Were 4 Americans sacrificed at Benghazi so Obama could fake having defeated Al Qaeda?

Yes. That is a very heavy dose of sarcasm. The main point that I am harping on was his claim to be transparent and his unwillingness to be so. His admin has obfuscated more investigations, has hidden nore documents than any other in history. And he claimed he would do the opposite. Like I said, I am calling him out as a liar.

I think you're being a wingnut who honestly believes the President renounced his citizenship. There is nothing in your post that looks remotely like sarcasm other than the wingnuttyness of it. Really, the only way those posts were sarcasm is if you were making fun of the fringe right.

Nope. I have no doubt that he was born in Hawaii as he claims. I just like to use his idiocy, and dishonesty, to show just how badly he lied to the American people. And yes, I suggest you look at my posts where I DO mock the birthers. I do it on a not infrequent basis.

No, you have a conspiracy theory that is even more strange than birtherism. You think Obama renounced his citizenship.

Nope. I may have joked about that (though to be honest i don't remember that one either) but nope, I don't think he renounced his citizenship either. You're batting .000 dude. I think, hell I KNOW he's an asshole. Of that there is no doubt. But he is an American citizen, born and bred.

I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.
I think you're being a wingnut who honestly believes the President renounced his citizenship. There is nothing in your post that looks remotely like sarcasm other than the wingnuttyness of it. Really, the only way those posts were sarcasm is if you were making fun of the fringe right.

Nope. I have no doubt that he was born in Hawaii as he claims. I just like to use his idiocy, and dishonesty, to show just how badly he lied to the American people. And yes, I suggest you look at my posts where I DO mock the birthers. I do it on a not infrequent basis.

No, you have a conspiracy theory that is even more strange than birtherism. You think Obama renounced his citizenship.

Nope. I may have joked about that (though to be honest i don't remember that one either) but nope, I don't think he renounced his citizenship either. You're batting .000 dude. I think, hell I KNOW he's an asshole. Of that there is no doubt. But he is an American citizen, born and bred.

I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.
Nope. I have no doubt that he was born in Hawaii as he claims. I just like to use his idiocy, and dishonesty, to show just how badly he lied to the American people. And yes, I suggest you look at my posts where I DO mock the birthers. I do it on a not infrequent basis.

No, you have a conspiracy theory that is even more strange than birtherism. You think Obama renounced his citizenship.

Nope. I may have joked about that (though to be honest i don't remember that one either) but nope, I don't think he renounced his citizenship either. You're batting .000 dude. I think, hell I KNOW he's an asshole. Of that there is no doubt. But he is an American citizen, born and bred.

I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.
No, you have a conspiracy theory that is even more strange than birtherism. You think Obama renounced his citizenship.

Nope. I may have joked about that (though to be honest i don't remember that one either) but nope, I don't think he renounced his citizenship either. You're batting .000 dude. I think, hell I KNOW he's an asshole. Of that there is no doubt. But he is an American citizen, born and bred.

I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

You really like to let yourself off the hook easy. Here is the fullquote:

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents."

You accused him of renouncing his citizenship, claimed he lied on his application to Columbia thereby committing fraud. That's a little more than accusing him of being dishonest.

Tell me, genius, if someone renounces their citizenship do you think they are eligible to be President?
No, you have a conspiracy theory that is even more strange than birtherism. You think Obama renounced his citizenship.

Nope. I may have joked about that (though to be honest i don't remember that one either) but nope, I don't think he renounced his citizenship either. You're batting .000 dude. I think, hell I KNOW he's an asshole. Of that there is no doubt. But he is an American citizen, born and bred.

I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

... and how are you not a birther when pimping.....

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."
4 Americans were NEEDLESSLY sacrificed.

'Nuff said!
Sure, uh-huh. :eusa_doh: Just like 3,000 people were needlessly sacrificed on 9.11.
Faun, on 9/11/01 America was attacked out of the blue without warning.

On 9/11/12, America knew if the threat of atrack, knew of the call to assassinate Stevens, was the only country that did NOT pull their people out of Benghazi, denied over 600 requests by Stevens for more security, knew he had already been attacked twice before, knew he had no QRF rescue forces to respond, and had taken 16 members of his security team away AFTER gaving hired an Al Qaieda-associated militia to protect him. All these are documented facts.

Hillary and Obama fidn't just keave hom behind, they helped put his murdrrers in place to carry out his assassination, stripped him of part of his security knowing no more would come if he was attacked again...they were COMPLICIT in his murder.

Unlike the victims of 9/11/01, Stevens should never have been in harms way and his death could have easily been prevented.
Nope. I may have joked about that (though to be honest i don't remember that one either) but nope, I don't think he renounced his citizenship either. You're batting .000 dude. I think, hell I KNOW he's an asshole. Of that there is no doubt. But he is an American citizen, born and bred.

I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

You really like to let yourself off the hook easy. Here is the fullquote:

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents."

You accused him of renouncing his citizenship, claimed he lied on his application to Columbia thereby committing fraud. That's a little more than accusing him of being dishonest.

Tell me, genius, if someone renounces their citizenship do you think they are eligible to be President?

No, I accuse him of lying about his whole youth. There is a excerpt from a Harvard pamphlet where he claims he was born in Kenya, there is the claim of life in Indonesia. I think his whole youth is made up. I think he was born and raised in Hawaii and the rest is fantasy to make him look good.
Nope. I may have joked about that (though to be honest i don't remember that one either) but nope, I don't think he renounced his citizenship either. You're batting .000 dude. I think, hell I KNOW he's an asshole. Of that there is no doubt. But he is an American citizen, born and bred.

I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

... and how are you not a birther when pimping.....

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

If you bother to read the whole thread it is a condemnation of him as a fucking liar about his whole life. Color me unsurprised that you are too dim to understand.
I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

You really like to let yourself off the hook easy. Here is the fullquote:

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents."

You accused him of renouncing his citizenship, claimed he lied on his application to Columbia thereby committing fraud. That's a little more than accusing him of being dishonest.

Tell me, genius, if someone renounces their citizenship do you think they are eligible to be President?

No, I accuse him of lying about his whole youth. There is a excerpt from a Harvard pamphlet where he claims he was born in Kenya, there is the claim of life in Indonesia. I think his whole youth is made up. I think he was born and raised in Hawaii and the rest is fantasy to make him look good.

You think he renounced his citizenship, that makes you a whacked out wingnut. Now you're running away from it.
I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

... and how are you not a birther when pimping.....

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

If you bother to read the whole thread it is a condemnation of him as a fucking liar about his whole life. Color me unsurprised that you are too dim to understand.

And do you used a conspiracy theory to attempt to prove your point. Now you're running away from it.
4 Americans were NEEDLESSLY sacrificed.

'Nuff said!
Sure, uh-huh. :eusa_doh: Just like 3,000 people were needlessly sacrificed on 9.11.
Faun, on 9/11/01 America was attacked out of the blue without warning.

On 9/11/12, America knew if the threat of atrack, knew of the call to assassinate Stevens, was the only country that did NOT pull their people out of Benghazi, denied over 600 requests by Stevens for more security, knew he had already been attacked twice before, knew he had no QRF rescue forces to respond, and had taken 16 members of his security team away AFTER gaving hired an Al Qaieda-associated militia to protect him. All these are documented facts.

Hillary and Obama fidn't just keave hom behind, they helped put his murdrrers in place to carry out his assassination, stripped him of part of his security knowing no more would come if he was attacked again...they were COMPLICIT in his murder.

Unlike the victims of 9/11/01, Stevens should never have been in harms way and his death could have easily been prevented.
Bin Laden determined to strike in US

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

You really like to let yourself off the hook easy. Here is the fullquote:

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents."

You accused him of renouncing his citizenship, claimed he lied on his application to Columbia thereby committing fraud. That's a little more than accusing him of being dishonest.

Tell me, genius, if someone renounces their citizenship do you think they are eligible to be President?

No, I accuse him of lying about his whole youth. There is a excerpt from a Harvard pamphlet where he claims he was born in Kenya, there is the claim of life in Indonesia. I think his whole youth is made up. I think he was born and raised in Hawaii and the rest is fantasy to make him look good.
Yet you can't prove he ever made the claim in that pamphlet that he was born in Kenya. Sarcasm again? :lol:
I don't see the punchline. Can you show me where the joke in your quote is? Maybe you just changed your mind out of convenience.

You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

... and how are you not a birther when pimping.....

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

If you bother to read the whole thread it is a condemnation of him as a fucking liar about his whole life. Color me unsurprised that you are too dim to understand.
Why would I care about the rest of that thread when evidence by HappyJoy was provided to prove you're a birther despite your vapid protests to the contrary?

And you avoided answering the question...

How are you not a birther when you post shit like...

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."
You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

... and how are you not a birther when pimping.....

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

If you bother to read the whole thread it is a condemnation of him as a fucking liar about his whole life. Color me unsurprised that you are too dim to understand.
Why would I care about the rest of that thread when evidence by HappyJoy was provided to prove you're a birther despite your vapid protests to the contrary?

And you avoided answering the question...

How are you not a birther when you post shit like...

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

Because he has posted a single item and ignored the vast number of posts that mock the birthers that's why. You idiots are great at cherry picking a single post and ignoring all others that show your cherry picking to be BS and that's why you silly people aren't taken seriously.

You simply have zero credibility.
You would have to provide me with the original dude. Like I said, I don't remember making a joke about it anyway, but that would be the only way I would say something like that. Please show me the post you say I made.

I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

You really like to let yourself off the hook easy. Here is the fullquote:

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents."

You accused him of renouncing his citizenship, claimed he lied on his application to Columbia thereby committing fraud. That's a little more than accusing him of being dishonest.

Tell me, genius, if someone renounces their citizenship do you think they are eligible to be President?

No, I accuse him of lying about his whole youth. There is a excerpt from a Harvard pamphlet where he claims he was born in Kenya, there is the claim of life in Indonesia. I think his whole youth is made up. I think he was born and raised in Hawaii and the rest is fantasy to make him look good.
Yet you can't prove he ever made the claim in that pamphlet that he was born in Kenya. Sarcasm again? :lol:

Snopes verified it long ago...

All this does is show me that he is either born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia, or, he is a masterful bullshitter who has lied about his past to further his career. The second sounds a lot more likely doesn't it....


Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.

Promotional Booklet
I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

... and how are you not a birther when pimping.....

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

If you bother to read the whole thread it is a condemnation of him as a fucking liar about his whole life. Color me unsurprised that you are too dim to understand.
Why would I care about the rest of that thread when evidence by HappyJoy was provided to prove you're a birther despite your vapid protests to the contrary?

And you avoided answering the question...

How are you not a birther when you post shit like...

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

Because he has posted a single item and ignored the vast number of posts that mock the birthers that's why. You idiots are great at cherry picking a single post and ignoring all others that show your cherry picking to be BS and that's why you silly people aren't taken seriously.

You simply have zero credibility.

So, you don't believe Obama renounced his citizenship then? Keep twisting, derp.
I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

You really like to let yourself off the hook easy. Here is the fullquote:

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship. They're not nearly so nice with aliens as we are it seems. Then, when he applied to Columbia he stated he was a citizen of Indonesia instead of the USA because it's far easier to get in to an Ivy League school as one of...well probably one applicant as opposed to the thousands of US citizens.

Thus he had to commit fraud to get into Columbia and that is why no one has ever seen, nor likely will EVER see a college record, from this most "transparent" of presidents."

You accused him of renouncing his citizenship, claimed he lied on his application to Columbia thereby committing fraud. That's a little more than accusing him of being dishonest.

Tell me, genius, if someone renounces their citizenship do you think they are eligible to be President?

No, I accuse him of lying about his whole youth. There is a excerpt from a Harvard pamphlet where he claims he was born in Kenya, there is the claim of life in Indonesia. I think his whole youth is made up. I think he was born and raised in Hawaii and the rest is fantasy to make him look good.
Yet you can't prove he ever made the claim in that pamphlet that he was born in Kenya. Sarcasm again? :lol:

Snopes verified it long ago...

All this does is show me that he is either born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia, or, he is a masterful bullshitter who has lied about his past to further his career. The second sounds a lot more likely doesn't it....


Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.

Promotional Booklet

You're such a hopeless conspiracy nut, from your own link:

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

A New York Times article about Barack Obama published in 1990, a year before the Acton & Dystel promotional booklet was issued, identified his birthplace as Hawaii.

Keep trying to run away from your own words, judging from your own posts I don't blame you.
I did, I quoted you and provided you a link to your own post.

Oh, this one? I see. Yes, I am accusing him of lying. Color me unsurprised that you don't understand the English language. Here's the first line of the post.

"I think BHO is very much a US citizen. Born and raised. However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

I think he's a dishonest asshole. Full stop. That's all I am accusing him of.

... and how are you not a birther when pimping.....

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

If you bother to read the whole thread it is a condemnation of him as a fucking liar about his whole life. Color me unsurprised that you are too dim to understand.
Why would I care about the rest of that thread when evidence by HappyJoy was provided to prove you're a birther despite your vapid protests to the contrary?

And you avoided answering the question...

How are you not a birther when you post shit like...

"However, for him to be able to go to school in Indonesia he would have been required to renounce his US citizenship."

Because he has posted a single item and ignored the vast number of posts that mock the birthers that's why. You idiots are great at cherry picking a single post and ignoring all others that show your cherry picking to be BS and that's why you silly people aren't taken seriously.

You simply have zero credibility.
So? You're only mocking yourself since pushing nonsense like how he renounced his U.S. citizenship establishes you as a birther.


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