What are the Top 10 Religious Intolerant Countries - Hint think Islam!


Apr 22, 2007
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(1) North Korea - Always the odd ball communist nation. Funny how much better of a country South Korea is, yet they are the same people.
(2) Saudi Arabia - The Heart of Islam. A coincidence. I think not.
(3) Iran -Don't throw stones from a glass house. Ignorant bastard consistently bash Israel and the US, but they are the 3rd most intolerant country in the world. hypocritical bastards.
(4) Afghanistan - Wait the home the taliban and host of OBL on the list, who would have thought.
(5) Somolia - They aren't just pirates. Run down the top five 4 Islamic countries - 1 odd ball communist dictatorship.
(6) Maldives - Make the 5 of 6 as Islamic. Even an Islamic country as small as Maldives can help but be intolerant.
(7) Yemen - make the 6 of the top 7 as Islamic
(8) Laos - I guess you either have to be Islamic or communist
(9) Eritrea - a majority muslim population. 7 of 9
(10) Uzbekistan - this shocked me. I would have thought, the Sudan, the Congo, Burma, Iraq, Pakistan, India, China etc would have made the ranks. But that makes 80% of the Intolerance coming from the Islamic world!

Religion of peace my ass! :evil::eek:
Great post from a right wing christian, Islamophobic source!! :lol:

From an American of Arab Lebanese decent. He lived in Lebanon and witnesses his observations first hand!
Great post from a right wing christian, Islamophobic source!! :lol:

Also you don't need a study to know that all those countries listed are highly religious intolerant. All you need is common sense!
Great post from a right wing christian, Islamophobic source!! :lol:

From an American of Arab Lebanese decent. He lived in Lebanon and witnesses his observations first hand!
So one guy of Lebanese decent makes a list and somehow that becomes the gospel truth :lol:

LOL! You are either blind, ignorant, highly retarded, :eusa_liar: or just choose to ignore common knowledge because nothing can offend your Islamic brothers. Face it, when you look to intolerance today you first look at Islamic countries first and then to a few communist countries!
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Who the hell cares? Are you SERIOUSLY going to claim the Muslim Countries listed are not intolerant of other religions? REALLY?
I know for a fact there are both Christians and Jews living in 4 of the 6 Islamic countries listed.

Please enlighten us which ones and please back it up with proof!

Look it up your self. I an not going to do your home work for you.

Here is a start:

Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel.
Lebanese Christian or Lebanese Jew?

Who the hell cares? Are you SERIOUSLY going to claim the Muslim Countries listed are not intolerant of other religions? REALLY?
I know for a fact there are both Christians and Jews living in 4 of the 6 Islamic countries listed.

Hey you fucking DUMB ass, that is not the claim. The claim is these Countries are intolerant. They do things like REFUSE to allow none Muslim religions to pray or worship in public, to carry their Holy books in public. They refuse to allow them to build or repair Holy buildings with out very specific special permission from the Government, which usually is not forth coming. They persecute members of non Muslim religions for their religion. They deny them basic rights and treat them as 2nd and 3rd class citizens. And on and ON.

Now come on tell us how that is just not true, you lying ass. Ohh and how are your "freedom fighting" terrorist's Hamas doing? Murder any small children today while they fight for Freedom?
Who the hell cares? Are you SERIOUSLY going to claim the Muslim Countries listed are not intolerant of other religions? REALLY?
I know for a fact there are both Christians and Jews living in 4 of the 6 Islamic countries listed.

Hey you fucking DUMB ass, that is not the claim. The claim is these Countries are intolerant. They do things like REFUSE to allow none Muslim religions to pray or worship in public, to carry their Holy books in public. They refuse to allow them to build or repair Holy buildings with out very specific special permission from the Government, which usually is not forth coming. They persecute members of non Muslim religions for their religion. They deny them basic rights and treat them as 2nd and 3rd class citizens. And on and ON.
Look it up RetardedGySgt

There are both churches and synagogues in Iran, Uzbekistain, and Iran
I know for a fact there are both Christians and Jews living in 4 of the 6 Islamic countries listed.

Hey you fucking DUMB ass, that is not the claim. The claim is these Countries are intolerant. They do things like REFUSE to allow none Muslim religions to pray or worship in public, to carry their Holy books in public. They refuse to allow them to build or repair Holy buildings with out very specific special permission from the Government, which usually is not forth coming. They persecute members of non Muslim religions for their religion. They deny them basic rights and treat them as 2nd and 3rd class citizens. And on and ON.
Look it up RetardedGySgt

There are both churches and synagogues in Iran, Uzbekistain, and Iran

Which does NOT change the facts as I posted them. In fact you lying piece of shit, try to send Bibles to one of those Countries. Try to send missionaries to those Countries. Try to get permission to build a non Muslim church in one of those countries. Walk down the street carrying a Bible while reading it, in one of those Countries. Try to have an out door religious event that is not Muslim in one of those Countries. Try to open a religious school that is not Muslim in one of those countries. Try to immigrate to one of those Countries and not be Muslim. Try to put up a Christian Cross or nativity scene in any of those Countries.

Even better you dumb as a rock fucking retard.... try to convert a Muslim in one of those Countries to another religion. I assume no one arrested you, imprisoned you or anyone that converted you or brought criminal charges against you or them for the act of converting?

Go ahead try to even TALK to a Muslim in one of those Countries about non Muslim religious beliefs. You will be arrested and charged with a CRIME. You WILL be convicted and imprisoned as well.
Hey you fucking DUMB ass, that is not the claim. The claim is these Countries are intolerant. They do things like REFUSE to allow none Muslim religions to pray or worship in public, to carry their Holy books in public. They refuse to allow them to build or repair Holy buildings with out very specific special permission from the Government, which usually is not forth coming. They persecute members of non Muslim religions for their religion. They deny them basic rights and treat them as 2nd and 3rd class citizens. And on and ON.
Look it up RetardedGySgt

There are both churches and synagogues in Iran, Uzbekistain, and Iran

Which does NOT change the facts as I posted them. In fact you lying piece of shit, try to send Bibles to one of those Countries.
Why would I send Bibles to any country? :confused:
I know for a fact there are both Christians and Jews living in 4 of the 6 Islamic countries listed.

Please enlighten us which ones and please back it up with proof!

Look it up your self. I an not going to do your home work for you.

Here is a start:

Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel.

LOL, 10,000 Jews in a country for 70 mil man that is something to brag about! Bravo.

Also the reason that the tiny Iranian Jewish community is the largest in the middle East, North Africa and Muslim World? Because in '48 the Arab and North African countries confiscated all the assets and expelled the majority of their Jews in '48. The did the same thing in '67, to which you can count on 1 hand all the Jews left in the Middle East and North Africa outside of Israel and Iran.

Also the reason Jews were expelled from Iran in '48, '67 or '73 was because the Islamic revolution didn't take place yet. Iran recognized Israel and was actually a friend of Israel's. Trust me if the Islamic revolution took place in say '47, there wouldn't have been one Jew left in Israel.

Also for tolerance, its not to fun be a Zorotarian in Iran. It doesn't matter that Zoratianism was the ancient religion of the Persian people including their best leader, Cyrus the Great. Its also not funny be an Arab or Sunni in Iran either. And yes Christians in Iran are treated worse than dogs!

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