Washington Post


Aug 6, 2004
Lewistown, PA
My apologies to the Washington Post. Since Michael Dobbs disappointing piece on Wednesday, the Post (including Dobbs) have been doing their job.
Alone among the Big Media, the WashPo nailed the lying Joseph Wilson, while the NY Times, Dan Rather etc. didn't say a word. The Post is a liberal newspaper, I'm under no illusions about that, but they clearly have decent people on their staff. In my opinion, it has replaced the utterly discredited NY Times as the nation's most prestigious newspaper.
Tomorrow's edition will nail another Kerry lie. The Post confirms that the damage listed for Kerry's boat actually occurred the day before Kerry pulled Jim Rassman out of the water!
No "Brit" I know, conservative or otherwise, cheers the Chimp-in-Chief quite like you. Are you a native Briton, transplanted? Where from?
I've been over here since April '99. I'm actually from Wales (even less conservative there!). I'm not crazy about Bush. He's not conservative enough! But I cannot stand the Democrat Party and their media lackeys.
I've been over here for five years and I still can't come to terms with the sheer scale of liberal media bias. It still takes my breath away.
Huh. Relatives of mine took me to a meadow picnic at Castle Skenfrith, on the Wales/England border. They were amused that I was such a "Thatcherite" when I described my politics. These days I'm in the Buchanan Brigade. Only, he's not running for anything, so I just skulk around.
britinusa said:
My apologies to the Washington Post. The Post confirms that the damage listed for Kerry's boat actually occurred the day before Kerry pulled Jim Rassman out of the water!

Hmmm - you sure that they didn't have to do some maintenance on kerry's boat as a result of an engine overspeed on the day he pulled Rassman out of the water?

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