"weak man" of West-Asia


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
From UK parliament,
David Milliband, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

The changes within Turkey are remarkable: by 2017, Turkey will be the second fastest-growing economy in the world; its southern and eastern provinces are experiencing remarkable economic development
House of Commons - Foreign Affairs Committee - Minutes of Evidence

Having the 15th biggest economy in the world by purchasing power,
Turkey has set its goal to become the 10th biggest economy worldwide in 2023, when the glorious Republic makrs her 100th Anniversary. Foresight study "Vizyon 2023".

Turkish economic growth
2011-2017: average 6,7 %
OECD via Turkish Industrials Association:
LINK: November 16-22, 2009

Citibank projections
2011: 5,5 % growth
2012: 5,8 % growth
2013: 6 % growth
LINK: Citi maps out rosy estimates for Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

David Milliband is referencing the OECD study.
Me thinks, the goal for 2023 will be achievable.
Maybe we will achieve that status even earlier.

We may not be a super-glorious scientific nation, that pushes innovation to its limits.
But we are a manufacturing economy without oil and natural gas.
In practical terms, this means: We work and produce.
No god-blessed oil over here, Turks work in average 45 hours a week.
LINK: Turkish workweek ranked third longest in world - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

The International Crisis Group (ICG) published a report earlier this week (...).
The report notes, for example, that Turkey's economy produces the equivalent of half the entire output of the Middle East and North Africa.
Original report
International Crisis Group - 203 Turkey and the Middle East: Ambitions and Cons
Turkey's Complicated Middle East Role - The Washington Note[/QUOTE]

Oxford Analytica says this:
Turkey and Saudi Arabia alone accounted for 78.4% and 53% respectively of the region's combined manufactured trade and manufacturing value added in 2005. They also represented 81.5% of region's sophisticated manufactures (medium and high-tech manufactures), up from 66.4% in 2000.
Source: Oxford Anaytica
Via: World Bank Group, International Finance Corporation

Off course, decade-forecasts are far-fetched but anyway just for the records.
Goldmann Sachs projects Turkey to
- begin overtaking some G-7 countries by 2030
- bigger in economic size then Italy by 2030
- bigger then France and Germany by 2040
- becoming 6 Trillion $ economy by 2050
- being 3rd biggest economy in Europe after UK and Russia by 2050

: Goldman Sachs Economic Research Group
The GS-report in PDF is hosted on investment portal of Turkey.
Report comes originally from membership-required 360-Portal of Goldmann Sachs:

Science related:

Turkey (...) has managed to increase its scientific output nearly eight times faster than the world average—the third fastest rate of growth observed among large countries in the last 30 years.



LINK: Promoting Scientific Innovation in the Muslim World: Dinar Standard

To some US citizens disconnected from the world having recently called Turkey the "weak" Man of Middle-East and East-Europe.
We may be weak in direct comparison to USA, but in the comparison to USA or China, almost every country is "weak".
What counts is current abilities in having more "tools" of engaging with the periphery and, forecasts/predictions that support the statement, that this gap is going to widen to mutate into full hegemonic "tools" over this periphery.

All this in a periphery that will at least for the next 5 years (maybe more) continue to set the dynamics of world politics.
Even when "world attention" has long shifted into China's East-Asia, this periphery - as the historical heart of Muslim World - will keep its meaning.

Aggressive military action against neighbours in this periphery is no benchmark of being weak or strong.
They also call "war" as the consequence of failed diplomacy, soft-power that reached its limits putting into motion the process of hard-power.
Turkey has all the tools for soft-power, no need for hard-power.

Hard-power stands against all objectives Turkey has:
Stability and economic interaction in the periphery. And by that - market regulates itself - integration of the periphery into Turkish economy.
By this strategy use of hard-power will become even more less likely to happen, as you think twice in relation to conflict, once you have things to loose (trade, wealth).

Bombing neighbours is therefore no benchmark for strength.
And when it comes to bombing neighbours, the actual inventory of TSK is more then adequate for short to mid-term conflicts.
In long-term conflicts the decisive advantage becomes even more clear, as no country in periphery can match Industrial output of Turkey putting military hardware into the battlefield.
But that won't happen: We have no reason to bomb Muslim or Orthodox periphery and they also give no reason for this.

So, whom should Turkey bomb`if there is noone to bomb and strategy of bombing is opposite to all objectives?
To some here - as it became clear - only engaging in conflict and destabilizing the region qualifies to be declared strong/"weak".
What a "weak" mentality !

Only a natural disaster of magnificient size like an earthquake destroying North-West Turkey will be "destructive" for Turkey.
Turkish motivated degradation of US-Turkey relations won't be "destructive" for Turkey - as claimed elsewhere.
We export to USA just in 1-digit Billion $'s.
Escape of US money currently invested in Turkey can be counter-balanced by selling Turkish-hold US government-bonds and switching those $ to Turkish currency to avoid any US motivated pressure on Turkish currency by US funds selling Turkish currency and leaving the market.
Also there are the FX reserves of Central Bank.
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The White House Blog
The US and Turkey: Moving Forward Together | The White House

There wont be a "moving forward together" if you project your own continental genocide (native Americans) over Turks.
You have to stop believing you see Turkey when you stand in-front of the mirror.
We will degrade partnership with you, simple as that.
The attractiveness of "American way of life" anyway ceased to exist for most Turks, with Turkish society having also opinions+minds and that society being bombarded every 2 years with the work of US Congressmen from Armenian-American districts.
How would you feel, if our parliament passes resolutions putting you on same level of Hutsi/Tutsi ?

Turkey is no helpless bitch waiting for USA to fix+fake around in Turkish history.
For this to work (writing history) you forgot to invade us and overthrow our own sovereignity over our history.

We have no appetite for Congressmen's dick stuffed into our a* from Armenian-American districts.
We thankfully decline such joy and friendship and will move on on our own, once you cross that "Line".

More I have not to say, and I also see no reason further engaging in quasi-potential enemie's virtual territory. Don't underestimate the will of Turkish people.
The politicians do what we as people want, not the other way round.
This battle for the heart of average-Mehmet you already lost.
Those sneaky politicians will adapt or we will kick them into history books.
Turkey is going down as it becomes increasingly radicalized by Muslim extremism and beset by anti-Western sentiment.

Turkey's decision to aligns itself with rogue states such as Iran and Syria is an unfortunate symbol of the regressive direction Turkey is taking, which will no doubt lead to its downfall.
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One can only hope that Turkey continues to prosper and continues to be a mostly secular form of government.

Turkey is a damned important ally and supporter of modernization in the mid East.
One can only hope that Turkey continues to prosper and continues to be a mostly secular form of government.

Turkey is a damned important ally and supporter of modernization in the mid East.

Except, Turkey is becoming less secular as Islamists take over. Turkey refused to assist the US in the Iraq war and is less and less of an important ally to the US, particularly given its alliances with Iran, Syria and Russia.
Hugh Pope from International Crisis Group says, that rhetoric of Turkey becoming Isliamist is mainly drummed by Israelian influenced media outlets.
This assesment is also congruent to your rhetoric profile, Marc69.

Your rhetoric of "Muslim extremists" is very boring and with penetrant repeating it becomes grueling.
In International Relations your concept of "Muslim Extremists" has no validity.
In International Relations there are these concepts:
- Reagan's peace through strength
- Roosevelt's big stick

You go to sleep with the fundamental necessity of convincing US public to be most important US ally,
inventing rhetorics to convince US public of flowing US aid,
because your destiny depends on them.

Average baby Turk goes to sleep with mother's songs that sing of
Ships that walk over mountains
Swords that walk over 3 continents

I wish you good luck in further pursueing your rhetorics.
I wish you best luck.
And as Turkish Prime Minister said:
"Turks and Arabs are fingers of the same hand."

You better watch that Turkish middle finger does not develop the reactionary conviction to play around with your sand-tanned ass.
Now I am off, no man with self-dignity indulges in such ignorant concepts.
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Hugh Pope from International Crisis Group says, that rhetoric of Turkey becoming Isliamist is mainly drummed by Israelian influenced media outlets.
This assesment is also congruent to your rhetoric profile, Marc69.

Your rhetoric of "Muslim extremists" is very boring and with penetrant repeating it becomes grueling.
In International Relations your concept of "Muslim Extremists" has no validity.
In International Relations there are these concepts:
- Reagan's peace through strength
- Roosevelt's big stick

You go to sleep with the fundamental necessity of convincing US public to be most important US ally,
inventing rhetorics to convince US public of flowing US aid,
because your destiny depends on them.

Average baby Turk goes to sleep with mother's songs that sing of
Ships that walk over mountains
Swords that walk over 3 continents

I wish you good luck in further pursueing your rhetorics.
I wish you best luck.
And as Turkish Prime Minister said:
"Turks and Arabs are fingers of the same hand."

You better watch that middle finger does not develop the reactionary conviction to play around with your sand-tanned ass.
Now I am off, no man with self-dignity indulges in such ignorant concepts.

It's always the Jews. Did the Jews cause the Turkish genocide of Armenians, too?

Do the Jews force Turkey to oppress the Kurds and arrest anyone criticizing Turkey?
Marc69 said:
It's always the Jews.

It's only the religious-rascist ones like you are.
I do not have any apathy against Israelian apiculturists meeting with Turkish counterparts.
I do not have anything against Israelians in the line of Ehud Barack and Haaretz.
I have something against the likes of Liebermann, Netanyahu and Jeruslame Post.

In an interview with the Turkish TV station TRT Erdogan said that Turkey will not stand idly by if Israel carries out another campaign inside the Gaza Strip.
April 5th, 2010
LINK: Israel National News - Erdogan: 'We will not stand by if Israel attacks Gaza' - News Briefs

"Red Line" for you.
Marc69 said:
It's always the Jews.

It's only the religious-rascist ones like you are.
I do not have any apathy against Israelian apiculturists meeting with Turkish counterparts.
I do not have anything against Israelians in the line of Ehud Barack and Haaretz.
I have something against the likes of Liebermann, Netanyahu and Jeruslame Post.

In an interview with the Turkish TV station TRT Erdogan said that Turkey will not stand idly by if Israel carries out another campaign inside the Gaza Strip.
April 5th, 2010
LINK: Israel National News - Erdogan: 'We will not stand by if Israel attacks Gaza' - News Briefs

"Red Line" for you.

Like. Israelian. You're an illiterate moron.

When will Turkey acknowledge its complicity in the Armenian Holocaust?
Like. Israelian. You're an illiterate moron.

When will Turkey acknowledge its complicity in the Armenian Holocaust?

The Israelian engine has reached its limits.
After US taxpayer sponsored US technician's overhaul of the Israelian engine, the Israelian engine now drives in the 7th gear at 9.000 rpm.
Your national engine will explode if your engine has to resist Turkey.
Like. Israelian. You're an illiterate moron.

When will Turkey acknowledge its complicity in the Armenian Holocaust?

The Israelian engine has reached its limits.
After US taxpayer sponsored US technician's overhaul of the Israelian engine, the Israelian engine now drives in the 7th gear at 9.000 rpm.
Your national engine will explode if your engine has to resist Turkey.

The Israeli engine is running all over Turkey.
Israel's per-capita income is more than twice that of Turkey, despite Turkey's population of 75M being vastly greater than Israel's population of merely 7M

Israel has more technology companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country, except the US.

How many Turkish-based technology companies are listed on NASDAQ? None, perhaps?

Sorry, but Israel leaves Turkey in the dust.
Turkey is going down as it becomes increasingly radicalized by Muslim extremism and beset by anti-Western sentiment.

Turkey's decision to aligns itself with rogue states such as Iran and Syria is an unfortunate symbol of the regressive direction Turkey is taking, which will no doubt lead to its downfall.

Fortunately they are headed for a military coup as the government becomes increasingly radicalized to Islam. That should be them back in the 18th century where they belong.

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