We Are All ... “Manchurian Candidates”!

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Everyone is by now aware of U.S. created paranoia and the banning & sanctions against China’s Huawei Corporation, ostensibly protecting Americans from never-discovered Chinese “back doors” in commercial 5G equipment. Huawei’s CFO and the daughter of its billionaire Chinese founder is still under house arrest, still wearing a GPS ankle bracelet in her mansion in Canada, awaiting possible deportation to the U.S.A.

Then of course there is Trump’s personal campaign against Chinese subversion of our innocent American teenagers using the TikToc video app. TicToc will be forcibly sold to Microsoft, with Uncle Sam reportedly taking an — unprecedented — cut of the sales price. While China cries “outright theft!” in this case, American teenagers have yet to be heard from.

Greta Thunberg is a foreigner and probably already too old to lead such a rebellion. To heck with that sleepy-looking Viking lass, afraid even to fly in airplanes. Surely what is needed is a bouncy teenage All American cheerleader type, maybe with a suave looking computer hacker boyfriend, to lead the rebellion.

But what really upsets me the most is the new campaign centering on the Chinese genomics giant, BGI, which first decoded the Covid-19 DNA sequence. Not only did they tell the world about it back in January, but they donate their rapid testing equipment and DNA sequencing machines throughout the world — the better to dominate this new high-tech industry. But there’s the rub. They are gathering information on our personal bodily fluids! They are even able to detect which of us is paranoid or depressed and create bio-weapons to make us more depressed and paranoid! That is definitely going too far!

SYDNEY (Reuters) - As countries scramble to test for the novel coronavirus, a Chinese company has become a go-to name around the world.

BGI Group, described in one 2015 study as “Goliath” in the fast-growing field of genomics research, is using an opening created by the pandemic to expand its footprint globally. In the past six months, it says it has sold 35 million rapid COVID-19 testing kits to 180 countries and built 58 labs in 18 countries. Some of the equipment has been donated by BGI’s philanthropic arm, promoted by China’s embassies in an extension of China’s virus diplomacy.

But as well as test kits, the company is distributing gene-sequencing technology that U.S. security officials say could threaten national security. This is a sensitive area globally. Sequencers are used to analyse genetic material, and can unlock powerful personal information...

Some U.S. officials warn of a dual risk to national security from BGI: Sensitive genetic information about U.S. citizens may fall into foreign hands ... Earlier this year, the U.S. National Counterintelligence and Security Center published practical tips for health services to avoid “potential threats posed by foreign powers” in connection with COVID-19 tests.... Sharing data is essential for medical research. But in the case of genetic data, officials and scientists say the risks are that it could be weaponized.

Individuals can be identified by a portion of their DNA, and some researchers have found genetic links with behaviours such as depressive disorder. A hostile actor could use such data to target individuals for surveillance, extortion or manipulation, according to a comprehensive report prepared for the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence...

Knowledge of the genetic makeup of national decision-makers or the military, and their propensity to act in certain ways, could be used by adversarial intelligence agencies as a mechanism of influence, said the report, “Safeguarding the Bioeconomy” ...

Special Report: COVID opens new doors for China's gene giant

Well, I think our Democrats ought to get right on this new Communist threat before it is too late. It’s bad enough the Russians are colluding with Trump. We sure can’t allow the Chinese to uncover any secret psychological / genetic weaknesses Trump may have, or manipulate any ”Manchurian Candidates” among his advisors!

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