Well Now, Barry

i know you get all tingly inside when you type out "Hussein"......which makes you a fucking idiot.

BUT, your side fucked up so much, that a lot of money is not needed to whip your sorry asses.......LOL

Right. You're going to take back Congress and Senate with a booming stock market, record low unemployment, people bringing home more in their paycheck, and nobody having to pay that commie fine for not having healthcare insurance.

Good luck with that.
Obama had a larger surge in the stock market and still lost Congress in 2010
With Trumps like ability
Republicans are doomed

People liked DumBama but hated his policies. That's why we gave leadership to the Republicans and eventually the Senate. What policies could voters object to in 2018?

The voters are fickle

Let's see the buyers remorse on Trump in 2018

Yes, buyers remorse because nobody will tolerate more jobs, nobody will tolerate a booming stock market, nobody will tolerate raises or bonuses, nobody will tolerate not being fined for not having healthcare insurance, nobody will tolerate less illegals entering this country, nobody will tolerate a vast expansion of deportation judges, nobody will tolerate getting more net pay every week.

Obama had a larger gain in the stock market and added many more jobs and still got pounded in the 2010 mid terms

3.4 million have lost insurance under Trump, Trumpcare was a bust, there is no wall and Trump has added to the deficit

But Trumps biggest challenge is that he is perceived as an asshole and has not adapted well to the role of president

Democrats will force Republicans to either embrace or denounce Trump
1st post
Obama had a larger gain in the stock market and added many more jobs and still got pounded in the 2010 mid terms

Indeed, Obama witnessed an 140% gain the stock market during his tenure......yet also experienced political losses in each of the midterms.
3.4 million have lost insurance under Trump, Trumpcare was a bust, there is no wall and Trump has added to the deficit

Regarding that last part, Trump added more than $600 BILLIONS to the deficit during his first year, AND with the additional borrowing of $1.5 Trillion to "finance" his tax scam.......he is well on his way in matching Obama's additional debt.........and, unlike Obama, he is doing all this borrowing amid an inherited, booming economy.
Last edited:
If I am not mistaken, former presidents are reluctant to criticize their predecessors.

I hope that President Obama will honor this precedent.


In my opinion, a President Obama vs. President Trump contest would be a very divisive thing for our country.

As another poster pointed out, the Democrats might try to use President Obama in order to turn our the African American vote, and then the Republican Party might try to use President Trump in order to turn out the Caucasian American vote.

The 2018 Congressional elections and the 2020 presidential election should be based ONLY on the issues: immigration, health care, taxation, foreign affairs, the media, etc.
If I am not mistaken, former presidents are reluctant to criticize their predecessors.

I hope that President Obama will honor this precedent.


In my opinion, a President Obama vs. President Trump contest would be a very divisive thing for our country.

We could hardly become more divided than we currently are, save open warfare.
5th post
Right. You're going to take back Congress and Senate with a booming stock market, record low unemployment, people bringing home more in their paycheck, and nobody having to pay that commie fine for not having healthcare insurance.

Good luck with that.
Obama had a larger surge in the stock market and still lost Congress in 2010
With Trumps like ability
Republicans are doomed

People liked DumBama but hated his policies. That's why we gave leadership to the Republicans and eventually the Senate. What policies could voters object to in 2018?

The voters are fickle

Let's see the buyers remorse on Trump in 2018

Yes, buyers remorse because nobody will tolerate more jobs, nobody will tolerate a booming stock market, nobody will tolerate raises or bonuses, nobody will tolerate not being fined for not having healthcare insurance, nobody will tolerate less illegals entering this country, nobody will tolerate a vast expansion of deportation judges, nobody will tolerate getting more net pay every week.

Obama had a larger gain in the stock market and added many more jobs and still got pounded in the 2010 mid terms

3.4 million have lost insurance under Trump, Trumpcare was a bust, there is no wall and Trump has added to the deficit

But Trumps biggest challenge is that he is perceived as an asshole and has not adapted well to the role of president

Democrats will force Republicans to either embrace or denounce Trump

Obama got pounded because of Obamacare.

Nobody has lost insurance under Trump. You lie.

Many people prefer assholes who tell it like it is, rather than someone who is clean, articulate, and doesn't have an accent.

I will give you this much. Obama could read a teleprompter better than anyone since Reagan. Otherwise, he couldn't say shit even if he had a mouthful at the time. The man stuttered worse than Mel Tillis, when he was caught lying.
Right. You're going to take back Congress and Senate with a booming stock market, record low unemployment, people bringing home more in their paycheck, and nobody having to pay that commie fine for not having healthcare insurance.

Good luck with that.
Obama had a larger surge in the stock market and still lost Congress in 2010
With Trumps like ability
Republicans are doomed

People liked DumBama but hated his policies. That's why we gave leadership to the Republicans and eventually the Senate. What policies could voters object to in 2018?

The voters are fickle

Let's see the buyers remorse on Trump in 2018

Yes, buyers remorse because nobody will tolerate more jobs, nobody will tolerate a booming stock market, nobody will tolerate raises or bonuses, nobody will tolerate not being fined for not having healthcare insurance, nobody will tolerate less illegals entering this country, nobody will tolerate a vast expansion of deportation judges, nobody will tolerate getting more net pay every week.

Obama had a larger gain in the stock market and added many more jobs and still got pounded in the 2010 mid terms

3.4 million have lost insurance under Trump, Trumpcare was a bust, there is no wall and Trump has added to the deficit

But Trumps biggest challenge is that he is perceived as an asshole and has not adapted well to the role of president

Democrats will force Republicans to either embrace or denounce Trump

And if that's the case, it would be in their best interest to embrace him.

The country is doing great right now and all Trump would have to do to support Republicans is ask the public the Reagan question, a little altered however: "Are you better off today than you were two years ago?"

And they should also remind the public that Democrats are representatives for foreigners in and out of this country while Republicans are representatives for Americans.
We were all led to believe by your office you were going to return last year.

Please do come back. Your record of eight years against Trump's first will provide hours of amusement.

Obama Is Returning to Politics in 2018, and Trump Should Be Worried

Won't work for them Billy, lol.


Not because TODAY he is not popular, he is very popular; but will he be tomorrow or next week-)

Pay close attention to the document dump that happened today, trust me! Listen to what the congress people that seen them today say they will NOT do, unless they are released to the public-)

Trust me, the end is now upon the Democrats, and by the State of The Union address, any of them that show up might walk out-)

Don't doubt me on this. You have a pretty good idea of what probably happened. What you aren't aware of is------>what has now been PROVEN, and guess what..........it is even WORSE than we originally thought!

I am no conspiracy theorist, never have been. But when you see what actually happened, you are going to be like, OMG!
If Obama rallies the black vote


Where are the American news media? What has happened to them?

they have worked themselves into irrelevancy

they would rather worry about Trumps last tweet

then the work he has been doing on the ground

Dude, nobody “worries” about drumpfster fire tweets. We laugh at them and the infantile brain which produces them.

Yea Right...

Trump spanks liberal ass with every Tweet

and you know it.....
Can't wait for The Great Obama to return to politics

You are right! The laughs will be nonstop!

If you really want a good laugh at yourself......


Another liberal poll.....
We were all led to believe by your office you were going to return last year.

Please do come back. Your record of eight years against Trump's first will provide hours of amusement.

Obama Is Returning to Politics in 2018, and Trump Should Be Worried

Won't work for them Billy, lol.


Not because TODAY he is not popular, he is very popular; but will he be tomorrow or next week-)

Pay close attention to the document dump that happened today, trust me! Listen to what the congress people that seen them today say they will NOT do, unless they are released to the public-)

Trust me, the end is now upon the Democrats, and by the State of The Union address, any of them that show up might walk out-)

Don't doubt me on this. You have a pretty good idea of what probably happened. What you aren't aware of is------>what has now been PROVEN, and guess what..........it is even WORSE than we originally thought!

I am no conspiracy theorist, never have been. But when you see what actually happened, you are going to be like, OMG!

Time will tell. I'd love to see an ACME anvil drop on all their heads.
15th post
Obama's cabinet and he himself could be in big trouble...Watergate type trouble...breaking tonight!!!! GOP members are calling for Ore and Rosenstein to be fired immediately....
Obama staff requested and received FISA warrants on the Trump campaign....They used the Dossier to get them and it took the FBI to sign off on it...In other words Obama did wire tap Trumps office...
Right. You're going to take back Congress and Senate with a booming stock market, record low unemployment, people bringing home more in their paycheck, and nobody having to pay that commie fine for not having healthcare insurance.

Good luck with that.
Obama had a larger surge in the stock market and still lost Congress in 2010
With Trumps like ability
Republicans are doomed

People liked DumBama but hated his policies. That's why we gave leadership to the Republicans and eventually the Senate. What policies could voters object to in 2018?

The voters are fickle

Let's see the buyers remorse on Trump in 2018

Yes, buyers remorse because nobody will tolerate more jobs, nobody will tolerate a booming stock market, nobody will tolerate raises or bonuses, nobody will tolerate not being fined for not having healthcare insurance, nobody will tolerate less illegals entering this country, nobody will tolerate a vast expansion of deportation judges, nobody will tolerate getting more net pay every week.

Obama had a larger gain in the stock market and added many more jobs and still got pounded in the 2010 mid terms

3.4 million have lost insurance under Trump, Trumpcare was a bust, there is no wall and Trump has added to the deficit

But Trumps biggest challenge is that he is perceived as an asshole and has not adapted well to the role of president

Democrats will force Republicans to either embrace or denounce Trump

There is no doubt you need to be committed.............
If I am not mistaken, former presidents are reluctant to criticize their predecessors.

I hope that President Obama will honor this precedent.


In my opinion, a President Obama vs. President Trump contest would be a very divisive thing for our country.

As another poster pointed out, the Democrats might try to use President Obama in order to turn our the African American vote, and then the Republican Party might try to use President Trump in order to turn out the Caucasian American vote.

The 2018 Congressional elections and the 2020 presidential election should be based ONLY on the issues: immigration, health care, taxation, foreign affairs, the media, etc.

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