Well, Well, Well--Trump proposes Secret Spy Net, Answerable Only to Him


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Erik Prince says it is needed to combat the 'Deep State'

Trump considering spy network to combat 'deep state' enemies: Intercept

"The Trump White House is reportedly considering a proposal for a global, private spy network to counter “'deep state' enemies” who want to undermine Trump’s presidency, according to a report in The Intercept.

The proposals for the network were reportedly developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince – who is also the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos – as well as retired CIA officer John Maguire and Oliver North, who was heavily involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and was reportedly brought on board to “sell the effort” to the administration.

The spies would be “off the books,” sidestepping official U.S. intelligence agencies and would report directly to CIA Director Mike Pompeo, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials, the Intercept reported.

A former senior U.S. intelligence official with knowledge of the proposals told the Intercept that Pompeo doesn’t trust the “CIA bureaucracy,” so a global spy network is necessary to collect intelligence that is not shared with the intelligence community.

“Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, so we need to create this thing that reports just directly to him,” the source told the news outlet. “It is a direct-action arm, totally off the books.”"

All I can say is..Wow!

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In fairness..the official response:

A spokesman for the National Security Council told the Intercept that the White House “does not and would not support such a proposal,” and that he could find “no evidence” that the proposals were ever brought to the attention of the White House or the National Security Council, and a CIA spokesperson told the Intercept, “You have been provided wildly inaccurate information by people peddling an agenda.”
Wow...................and the conservatives kept telling us how much of a dictator Obama was with his EO's, but yet they ignore Trump's actual moves to become a dictator.
Trump hasn't proposed anything at all. These are anonymous sources saying what Trump is considering. Which is just like all the other pronouncements of what Trump is considering.
He says he needs it to combat the 'Deep State'

Trump considering spy network to combat 'deep state' enemies: Intercept

"The Trump White House is reportedly considering a proposal for a global, private spy network to counter “'deep state' enemies” who want to undermine Trump’s presidency, according to a report in The Intercept.

The proposals for the network were reportedly developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince – who is also the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos – as well as retired CIA officer John Maguire and Oliver North, who was heavily involved in the Iran-Contra scandal and was reportedly brought on board to “sell the effort” to the administration.

The spies would be “off the books,” sidestepping official U.S. intelligence agencies and would report directly to CIA Director Mike Pompeo, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials, the Intercept reported.

A former senior U.S. intelligence official with knowledge of the proposals told the Intercept that Pompeo doesn’t trust the “CIA bureaucracy,” so a global spy network is necessary to collect intelligence that is not shared with the intelligence community.

“Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, so we need to create this thing that reports just directly to him,” the source told the news outlet. “It is a direct-action arm, totally off the books.”"

All I can say is..Wow!

We should call them...

The Plumbers.
"he says"
When, a little farther, it says erik prince. Trump hasnt even seen the proposal yet.. smh
Read your damn OPs, OP...
Ollie North thought the whole thing up!

This is right out of a democrat drug addled mind.
"he says"
When, a little farther, it says erik prince. Trump hasnt even seen the proposal yet.. smh
Read your damn OPs, OP...
I did..and I posted the White House denial...presenting both sides..which is a rare thing indeed..for this site.
I posted this because if there is even the slightest chance that it is true..it needs to be stomped on. A secret spy network? Answerable only to the President? Unacceptable. Maybe it's not true...debunking it..will be fun. If you read the Intercept article..a lot of smoke....as always, most attack the link..and ignore the content.
Wow...................and the conservatives kept telling us how much of a dictator Obama was with his EO's, but yet they ignore Trump's actual moves to become a dictator.
when AND OR IF he does this you can watch most be against it.

until then, keep stereotyping. wheee.
"he says"
When, a little farther, it says erik prince. Trump hasnt even seen the proposal yet.. smh
Read your damn OPs, OP...
I did..and I posted the White House denial...presenting both sides..which is a rare thing indeed..for this site.
I posted this because if there is even the slightest chance that it is true..it needs to be stomped on. A secret spy network? Answerable only to the President? Unacceptable. Maybe it's not true...debunking it..will be fun. If you read the Intercept article..a lot of smoke....as always, most attack the link..and ignore the content.
yep. the FBI and CIA are supposed to be neutral and we need to get back to that, not go around it and create bigger more asinine problems.
"he says"
When, a little farther, it says erik prince. Trump hasnt even seen the proposal yet.. smh
Read your damn OPs, OP...
I did..and I posted the White House denial...presenting both sides..which is a rare thing indeed..for this site.
I posted this because if there is even the slightest chance that it is true..it needs to be stomped on. A secret spy network? Answerable only to the President? Unacceptable. Maybe it's not true...debunking it..will be fun. If you read the Intercept article..a lot of smoke....as always, most attack the link..and ignore the content.
I didnt say it wasnt true. I said your personal commentary was bullshit.
"he says"
When, a little farther, it says erik prince. Trump hasnt even seen the proposal yet.. smh
Read your damn OPs, OP...
I did..and I posted the White House denial...presenting both sides..which is a rare thing indeed..for this site.
I posted this because if there is even the slightest chance that it is true..it needs to be stomped on. A secret spy network? Answerable only to the President? Unacceptable. Maybe it's not true...debunking it..will be fun. If you read the Intercept article..a lot of smoke....as always, most attack the link..and ignore the content.
I didnt say it wasnt true. I said your personal commentary was bullshit.
Fair enough..it was misleading...fixed

Matthew Cole and Jeremy Scahill are the two investigate reporters who broke this story for the "Intercept.". It is a long article which means most of the people commenting on it, haven't read it. Most of the report centers on Erik Prince, who founded "Blackwater." That aside, it just sounds like something Trump would try to do.

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