Was the October 7th Attack on Israel a FALSE FLAG ? Ye be the Judge


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Those of us who care for Justice want to know if the pretext being used by Netanyahu to murder over 40,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 is valid . It is imperative that we investigate the issue since we are supplying Israel the money and materiel to help control gazans. Award Winning Investigative Reporter Max Blumenthal is an Ashkenazi Jew , He concludes that the October 7th, 2023 attack was A FALSE FLAG. Ye be the judge:

Those of us who care for Justice want to know if the pretext being used by Netanyahu to murder over 40,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 is valid . It is imperative that we investigate the issue since we are supplying Israel the money and materiel to help control gazans. Award Winning Investigative Reporter Max Blumenthal is an Ashkenazi Jew , He concludes that the October 7th, 2023 attack was A FALSE FLAG. Ye be the judge:

Reporter Max Blumenthal has testified that the ISRAELI GOVERNMENT ws attacking its own citiznes with tanks
VIDEO @ 1:07
Those of us who care for Justice want to know if the pretext being used by Netanyahu to murder over 40,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 is valid . It is imperative that we investigate the issue since we are supplying Israel the money and materiel to help control gazans. Award Winning Investigative Reporter Max Blumenthal is an Ashkenazi Jew , He concludes that the October 7th, 2023 attack was A FALSE FLAG. Ye be the judge:


Was the October 7th Attack on Israel a FALSE FLAG ?​

NO but... I don't care either way... it worked to rid Gaza of terrorists... we should all applaud this...
But the thought that Israel who has a small population by comparison would allow their people to be slaughtered is ridiculous... stop with this foolishness...
Those of us who care for Justice want to know if the pretext being used by Netanyahu to murder over 40,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 is valid . It is imperative that we investigate the issue since we are supplying Israel the money and materiel to help control gazans. Award Winning Investigative Reporter Max Blumenthal is an Ashkenazi Jew , He concludes that the October 7th, 2023 attack was A FALSE FLAG. Ye be the judge:

Even your fellow deomcrats know that is not the case.
Those of us who care for Justice want to know if the pretext being used by Netanyahu to murder over 40,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 is valid . It is imperative that we investigate the issue since we are supplying Israel the money and materiel to help control gazans. Award Winning Investigative Reporter Max Blumenthal is an Ashkenazi Jew , He concludes that the October 7th, 2023 attack was A FALSE FLAG. Ye be the judge:

Max Blumenthal shows that Israel IDF Colonel Nof Erez, confirmed that Israel attacked its own citizens - the news report was Corroborated by the Israeli News Media Haaretz and Israeli Reporter Yazmin Porat - VIDEO @ 5:47
Those of us who care for Justice want to know if the pretext being used by Netanyahu to murder over 40,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 is valid . It is imperative that we investigate the issue since we are supplying Israel the money and materiel to help control gazans. Award Winning Investigative Reporter Max Blumenthal is an Ashkenazi Jew , He concludes that the October 7th, 2023 attack was A FALSE FLAG. Ye be the judge:

Fuck the Palestinians. Kill them all.
Those of us who care for Justice want to know if the pretext being used by Netanyahu to murder over 40,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 is valid .

A cause of war isn’t a “pretext” when it involves an armed military strike at thousands of innocent civilians.

And the “number” of 40k is likely just Hamas disinformation.

And it wasn’t “murder” in any event.

You loaded up that slime ball OP 1st paragraph right away. Your OP is bullshit.
See, the thing about false flags is, they work. You can guess, speculate, and ask questions all you want but if you depend on your own government to tell you the truth if they ( or an approved ally) are responsible they will tell you what is in their best interests to tell you. It has always been that way. When we have a water poisoning or an emf attack here, you can guess who done it all you want, but it will do you no good. Enemies do not always wear uniforms and insignias anymore.
See, the thing about false flags is, they work. You can guess, speculate, and ask questions all you want but if you depend on your own government to tell you the truth if they ( or an approved ally) are responsible they will tell you what is in their best interests to tell you. It has always been that way. When we have a water poisoning or an emf attack here, you can guess who done it all you want, but it will do you no good. Enemies do not always wear uniforms and insignias anymore.

True. They work a little too well, as we can see by the comments on this thread.
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A cause of war isn’t a “pretext” when it involves an armed military strike at thousands of innocent civilians.
For some reason you do not want to address the findings made by Max Blumenthal - the reason that the ISRAELI witnesses he relied upon have a motivation to lie/
For some reason you do not want to address the findings made by Max Blumenthal - the reason that the ISRAELI witnesses he relied upon have a motivation to lie/
You are pre-persuaded and citing Max as an “authority” only because he happens to share a point of view which you espouse.

But the “number” of 40k is silly.

And the deaths aren’t “murder” or anything like it.

And you deflect from those points for obvious reasons.
I think Bibi issued a stand-down order just like Pelosi did on Jan. 6. Both provided pretexts for retaliatory responses.

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