Washington Free Beacon Funded Fusion GPS

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The rats are starting to scatter.

Go get them, Trump. Kick their ass.

They testified to House intel committee they funded the original. Didn't find shit and then the rats started paying for it.

So it looks like there wasn't a particular Republican donor. They started the investigation on all candidates.

Libtards have now lost their only defense of Fusion GPS.

Melted snowflakes everywhere.
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The rats are starting to scatter.

Go get them Trump. Kick their ass.
So a Conservative publication funded research on Trump? I see. I predict that interest in this new bombshell will be very low among Trump supporters here.

The OP is hilarious. His reaction to the expose against a conservative newspaper was to declare it bad news for democrats. :stupid:
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No matter who started it. Democrats took it and paid to have the dossier phonied up and given to the media.
If democrats had started it, you would have said that the most important thing is so started it.
You made up the "phonied up" part, by the way.
No matter who started it. Democrats took it and paid to have the dossier phonied up and given to the media.
If democrats had started it, you would have said that the most important thing is so started it.
You made up the "phonied up" part, by the way.
No it was phonied up. The only question is, who told Christopher Steele to phony it up. If any part of it was true, certainly a 11 month investigation would have found it by now.
Washington Free Beacon is apparently financed by one of those Neocon, radical Jewish individuals who mysterious accumulated billions of dollars over the years after receiving millions of dollars from "friends" which is code word for synagogue syndication.

Paul Singer (businessman) - Wikipedia
The rats are starting to scatter.

Go get them Trump. Kick their ass.
So a Conservative publication funded research on Trump? I see. I predict that interest in this new bombshell will be very low among Trump supporters here.

The OP is hilarious. His reaction to the expose against a conservative newspaper was to declare it bad news for democrats. :stupid:

You snowflakes lost your only excuse and now crooked Hillaryous has paid foreign nationals for dirt on Trump.

Well this just got curiouser. It's interesting that Editor-In-Chief Matthew Continetti is married to #neverTrumper Bill Kristol’s daughter.

Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

So they paid for research on several Republicans because they didn't like Trump?

And whover paid for it means nothing compared to it being found to be true on several fronts.

And now that we know that the data company reached out to Wiki leaks who works with Russia it looks like they are being painted into a corner.
^ :p

Stock market up. Unemployment down. GDP up. Consumer confidence soaring. Mexico's unlawful fishing slapped down. Decent judges being appointed at a decent rate. obama's regulations being eliminated by the thousands.

Go Trump GO.
Not really. Sane Republicans knew Trump was going to be a disaster.

"Sane Republicans" ?


The story proves nothing except that there are many types of creatures living in the swamp, both Democrat and Republican. Thank God it is being drained.

As for your fallacious assertion that President Trump is a "disaster", maybe you should look at some real numbers: Record stock market, a steady 3% economic growth (Obama's economic growth was stagnant), the lowest unemployment numbers in 17 years, food stamp usage is decreasing, the horde of invaders coming across the Southern border has been reduced to a trickle, MS-13 gang members are being rounded up and deported, ISIS is being systematically wiped out, and America is stronger and safer that we've ever been. Maybe President Trump is a "disaster" for the Democrats, liberalism, the progressive movement, and globalism, but contrary to what you believe, he's doing a wonderful job.
Washington Free Beacon is apparently financed by one of those Neocon, radical Jewish individuals who mysterious accumulated billions of dollars over the years after receiving millions of dollars from "friends" which is code word for synagogue syndication.

Paul Singer (businessman) - Wikipedia
Paul Singer is the open borders republican billionaire who was Rubio's donor. He was also behind the Access Hollywood tapes.

Paul Singer, Influential Billionaire, Throws Support to Marco Rubio for President
This just gets more and more interesting every day. No wonder there are so many politicians (both sides) that are a pain in the rear. Get all of these fricken idiots out of office.
don't forget: Bill Kristol, one of the biggest Never Trumpers, is father in law of Matthew Continetti, editor in chief of Free Beacon.

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