Watching SpaceX Reminds Me of the 60’s Space Program

Uh, no. NASA could not get a man in space now if it had to.
They, of course, could, given the resources and time. As we watched them do for 50 years.
Nope. NASA for the first time ever can’t get a man into space.
But, of course, they could, given the resources. That was a tactical choice. And the correct one, IMO.
Says the guy who lives in Indi-fucking-anna.. Go over to Gary and get a sweetater pie.
Uh, no. NASA could not get a man in space now if it had to.
They, of course, could, given the resources and time. As we watched them do for 50 years.
Nope. NASA for the first time ever can’t get a man into space.
But, of course, they could, given the resources. That was a tactical choice. And the correct one, IMO.
Of course you like the idea of being totally dependent upon the Soviet Union.
Of course you like the idea of being totally dependent upon the Soviet Union.
And, of course, you insulate your defective brain from thinking by soothing yourself with wingnut fantasies. This is to be expected.
You’re the one desiring to be dependent upon the USSR.
No, I am cool with paying SpaceX to do it. You know, the exact fact you have been whining about the entire thread, until you suddenly aren't. Dude, do you have some sort of memory issues? What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
Of course you like the idea of being totally dependent upon the Soviet Union.
And, of course, you insulate your defective brain from thinking by soothing yourself with wingnut fantasies. This is to be expected.
You’re the one desiring to be dependent upon the USSR.
No, I am cool with paying SpaceX to do it. You know, the exact fact you have been whining about the entire thread, until you suddenly aren't. Dude, do you have some sort of memory issues? What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
SpaceX only did it because NASA can’t.
Of course you like the idea of being totally dependent upon the Soviet Union.
And, of course, you insulate your defective brain from thinking by soothing yourself with wingnut fantasies. This is to be expected.
You’re the one desiring to be dependent upon the USSR.
No, I am cool with paying SpaceX to do it. You know, the exact fact you have been whining about the entire thread, until you suddenly aren't. Dude, do you have some sort of memory issues? What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
SpaceX only did it because NASA can’t.
Wrong again. SpaceX started its program in 2002, while the last shuttle launch was 2011.

So, when will the Russians be returning Mars samples for study? When does their cutting edge telescope go into orbit?
The big difference is SpaceX isn't controlled by a bloated government bureaucracy like NASA.
No. The price difference comes from the companies the contract. SpaceX is cheaper than Boeing. That's not NASA's fault.
Boeing is more expensive because its been intertwined with the Fed for decades. Government involvement is never cheap.
The big difference is SpaceX isn't controlled by a bloated government bureaucracy like NASA.
No. The price difference comes from the companies the contract. SpaceX is cheaper than Boeing. That's not NASA's fault.
Boeing is more expensive because its been intertwined with the Fed for decades. Government involvement is never cheap.
Nah, that's just boilerplate meme stuff. And I am not sure who you think is going to be paying SpaceX for shuttling astronauts to space stations. Spoiler: it will be the government.
Unlike NASA, who must rely upon Russia, SpaceX can get humans into space
So, you meant operational in just that specific capacity. Gotcha.

NASA, of course, given the resources, could do that as well. As we know from 50 years of watching them do it.

When is SpaceX returning samples from Mars? You know, knowledge we don't already have.
NASA charged Space X and Boeing to build to low earth orbit space capsules to specs. The expected costs to lift an astronaut into space for Space X is about 65 million dollars. The cost for Boeing will be about 95 million dollars. If NASA ordered these craft in parts and built them with heavy overseeing to specs it would cost at least a few times more to send an astronaut to low earth orbit. To much political interference, corruption and pork and quotas and PC and more. Obama was not a space flight lover. So he saved money by not letting NASA build the craft themselves even though he is a statist. As it is, the Orion space capsule and the SLS will be very expensive to launch. They are NASA controlled and built with heavy oversight from big aerospace companies.
Space-X is like NASA in the early '60s. Can only get to low-earth-orbit.

Mankind hasn't left LEO for 70 years. That is the most tragic thing about the space program.

We once swam the channel, now we only paddle around in our wading pool.
Still the same cutting edge nail biting excitement. Congrats to SpaceX on today’s successful test of the escape systems.

I had kind of hoped that 50 years on, we would have advanced in ways to get us off this rock, not regressed back to the 60's. From Kitty Hawk to WW2 Germany's jet aircraft, it was approximately 43 years. Beyond the fact that we now have computers, our only way, remains strapping a capsule on the top of a huge fuel tank.
Scientists and engineers doing science and testing it!!!! What a concept...

Whatever happened to NASA?

Trump got rid of the dickhead chairman Obama brought in who wanted to send a manned mission to Mars to find evidence for alien history and microbial aliens. There are no aliens. Before that was colonizing Mars, but this was too far ahead. It's part of draining the swamp.

He replaced him with a guy who will focus on getting us back to the moon such as orbiting it in a space station. This is what we are doing now to get us to the moon and explore its poles -- Ice Confirmed at the Moon’s Poles.
Look at the other big dumb stuff Obama was trying to do. He wanted for us to go to an asteroid and explore it. Uh huh. It was to test blowing it up with nukes. We can't have them hitting us Earthlings in the head.
Still the same cutting edge nail biting excitement. Congrats to SpaceX on today’s successful test of the escape systems.

I had kind of hoped that 50 years on, we would have advanced in ways to get us off this rock, not regressed back to the 60's. From Kitty Hawk to WW2 Germany's jet aircraft, it was approximately 43 years. Beyond the fact that we now have computers, our only way, remains strapping a capsule on the top of a huge fuel tank.

Correct. We have found other ways to get things into orbit, but the acceleration forces would turn humans into a puddle and turn most electronics into a ball of foil.

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