We do not blame women for everything.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
MRAs point out ways in which men are discriminated against. For instance male victims of abuse are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by Universities and Employers. On Social Media and MSM, Hate Speech against men is common and men are viewed as enemies and oppressors. These particular changes have been mostly brought by women's lobbying groups. Of course there are truly humane women who oppose anti-male discrimination. There are opportunistic men who support anti-male discrimination.

We do not deny that many of men's problems are the fault of men. Horrors of Conscription and Battlefields were mostly caused by male rulers. Even under Patriarchy common men were treated very badly. You should watch "All Quiet on the Western Front."

Toxic Masculinity and harmful gender roles are real. Many men engage in self-destructive "macho" behavior such as using drugs, alcohol, and being reluctant to seek medical help. Men are statistically more likely then women to engage in reckless behavior -- "In 2015, there were 24,899 male and 10,166 female motor vehicle accident fatalities." More men then women support guns, and 88% of gun suicides are men. I reject all these gender norms.
MRAs point out ways in which men are discriminated against. For instance male victims of abuse are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by Universities and Employers. On Social Media and MSM, Hate Speech against men is common and men are viewed as enemies and oppressors. These particular changes have been mostly brought by women's lobbying groups. Of course there are truly humane women who oppose anti-male discrimination. There are opportunistic men who support anti-male discrimination.

We do not deny that many of men's problems are the fault of men. Horrors of Conscription and Battlefields were mostly caused by male rulers. Even under Patriarchy common men were treated very badly. You should watch "All Quiet on the Western Front."

Toxic Masculinity and harmful gender roles are real. Many men engage in self-destructive "macho" behavior such as using drugs, alcohol, and being reluctant to seek medical help. Men are statistically more likely then women to engage in reckless behavior -- "In 2015, there were 24,899 male and 10,166 female motor vehicle accident fatalities." More men then women support guns, and 88% of gun suicides are men. I reject all these gender norms.
Humans are still wired like prehistoric man because it wasn't that long ago relatively.

We are irrational with fear, wait until disasters happen to act, prone to gruesome violence. And some just take what they want

We're pretty fucked up beings. You're being too harsh on us
We are irrational with fear, wait until disasters happen to act, prone to gruesome violence. And some just take what they want
We must evolve past primitive behavior and gender norms.

Many macho men like motorcycles and drink alcohol.

I accept the fact that I am not allowed to drive any car due to Autism.
Women live longer, so they get to vote more times.

Gee I wonder how the laws started to benefit them?
Every minority must consider their group interest as very important -- so should men.

Racial Minorities are examples of discriminated minorities -- most minority people are very conscious of their collective interest.

The socioeconomic class of Millionaires and Billionaires are a privileged minority. They will do everything to sink any candidate who wants to impose extra taxes on them.
MRAs point out ways in which men are discriminated against. For instance male victims of abuse are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by Universities and Employers. On Social Media and MSM, Hate Speech against men is common and men are viewed as enemies and oppressors.
Sounds like the MGTWOs and the MRAs are gay men. Dudes hanging out with other dudes like that are lying when they say they're abused by women.

Like some guy's going date a lesbian or cop-calling whore, but she's not really the one abusing him, or enen in control of her own situation. It's her jealous boyfriend on the police force.

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