We Could Have Saved Two Years Worth Of Posts!

7. “The FBI launched its original counterintelligence investigation, called Crossfire Hurricane, in July 2016. It was prompted by Australian diplomat Alexander Downer informing the FBI that Papadopoulos told him Russia had stolen emails related to Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democratic rival in the 2016 election.”
FBI informant's assistant who met George Papadopoulos was undercover

Did you know that Downer was a Clinton apparatchik????

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”
Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'

There are geniuses who accept this stuff…..they’re called ‘reliable Democrat voters.’
What scum of the Earth dimocraps are doing now is trying to claim they were only looking out for the best interests of the Country and that they would have been negligent in their duty had they not investigated Trump and his campaign.

If a good investigator and a good prosecutor gets hold of this, we're gonna see multiple high-ranking DoJ and DNC people spend decades in prison. Decades.

They just admitted breaking the Law

Crossfire Boomerang
“1. FBI Officials Admit They Spied On Trump Campaign
The New York Times‘ story, headlined “Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation,” is a dry and gentle account of the FBI’s launch of extensive surveillance of affiliates of the Trump campaign.
Somehow, this does not strike me as subversive:
Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation

The story is molded so that it does not appear so. It's an attempt to get in front of Barr's investigation of the true origin of the program.
So are you saying the Barr version is the true one?

Facts indicate that it is.

Have you looked at Barr's history?

I have. After all, he is a contemporary of mine who walks the halls of power.

Have you considered all the kinds of people Trump surrounds himself with as advisors?

I have.

Do you really believe Mueller and his team are subversive Democrats?

I have no reason to discount the possibility.

Can you substitute the name Obama for Trump and see the whole issue in the same way.
Why would I? That would constitute no more than fantasy.

Do the plethora of Trump lies not bother you?

What lies? Be specific.

Do the un-recorded meetings with Putin & party not bother you?

Considering the nature of media and Democrats, no.

Does the fact that Congress rejected a proposal to protect American elections not bother you, implying there is no need?

I've not read the legislation, so I cannot answer. I'll assume knowing the Democrats that it contained things having nothing to do with the issue.

How much are you willing to give up for this admin?

There is no reason to "give up" anything.

There has never been a universally admired admin in our history. I suppose there are those who thought the 13 amendment Unconstitutional just like Prohibition. But this one... this destroying of traditions...?

What traditions have been destroyed? Be specific.
What scum of the Earth dimocraps are doing now is trying to claim they were only looking out for the best interests of the Country and that they would have been negligent in their duty had they not investigated Trump and his campaign.

If a good investigator and a good prosecutor gets hold of this, we're gonna see multiple high-ranking DoJ and DNC people spend decades in prison. Decades.

They just admitted breaking the Law

Crossfire Boomerang

I sure hope so.....
“1. FBI Officials Admit They Spied On Trump Campaign
The New York Times‘ story, headlined “Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation,” is a dry and gentle account of the FBI’s launch of extensive surveillance of affiliates of the Trump campaign.
Somehow, this does not strike me as subversive:
Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation

The story is molded so that it does not appear so. It's an attempt to get in front of Barr's investigation of the true origin of the program.
So are you saying the Barr version is the true one?

Facts indicate that it is.

Have you looked at Barr's history?

I have. After all, he is a contemporary of mine who walks the halls of power.

Have you considered all the kinds of people Trump surrounds himself with as advisors?

I have.

Do you really believe Mueller and his team are subversive Democrats?

I have no reason to discount the possibility.

Can you substitute the name Obama for Trump and see the whole issue in the same way.
Why would I? That would constitute no more than fantasy.

Do the plethora of Trump lies not bother you?

What lies? Be specific.

Do the un-recorded meetings with Putin & party not bother you?

Considering the nature of media and Democrats, no.

Does the fact that Congress rejected a proposal to protect American elections not bother you, implying there is no need?

I've not read the legislation, so I cannot answer. I'll assume knowing the Democrats that it contained things having nothing to do with the issue.

How much are you willing to give up for this admin?

There is no reason to "give up" anything.

There has never been a universally admired admin in our history. I suppose there are those who thought the 13 amendment Unconstitutional just like Prohibition. But this one... this destroying of traditions...?

What traditions have been destroyed? Be specific.

Nice job, there, Billy.

I would like to remind all that Trump's exaggerations and fibs have no where near the significance of the most prodigious liar ever to infest the White House, Hussein Obama.

Nothing Trump has prevaricated about amounts to a hill of beans compared to these examples:

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
Let's remember, Leftism infantilizes their constituents, and there are no more infantile minds than Democrat voters.

We, adults, vote for policies, not persons, they vote for skin color, and their 'team.'

I respect your point. But let's remember how Bush W was ridiculed during his Presidency. As well, as Obama.
It was on both sides....Republicans were dissing Obama and the Dems with Bush W.

No matter who the President, people will find something to diss about. I am sure they dissed about the color of his underwear or what he had for breakfast.
It's been our "cult of personality" to diss a leader of the opposite side.


“1. FBI Officials Admit They Spied On Trump Campaign
The New York Times‘ story, headlined “Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation,” is a dry and gentle account of the FBI’s launch of extensive surveillance of affiliates of the Trump campaign.
Somehow, this does not strike me as subversive:
Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation

The story is molded so that it does not appear so. It's an attempt to get in front of Barr's investigation of the true origin of the program.
So are you saying the Barr version is the true one?

Facts indicate that it is.

Have you looked at Barr's history?

I have. After all, he is a contemporary of mine who walks the halls of power.

Have you considered all the kinds of people Trump surrounds himself with as advisors?

I have.

Do you really believe Mueller and his team are subversive Democrats?

I have no reason to discount the possibility.

Can you substitute the name Obama for Trump and see the whole issue in the same way.
Why would I? That would constitute no more than fantasy.

Do the plethora of Trump lies not bother you?

What lies? Be specific.

Do the un-recorded meetings with Putin & party not bother you?

Considering the nature of media and Democrats, no.

Does the fact that Congress rejected a proposal to protect American elections not bother you, implying there is no need?

I've not read the legislation, so I cannot answer. I'll assume knowing the Democrats that it contained things having nothing to do with the issue.

How much are you willing to give up for this admin?

There is no reason to "give up" anything.

There has never been a universally admired admin in our history. I suppose there are those who thought the 13 amendment Unconstitutional just like Prohibition. But this one... this destroying of traditions...?

What traditions have been destroyed? Be specific.
What lies? Be specific.
Wall payment, NK de-nuke, better healthcare, infrastructure improvements + several more. So far, lots of talk, lots of promises..all hot air and more of a diversion than actual projects.
What traditions have been destroyed? Be specific.
Faith in institutions, emoluments, cronyism, and the trust placed in enemies more than internal national intel....from agents who live in America and want it to prosper and be safe for their own sakes. He is a modern Eve, listening to the subtle serpent Vlad while reading love letters from Kim.
“1. FBI Officials Admit They Spied On Trump Campaign
The New York Times‘ story, headlined “Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation,” is a dry and gentle account of the FBI’s launch of extensive surveillance of affiliates of the Trump campaign.
Somehow, this does not strike me as subversive:
Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation

The story is molded so that it does not appear so. It's an attempt to get in front of Barr's investigation of the true origin of the program.
So are you saying the Barr version is the true one?

Facts indicate that it is.

Have you looked at Barr's history?

I have. After all, he is a contemporary of mine who walks the halls of power.

Have you considered all the kinds of people Trump surrounds himself with as advisors?

I have.

Do you really believe Mueller and his team are subversive Democrats?

I have no reason to discount the possibility.

Can you substitute the name Obama for Trump and see the whole issue in the same way.
Why would I? That would constitute no more than fantasy.

Do the plethora of Trump lies not bother you?

What lies? Be specific.

Do the un-recorded meetings with Putin & party not bother you?

Considering the nature of media and Democrats, no.

Does the fact that Congress rejected a proposal to protect American elections not bother you, implying there is no need?

I've not read the legislation, so I cannot answer. I'll assume knowing the Democrats that it contained things having nothing to do with the issue.

How much are you willing to give up for this admin?

There is no reason to "give up" anything.

There has never been a universally admired admin in our history. I suppose there are those who thought the 13 amendment Unconstitutional just like Prohibition. But this one... this destroying of traditions...?

What traditions have been destroyed? Be specific.
What lies? Be specific.
Wall payment, NK de-nuke, better healthcare, infrastructure improvements + several more. So far, lots of talk, lots of promises..all hot air and more of a diversion than actual projects.
What traditions have been destroyed? Be specific.
Faith in institutions, emoluments, cronyism, and the trust placed in enemies more than internal national intel....from agents who live in America and want it to prosper and be safe for their own sakes. He is a modern Eve, listening to the subtle serpent Vlad while reading love letters from Kim.

You earned a funny today, bullwinkle.
8. “ Ignorance of Basic Facts

One thing that is surprising about the [NYTimes] story is how many errors it contains. The problems begin in the second sentence, which claims Peter Strzok and another FBI agent were sent to London. The New York Times reports that “[t]heir assignment, which has not been previously reported, was to meet the Australian ambassador, who had evidence that one of Donald J. Trump’s advisers knew in advance about Russian election meddling.”

Of course, it was previously reported that Strzok had a meeting with the Australian ambassador. He describes the embassy where the meeting took place as the longest continually staffed embassy in London.

9. Another New York Times error was the claim, repeated twice, that Page ‘had previously been recruited by Russian spies.’

It’s also inaccurate to say this was “election meddling,” necessarily. Clinton had deleted 30,000 emails that were housed on her private server even though she was being investigated for mishandling classified information. This could be viewed as destruction of evidence. She claimed the emails had to do with yoga.

FBI Director James Comey specifically downplayed for the public the bureau’s belief that foreign countries had access to these emails. There is no evidence that Russia or any other country had these emails, and they were not released during the campaign. To describe this legitimate national security threat as “election meddling” is insufficient to the very problem for which Clinton was being investigated.

The story claims, “News organizations did not publish Mr. Steele’s reports or reveal the F.B.I.’s interest in them until after Election Day.” That’s demonstrably untrue. Here’s an October 31, 2016, story headlined “A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump.” It is sourced entirely to Steele. In September, Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff took a meeting with Steele then published “U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin” on September 23, 2016. That story was even used in the Foreign Intelligence Service Act application against Page.

The New York Times writes, “Crossfire Hurricane began exactly 100 days before the presidential election, but if agents were eager to investigate Mr. Trump’s campaign, as the president has suggested, the messages do not reveal it. ‘I cannot believe we are seriously looking at these allegations and the pervasive connections,’ Mr. Strzok wrote soon after returning from London.”
http://thefederalist.com/2018/05/17/10-key-takeaways-from-new-york-times-error-ridden-defense-of-fbi-spying-on-trump-cam- paign/

If anyone had looked at the array of enemies involved in this ambush of Trump, from the beginning.....

.....who could have guessed that he would have survived to this point.
The New York Times writes, “Crossfire Hurricane began exactly 100 days before the presidential election,

10. “… Strzok repeatedly talked about how important and time-sensitive he felt the investigation was. As Andrew McCarthy highlighted in his deep look at some of these texts, as Strzok prepared for his morning flight to London, he compared the investigations of Clinton and Trump by writing, “And damn this feels momentous. Because this matters. The other one did, too, but that was to ensure that we didn’t F something up. This matters because this MATTERS.”

Another New York Times error was the claim, repeated twice, that Page “had previously been recruited by Russian spies.” In fact, while Russian agents had tried to recruit him, they failed to do so, and Page spoke at length with the FBI about the attempt before the agents were arrested or kicked out of the country.

The New York Times falsely reported that “Mr. Comey met with Mr. Trump privately, revealing the Steele reports and warning that journalists had obtained them.” Comey has told multiple journalists that he specifically did not brief Trump on the Steele reports. He didn’t tell Trump there were reports, or who funded them. He didn’t tell him about the claims in the reports that the campaign was compromised. He only told him that there was a rumor Trump had paid prostitutes to urinate on a Moscow hotel bed that the Obamas had once slept in.

The story also repeats long-debunked claims about the Republican platform and Ukraine.”
http://thefederalist.com/2018/05/17/10-key-takeaways-from-new-york-times-error-ridden-defense-of-fbi-spying-on-trump-cam- paign/

Retribution should be biblical in scope:

“Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.”

Proverbs, 26:27

“And put in every honest hand a whip. To lash the rascals naked through the world. Even from the east to th' west!”

“1. FBI Officials Admit They Spied On Trump Campaign
The New York Times‘ story, headlined “Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation,” is a dry and gentle account of the FBI’s launch of extensive surveillance of affiliates of the Trump campaign.
Somehow, this does not strike me as subversive:
Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation

But then you are a Stalinist, so....
It's at times quite comical to read posts and comments dissing their President. Whether they like Trump and call him all sorts of names - HE is the President. He may not be your President. But still they won't give the guy any respect. They will ditch anything about Trump no matter what. It's what they do best. Matter of fact it's all they do.

But they are free to make asses out of themselves.

All he did was volunteer to put America semi-back on the right track and they think he's Satan.

They piss and moan about Trump keeping them free Americans instead of slaves, it's insanity!

Oh no, you are not as free as someone that grew up in 1956 or so, oh hell no!

You're a virtual slave compared to that growing up these days, and the education system is filling your head full of Marxist bullshit, wtf?!
Oh no, you are not as free as someone that grew up in 1956 or so, oh hell no!
How right you are. We are no longer free to drink toxic water or die being thrown around in a smashed car or break our necks on motorcycle accidents. Kids can no longer burn to death in flammable clothing or nibble lead paint. Kids also will not die early from smokestack output and breathe in asbestos. Gee, those were the good old days!
They piss and moan about Trump keeping them free Americans instead of slaves,
Really? Like denying the legislative branch the authority built in by our FF as he refuses to answer summons and subpoenas for both himself and anyone else that can finger him? By appointing a consigliari? That's not keeping Americans free. That's keeping himself and his family free from what you and I would go to jail for, like Manafort and Cohen.
Oh no, you are not as free as someone that grew up in 1956 or so, oh hell no!
How right you are. We are no longer free to drink toxic water or die being thrown around in a smashed car or break our necks on motorcycle accidents. Kids can no longer burn to death in flammable clothing or nibble lead paint. Kids also will not die early from smokestack output and breathe in asbestos. Gee, those were the good old days!
They piss and moan about Trump keeping them free Americans instead of slaves,
Really? Like denying the legislative branch the authority built in by our FF as he refuses to answer summons and subpoenas for both himself and anyone else that can finger him? By appointing a consigliari? That's not keeping Americans free. That's keeping himself and his family free from what you and I would go to jail for, like Manafort and Cohen.

You've earned another funny, bullwinkle. Relying on Huffpost lately?
Oh no, you are not as free as someone that grew up in 1956 or so, oh hell no!
How right you are. We are no longer free to drink toxic water or die being thrown around in a smashed car or break our necks on motorcycle accidents. Kids can no longer burn to death in flammable clothing or nibble lead paint. Kids also will not die early from smokestack output and breathe in asbestos. Gee, those were the good old days!
They piss and moan about Trump keeping them free Americans instead of slaves,
Really? Like denying the legislative branch the authority built in by our FF as he refuses to answer summons and subpoenas for both himself and anyone else that can finger him? By appointing a consigliari? That's not keeping Americans free. That's keeping himself and his family free from what you and I would go to jail for, like Manafort and Cohen.

You've earned another funny, bullwinkle. Relying on Huffpost lately?
I know, old friend. You think it can't happen here. I hope you are right, but I think you are ignoring history, one from not that long ago. The little by little chipping away....

ps. I've never read real HuffPo, have seen lots of clips and Yep! I like it!
Oh no, you are not as free as someone that grew up in 1956 or so, oh hell no!
How right you are. We are no longer free to drink toxic water or die being thrown around in a smashed car or break our necks on motorcycle accidents. Kids can no longer burn to death in flammable clothing or nibble lead paint. Kids also will not die early from smokestack output and breathe in asbestos. Gee, those were the good old days!
They piss and moan about Trump keeping them free Americans instead of slaves,
Really? Like denying the legislative branch the authority built in by our FF as he refuses to answer summons and subpoenas for both himself and anyone else that can finger him? By appointing a consigliari? That's not keeping Americans free. That's keeping himself and his family free from what you and I would go to jail for, like Manafort and Cohen.

You've earned another funny, bullwinkle. Relying on Huffpost lately?
I know, old friend. You think it can't happen here.

It can, and the Democrats are falling all over themselves trying to make it so.
Oh no, you are not as free as someone that grew up in 1956 or so, oh hell no!
How right you are. We are no longer free to drink toxic water or die being thrown around in a smashed car or break our necks on motorcycle accidents. Kids can no longer burn to death in flammable clothing or nibble lead paint. Kids also will not die early from smokestack output and breathe in asbestos. Gee, those were the good old days!
They piss and moan about Trump keeping them free Americans instead of slaves,
Really? Like denying the legislative branch the authority built in by our FF as he refuses to answer summons and subpoenas for both himself and anyone else that can finger him? By appointing a consigliari? That's not keeping Americans free. That's keeping himself and his family free from what you and I would go to jail for, like Manafort and Cohen.

You've earned another funny, bullwinkle. Relying on Huffpost lately?
I know, old friend. You think it can't happen here.

It can, and the Democrats are falling all over themselves trying to make it so.
It can, and the Democrats are falling all over themselves trying to make it so.
It isn't the Democrats that give an applause-filled pass to the guy who decides which laws he will ignore.

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