We Need A Special Prosecutor for the IRS Scandal

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Rep Jordan writes an excellent case laying out the reasons for a special prosecutor. Lerner needs to be held in contempt. The investigation needs to be yanked from the partisan mitts of Eric Holder and Co.
Jim Jordan: A Special Prosecutor for the IRS - WSJ.com

The House Oversight Committee's investigation of the IRS is at an inflection point. The president's congressional supporters realize that the administration's version of the agency's targeting of conservative nonprofits seeking tax-exempt status—such as blaming local officials in the Cincinnati office or claiming that liberal groups were victimized along with conservative groups—is nonsense. Instead of debating the substance, they have resorted to procedural antics and misleading rhetoric.

I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy on the investigation—which included 38 daylong interviews of IRS and Treasury employees ranging from line employees in Cincinnati to the IRS commissioner to the chief of staff of the U.S. Treasury. The real news has been revealed at the Lois Lerner hearing on March 5 and in the report of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on March 11: "Lois Lerner's Involvement in the IRS Targeting of Tax-Exempt Organizations."

The evidence brought to light in that hearing and report completely discredited Ms. Lerner's claims about her involvement in what went on. It also eviscerated the notion that liberal and conservative groups were targeted.

When Ms. Lerner appeared before Congress in May 2013, she made this statement: "I have done nothing wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations." But Ms. Lerner, we discovered, forwarded confidential taxpayer information to her personal email account in early May 2013, which is a violation of IRS rules. About the infamous "Be on the Lookout" targeting list—a document used to identify conservative groups for additional scrutiny—she told Congress that the criteria for screening tax-exempt groups for extra scrutiny never changed. In fact, she personally ordered it changed in July 2011 according to documents and testimony received by the committee.

Ms. Lerner was most certainly driven by politics. One email of June 11, 2011, shows that she directed her subordinate to focus on the issues surrounding the application of Karl Rove's group, Crossroads GPS. In another email of Feb. 1, 2011, she frets about the Supreme Court "overturning the ban on corporate spending" as it applies to nonprofits. (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission also overturned the ban on union political spending, but she expressed no concern about that.)

Emails and testimony that we confronted Ms. Lerner with showed her saying that the tea party is "very dangerous," ordering a "multitiered review" (read: delay) of the cases, and managing the optics of her operation so it would not be revealed as a political project.

More at the source.
Mighty talkative fer someone who don't wanna talk...
Lerner 'Did a Lot of Talking for Someone Who Wants to Remain Silent'
April 10, 2014 – Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) – at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee business meeting on Thursday – said he counted “17 separate factual assertions” Lois Lerner made in her opening statement before invoking the Fifth Amendment when she was subpoenaed to testify last year on the congressional probe of the IRS scandal.
“Mr. Chairman, I counted 17 separate factual assertions by Ms. Lerner – not those three little sentences that my colleagues like to cite – 17 separate factual assertions. That is a lot of talking for somebody who wants to remain silent. That’s a lot of talking,” Gowdy said. “If you honestly believe that you can make 17 separate factual assertions and still invoke your right to remain silent, then please tell me what waiver is. Please tell me what constitutes waiver if saying 17 separate factual things does not,” Gowdy added. Thursday’s meeting was convened to consider a resolution to hold Lerner, former IRS director of exempt organizations, in contempt of Congress.

As CNSNews.com reported on May 22, 2013, Lerner pled the Fifth after issuing an opening statement, in which she said: “As director, I'm responsible for about 900 employees nationwide and administering a budget of almost $100 million. My professional career has been devoted to fulfilling responsibilities of the agencies for which I have worked, and I am very proud of the work that I have done in government. “On May 14, the Treasury Inspector-General released a report finding that the exempt organizations field office in Cincinnati, Ohio used inappropriate criteria to identify for further review applications from orgs that planned to engage in pol activity, which may mean that they did not qualify for tax exemption. On that same day, the dept of justice launched an investigation into the matters described in the inspector-general's report,” Lerner said at the time.

“In addition, members of this committee have accused me of providing false information when I responded to questions about the IRS processing of applications for tax exemption,” Lerner said. “I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee. And while I would very much like to answer the committee's questions today, I've been advised by my counsel to assert my constitutional right not to testify or answer questions related to the subject matter of this hearing,” Lerner added.

“After very careful consideration, I have decided to follow my counsel's advice and not testify or answer any of the questions today. Because I'm asserting my right not to testify, I know that some people will assume that I've have done something wrong. I have not. One of the basic functions of the Fifth Amend is to protect innocent individuals, and that is the protection I'm invoking today,” she concluded. “Mr. Chairman, she testified, ‘I have done nothing wrong. I’ve broken no laws. I’ve broken no IRS rules or regulations.’ That’s her testimony. What I’m saying is we should have the right to cross-examine her on that testimony,” Gowdy said.


See also:

Tax Refund Fraud Is a Big Frustration for Victims
April 11, 2014 — Laura Hankins knew something was wrong when she filed her daughter's tax return and it was rejected hours later: An identity thief already had sent in a return using the 19-year-old's personal information.
"This is the first time in her life she has ever filed income taxes, after earning all of $1,800 stocking products on grocery store shelves," Hankins said. "I did her taxes for her online, but immediately she got the rejection." Thieves have claimed billions of dollars in bogus tax refunds from the IRS by swiping the Social Security numbers and identities of schoolchildren in Florida, prisoners in Pennsylvania, teachers in Washington state and soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hackers and employees with access to thousands of names stored in company databases have tapped into reams of personal information, allowing them to submit hundreds of fraudulent returns by computer and receive refunds within days. Five people in Cincinnati were sentenced to prison late last year for using the names of employees at nursing homes and hospitals to file tax returns. It all adds up to a lot of frustration for legitimate taxpayers who face more paperwork and months of waiting for their tax refunds.

Hankins was told her daughter Claire, a college student from West Milwaukee, Wis., would get her refund in about six months. But Hankins first had to spend about 20 hours filling out forms, gathering information and photocopying documents because she couldn't file electronically after the tax identity theft was discovered in February. "Some kids get to go to Florida for spring break, but she got to go to the West Milwaukee police station to file a theft report," said Hankins, who added that her daughter is worried about what will happen next now that her personal information is out there.

The IRS paid out nearly $4 billion to people using stolen identities in 2012, according to a government report. Since identity theft fraud exploded over the past three years, the agency has made stopping it a priority, but thieves are becoming more aggressive and still finding ways to get around increased scrutiny. "It's like that game of Whac-A-Mole. When you're attacking one scheme, they come up with another," said Wifredo Ferrer, the U.S. attorney in South Florida, a hot spot for the schemes.

Fraudulent filers have evaded detection lately by getting refunds loaded onto prepaid debit cards instead of receiving them by check. Others have robbed postal workers to get refunds and even recruited mail carriers to take part, Ferrer said. A former records clerk in Alabama's prisons department was charged in January with selling inmates' personal information to claim over $1 million in refunds. Three others were sentenced to prison for taking part, including a mail carrier who stole the refunds from the mail. "They're getting very creative by using people in the inside," Ferrer said. "They're creative and brazen. They're using the IRS like their own ATM."

Referring Lerner's prosecution to Holder's Justice Dept is a joke. We need an independent prosecutor with powers to jail for contempt.
Holder is still on the clock regarding his contempt of Congress charge. He could end up in jail before the IRS mess blows up.
Holder is the one who appoints special prosecutors.

So, we aint gonna have one.

I suppose Congress COULD get off its collective dumb lazy ass and pass a special prosecutor act for this particular scandal, but I doubt it would get through the Senate.

The current "law" about it is the creation of an entity known as the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel.
I'm quite certain both parties have a good buddy who would like some "Special Prosecutor" tax money.
what scandal?

you aren't allowed to be tax exempt and engage in politicing under 501(c)(4)

but keep whining.... it's awesome

The ‘scandal’ where the president ordered the IRS to reject applications for conservative groups and then ordered Lerner to cover it up; and if she said anything Obama would have her ‘silenced.’

That ‘scandal.’
In an election year?

BHO may throw Lerner to the House mercies if the GOP passes his minimum wage law.
what scandal?

you aren't allowed to be tax exempt and engage in politicing under 501(c)(4)

but keep whining.... it's awesome

Wow your stupidity and ignorance are awesome.

I recall when liberals were horrified at the idea of using the bureaurcracy, esp the IRS, to suppress free speech. Now they cheer it, as long as they are the ones doing it.
Rep Jordan writes an excellent case laying out the reasons for a special prosecutor. Lerner needs to be held in contempt. The investigation needs to be yanked from the partisan mitts of Eric Holder and Co.
Jim Jordan: A Special Prosecutor for the IRS - WSJ.com

The House Oversight Committee's investigation of the IRS is at an inflection point. The president's congressional supporters realize that the administration's version of the agency's targeting of conservative nonprofits seeking tax-exempt status—such as blaming local officials in the Cincinnati office or claiming that liberal groups were victimized along with conservative groups—is nonsense. Instead of debating the substance, they have resorted to procedural antics and misleading rhetoric.

I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy on the investigation—which included 38 daylong interviews of IRS and Treasury employees ranging from line employees in Cincinnati to the IRS commissioner to the chief of staff of the U.S. Treasury. The real news has been revealed at the Lois Lerner hearing on March 5 and in the report of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on March 11: "Lois Lerner's Involvement in the IRS Targeting of Tax-Exempt Organizations."

The evidence brought to light in that hearing and report completely discredited Ms. Lerner's claims about her involvement in what went on. It also eviscerated the notion that liberal and conservative groups were targeted.

When Ms. Lerner appeared before Congress in May 2013, she made this statement: "I have done nothing wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations." But Ms. Lerner, we discovered, forwarded confidential taxpayer information to her personal email account in early May 2013, which is a violation of IRS rules. About the infamous "Be on the Lookout" targeting list—a document used to identify conservative groups for additional scrutiny—she told Congress that the criteria for screening tax-exempt groups for extra scrutiny never changed. In fact, she personally ordered it changed in July 2011 according to documents and testimony received by the committee.

Ms. Lerner was most certainly driven by politics. One email of June 11, 2011, shows that she directed her subordinate to focus on the issues surrounding the application of Karl Rove's group, Crossroads GPS. In another email of Feb. 1, 2011, she frets about the Supreme Court "overturning the ban on corporate spending" as it applies to nonprofits. (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission also overturned the ban on union political spending, but she expressed no concern about that.)

Emails and testimony that we confronted Ms. Lerner with showed her saying that the tea party is "very dangerous," ordering a "multitiered review" (read: delay) of the cases, and managing the optics of her operation so it would not be revealed as a political project.
More at the source.
More bullshit from a liar. Here is something you are probably to stupid to understand: UPON CLOSE READING OF THE LINK PROVIDED YOU WILL FIND THAT NOT ONE RIGHT WING GROUP SEEKING TAX EXEMPT STATUS THAT WAS DENIED WAS LISTED. NOT ONE! In other words, you are bitching about the IRS doing their job and checking organization who applied for tax free status before those organizations were GRANTED tax free status.
First of all, it is the IRS's job to check all groups who apply for tax exempt status. Failure to do so would be a criminal action.
Second, just to show how stupid and ignorant you are please name every right wing group that was denied tax exempt status. How many were there? Hundreds? Dozens? Less than 10? Tell us. Give us the list of groups who were denied.
Now, if you are behaving like the same chicken shit poster who was posting phony Obama quotes yesterday you will probably continue your ignorant and stupid behavior and start calling me names. Go ahead rabbi, show yourself to be a liar and a fraud.
I am betting there will be no list of right wings groups who were denied tax free status. rabbi is merely screaming "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!" and praying for a fire, AGAIN!

The bottom line is that it is the job of the IRS to examine every request for tax free status that it receives. IT IS THEIR JOB TO DO THIS!
Of course, conservatives have no interest in a special prosecutor to seek out ‘justice,’ only to revive their failed phony scandal.

It is not phony. Recall the IRS already apologized for doing this. So they admitted to wrong doing.
The scandal is an administration so contemptuous of Congress that they continue to stonewall, refusing to testify or to hand over subpoena'd documents.
That and the fact that the news media and the left support them.

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