Well, well, well, look who was using chemical weapons in 1921

I think Roudy used several valid Links to blow your Good Polish Guy theory to smithereens.
I know, I know, the Links weren't from "WhyCantEverybodyAdmireTheBevahiorOfPolesDuringWWII.org.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.

They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
Well I can say that about antisemitic pieces of shit like you. But, here's a dose of truth about your heritage:

Polish Antisemitism
Historians have also documented many troubling instances of Polish antisemitism during the Holocaust. Even as he documented inspiring instances of Polish resistance and heroism, Martin Gilbert acknowledged that “many Poles looked with satisfaction at the Jews being moved into the (Warsaw) ghetto, even gloating….”

The United States Holocaust Museum has documented that "As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property."

Professor Peter Kenez of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has investigated the substantial German ethnic population in Poland during World War II who “welcomed the (Nazi) conquerors with enthusiasm” in his book The Coming of the Holocaust: From Antisemitism to Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded, “The Catholic clergy (in Poland)... were not innocent bystanders or passive observers in the wave of antisemitism that encompassed Poland in the latter half of the 1930s… Even when nationalistic youth translated anti-Semitic attitudes into violence... instead of subjecting the violence to unambiguous criticism, church leaders rather gave explanations for antisemitism that ultimately served to justify it.” (The Catholic Church and Antisemitism: Poland 1933-1939. Routledge 2000). Former Harvard History Professor Daniel Jonah Goldhagen similarly documented widespread anti-Jewish feeling in Poland’s religious leadership in his book A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair(Alfred A. Knopf 2002).

Jedwabne Pogrom
In 2001, Princeton History Professor Jan T. Gross, who was born in Poland to a Polish mother and Jewish father, published Neighbors, a groundbreaking book that documented that some atrocities long blamed on Nazi officials were in fact carried out by local Polish civilians.

The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.
One was the massacre of the Jews of Jedwabne in July 1941. The Polish town of Jedwabne was home to about 2,000 Jews on the eve of the Holocaust, about 60-70% of the total population. On July 10 – less than three weeks after Nazi forces gained control of that area – the town’s Polish mayor, Marian Karolak and local Nazi officials gave orders to round up the town’s Jews – both long-term residents as well as Jews who were sheltering there. Some Jews were hunted down and killed by the town’s residents with clubs, axes and knives. Most were herded into a barn that had been emptied out for this purpose. The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.

Neighbors sparked a huge amount of soul-searching in Poland – and a recognition that some persecution of Poland’s Jews was carried out by ordinary Poles, not only by their Nazi occupiers. According to Gross, “‘Regular’ members of the community took part in them, not miscreants or ‘marginal people.’ In fact, the participation by the local elites and by upstanding members of the community, who remained in good standing after the events, bestowed upon these crimes a kind of official imprimatur. These were quasi-normal events, and even remained a subject of conversation for years to come at local gatherings. The plunder was a widespread social practice, sanctioned by norms.”

Today, political considerations are once again tempting some inside Poland – particularly the right-wing governing Law and Justice Party – to rewrite history.

After awarding Princeton Professor Jan Gross the Order of Merit in 1996 for his service as a dissident in communist Poland and his contributions to historical research, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has recently hinted he might strip Gross of his medal, a decision that has caused outrage amongst historians.
...to erase Polish culpability for any part of the Holocaust distorts history. While many Poles fought the Nazis, others – including local officials and ordinary citizens – often collaborated willingly in the destruction of Poland's Jews.

The Kielce massacre occurred after the Holocaust.
In fact, one of the most infamous massacres of Jews on Polish soil cannot be blamed on Nazi occupiers; it occurred after the Holocaust.

Before World War II, the Polish town of Kielce was home to about 18,000 Jews. This number swelled during the War, as German officials established a Ghetto in the town, and forced Jews from other towns and countries to live there. By the time the Ghetto was “liquidated” in August 1944, all but a few hundred Jews who were kept alive as slave workers had been murdered – both in the Ghetto itself, and in death camps throughout Poland.

Following the war, about 200 Jewish survivors returned to Kielce. Slowly, they began to rebuild their lives, establishing a synagogue a kibbutz, and an orphanage. On July 4, 1946, a blood libel began to spread through the town, falsely accusing the Jews of kidnapping a Christian child. A mob of Kielce’s residents descended on the Jewish area. Police and soldiers stood by and watched as the mob attacked Jews, murdering 42 Jewish Holocaust survivors and injuring scores more. Following the Kielce massacre, the remaining Jews in the town fled. The pogrom spurred a mass emigration of Jewish survivors from Poland.

Covering up history and criminalizing discussion isn't the way to come to terms with the past. What historians and ordinary citizens need in Poland and beyond is more research, more willingness to look into the past and understand the horrors of the Holocaust – not less.
I think Roudy used several valid Links to blow your Good Polish Guy theory to smithereens.
I know, I know, the Links weren't from "WhyCantEverybodyAdmireTheBevahiorOfPolesDuringWWII.org.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.

They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
Well I can say that about antisemitic pieces of shit like you. But, here's a dose of truth about your heritage:

Polish Antisemitism
Historians have also documented many troubling instances of Polish antisemitism during the Holocaust. Even as he documented inspiring instances of Polish resistance and heroism, Martin Gilbert acknowledged that “many Poles looked with satisfaction at the Jews being moved into the (Warsaw) ghetto, even gloating….”

The United States Holocaust Museum has documented that "As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property."

Professor Peter Kenez of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has investigated the substantial German ethnic population in Poland during World War II who “welcomed the (Nazi) conquerors with enthusiasm” in his book The Coming of the Holocaust: From Antisemitism to Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded, “The Catholic clergy (in Poland)... were not innocent bystanders or passive observers in the wave of antisemitism that encompassed Poland in the latter half of the 1930s… Even when nationalistic youth translated anti-Semitic attitudes into violence... instead of subjecting the violence to unambiguous criticism, church leaders rather gave explanations for antisemitism that ultimately served to justify it.” (The Catholic Church and Antisemitism: Poland 1933-1939. Routledge 2000). Former Harvard History Professor Daniel Jonah Goldhagen similarly documented widespread anti-Jewish feeling in Poland’s religious leadership in his book A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair(Alfred A. Knopf 2002).

Jedwabne Pogrom
In 2001, Princeton History Professor Jan T. Gross, who was born in Poland to a Polish mother and Jewish father, published Neighbors, a groundbreaking book that documented that some atrocities long blamed on Nazi officials were in fact carried out by local Polish civilians.

The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.
One was the massacre of the Jews of Jedwabne in July 1941. The Polish town of Jedwabne was home to about 2,000 Jews on the eve of the Holocaust, about 60-70% of the total population. On July 10 – less than three weeks after Nazi forces gained control of that area – the town’s Polish mayor, Marian Karolak and local Nazi officials gave orders to round up the town’s Jews – both long-term residents as well as Jews who were sheltering there. Some Jews were hunted down and killed by the town’s residents with clubs, axes and knives. Most were herded into a barn that had been emptied out for this purpose. The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.

Neighbors sparked a huge amount of soul-searching in Poland – and a recognition that some persecution of Poland’s Jews was carried out by ordinary Poles, not only by their Nazi occupiers. According to Gross, “‘Regular’ members of the community took part in them, not miscreants or ‘marginal people.’ In fact, the participation by the local elites and by upstanding members of the community, who remained in good standing after the events, bestowed upon these crimes a kind of official imprimatur. These were quasi-normal events, and even remained a subject of conversation for years to come at local gatherings. The plunder was a widespread social practice, sanctioned by norms.”

Today, political considerations are once again tempting some inside Poland – particularly the right-wing governing Law and Justice Party – to rewrite history.

After awarding Princeton Professor Jan Gross the Order of Merit in 1996 for his service as a dissident in communist Poland and his contributions to historical research, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has recently hinted he might strip Gross of his medal, a decision that has caused outrage amongst historians.

Oh really? Many Poles gloated as Jews were rounded up into the ghettoes? How many?

Yes, there were some Polish Police Nazi collaborators, but as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German Warsaw Ghetto admitted the Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal Nazi collaborators.

As for Jedwabne, you are aware in that region there was wide scale Jewish collaboration with Soviets to oppress, and kill Poles?

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Jews Joined With NKVD

"The Jewish population," writes Strzembosz, "especially the young and the urban poor, participated en masse in greeting the entering [Soviet] army and in introducing the new order, even with guns in their hands. There are also thousands of testimonies to this: Polish, Jewish and Soviet, there are the reports of the
Organizers of the red terror

The Fifth Column

So it was in the first period, when the Polish state was still defending itself, when our army units were fighting and it seemed that not all was lost. The Jews then played the role of a "fifth column." Later, things became much worse. Strzembosz cites the conclusions of Dr. Marek Wierzbicki as to who implemented the Bolshevik terror - of course the
Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, JĂłzef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the


Collaboration and Complicity during the Holocaust — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

After killing in mass shootings almost 1.5 million Jews in hundreds of locations in occupied Soviet territories, the Germans decided to construct stationary killing centers in occupied Poland, Auschwitz-Birkenau being the most well known. The ghettos became “holding pens” for Jews before deportation to a killing center.

As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property.

There were incidents, particularly in the small towns of eastern Poland, where local Polish residents—acutely aware of the Germans’ presence and their antisemitic policies—carried out or participated in pogroms and murdered their Jewish neighbors. The pogrom in the town of Jedwabne in 1941 is one of the best-documented cases.
I think Roudy used several valid Links to blow your Good Polish Guy theory to smithereens.
I know, I know, the Links weren't from "WhyCantEverybodyAdmireTheBevahiorOfPolesDuringWWII.org.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.

They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
My advice is to be concerned with the present and the future.
You don't care for Jews; we won't lose any sleep.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.

They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
Well I can say that about antisemitic pieces of shit like you. But, here's a dose of truth about your heritage:

Polish Antisemitism
Historians have also documented many troubling instances of Polish antisemitism during the Holocaust. Even as he documented inspiring instances of Polish resistance and heroism, Martin Gilbert acknowledged that “many Poles looked with satisfaction at the Jews being moved into the (Warsaw) ghetto, even gloating….”

The United States Holocaust Museum has documented that "As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property."

Professor Peter Kenez of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has investigated the substantial German ethnic population in Poland during World War II who “welcomed the (Nazi) conquerors with enthusiasm” in his book The Coming of the Holocaust: From Antisemitism to Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded, “The Catholic clergy (in Poland)... were not innocent bystanders or passive observers in the wave of antisemitism that encompassed Poland in the latter half of the 1930s… Even when nationalistic youth translated anti-Semitic attitudes into violence... instead of subjecting the violence to unambiguous criticism, church leaders rather gave explanations for antisemitism that ultimately served to justify it.” (The Catholic Church and Antisemitism: Poland 1933-1939. Routledge 2000). Former Harvard History Professor Daniel Jonah Goldhagen similarly documented widespread anti-Jewish feeling in Poland’s religious leadership in his book A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair(Alfred A. Knopf 2002).

Jedwabne Pogrom
In 2001, Princeton History Professor Jan T. Gross, who was born in Poland to a Polish mother and Jewish father, published Neighbors, a groundbreaking book that documented that some atrocities long blamed on Nazi officials were in fact carried out by local Polish civilians.

The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.
One was the massacre of the Jews of Jedwabne in July 1941. The Polish town of Jedwabne was home to about 2,000 Jews on the eve of the Holocaust, about 60-70% of the total population. On July 10 – less than three weeks after Nazi forces gained control of that area – the town’s Polish mayor, Marian Karolak and local Nazi officials gave orders to round up the town’s Jews – both long-term residents as well as Jews who were sheltering there. Some Jews were hunted down and killed by the town’s residents with clubs, axes and knives. Most were herded into a barn that had been emptied out for this purpose. The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.

Neighbors sparked a huge amount of soul-searching in Poland – and a recognition that some persecution of Poland’s Jews was carried out by ordinary Poles, not only by their Nazi occupiers. According to Gross, “‘Regular’ members of the community took part in them, not miscreants or ‘marginal people.’ In fact, the participation by the local elites and by upstanding members of the community, who remained in good standing after the events, bestowed upon these crimes a kind of official imprimatur. These were quasi-normal events, and even remained a subject of conversation for years to come at local gatherings. The plunder was a widespread social practice, sanctioned by norms.”

Today, political considerations are once again tempting some inside Poland – particularly the right-wing governing Law and Justice Party – to rewrite history.

After awarding Princeton Professor Jan Gross the Order of Merit in 1996 for his service as a dissident in communist Poland and his contributions to historical research, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has recently hinted he might strip Gross of his medal, a decision that has caused outrage amongst historians.

Oh really? Many Poles gloated as Jews were rounded up into the ghettoes? How many?

Yes, there were some Polish Police Nazi collaborators, but as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German Warsaw Ghetto admitted the Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal Nazi collaborators.

As for Jedwabne, you are aware in that region there was wide scale Jewish collaboration with Soviets to oppress, and kill Poles?

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Jews Joined With NKVD

"The Jewish population," writes Strzembosz, "especially the young and the urban poor, participated en masse in greeting the entering [Soviet] army and in introducing the new order, even with guns in their hands. There are also thousands of testimonies to this: Polish, Jewish and Soviet, there are the reports of the
Organizers of the red terror

The Fifth Column

So it was in the first period, when the Polish state was still defending itself, when our army units were fighting and it seemed that not all was lost. The Jews then played the role of a "fifth column." Later, things became much worse. Strzembosz cites the conclusions of Dr. Marek Wierzbicki as to who implemented the Bolshevik terror - of course the
Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, JĂłzef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the

The majority of the Jews were positioned at the Russian front without weapons.
Stalin wanted the Jews dead or to be atheists.
Do I care at this point in time?
I think Roudy used several valid Links to blow your Good Polish Guy theory to smithereens.
I know, I know, the Links weren't from "WhyCantEverybodyAdmireTheBevahiorOfPolesDuringWWII.org.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.

They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
My advice is to be concerned with the present and the future.
You don't care for Jews; we won't lose any sleep.
Oh boy, another day, another dirtbag antisemite, this one of "proud" Polish ancestry. Whaddawe gonna do?!
...to erase Polish culpability for any part of the Holocaust distorts history. While many Poles fought the Nazis, others – including local officials and ordinary citizens – often collaborated willingly in the destruction of Poland's Jews.

The Kielce massacre occurred after the Holocaust.
In fact, one of the most infamous massacres of Jews on Polish soil cannot be blamed on Nazi occupiers; it occurred after the Holocaust.

Before World War II, the Polish town of Kielce was home to about 18,000 Jews. This number swelled during the War, as German officials established a Ghetto in the town, and forced Jews from other towns and countries to live there. By the time the Ghetto was “liquidated” in August 1944, all but a few hundred Jews who were kept alive as slave workers had been murdered – both in the Ghetto itself, and in death camps throughout Poland.

Following the war, about 200 Jewish survivors returned to Kielce. Slowly, they began to rebuild their lives, establishing a synagogue a kibbutz, and an orphanage. On July 4, 1946, a blood libel began to spread through the town, falsely accusing the Jews of kidnapping a Christian child. A mob of Kielce’s residents descended on the Jewish area. Police and soldiers stood by and watched as the mob attacked Jews, murdering 42 Jewish Holocaust survivors and injuring scores more. Following the Kielce massacre, the remaining Jews in the town fled. The pogrom spurred a mass emigration of Jewish survivors from Poland.

Covering up history and criminalizing discussion isn't the way to come to terms with the past. What historians and ordinary citizens need in Poland and beyond is more research, more willingness to look into the past and understand the horrors of the Holocaust – not less.

Amazing, Jew Jakub Berman in command of the UB Soviet police force killed 6,000 Polish patriots, and imprisoned 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Yet, we hardly hear about that, it's just about the Jews, and boo hoo hoo their suffering, the poor little bastards.

Jakub Berman (1901 - 1984) - Genealogy

Between 1944–1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology. In this capacity he was directly responsible for Stalinist-type terror and repressions against real and imagined political opponents of the communist regime in Poland. Urząd Bezpieczeństwa prosecution of ex-Home Army members, Roman Catholic Church clergy, and purges in the military, resulted in at least 6,000 death sentences, imprisonment and prosecuction of estimated 500,000 Polish patriots.
That's rich. A member of the most murderous blood-thirsty tribe ever to wander the face of the earth sitting in moral judgment of Poles. There's a word for that.

They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
My advice is to be concerned with the present and the future.
You don't care for Jews; we won't lose any sleep.
Oh boy, another day, another dirtbag antisemite, this one of "proud" Polish ancestry. Whaddawe gonna do?!

You're a dirtbag anti-Polish clown, who does his best to libel / slander the Polish people.
...to erase Polish culpability for any part of the Holocaust distorts history. While many Poles fought the Nazis, others – including local officials and ordinary citizens – often collaborated willingly in the destruction of Poland's Jews.

The Kielce massacre occurred after the Holocaust.
In fact, one of the most infamous massacres of Jews on Polish soil cannot be blamed on Nazi occupiers; it occurred after the Holocaust.

Before World War II, the Polish town of Kielce was home to about 18,000 Jews. This number swelled during the War, as German officials established a Ghetto in the town, and forced Jews from other towns and countries to live there. By the time the Ghetto was “liquidated” in August 1944, all but a few hundred Jews who were kept alive as slave workers had been murdered – both in the Ghetto itself, and in death camps throughout Poland.

Following the war, about 200 Jewish survivors returned to Kielce. Slowly, they began to rebuild their lives, establishing a synagogue a kibbutz, and an orphanage. On July 4, 1946, a blood libel began to spread through the town, falsely accusing the Jews of kidnapping a Christian child. A mob of Kielce’s residents descended on the Jewish area. Police and soldiers stood by and watched as the mob attacked Jews, murdering 42 Jewish Holocaust survivors and injuring scores more. Following the Kielce massacre, the remaining Jews in the town fled. The pogrom spurred a mass emigration of Jewish survivors from Poland.

Covering up history and criminalizing discussion isn't the way to come to terms with the past. What historians and ordinary citizens need in Poland and beyond is more research, more willingness to look into the past and understand the horrors of the Holocaust – not less.

Amazing, Jew Jakub Berman in command of the UB Soviet police force killed 6,000 Polish patriots, and imprisoned 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Yet, we hardly hear about that, it's just about the Jews, and boo hoo hoo their suffering, the poor little bastards.

Jakub Berman (1901 - 1984) - Genealogy

Between 1944–1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology. In this capacity he was directly responsible for Stalinist-type terror and repressions against real and imagined political opponents of the communist regime in Poland. Urząd Bezpieczeństwa prosecution of ex-Home Army members, Roman Catholic Church clergy, and purges in the military, resulted in at least 6,000 death sentences, imprisonment and prosecuction of estimated 500,000 Polish patriots.
Like I said, you can't handle the truth.
...to erase Polish culpability for any part of the Holocaust distorts history. While many Poles fought the Nazis, others – including local officials and ordinary citizens – often collaborated willingly in the destruction of Poland's Jews.

The Kielce massacre occurred after the Holocaust.
In fact, one of the most infamous massacres of Jews on Polish soil cannot be blamed on Nazi occupiers; it occurred after the Holocaust.

Before World War II, the Polish town of Kielce was home to about 18,000 Jews. This number swelled during the War, as German officials established a Ghetto in the town, and forced Jews from other towns and countries to live there. By the time the Ghetto was “liquidated” in August 1944, all but a few hundred Jews who were kept alive as slave workers had been murdered – both in the Ghetto itself, and in death camps throughout Poland.

Following the war, about 200 Jewish survivors returned to Kielce. Slowly, they began to rebuild their lives, establishing a synagogue a kibbutz, and an orphanage. On July 4, 1946, a blood libel began to spread through the town, falsely accusing the Jews of kidnapping a Christian child. A mob of Kielce’s residents descended on the Jewish area. Police and soldiers stood by and watched as the mob attacked Jews, murdering 42 Jewish Holocaust survivors and injuring scores more. Following the Kielce massacre, the remaining Jews in the town fled. The pogrom spurred a mass emigration of Jewish survivors from Poland.

Covering up history and criminalizing discussion isn't the way to come to terms with the past. What historians and ordinary citizens need in Poland and beyond is more research, more willingness to look into the past and understand the horrors of the Holocaust – not less.

Amazing, Jew Jakub Berman in command of the UB Soviet police force killed 6,000 Polish patriots, and imprisoned 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Yet, we hardly hear about that, it's just about the Jews, and boo hoo hoo their suffering, the poor little bastards.

Jakub Berman (1901 - 1984) - Genealogy

Between 1944–1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology. In this capacity he was directly responsible for Stalinist-type terror and repressions against real and imagined political opponents of the communist regime in Poland. Urząd Bezpieczeństwa prosecution of ex-Home Army members, Roman Catholic Church clergy, and purges in the military, resulted in at least 6,000 death sentences, imprisonment and prosecuction of estimated 500,000 Polish patriots.
Someone is not very good at public relations.
Of course, there may be more to this story that meets the headline.
The underlying issue, of course, is why no one gives a shit about Poland.
They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
Well I can say that about antisemitic pieces of shit like you. But, here's a dose of truth about your heritage:

Polish Antisemitism
Historians have also documented many troubling instances of Polish antisemitism during the Holocaust. Even as he documented inspiring instances of Polish resistance and heroism, Martin Gilbert acknowledged that “many Poles looked with satisfaction at the Jews being moved into the (Warsaw) ghetto, even gloating….”

The United States Holocaust Museum has documented that "As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property."

Professor Peter Kenez of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has investigated the substantial German ethnic population in Poland during World War II who “welcomed the (Nazi) conquerors with enthusiasm” in his book The Coming of the Holocaust: From Antisemitism to Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded, “The Catholic clergy (in Poland)... were not innocent bystanders or passive observers in the wave of antisemitism that encompassed Poland in the latter half of the 1930s… Even when nationalistic youth translated anti-Semitic attitudes into violence... instead of subjecting the violence to unambiguous criticism, church leaders rather gave explanations for antisemitism that ultimately served to justify it.” (The Catholic Church and Antisemitism: Poland 1933-1939. Routledge 2000). Former Harvard History Professor Daniel Jonah Goldhagen similarly documented widespread anti-Jewish feeling in Poland’s religious leadership in his book A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair(Alfred A. Knopf 2002).

Jedwabne Pogrom
In 2001, Princeton History Professor Jan T. Gross, who was born in Poland to a Polish mother and Jewish father, published Neighbors, a groundbreaking book that documented that some atrocities long blamed on Nazi officials were in fact carried out by local Polish civilians.

The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.
One was the massacre of the Jews of Jedwabne in July 1941. The Polish town of Jedwabne was home to about 2,000 Jews on the eve of the Holocaust, about 60-70% of the total population. On July 10 – less than three weeks after Nazi forces gained control of that area – the town’s Polish mayor, Marian Karolak and local Nazi officials gave orders to round up the town’s Jews – both long-term residents as well as Jews who were sheltering there. Some Jews were hunted down and killed by the town’s residents with clubs, axes and knives. Most were herded into a barn that had been emptied out for this purpose. The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.

Neighbors sparked a huge amount of soul-searching in Poland – and a recognition that some persecution of Poland’s Jews was carried out by ordinary Poles, not only by their Nazi occupiers. According to Gross, “‘Regular’ members of the community took part in them, not miscreants or ‘marginal people.’ In fact, the participation by the local elites and by upstanding members of the community, who remained in good standing after the events, bestowed upon these crimes a kind of official imprimatur. These were quasi-normal events, and even remained a subject of conversation for years to come at local gatherings. The plunder was a widespread social practice, sanctioned by norms.”

Today, political considerations are once again tempting some inside Poland – particularly the right-wing governing Law and Justice Party – to rewrite history.

After awarding Princeton Professor Jan Gross the Order of Merit in 1996 for his service as a dissident in communist Poland and his contributions to historical research, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has recently hinted he might strip Gross of his medal, a decision that has caused outrage amongst historians.

Oh really? Many Poles gloated as Jews were rounded up into the ghettoes? How many?

Yes, there were some Polish Police Nazi collaborators, but as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German Warsaw Ghetto admitted the Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal Nazi collaborators.

As for Jedwabne, you are aware in that region there was wide scale Jewish collaboration with Soviets to oppress, and kill Poles?

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Jews Joined With NKVD

"The Jewish population," writes Strzembosz, "especially the young and the urban poor, participated en masse in greeting the entering [Soviet] army and in introducing the new order, even with guns in their hands. There are also thousands of testimonies to this: Polish, Jewish and Soviet, there are the reports of the
Organizers of the red terror

The Fifth Column

So it was in the first period, when the Polish state was still defending itself, when our army units were fighting and it seemed that not all was lost. The Jews then played the role of a "fifth column." Later, things became much worse. Strzembosz cites the conclusions of Dr. Marek Wierzbicki as to who implemented the Bolshevik terror - of course the
Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, JĂłzef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the

The majority of the Jews were positioned at the Russian front without weapons.
Stalin wanted the Jews dead or to be atheists.
Do I care at this point in time?

I'll call your bluff, as Wikipedia admits below that Jews, and Belarussians were armed by Soviets to cause mischief for Poles on September 18th of 1939.

Skidel revolt - Wikipedia

The revolt of 18 September 1939 was organized and helped by a fifth column from the Communist Party of West Belarus delegalized in 1938. According to Russian documents, it consisted of around 200 men, although their number has been contested by Polish historians as exaggerated.[3] A group of Soviet-armed Jews and Belarusians, all citizens of Poland, carrying assault rifles and a Soviet heavy machine gun (but also axes and home-made weapons),[4] massacred an unspecified number of ethnic Poles including civil servants, landowners, priests, rural settlers, Polish policemen and reserve officers at Skidel, Brzostowica Mała, Lerypol, Budowla, Ostryna, Jeziory and other locations.[3] Several Polish families were rescued by their Belarusian neighbors in the village of Sawalówka.[3]

On 19 September 1939 the 102nd Uhlan Regiment of the Polish Army was sent to the area from Grodno, assisted by the local police and a group of volunteers from the prewar Strzelec organization. After some heavy fighting around Ostryna, Dubno and Jeziory, the soldiers put down the revolt and took control of Skidel and neighboring settlements. The traitors against the nation captured with weapons and guilty of committing treason were summarily executed on 19 September (some 18 to 31 men according to Soviet sources), but the fighting continued. One day after the Red Army tanks took over Skidel on 20 September 1939, the rebels massacred all Polish males in the village of Kurpiki. Some of the local saboteurs were executed by the Polish self-defence. Soviet historians blamed them later for most of the extrajudicial killings.[3]
They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
My advice is to be concerned with the present and the future.
You don't care for Jews; we won't lose any sleep.
Oh boy, another day, another dirtbag antisemite, this one of "proud" Polish ancestry. Whaddawe gonna do?!

You're a dirtbag anti-Polish clown, who does his best to libel / slander the Polish people.
Roudy has nothing for or against the Polish.
It's your obsession with Linking to Google Books articles that paint Jews as the Devil's handwork that he is concerned with.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
Well I can say that about antisemitic pieces of shit like you. But, here's a dose of truth about your heritage:

Polish Antisemitism
Historians have also documented many troubling instances of Polish antisemitism during the Holocaust. Even as he documented inspiring instances of Polish resistance and heroism, Martin Gilbert acknowledged that “many Poles looked with satisfaction at the Jews being moved into the (Warsaw) ghetto, even gloating….”

The United States Holocaust Museum has documented that "As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property."

Professor Peter Kenez of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has investigated the substantial German ethnic population in Poland during World War II who “welcomed the (Nazi) conquerors with enthusiasm” in his book The Coming of the Holocaust: From Antisemitism to Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded, “The Catholic clergy (in Poland)... were not innocent bystanders or passive observers in the wave of antisemitism that encompassed Poland in the latter half of the 1930s… Even when nationalistic youth translated anti-Semitic attitudes into violence... instead of subjecting the violence to unambiguous criticism, church leaders rather gave explanations for antisemitism that ultimately served to justify it.” (The Catholic Church and Antisemitism: Poland 1933-1939. Routledge 2000). Former Harvard History Professor Daniel Jonah Goldhagen similarly documented widespread anti-Jewish feeling in Poland’s religious leadership in his book A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair(Alfred A. Knopf 2002).

Jedwabne Pogrom
In 2001, Princeton History Professor Jan T. Gross, who was born in Poland to a Polish mother and Jewish father, published Neighbors, a groundbreaking book that documented that some atrocities long blamed on Nazi officials were in fact carried out by local Polish civilians.

The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.
One was the massacre of the Jews of Jedwabne in July 1941. The Polish town of Jedwabne was home to about 2,000 Jews on the eve of the Holocaust, about 60-70% of the total population. On July 10 – less than three weeks after Nazi forces gained control of that area – the town’s Polish mayor, Marian Karolak and local Nazi officials gave orders to round up the town’s Jews – both long-term residents as well as Jews who were sheltering there. Some Jews were hunted down and killed by the town’s residents with clubs, axes and knives. Most were herded into a barn that had been emptied out for this purpose. The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.

Neighbors sparked a huge amount of soul-searching in Poland – and a recognition that some persecution of Poland’s Jews was carried out by ordinary Poles, not only by their Nazi occupiers. According to Gross, “‘Regular’ members of the community took part in them, not miscreants or ‘marginal people.’ In fact, the participation by the local elites and by upstanding members of the community, who remained in good standing after the events, bestowed upon these crimes a kind of official imprimatur. These were quasi-normal events, and even remained a subject of conversation for years to come at local gatherings. The plunder was a widespread social practice, sanctioned by norms.”

Today, political considerations are once again tempting some inside Poland – particularly the right-wing governing Law and Justice Party – to rewrite history.

After awarding Princeton Professor Jan Gross the Order of Merit in 1996 for his service as a dissident in communist Poland and his contributions to historical research, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has recently hinted he might strip Gross of his medal, a decision that has caused outrage amongst historians.

Oh really? Many Poles gloated as Jews were rounded up into the ghettoes? How many?

Yes, there were some Polish Police Nazi collaborators, but as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German Warsaw Ghetto admitted the Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal Nazi collaborators.

As for Jedwabne, you are aware in that region there was wide scale Jewish collaboration with Soviets to oppress, and kill Poles?

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Jews Joined With NKVD

"The Jewish population," writes Strzembosz, "especially the young and the urban poor, participated en masse in greeting the entering [Soviet] army and in introducing the new order, even with guns in their hands. There are also thousands of testimonies to this: Polish, Jewish and Soviet, there are the reports of the
Organizers of the red terror

The Fifth Column

So it was in the first period, when the Polish state was still defending itself, when our army units were fighting and it seemed that not all was lost. The Jews then played the role of a "fifth column." Later, things became much worse. Strzembosz cites the conclusions of Dr. Marek Wierzbicki as to who implemented the Bolshevik terror - of course the
Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, JĂłzef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the

The majority of the Jews were positioned at the Russian front without weapons.
Stalin wanted the Jews dead or to be atheists.
Do I care at this point in time?

I'll call your bluff, as Wikipedia admits below that Jews, and Belarussians were armed by Soviets to cause mischief for Poles on September 18th of 1939.

Skidel revolt - Wikipedia

The revolt of 18 September 1939 was organized and helped by a fifth column from the Communist Party of West Belarus delegalized in 1938. According to Russian documents, it consisted of around 200 men, although their number has been contested by Polish historians as exaggerated.[3] A group of Soviet-armed Jews and Belarusians, all citizens of Poland, carrying assault rifles and a Soviet heavy machine gun (but also axes and home-made weapons),[4] massacred an unspecified number of ethnic Poles including civil servants, landowners, priests, rural settlers, Polish policemen and reserve officers at Skidel, Brzostowica Mała, Lerypol, Budowla, Ostryna, Jeziory and other locations.[3] Several Polish families were rescued by their Belarusian neighbors in the village of Sawalówka.[3]

On 19 September 1939 the 102nd Uhlan Regiment of the Polish Army was sent to the area from Grodno, assisted by the local police and a group of volunteers from the prewar Strzelec organization. After some heavy fighting around Ostryna, Dubno and Jeziory, the soldiers put down the revolt and took control of Skidel and neighboring settlements. The traitors against the nation captured with weapons and guilty of committing treason were summarily executed on 19 September (some 18 to 31 men according to Soviet sources), but the fighting continued. One day after the Red Army tanks took over Skidel on 20 September 1939, the rebels massacred all Polish males in the village of Kurpiki. Some of the local saboteurs were executed by the Polish self-defence. Soviet historians blamed them later for most of the extrajudicial killings.[3]
There's no bluff on the general dictate that Jewish soldiers had no weapons except for those that they picked up from dead Germans.
The issue you can't deal with emotionally is why no one gives a shit about Poland.
You can kick and scream all you want but how many nations in the UN spend 3 minutes a year advocating for Poland?
They prove the Polish proverb correct, of the Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.

Here they are striking Poland with false libel / slander hate, as they cry in pain.
And that's why the Nazis chose the Poland to build their extermination camps. They knew the Poles had a long history tradition of cultural antisemtism, and could count in them to carry out their mission.

Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
My advice is to be concerned with the present and the future.
You don't care for Jews; we won't lose any sleep.
Oh boy, another day, another dirtbag antisemite, this one of "proud" Polish ancestry. Whaddawe gonna do?!

You're a dirtbag anti-Polish clown, who does his best to libel / slander the Polish people.
aww boohoo, spare me the whining, I'm just quoting historical fact. And it sure as fuck explains the cultural antisemitism in people of Polish ancestry that has continued with dirtbags like you. I bet a lot this kind of bigotry and antisemitism was part and parcel of the culture in your household when you were growing up. You should go kill yourself. Good news is in a few generations human garbage like you and cnelson will have been flushed down the toilet.
...to erase Polish culpability for any part of the Holocaust distorts history. While many Poles fought the Nazis, others – including local officials and ordinary citizens – often collaborated willingly in the destruction of Poland's Jews.

The Kielce massacre occurred after the Holocaust.
In fact, one of the most infamous massacres of Jews on Polish soil cannot be blamed on Nazi occupiers; it occurred after the Holocaust.

Before World War II, the Polish town of Kielce was home to about 18,000 Jews. This number swelled during the War, as German officials established a Ghetto in the town, and forced Jews from other towns and countries to live there. By the time the Ghetto was “liquidated” in August 1944, all but a few hundred Jews who were kept alive as slave workers had been murdered – both in the Ghetto itself, and in death camps throughout Poland.

Following the war, about 200 Jewish survivors returned to Kielce. Slowly, they began to rebuild their lives, establishing a synagogue a kibbutz, and an orphanage. On July 4, 1946, a blood libel began to spread through the town, falsely accusing the Jews of kidnapping a Christian child. A mob of Kielce’s residents descended on the Jewish area. Police and soldiers stood by and watched as the mob attacked Jews, murdering 42 Jewish Holocaust survivors and injuring scores more. Following the Kielce massacre, the remaining Jews in the town fled. The pogrom spurred a mass emigration of Jewish survivors from Poland.

Covering up history and criminalizing discussion isn't the way to come to terms with the past. What historians and ordinary citizens need in Poland and beyond is more research, more willingness to look into the past and understand the horrors of the Holocaust – not less.

Amazing, Jew Jakub Berman in command of the UB Soviet police force killed 6,000 Polish patriots, and imprisoned 500,000 Polish political prisoners.

Yet, we hardly hear about that, it's just about the Jews, and boo hoo hoo their suffering, the poor little bastards.

Jakub Berman (1901 - 1984) - Genealogy

Between 1944–1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology. In this capacity he was directly responsible for Stalinist-type terror and repressions against real and imagined political opponents of the communist regime in Poland. Urząd Bezpieczeństwa prosecution of ex-Home Army members, Roman Catholic Church clergy, and purges in the military, resulted in at least 6,000 death sentences, imprisonment and prosecuction of estimated 500,000 Polish patriots.
Like I said, you can't handle the truth.

Jews killed way more Poles, than Poles killed Jews.

It's not only limited to Jew Jakub Berman, but also Jew Salomon Morel.

Salomon Morel - Wikipedia

In 1994, soon after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Morel was indicted by Poland's Institute of National Remembrance for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the "revenge killings" of 1,500 ethnic prisoners from Upper Silesia (most of them Polish Silesians and German civilians).[2] After his case was publicized by the Polish, German, British, and American media, Morel fled to Israel and was granted citizenship under the Law of Return. Poland twice requested his extradition, but Israel refused to comply and rejected the more serious charges as being false, potentially part of an antisemitic conspiracy, and again rejected extradition on the grounds that the statute of limitations against Morel had run out, and that Morel was in poor health.

[1 Youth

Salomon Morel was born on November 15, 1919 in the village of Garbów near Lublin, Poland, the son of a Jewish baker.[3] During the Great Depression, the family business began to falter. Therefore, Morel moved to Łódź where he worked as a sales clerk, but returned to Garbów following the outbreak of war in September 1939.[3]

World War II[edit]
Morel's family went into hiding during World War II in order to avoid being placed in the ghetto.[3] According to his own story of courage in the face of German occupation – that was told by Solomon Morel himself while in Israel ("mandolin with him... In his other fist was his Mauser") – Morel's mother, father and one brother were killed by Polish collaborators during Christmas of 1942. Solomon Morel and his brother Izaak survived the Holocaust hidden by Józef Tkaczyk, a Polish Catholic. In 1983, Józef Tkaczyk was designated as one of the Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem for saving the Morel brothers.[4]

The official Polish accounts of Morel's wartime activities however, differ substantially from his own story. According to the Institute of National Remembrance, at the beginning of 1942 Salomon Morel and his brother Izaak organised a criminal band to commit robberies in the surrounding villages.[3] Their criminal activity ended when during one of their robberies they were captured by members of the Polish People's Army.[3] To avoid punishment Morel placed the blame on his brother, and then joined the Soviet partisans in the Parczew area (see also Parczew partisans), where he worked as a janitor and a guide through the forests.[3] His two brothers died during the war, one in 1943, another in 1945.[3]

The Israeli mass media and government presented yet a different version of his life.[4] The Israeli letter rejecting extradition states that Morel joined the partisans of the Red Army in 1942, and was in the forests when his parents, sister-in-law, and one brother were allegedly killed by Polish Blue Police.[4][5] According to a number of media sources,[6] Morel claimed that he was at one point an inmate in Auschwitz and over thirty of his relatives were killed in the Holocaust.[4]

As the Eastern Front advanced, Morel and other communist partisans came out of hiding. In the summer of 1944, Morel organized the Citizen Militia in Lublin.[3] Later, he became a prison commander at the Lublin Castle, where many soldiers of the anti-communist Armia Krajowa (Home Army) were imprisoned and tortured.[3]

Zgoda labour camp[edit]
Main article: Zgoda labour camp
On March 15, 1945, Morel became commander of the infamous Zgoda camp in Świętochłowice.[3] The Zgoda camp was set up by the Soviet political police, or NKVD, after the Soviet Army entered southern Poland. In February 1945 the camp was handed over to the Communist Polish secret service, the notorious Urząd Bezpieczeństwa. Most prisoners in the camp were Silesians and German citizens, while a small number were from "central Poland", and about 38 foreigners.

Sometimes children were sent to the camp along with parents.[7] Prisoners were not accused of any crime, but were sent by decision of Security Authorities. Authorities tried to convince society that prisoners were only ethnic Germans and former Nazi war criminals and collaborators.[7] It is estimated that close to 2,000 inmates died in the camp where torture and abuse of prisoners were chronic and rampant.[5] The camp was closed in November 1945.[5]

Jaworzno - Wikipedia

The camp was soon renamed as the "Central Labor Camp" (COP) and the German inscription "Arbeit macht frei" ("Work makes (you) free") was replaced by Polish "Praca uszlachetnia człowieka" ("Work ennobles man"). The prisoners mostly worked on the construction of Jaworzno power plant or in nearby factories and mines. All of them were interned in separate subcamps and were guarded by more than 300 soldiers and officers from the Internal Security Corps, aided by about a dozen civilian personnel. One of the commandants (from 1949), was a Polish Jew and communist[disambiguation needed] named Solomon Morel, who had gained a reputation for cruelty in the Zgoda labour camp in Świętochłowice; the others included Włodzimierz Staniszewski, Stanisław Kwiatkowski and Teofil Hazelmajer (all answering to Jakub Hammerschmidt, later known as Jakub Halicki), as well as the Soviet NKVD officer Ivan Mordasov.[4] There were also two satellite subcamps located at Chrusty and Libiąż.[5]
Is that why Poland was the only nation Nazis made a death penalty for aiding Holocaust victim Jews?

There's absolutely no evidence of widespread Polish collaboration with the Nazis.

That's because it doesn't exist, but way to expose Jewish extreme stupidity.

You expose why many Poles are anti-Semitic, I've not met a more disgusting people than your ilk in my entire life.
Well I can say that about antisemitic pieces of shit like you. But, here's a dose of truth about your heritage:

Polish Antisemitism
Historians have also documented many troubling instances of Polish antisemitism during the Holocaust. Even as he documented inspiring instances of Polish resistance and heroism, Martin Gilbert acknowledged that “many Poles looked with satisfaction at the Jews being moved into the (Warsaw) ghetto, even gloating….”

The United States Holocaust Museum has documented that "As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property."

Professor Peter Kenez of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has investigated the substantial German ethnic population in Poland during World War II who “welcomed the (Nazi) conquerors with enthusiasm” in his book The Coming of the Holocaust: From Antisemitism to Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2013).

Historian Ronald Modras, a professor at St. Louis University, has researched the role of the Catholic Church in fomenting profound Jew hatred in Poland and concluded, “The Catholic clergy (in Poland)... were not innocent bystanders or passive observers in the wave of antisemitism that encompassed Poland in the latter half of the 1930s… Even when nationalistic youth translated anti-Semitic attitudes into violence... instead of subjecting the violence to unambiguous criticism, church leaders rather gave explanations for antisemitism that ultimately served to justify it.” (The Catholic Church and Antisemitism: Poland 1933-1939. Routledge 2000). Former Harvard History Professor Daniel Jonah Goldhagen similarly documented widespread anti-Jewish feeling in Poland’s religious leadership in his book A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair(Alfred A. Knopf 2002).

Jedwabne Pogrom
In 2001, Princeton History Professor Jan T. Gross, who was born in Poland to a Polish mother and Jewish father, published Neighbors, a groundbreaking book that documented that some atrocities long blamed on Nazi officials were in fact carried out by local Polish civilians.

The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.
One was the massacre of the Jews of Jedwabne in July 1941. The Polish town of Jedwabne was home to about 2,000 Jews on the eve of the Holocaust, about 60-70% of the total population. On July 10 – less than three weeks after Nazi forces gained control of that area – the town’s Polish mayor, Marian Karolak and local Nazi officials gave orders to round up the town’s Jews – both long-term residents as well as Jews who were sheltering there. Some Jews were hunted down and killed by the town’s residents with clubs, axes and knives. Most were herded into a barn that had been emptied out for this purpose. The barn was then set alight and the Jews inside burned to death.

Neighbors sparked a huge amount of soul-searching in Poland – and a recognition that some persecution of Poland’s Jews was carried out by ordinary Poles, not only by their Nazi occupiers. According to Gross, “‘Regular’ members of the community took part in them, not miscreants or ‘marginal people.’ In fact, the participation by the local elites and by upstanding members of the community, who remained in good standing after the events, bestowed upon these crimes a kind of official imprimatur. These were quasi-normal events, and even remained a subject of conversation for years to come at local gatherings. The plunder was a widespread social practice, sanctioned by norms.”

Today, political considerations are once again tempting some inside Poland – particularly the right-wing governing Law and Justice Party – to rewrite history.

After awarding Princeton Professor Jan Gross the Order of Merit in 1996 for his service as a dissident in communist Poland and his contributions to historical research, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has recently hinted he might strip Gross of his medal, a decision that has caused outrage amongst historians.

Oh really? Many Poles gloated as Jews were rounded up into the ghettoes? How many?

Yes, there were some Polish Police Nazi collaborators, but as Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German Warsaw Ghetto admitted the Jewish Ghetto Police were more brutal Nazi collaborators.

As for Jedwabne, you are aware in that region there was wide scale Jewish collaboration with Soviets to oppress, and kill Poles?

Jewish collaboration with NKVD and Soviets - I

Jews Joined With NKVD

"The Jewish population," writes Strzembosz, "especially the young and the urban poor, participated en masse in greeting the entering [Soviet] army and in introducing the new order, even with guns in their hands. There are also thousands of testimonies to this: Polish, Jewish and Soviet, there are the reports of the
Organizers of the red terror

The Fifth Column

So it was in the first period, when the Polish state was still defending itself, when our army units were fighting and it seemed that not all was lost. The Jews then played the role of a "fifth column." Later, things became much worse. Strzembosz cites the conclusions of Dr. Marek Wierzbicki as to who implemented the Bolshevik terror - of course the
Torture in Jedwabne
Strzembosz proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that events took precisely the same course in Jedwabne itself. Here is one account from a resident of Jedwabne, JĂłzef Rybicki, summing up what happened in the town after it fell to the Soviets:

Revenge On Their Polish Neighbors

"Jews who had put up an archway greeted the Red Army. They changed the old town government and proposed a new one drawn from the local population (Jews and communists). They arrested the police, the teachers . . . They led the NKVD to apartments and houses and denounced Polish patriots."

The description of the tortures inflicted upon Polish conspirators by the NKVD in Jedwabne is shocking. The following is an account by Corporal Antoni B., a member of the anti-Soviet underground who was turned in to the NKVD by Jews:
"they took me for interrogation, the investigating judge and the NKVD commander and one torturer came, and they sat me on a stool next to a brick wall, then I look over and one in civilian clothes took a stick from behind the stove like the kind in the walls of our tents, that long and thick, and suddenly they threw me on the floor and stuffed my cap in my mouth and started to beat me, I couldn't cry out because the judge sat on my legs and the second one held me by the head and held the cap in my mouth, and I fought back until I tore the cap to bits, and the third torturer beat me the whole time, I got that stick more or less 30 times, and they stopped beating me and sat me on the stool by the wall. I had long hair, and the senior lieutenant grabbed me by the hair and started to beat my head against the wall, I thought that nothing would be left of my head, he tore the whole clump of hair from my head . they threw me on the ground and started to beat me with a hazel stick, they turned me from side to side and beat me, and in addition two of them were still sitting on me and suffocating me and said that they would finish me off. They kept beating me until they probably knew that I couldn't take anymore, so at last they let me go. They beat me like a cat in a sack, and at the end they sat me on the stool and beat me with the stick on the arms." (from W czterdziestym nas matko na Sybir zesłali [In 1940, Mother, They Sent Us to Siberia], published by the Solidarity Interfactory Structure, p. 82).
I took this text from a collection of accounts prepared years ago for print by Professor Jan T. Gross. When writing his book about Jedwabne, Gross skips over the description of Antoni B.'s arrest and torture, although he quotes other fragments of this account. Why?
The facts leave no room for doubt: the

NKVD Ship Poles To Siberia

Jedwabne Jews, as in the entire territory occupied by the Soviets, constituted the nuts and bolts of the machinery of repression. Up to the last moment, they were delivering Polish patriots into the hands of the

The majority of the Jews were positioned at the Russian front without weapons.
Stalin wanted the Jews dead or to be atheists.
Do I care at this point in time?

I'll call your bluff, as Wikipedia admits below that Jews, and Belarussians were armed by Soviets to cause mischief for Poles on September 18th of 1939.

Skidel revolt - Wikipedia

The revolt of 18 September 1939 was organized and helped by a fifth column from the Communist Party of West Belarus delegalized in 1938. According to Russian documents, it consisted of around 200 men, although their number has been contested by Polish historians as exaggerated.[3] A group of Soviet-armed Jews and Belarusians, all citizens of Poland, carrying assault rifles and a Soviet heavy machine gun (but also axes and home-made weapons),[4] massacred an unspecified number of ethnic Poles including civil servants, landowners, priests, rural settlers, Polish policemen and reserve officers at Skidel, Brzostowica Mała, Lerypol, Budowla, Ostryna, Jeziory and other locations.[3] Several Polish families were rescued by their Belarusian neighbors in the village of Sawalówka.[3]

On 19 September 1939 the 102nd Uhlan Regiment of the Polish Army was sent to the area from Grodno, assisted by the local police and a group of volunteers from the prewar Strzelec organization. After some heavy fighting around Ostryna, Dubno and Jeziory, the soldiers put down the revolt and took control of Skidel and neighboring settlements. The traitors against the nation captured with weapons and guilty of committing treason were summarily executed on 19 September (some 18 to 31 men according to Soviet sources), but the fighting continued. One day after the Red Army tanks took over Skidel on 20 September 1939, the rebels massacred all Polish males in the village of Kurpiki. Some of the local saboteurs were executed by the Polish self-defence. Soviet historians blamed them later for most of the extrajudicial killings.[3]
There's no bluff on the general dictate that Jewish soldiers had no weapons except for those that they picked up from dead Germans.
The issue you can't deal with emotionally is why no one gives a shit about Poland.
You can kick and scream all you want but how many nations in the UN spend 3 minutes a year advocating for Poland?

Yet, the Wikipedia article I bought up said the Soviets armed the Jews, and Belarussians to commit a Pogrom style attack on Poles in Skidel.

Poland has gained some favorable viewings from some right wingers, for it's anti-Muslim protests.
Thanks to Vodka, I am now convinced that only Poles were massacred during WWII.
Pay close attention, no nationality but Poles were massacred during WWII.
I better stop attending to Vodka.

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