WH Still Supports Gain Of Function Testing On Bats Infected With Corona Virus At Wuhan Lab


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Their funding of GoF testing at the Wuhan lab resulting in a leak, a pandemic, and millions dead world-wide was not enough?!

'National Security spokesman John Kirby on Monday affirmed President Biden’s support of gain-of-function research, saying it was necessary to prevent future pandemics.'
- 'WAS', as in past tense. I thought Fauci repeatedly stated (lied under oath) the NIH had never funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab. Now Biden / Kirby openly declares the US / NIH funding of GoF testing of Bats/Coronavirus 'WAS NECESSARY'.

Ummm....GoF testing is what led to this last pandemic. If this last GoF testing resulting in the pandemic shows how to prevent another pandemic it showed NOT to do GoF research on deadly viruses capable of killing millions of people world-wide.

"Starting in 2014, the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded the New York-based research nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance with annual grants through 2020 for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

The 2018 research mentioned in Lawrence Tabak's (the National Institutes of Health’s principal deputy director) letter is similar to earlier WIV research, funded in part by the NIH, that modified viruses related to SARS to see if they could infect human cells."

Tabak's letter clearly states WIV research funded by the NIH MODIFIED VIRUSES RELATED TO SARS TO SEE IF TBEY COULD INFECT HIMAN CELLS.

Despite this being the precise definition of 'GAIN OF FUNCTION TESTING' Fauci repeatedly LIED / DENIED the NIH had ever funded or now funds GoF testing at the Wuhan Lab.

NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Ummm....again, if the NIH has never funded and is not now funding GoF testing, especially of 'Bats Infected With Corona Virus', then why is Biden's WH / National Security Spokesperson publicly declaring Biden STILL SUPPORTS funding of Gain of Function Testing at the Wuhan Lab and that this GoF testing 'WAS NECESSARY'?

I think the problem is more the fact that we do it in China, with Chinese supervision, rules, etc. I don't trust them. I'd rather research be done in the U.S. under stricter rules and supervision. The research needs to be done, but just not in Communist China.
I think the problem is more the fact that we do it in China, with Chinese supervision, rules, etc. I don't trust them. I'd rather research be done in the U.S. under stricter rules and supervision. The research needs to be done, but just not in Communist China.
That is definitely a problem, as you really cannot control what goes on day to day, 10,000 miles away, but I don't trust it going on here either?
I think the problem is more the fact that we do it in China, with Chinese supervision, rules, etc. I don't trust them. I'd rather research be done in the U.S. under stricter rules and supervision. The research needs to be done, but just not in Communist China.

I still don't like the idea of anyone intentionally trying to create the worst, nastiest, deadliest shit that would kill millions - if not everyone - if it escapes a lab ... 'just to see what happens / if we can do it'.
ALL "gain-of-function" testing wherever it is conducted should be terminated imo. We wouldn't have had Covid19 AT ALL if those freaking bat scientists hadn't brought the virus out of those stinking Chinese bat caves and then genetically modified it to leap to humans in the Wuhan Lab.

The FBI and the DOE and many scientists agreed it came from the lab. The scientists flipped under pressure from Fauci.

Fauci spread the wet market bullshit to cover his own ass.

It certainly SPREAD at the wet market, but that is not the ORIGIN.
I love when Biden and his WH publicly say shit that exposes their lies, propaganda, and crimes!
The House needs to expose the WH for continuing the GOF research, but the MSM would probably tamp down the story as "Russian disinformation".
If you all recall, when the pandemic hit, the Dems and the media were 100% in their “Lets make sure Trump does not win the election mode.”

They went the opposite of everything he said.

If he said it came from the wet market, the media and Dems would have said he is a puppet of the Chinese Communinst Party.

Biden and Harris both said they would never get the shot when Trump was POTUS. Then they “won” and all of a sudden, EVERYONE MUST GET THE SHOT!

Most cult fucks still have active TDS. They view every single thing through the “How can we make this hurt Trump?” prism.

They actually admit it.
Fauci needs to be hanged from a light post!!!
GoF virus manipulation is pure EVIL!!!!!
There is NOTHING positive about any of that CRAP!
I still don't like the idea of anyone intentionally trying to create the worst, nastiest, deadliest shit that would kill millions - if not everyone - if it escapes a lab ... 'just to see what happens / if we can do it'.

I don't exactly agree with that either, but I do think it's a good idea to see how possible it is for these killer viruses to form, and watch how they do it, so it can be prevented from happening out in the real world.
I don't exactly agree with that either, but I do think it's a good idea to see how possible it is for these killer viruses to form, and watch how they do it, so it can be prevented from happening out in the real world.

When the only way they form is by humans engaging in testing / manipulating viruses to create something extremely dangerous that would not otherwise hace been created, that's Dr. Frankenstein shit, not nature.
When the only way they form is by humans engaging in testing / manipulating viruses to create something extremely dangerous that would not otherwise hace been created, that's Dr. Frankenstein shit, not nature.
You don't know that.

For one example, researchers worked with Ebola and Marburg viruses a lot by lab creating them, testing them on animals, watching how it formed and spread, and came up with a vaccine that will stop future Ebola outbreaks in Africa.

You're not a scientist, and neither am I. I don't really have the smarts to say what they should, and shouldn't be doing, and neither do you. But when it comes down to it, I would rather an American scientist do this in an American lab, under American supervision, than a Chinese version in that order.
Their funding of GoF testing at the Wuhan lab resulting in a leak, a pandemic, and millions dead world-wide was not enough?!

'National Security spokesman John Kirby on Monday affirmed President Biden’s support of gain-of-function research, saying it was necessary to prevent future pandemics.'
- 'WAS', as in past tense. I thought Fauci repeatedly stated (lied under oath) the NIH had never funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab. Now Biden / Kirby openly declares the US / NIH funding of GoF testing of Bats/Coronavirus 'WAS NECESSARY'.

Ummm....GoF testing is what led to this last pandemic. If this last GoF testing resulting in the pandemic shows how to prevent another pandemic it showed NOT to do GoF research on deadly viruses capable of killing millions of people world-wide.

"Starting in 2014, the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded the New York-based research nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance with annual grants through 2020 for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

The 2018 research mentioned in Lawrence Tabak's (the National Institutes of Health’s principal deputy director) letter is similar to earlier WIV research, funded in part by the NIH, that modified viruses related to SARS to see if they could infect human cells."

Tabak's letter clearly states WIV research funded by the NIH MODIFIED VIRUSES RELATED TO SARS TO SEE IF TBEY COULD INFECT HIMAN CELLS.

Despite this being the precise definition of 'GAIN OF FUNCTION TESTING' Fauci repeatedly LIED / DENIED the NIH had ever funded or now funds GoF testing at the Wuhan Lab.

NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Ummm....again, if the NIH has never funded and is not now funding GoF testing, especially of 'Bats Infected With Corona Virus', then why is Biden's WH / National Security Spokesperson publicly declaring Biden STILL SUPPORTS funding of Gain of Function Testing at the Wuhan Lab and that this GoF testing 'WAS NECESSARY'?

EcoHealth Alliance is just north of Long Island, and the furin cleavage site in SARS2 was also found in an American dog tick on Long Island in 2013.

Going back to 2006, a furin site was inserted into SARS1 in a lab in Montana.
Bat soup crazy....brilliant!!!:up:


Fauci needs to be hanged from a light post!!!
GoF virus manipulation is pure EVIL!!!!!
There is NOTHING positive about any of that CRAP!
Actually there is.

For example in neuroscience, mapping brain pathways is one of the big important deals. And, they're very hard to.map. Because, the axons and dendrites are all tangled up, they're hard to distinguish even under a microscope.

So what we do is, we use a genetically engineered rabies virus, and spritz it onto the synapse, where it is ingested by the neuron and "transported" throughout it's extent, allowing us to take a picture of that one single neuron with all its branches.

Gain of function is legit research, "in most cases". This military crap is quite the exception. It's Fauci who's the fraud, not the science.

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