to my kid, i might pull a Tanya Harding on him.

yeh, I am not surprised at the answers here...
ok so here is why i ask

Why is it seen as hideous by some Christians that people express great anger at God?

He seems to let his lawless "children" do whatever they want and even prsoper from it..

One time someone I told about getting angry at God kind of blew up and said something about how God wasn't to blame... as if i don't KNOW that... Please...

considering the person involved, it was probably just a way of getting to me. This person has always had issues with me... needs therapy imo but anyhow...

yeh... It is abnormal, IMO

NOT to get angry at God sometimes... although in our more lucid moments, we know... well... What do we really know ... esp vis a vis God?
I had a great scripture psg that ties in w/ this topic

Mt 13:24

don't have it available at this time but .. well, I will try to get it..

he Parable of the Weeds​

24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

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