WH Responds To Petition To Label BLM a 'Terrorist' Group


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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Despite BLM calling for the murder of all policemen and whites...
Despite inciting violence and murder of policemen and whites...
Despite dancing and celebrating after the assassination of 5 policemen...
Despite taunting policemen after 5 policemen were assassinated...
Despite BLM members declaring they will affect the overthrow of the US government if Trump wins...

The White House, that has hosted BLM twice in order to honor them.....

"The White House has officially responded to an online petition requesting the “Black Lives Matter” movement be labeled a terror group, saying it “plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations.”

So according to the WH the President of the United States has no role or influence in determining which organizations are designated as 'terrorist' organizations.


Obama cops out (no pun intended) in order to protect BLM....

White House Responds to Petition Requesting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Be Labeled a Terror Group
WH has it right, and easyt's propaganda blast has it wrong.
Despite BLM calling for the murder of all policemen and whites...
Despite inciting violence and murder of policemen and whites...
Despite dancing and celebrating after the assassination of 5 policemen...
Despite taunting policemen after 5 policemen were assassinated...
Despite BLM members declaring they will affect the overthrow of the US government if Trump wins...

The White House, that has hosted BLM twice in order to honor them.....

"The White House has officially responded to an online petition requesting the “Black Lives Matter” movement be labeled a terror group, saying it “plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations.”

So according to the WH the President of the United States has no role or influence in determining which organizations are designated as 'terrorist' organizations.


Obama cops out (no pun intended) in order to protect BLM....

White House Responds to Petition Requesting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Be Labeled a Terror Group
glen beck! :piss2:
Did you know BLM was dancing with Muslims after 9/11? Trump saw it happen
WH has it right, and easyt's propaganda blast has it wrong.
The State Department can officially label groups as 'terrorist organizations'. Hmmm....who does the State Department work for again? Oh yes, that would be the President of the United States... so when Obama / the WH says they have no influence on who gets officially listed as a terrorist group, THAT is

Good luck on that...they still havent named the KKK a terrorist org because half the govt would be locked away lol
Good luck on that...they still havent named the KKK a terrorist org because half the govt would be locked away lol
Liberals don't want the organization THEY created listed as a 'terrorist' groupn. Much for the same reason, they don't want violent / militant racist groups they support - like BLM and the NBPs - placed on the 'terrorist' list.
When the public thinks your group is a terrorist organization, something went terribly wrong.
Good luck on that...they still havent named the KKK a terrorist org because half the govt would be locked away lol
Liberals don't want the organization THEY created listed as a 'terrorist' groupn. Much for the same reason, they don't want violent / militant racist groups they support - like BLM and the NBPs - placed on the 'terrorist' list.

I see you full throated defense of the KKK. Bold move sir....bold move
WH has it right, and easyt's propaganda blast has it wrong.
The State Department can officially label groups as 'terrorist organizations'. Hmmm....who does the State Department work for again? Oh yes, that would be the President of the United States... so when Obama / the WH says they have no influence on who gets officially listed as a terrorist group, THAT is

So send the petition to the State Department. Don't be dense.
When the public thinks your group is a terrorist organization, something went terribly wrong.
lots of police departments would name just about every group imaginable terrorist groups just to cut down on lawsuits and paper work.
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