Washington neurological emergency-things are back to normal.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
We are in the midst of a national neurological disaster that is not just dangerous, it could be fatal to the continuation of the United States as we have always known it. No one is suggesting that members of congress should be required to take an IQ test, but after the behavior of elected representatives like Maxine Waters, that might not be a bad idea. Waters Uttered this in 2018: "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere."

In other words, if someone thinks differently than you and you spot them, you should immediately incite a crowd to attack them! President Trump commented that Waters likely has a low IQ and instead of generating public discussion on the growing low intelligence of elected members of Congress, Trump was impugned for even broaching the subject. Based on the devastating lack of public respect for Washington in the minds of average people, it is not surprising that normal intelligence among US Congressmen and Senators is not just like looking for a needle in a haystack, one would probably have difficulty finding the haystack.

Oddly, the American people witnessed Hillary Clinton failing an IQ test in 2016 when she could not figure out how to get on a subway. When a famous elected representative of a large country cannot operate a simple device that is child’s play for homeless people that should have raised eyebrows. Instead, Clinton nearly became the first female President of the United States.

America dodged a bullet on that one, and Donald Trump who almost certainly has an above average IQ took office. He quickly exposed the Washington sellout of America and was removed by a desperate fraudulent national election that was little more than an obedient genuflection to the People’s Republic of China, the main recipient of the sellout.

Now things are back to neurological normal in Washington and Joe Biden, whose IQ registers as little more than a pulse on the Bell Curve wanders the grounds of 1600 Pennsylvania accompanied by caretakers so he won’t get lost. Those doomsday preppers are starting to make sense now and digging a hole with a piece of plywood over it might just be the way to go.

Rep. Waters calls for harassing admin officials in public, Trump calls her 'low IQ'

Watch Hillary Clinton Struggle to Get on the New York City Subway

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43 views and not one comment. Yes, it is satire and somewhat tongue-in-cheek. The op is either 1) so good that no one can argue with it or 2) over the heads of those who viewed it. I'm going with number one. :smoke:

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