We Are All Cherokees Now

Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?
Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?
You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

It must have or she wouldn't have done it nor would she have touted the fact.

NOW, let me ask YOU a question. Let's say someone whose great-grandfather had a white father and a black mother and that great grandfather married a white girl that produced a white woman that became her grandmother that gave birth to son that became her father that married a white woman that became her mom...now, could or should that girl that had a half black great-grandfather be allowed to claim that she is African American???? Yes or no?????

So how did that check mark, which has been proven to be accurate, change her career? Your hypothetical person could certainly claim mixed heritage, but not 100% African American or 100% Caucasian. Are you trying to say Warren claimed to be 100% American Indian? When do you think she did that?
Oh, sure, 1024th equals Native American. Yeah, thanks for playing. Even Alaskan Natives don't recognize that miniscule particle as legitimate. Any one of us could apparently claim that much affinity. Spare me. The bitch is a lying sack of shit who pretends so she can cash in on her "heritage". Are really so stupid?

Dumb right winger. You ignore the higher end of the window.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?
One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

That's the whole point. Harvard and Penn listed her as a "person of color" and a "native american" in their official faculty directories. "Diversity" is something that is highly valued in the Ivy League and they are willing to pay for.

If she was just bragging about being a Squaw as a conversation starter or to meet guys interested in Indian babes, that wouldn't have been as big a deal. But it looks like she was doing it for pecuniary gain.

I simply cannot imagine what she hoped to gain from this....surely she knows that she would need crossover voting to make any kind of successful bid for the white house. Who the hell are her advisers...they sent her straight off a short bridge to hell....they must be working for the other potentials...LOL.
Shes locked up the fake Indian vote

I mean other than that...what the hell was she even thinking? She got a black eye out of this once before but I guess because she won her Senate Seat she figured that the rest of the nation was a crazy as MOONBATACHUSETTS. Man...did she ever get stomped this time.


The exact same crazy right wingers are ranting a little louder. Big deal. They were already nuts.

Yes..... However it is much larger this time.
It's a silly Issue to begin with and not worth lying over. However there might be something to hide in the Harvard Records.
See this DNA test just doesn't make any sense without some connecting issue.
It's not the almost lie of .098% .... It's the probable lie of using a false identity for 9 years.


Warren is a joke in search of a punchline that needed some excuse to attempt to separate herself from the white Anglo-Saxon, European bloodline so she could claim to be just as "oppressed" and could relate to minorities whose good will she coveted. Reminds me of the Hildebeast doing her "black voice " I ain't no ways tired". What a phony...just like Warren.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

It must have or she wouldn't have done it nor would she have touted the fact.

NOW, let me ask YOU a question. Let's say someone whose great-grandfather had a white father and a black mother and that great grandfather married a white girl that produced a white woman that became her grandmother that gave birth to son that became her father that married a white woman that became her mom...now, could or should that girl that had a half black great-grandfather be allowed to claim that she is African American???? Yes or no?????

And the Left listens to this crap, and votes for it! Let us count-------->

1. Warren...…...I am an Indian too!

2. I am Spartacus!

3. Hillary------> I am for women!

4. Pelosi------> it is just crumbs!

5. Feinstein----------> I didn't leak!

6. Obama----------> If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

7. Hillary---------> We should deport illegals...…..oh wait, that was last cycle, now let them all in.

8. all Democrats--------->raise your hands, don't shoot!

9. Al Franken------> I am a protector of women!

10. Bill Clinton-------> I did NOT have sex with that woman!


Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?

There's no doubt that she's an educated woman ....
But until we see the actual hiring records and the processes that we're used to place her into that position we will not know whether or not have it made the decision based on her qualifications or if they used
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?

Her heritage claims are indistinguishable from the genealogical descent of 300 million other Americans in North America. To make matters worse she was not even raised with any exposure to Indian culture or lifestyle...most likely her attachment to such in fond memories are part of family urban legend that apparently was not all that well established except for some vague remembrances passed on to her at Story time or around the holiday table.

I'm not calling her a liar....what I am saying is that the Indian Nation has every right to deny her that day dream and they have every right to be outraged by
her pretense of being anything more than the average genetic product of normal human reproduction and population expansion.

We are all children of EVE.....now wait a minute...before you get all anti religious on me...EVE is the name genealogists give to a very distant ancestor of nearly 90 percent of humans alive today.....it's not the Bible EVE I'm talking about.....If we started calling ourselves EVIANS because of it...what would we hope to gain for distinction?

The reason why this mole hill has become a mountain is not because of right wind antipathy or even left wing lunacy....it is simply because she wasn't smart enough to leave it alone.

Even a spoonful of bullshit can stink up the whole barn if you fan it enough...she has handed her opponents a sledge hammer that should have been nothing more than a pom pom. There will be a sea of 1024 signs at every rally she holds now.

I'm not saying its fair...but I will say that it was totally unnecessary.

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Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
The question is "who was the most qualified." Obviously not her.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Apparently she didn't think she was qualified sufficiently for the position without hedging her bets and lying in order to gain an AA preferential advantage.
Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Apparently she didn't think she was qualified sufficiently for the position without hedging her bets and lying in order to gain an AA preferential advantage.
There are 10,000 applicants for every opening at Harvard. Her chances of getting hired there were indistinguishable from zero until she claimed to be an Indian.
SShe didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Apparently she didn't think she was qualified sufficiently for the position without hedging her bets and lying in order to gain an AA preferential advantage.
There are 10,000 applicants for every opening at Harvard. Her chances of getting hired there were indistinguishable from zero until she claimed to be an Indian.

Pretty clever when you consider that nearly every other ethnicity was probably spoken for. Think she had some inside help?

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Apparently she didn't think she was qualified sufficiently for the position without hedging her bets and lying in order to gain an AA preferential advantage.
There are 10,000 applicants for every opening at Harvard. Her chances of getting hired there were indistinguishable from zero until she claimed to be an Indian.

Pretty clever when you consider that nearly every other ethnicity was probably spoken for. Think she had some inside help?

My understanding is that at the time she was hired, the staff of the law school was 100% white.

It was still 100% white the day after she was hired.

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Apparently she didn't think she was qualified sufficiently for the position without hedging her bets and lying in order to gain an AA preferential advantage.
There are 10,000 applicants for every opening at Harvard. Her chances of getting hired there were indistinguishable from zero until she claimed to be an Indian.

Pretty clever when you consider that nearly every other ethnicity was probably spoken for. Think she had some inside help?

My understanding is that at the time she was hired, the staff of the law school was 100% white.

It was still 100% white the day after she was hired.

LOL.......hahahahaha....good one.

Did Warren curry favor by accurately filling out a questionnaire? If you can show that any success she achieved was not due to her superior skills and hard work, but was instead the result of her accurately putting a check in that box, you might have something. Can you do that?
You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

It must have or she wouldn't have done it nor would she have touted the fact.

NOW, let me ask YOU a question. Let's say someone whose great-grandfather had a white father and a black mother and that great grandfather married a white girl that produced a white woman that became her grandmother that gave birth to son that became her father that married a white woman that became her mom...now, could or should that girl that had a half black great-grandfather be allowed to claim that she is African American???? Yes or no?????

So how did that check mark, which has been proven to be accurate, change her career? Your hypothetical person could certainly claim mixed heritage, but not 100% African American or 100% Caucasian. Are you trying to say Warren claimed to be 100% American Indian? When do you think she did that?
Oh, sure, 1024th equals Native American. Yeah, thanks for playing. Even Alaskan Natives don't recognize that miniscule particle as legitimate. Any one of us could apparently claim that much affinity. Spare me. The bitch is a lying sack of shit who pretends so she can cash in on her "heritage". Are really so stupid?
Yep, 1/1024 is not American Indian in any way...
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?
Only a fucking moron would consider 1/1024 American Indian, The Cherokee nation told the fucking bitch to pound sand
Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?

There's no doubt that she's an educated woman ....
But until we see the actual hiring records and the processes that we're used to place her into that position we will not know whether or not have it made the decision based on her qualifications or if they used
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?

Her heritage claims are indistinguishable from the genealogical descent of 300 million other Americans in North America. To make matters worse she was not even raised with any exposure to Indian culture or lifestyle...most likely her attachment to such in fond memories are part of family urban legend that apparently was not all that well established except for some vague remembrances passed on to her at Story time or around the holiday table.

I'm not calling her a liar....what I am saying is that the Indian Nation has every right to deny her that day dream and they have every right to be outraged by
her pretense of being anything more than the average genetic product of normal human reproduction and population expansion.

We are all children of EVE.....now wait a minute...before you get all anti religious on me...EVE is the name genealogists give to a very distant ancestor of nearly 90 percent of humans alive today.....it's not the Bible EVE I'm talking about.....If we started calling ourselves EVIANS because of it...what would we hope to gain for distinction?

The reason why this mole hill has become a mountain is not because of right wind antipathy or even left wing lunacy....it is simply because she wasn't smart enough to leave it alone.

Even a spoonful of bullshit can stink up the whole barn if you fan it enough...she has handed her opponents a sledge hammer that should have been nothing more than a pom pom. There will be a sea of 1024 signs at every rally she holds now.

I'm not saying its fair...but I will say that it was totally unnecessary.

Yep, in no way is 1/1024 is American Indian... If it was the case pretty much every Caucasian in America, is American Indian.
"I have a dream that my two little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the content of their character, but by the content of their DNA. -- Fauxcahontus.
You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

It must have or she wouldn't have done it nor would she have touted the fact.

NOW, let me ask YOU a question. Let's say someone whose great-grandfather had a white father and a black mother and that great grandfather married a white girl that produced a white woman that became her grandmother that gave birth to son that became her father that married a white woman that became her mom...now, could or should that girl that had a half black great-grandfather be allowed to claim that she is African American???? Yes or no?????

So how did that check mark, which has been proven to be accurate, change her career? Your hypothetical person could certainly claim mixed heritage, but not 100% African American or 100% Caucasian. Are you trying to say Warren claimed to be 100% American Indian? When do you think she did that?
Oh, sure, 1024th equals Native American. Yeah, thanks for playing. Even Alaskan Natives don't recognize that miniscule particle as legitimate. Any one of us could apparently claim that much affinity. Spare me. The bitch is a lying sack of shit who pretends so she can cash in on her "heritage". Are really so stupid?
Yep, 1/1024 is not American Indian in any way...

Yeah frankly neither is .015 or 1.5%.

Let's go with the higher end of the test results......( like it can be trusted anyway).... She doesn't make it into most tribes. The bureau of Indian affairs demands at least 1/4 blood quantum. Those tribes that don't do blood quantum at all at least want to know that you grew up with Indians.....so she's pretty much shit out of luck here.

On the Boston Talk show circuit this morning somebody offered up a story from an unnamed source that said somebody had snatched a drinking cup or something from a restaurant and was threatening to make the DNA test results public.


Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Apparently she didn't think she was qualified sufficiently for the position without hedging her bets and lying in order to gain an AA preferential advantage.
There are 10,000 applicants for every opening at Harvard. Her chances of getting hired there were indistinguishable from zero until she claimed to be an Indian.

Pretty clever when you consider that nearly every other ethnicity was probably spoken for. Think she had some inside help?

My understanding is that at the time she was hired, the staff of the law school was 100% white.

It was still 100% white the day after she was hired.

OMG...the picture of Ford in your Signature reminds me of a dried up old Barfly.
"I have a dream that my two little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the content of their character, but by the content of their DNA. -- Fauxcahontus.

Bwahahahahahaha....heh heh heh....ahem....ahhhhahahahahahah!


Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

Don't be silly. You think she wasn't qualified?
Apparently she didn't think she was qualified sufficiently for the position without hedging her bets and lying in order to gain an AA preferential advantage.
You know who uses AA more than anyone else? White women....and she marked "C" for caucasian as well as NA.

But I AM enjoying the tiny trumpanzee obsession with her.

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