Watching the G7 Summit, one reality is quite clear to me...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
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Trump promised the working class and business owners that he would deal with the China problems. In spite of getting no help from those idiots in congress and other world leaders he's fighting for us.
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, his enter into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, his enter into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
They, like you, are cowards.
How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
That their economies are far more susceptible to recession, because of the bureaucratic bloat of their welfare state ways of life, is their problem....And make no mistake about this assessment, Greece is the canary in the coal mine that they refuse to acknowledge.

Murica has propped up the intellectually decadent and morally bankrupt Euroweenie vassal state for far too long....Fuck 'em.
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, his enter into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:

So you think America is responsible for this?

Ask the former East German putz Merkel to spend and stop with the decade long austerity measures. You see, they all like to blame America, a nation that still racks on massive debt and has a far higher consumption rate. As they all horde their cash and tell America to foot the bill for EVERYTHING, from Paris Accord to their own defense.

Germany, France, England and everyone else can spend and consume American (and Canadian) made products for a decade, then they can complain. It's a joke. Is there a sign on America that says "exploit me, I'm American?"

You may not appreciate this, but I do. We NEED a strong America. Period. You're the buffer, the last stop on the train line.
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...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, his enter into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:

Your disdain for the American working class and business owners is well documented here.
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
Trump promised the working class and business owners that he would deal with the China problems. In spite of getting no help from those idiots in congress and other world leaders he's fighting for us.
Do you think he is effectively fighting for us? Cause so far I see him leveraging our economy at the expense of our businesses and consumers. It’s a gamble and a strong arm tactic that China doesn’t seem to be responding to. How long are you willing to fund this gamble of his?
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
That their economies are far more susceptible to recession, because of the bureaucratic bloat of their welfare state ways of life, is their problem....And make no mistake about this assessment, Greece is the canary in the coal mine that they refuse to acknowledge.

Murica has propped up the intellectually decadent and morally bankrupt Euroweenie vassal state for far too long....Fuck 'em.

They are no more susceptible to recession than we are. We are all tied together.
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, his enter into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:

So you think America is responsible for this?

Ask the former East German putz Merkel to spend and stop with the decade long austerity measures. You see, they all like to blame America, a nation that still racks of massive debt and has a far higher consumption rate. As they all horde their case and tell America to foot the bill for EVERYTHING, from Paris Accord to their own defense.

Germany, France, England and everyone else can spend and consume American (and Canadian) made products for a decade, then they can complain. It's a joke. Is there a sign on America that says "exploit me, I'm American?"

You may not appreciate this, but I do. We NEED a strong America. Period. You're the buffer, the last stop on the train line.

The problem is that what Trump is doing is makings us weaker, not stronger
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, his enter into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
All of this for trying to get the to pay a little more.
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Trump promised the working class and business owners that he would deal with the China problems. In spite of getting no help from those idiots in congress and other world leaders he's fighting for us.
Do you think he is effectively fighting for us? Cause so far I see him leveraging our economy at the expense of our businesses and consumers. It’s a gamble and a strong arm tactic that China doesn’t seem to be responding to. How long are you willing to fund this gamble of his?
You do know the answer to that, right?
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, his enter into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

How dare those other leaders try and get Trump to stop driving the globe into a global recession...what are they thinking! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:

So you think America is responsible for this?

Ask the former East German putz Merkel to spend and stop with the decade long austerity measures. You see, they all like to blame America, a nation that still racks of massive debt and has a far higher consumption rate. As they all horde their case and tell America to foot the bill for EVERYTHING, from Paris Accord to their own defense.

Germany, France, England and everyone else can spend and consume American (and Canadian) made products for a decade, then they can complain. It's a joke. Is there a sign on America that says "exploit me, I'm American?"

You may not appreciate this, but I do. We NEED a strong America. Period. You're the buffer, the last stop on the train line.

The problem is that what Trump is doing is makings us weaker, not stronger
So what's YOUR solution to China stealing everything the US creates?
Send 'Stolen Valor' John Chamberlain Kerry to China to 'negotiate with them? The fucking moron would be lucky to get back on a private plane to the US with his fucking shorts on!!!!!!!
AND you know it!
There are 100K Chinese students attending the most elite universities specializing in the 'hard' sciences right now. How many do you think are going to stay in the US and 'blend in'?
How many are headed straight back to China to tell the Chinese government everything they have learned about US scientific advances???????????
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.

Trump is the lone ballsy man in an otherwise balless world, where the Globalists and Leftists all attack him for daring to stand out in the crowd and not conform to Leftist convention.
So what's YOUR solution to China stealing everything the US creates?
Send 'Stolen Valor' John Chamberlain Kerry to China to 'negotiate with them? The fucking moron would be lucky to get back on a private plane to the US with his fucking shorts on!!!!!!!
AND you know it!
There are 100K Chinese students attending the most elite universities specializing in the 'hard' sciences right now. How many do you think are going to stay in the US and 'blend in'?
How many are headed straight back to China to tell the Chinese government everything they have learned about US scientific advances???????????

So, what is your plan? Should we kick them all out of the country?

What has Trump done about the 100K Chinese students attending the most elite universities? How does the escalation of tariffs help that problem?

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