Watch male feminist roundhouse kicks pro life woman in the head of ridiculous reason


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WATCH: Male Feminist Roundhouse Kicks Pro-Life Woman In Head For Ridiculous Reason
The scene starts off with a male in a purple sweatshirt standing near a woman blue-dyed hair and matching sunglasses. She’s holding up a pro-choice sign and saying a few things, nothing truly relevant to what’s about to happen next.


These are your Trump haters, These are your ANTIFA's, these are the very same type of douche bags even on here everyone knows who they are and can tell how they would do the same type of things to a person. They are slefish they are sutpid, they know nothing only what their parroting msm tells them.

Even stupid fks who think the FBI havent investigated Kavanaugh six times already. THese idiots are way , way gone mentally.

They will beat the crap out of women, spit on them, throw eggs at them because they are such big men .. The women aren't any better they're just as bad.
We need to begin holding politicians like Waters accountable for this kind of behavior on the part of the enraged left until this shit stops...
The most telegraphed roundhouse I've ever seen. I don't now how even an untrained person wouldn't catch it.
And these are the right wingers who are just as bad.
Four men have been arrested for inciting riot in Charlottesville last year and at other gatherings around the country. They are part of a bad news group called the Rise Above Movement--RAM--an anti-semitic group which exists to start violence against the left. They're not the only group that does, but at least a few of them are being held responsible for their actions. It's not just ANTIFA that goes to these things ready to rumble, folks. People who are following these dudes have seen them in Trump rally crowds, too


"This is a group that essentially subscribes to an anti-Semitic, racist ideology, and then organizes, trains, and deploys to various political rallies, not only to espouse this particular ideology but also to engage in acts of violence against folks who are taking a contrary point of view," U.S. Attorney Thomas Cullen said at a news conference in Charlottesville held to announce the charges...
Prosecutor David Ryan argued against bail for Miselis, saying agents found smoke bombs, flares, and thousands of rounds of ammunition, mostly for assault weapons, in his home, where he had a wall hanging that said "88," a common abbreviation for "Heil Hitler."

He said Miselis, Daley and other members of their group also traveled to Germany and the Ukraine earlier this year and met with members of well-known violent white supremacy groups.

4 members of white supremacist group arrested over violent 2017 Charlottesville rally
WATCH: Male Feminist Roundhouse Kicks Pro-Life Woman In Head For Ridiculous Reason
The scene starts off with a male in a purple sweatshirt standing near a woman blue-dyed hair and matching sunglasses. She’s holding up a pro-choice sign and saying a few things, nothing truly relevant to what’s about to happen next.


These are your Trump haters, These are your ANTIFA's, these are the very same type of douche bags even on here everyone knows who they are and can tell how they would do the same type of things to a person. They are slefish they are sutpid, they know nothing only what their parroting msm tells them.

Even stupid fks who think the FBI havent investigated Kavanaugh six times already. THese idiots are way , way gone mentally.

They will beat the crap out of women, spit on them, throw eggs at them because they are such big men .. The women aren't any better they're just as bad.

Weak ass prolifer
WATCH: Male Feminist Roundhouse Kicks Pro-Life Woman In Head For Ridiculous Reason
The scene starts off with a male in a purple sweatshirt standing near a woman blue-dyed hair and matching sunglasses. She’s holding up a pro-choice sign and saying a few things, nothing truly relevant to what’s about to happen next.


These are your Trump haters, These are your ANTIFA's, these are the very same type of douche bags even on here everyone knows who they are and can tell how they would do the same type of things to a person. They are slefish they are sutpid, they know nothing only what their parroting msm tells them.

Even stupid fks who think the FBI havent investigated Kavanaugh six times already. THese idiots are way , way gone mentally.

They will beat the crap out of women, spit on them, throw eggs at them because they are such big men .. The women aren't any better they're just as bad.

Weak ass prolifer

I’ve been doing MMA for several years. I’d be happy to roundkick you and see how weak you are, keyboard warrior

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