What are Moscow's goals in Ukraine?

it seems the terrorist nation of Russia main goal is to kill innocent women and children ...

Oh c'mon. How is the whole country of Russia, the common average working people of Russia now all a terrorist nation due to the actions of ONE MAN, one man responding to a condition that has been developing for decades?

And how many women and children could die in Russia now due to the hideous economic weaponization of the banking system by Biddum now? Their ruble is now only worth a penny.

Add to that the fact that since Biddum has weaponized the banking system through abuse of the US dollar, many countries like Russia, China and several others now are encouraged to join together and start trading in something OTHER than the US dollar? And if countries stop trading in USD to protect themselves from Biddum's abuse of the economic system, WE WILL SUFFER BAD.
Oh c'mon. How is the whole country of Russia, the common average working people of Russia now all a terrorist nation due to the actions of ONE MAN, one man responding to a condition that has been developing for decades?

And how many women and children could die in Russia now due to the hideous economic weaponization of the banking system by Biddum now? Their ruble is now only worth a penny.

Add to that the fact that since Biddum has weaponized the banking system through abuse of the US dollar, many countries like Russia, China and several others now are encouraged to join together and start trading in something OTHER than the US dollar? And if countries stop trading in USD to protect themselves from Biddum's abuse of the economic system, WE WILL SUFFER BAD.
This is the paradox that on both sides the corrupt leftist regimes
I don't think AOC should be in jail, just out of office.
I accept that Sharpton is a race baiter just like IM2.
I don't think either should be in jail.....unless they broke some law.
These ppl hate the country.. enough of this freedom crap democrat communities don’t Have freedom and liberty, why should they be forced to go to schools with the worlds poor and illiterate while rich people in the suburbs don’t get any refugees sent to their schools.?
Time for an awaking
I don't think AOC should be in jail, just out of office.

No, no. Back behind the counter tending bar and waiting tables.

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Now America has become almost the same, everyone says it.

In fact, after the left of Bush, this is a global trend. This is not about Russian politics. In Russia, until 2014, this was quite free, but no one did it then, people were mostly satisfied with the authorities.

In general, based on experience, mass demonstrations, as a rule, beneficial to left and not the right. These actions are simply organized, they are not a real democratic expression of will. It was, for example, in the first half of the 60s, the left made a world coup, and there were riots everywhere - in the USA, in the USSR, in France, in Iran.
I do understand that our left is trying to cancel free speech of the right, through social media, and the main stream media.
In gatherings they will shout you down as was the case with the BLM crowd showing up at conservative events.
I do understand that our left is trying to cancel free speech of the right, through social media, and the main stream media.
In gatherings they will shout you down as was the case with the BLM crowd showing up at conservative events.
Yes, these are the methods of the left. At first, they use freedom of speech to stupidly shout you down, and when they come to power, they shut everyone up. Therefore, freedom of speech should not be the freedom to talk anything, freedom of speech should be combined with responsibility for what someone says and how he does it, order is needed here.
Oh c'mon. How is the whole country of Russia, the common average working people of Russia now all a terrorist nation due to the actions of ONE MAN, one man responding to a condition that has been developing for decades?

And how many women and children could die in Russia now due to the hideous economic weaponization of the banking system by Biddum now? Their ruble is now only worth a penny.

Add to that the fact that since Biddum has weaponized the banking system through abuse of the US dollar, many countries like Russia, China and several others now are encouraged to join together and start trading in something OTHER than the US dollar? And if countries stop trading in USD to protect themselves from Biddum's abuse of the economic system, WE WILL SUFFER BAD.
not every Iranian is a terrorist but the country of Iran is a terrorist nation ...... Russia is a terrorist nation .
not every Iranian is a terrorist but the country of Iran is a terrorist nation ...... Russia is a terrorist nation .
By that loose definition then, I'm sure many people and other nations consider the USA to be a terrorist nation as well. In fact, that is why they both hate and attack us. Who is right?
By that loose definition then, I'm sure many people and other nations consider the USA to be a terrorist nation as well. In fact, that is why they both hate and attack us. Who is right?
By that loose definition then, I'm sure many people and other nations consider the USA to be a terrorist nation as well. In fact, that is why they both hate and attack us. Who is right?
calling Iran a terrorist nation is not a loose definition .
Does Moscow really want to clear Ukraine of Bandera terrorists, or do they have other goals? How do you think? What facts can be considered to prove one or another point of view?
Slaves and cheap goods.

That's their goal.
The Ukrainians will be slaves working for a fraction of the wages they were and Russia will profit from the goods.

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