Watching the Sunday shows today is shaking my thoughts of leaning Cruz

There has been a lot of talk on here lately about underhanded tactics by Cruz's campaign staff. To this point I just chalked it up to typical election shenanigans and even laughed at some of you for getting so wound up about it.
But today on some of the Sunday shows I heard that it's not only happening but the veracity of it is growing. From questionable robocalls to yet another incident of his staffers implying that someone (Rubio) may be leaving the race.

Up till now I just wrote it off and figured that Cruz would tamp down on his staff. But it continues which leaves me wondering how accountable a Cruz Whitehouse would be. I expect campaigns to be rough & even a bit dirty at times but a pattern is beginning to develop here.

This election cycle is difficult for me to pin down.

Looks like your choice will be Hillary or one of the Clinton's larger campaign contributors.

The GOP isn't called the "party of stupid" for nothing.
Is Clinton going to reimburse Trump for all the lost assets and revenue?

Hillary will hate Trump after he is through with her.

Yeah. Uh-huh. Electing a major Hillary campaign donor is a surefire way to get her investigated and prosecuted. You brilliant fiends, you!

Your logic is not like our Earth logic.
He said he would investigate and prosecute her, but I could care less if he actually does.

He says a lot of shit. The question so few of his followers have the grey matter to ask is, why should we BELIEVE him?

Do you believe everything you're told?
Honestly, he will probably be assassinated if he doesn't at least try to do some of his bigger things done.
:lalala: Trump, Trump, Trump! Thinking is for losers! Trump, Trump, Trump! :lalala:

And that is the extent of it for them...


I spend my time "just imagining" things that are likely to happen . . . such as these shallow puswads someday confronting the reality of whichever idiot they worshiped. I have started a file of their Trump paeans and Hillary/Sanders rhapsodies. I may not be able to stop stupidity from forcing yet another disastrous presidency on us, but I sure as hell can marry them to their culpability for it. You know, just in case they decide a year down the road to "forget" in whose butt they so firmly had their noses planted.
Most Trump supporters are voting for him to change the Republican Party and change politics. It doesn't matter what he does in office.

Actually, I've never heard any Trump supporter claim they don't care what he does in office. To the contrary, they're all convinced he's going to do whatever pet project of theirs that they've projected onto his vague, meaningless "GREAT!" rhetoric.

Anyone who would actually vote for a candidate with no interest in or concern for what they'll do in office should do the entire nation a favor and keep their mouthbreathing ass home on Election Day.
This is all about destroying the political system. Trump can't do anything to further that goal as president.

Perhaps that's all it's about to you. SOME people can plan farther than tomorrow, and don't consider "Smash it all in our tantrum!" to be a sufficient plan for the future.

If all you want is to pitch a hissy fit, may the adults in the audience respectfully request that you find a different venue than the Presidential election in which to do it? The time-out chair in the corner, for example.
And that is the extent of it for them...


I spend my time "just imagining" things that are likely to happen . . . such as these shallow puswads someday confronting the reality of whichever idiot they worshiped. I have started a file of their Trump paeans and Hillary/Sanders rhapsodies. I may not be able to stop stupidity from forcing yet another disastrous presidency on us, but I sure as hell can marry them to their culpability for it. You know, just in case they decide a year down the road to "forget" in whose butt they so firmly had their noses planted.
Most Trump supporters are voting for him to change the Republican Party and change politics. It doesn't matter what he does in office.

Actually, I've never heard any Trump supporter claim they don't care what he does in office. To the contrary, they're all convinced he's going to do whatever pet project of theirs that they've projected onto his vague, meaningless "GREAT!" rhetoric.

Anyone who would actually vote for a candidate with no interest in or concern for what they'll do in office should do the entire nation a favor and keep their mouthbreathing ass home on Election Day.
This is all about destroying the political system. Trump can't do anything to further that goal as president.

Perhaps that's all it's about to you. SOME people can plan farther than tomorrow, and don't consider "Smash it all in our tantrum!" to be a sufficient plan for the future.

If all you want is to pitch a hissy fit, may the adults in the audience respectfully request that you find a different venue than the Presidential election in which to do it? The time-out chair in the corner, for example.

Which "bigger things"? The ones he espouses today, or the diametrically-opposed ones he espoused yesterday? Or maybe the completely different ones he'll espouse next month?
He says a lot of shit. The question so few of his followers have the grey matter to ask is, why should we BELIEVE him?

Because he's paying for his own campaign! He's not the kind of guy who accepts bribes so that someone else can have their personal interests be made into a bigger priority than the good of the country. He's only the kind of guy who gives bribes so that his own personal interests can be made into a bigger priority than the good of the country.
He says a lot of shit. The question so few of his followers have the grey matter to ask is, why should we BELIEVE him?

Because he's paying for his own campaign! He's not the kind of guy who accepts bribes so that someone else can have their personal interests be made into a bigger priority than the good of the country. He's only the kind of guy who gives bribes so that his own personal interests can be made into a bigger priority than the good of the country.

Um, yeah. Ooooookay.

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