Was Alberto Nisman murdered?

Was Alberto Nisman murdered?

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Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is the first I have heard of this story about a Prosecutor named Alberto Nisman who is reported to have taken his own life. As I find USMB readers to be a very "astute and politically informed" group of people - please read the story and share your thoughts. Was he murdered or did he take his own life as the authorities are claiming? If you cannot decide do you believe it is possible that he was murdered? If so you can vote It's possible. After reading this story? I believe he was murdered. What say you?

Argentina Iran and the strange death of Alberto Nisman Gabriel Bracesco Comment is free The Guardian

The late prosecutor had been carrying out the judicial investigation of Iran’s involvement in the attack against the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association of Buenos Aires in 1994, in which 85 people died.

During a 10-year investigation, Nisman gathered phone recordings that revealed an impunity deal between the Iranian and Argentinian governments in exchange for economic benefits. Nisman’s report explained that in the midst of a reserves crisis, Iran would sell cheap oil and buy grains and weapons from Argentina. Furthermore, in some of the calls, the activist and politician Luis D’Elía was given orders from an alleged Iranian spy, Yussuf Khalil. And it was uncovered that this representative communicated such information with Iranians including Mohsen Rabbani, one of the accused.

Nisman affirmed that these deals had been guaranteed by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and the current Argentinian minister of foreign relations, Héctor Timerman, among others. Four days after Nisman submitted his findings, and the day before he was scheduled to testify in front of Congress about his accusations, he was found dead in his apartment.

When news of Nisman’s death broke, an official statement announced that he had committed suicide. Media financed by the government told the same story. Additionally, the accounts of officials and the police seemed to contradict each other about facts such as the time they arrived and what they said; or it emerged that they simply forget to carry out judicial expertise, which is their daily job. That is why we can say that this death smells fishy.
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'During a 10-year investigation, Alberto Nisman gathered phone recordings that revealed an impunity deal between the Iranian and Argentinian governments.' Photograph: Cezaro De Luca/EPA
From the Wall Street Journal:

Ex-Wife of Alberto Nisman Says Argentine Prosecutor Was Murdered - WSJ

Ex-Wife of Alberto Nisman Says Argentine Prosecutor Was Murdered
Sandra Arroyo Salgado reveals results of private investigation into Nisman’s death

Updated March 5, 2015 7:36 p.m. ET

BUENOS AIRES—The ex-wife of a top prosecutor who died mysteriously in January presented a report by top forensic specialists asserting that he was the victim of a homicide, ratcheting up pressure on Argentina’s government over a case that has captivated the country and started one of its worst political crises in decades.

Sandra Arroyo Salgado, a federal judge who had once been married to the late prosecutor Alberto Nisman, said at a Thursday news conference that investigators she hired had amassed evidence that points...
So his ex-wife is a federal judge and she believes that the evidence he amassed led to his death - that he was murdered.

How many people have heard about this story? This is the first I am hearing of it. Amazing how such a Headline Story could get so little attention here in America - isn't it?
American Forensic Pathologist Says Alberto Nisman Likely Murdered - Breaking News Forward.com

U.S. forensic pathologist believes that the late Argentine special prosecutor Alberto Nisman likely was murdered.

“The evidence argues strongly and scientifically against it being a suicide,” Cyril Wecht said in an interview aired by Argentina television’s Channel 13 on Sunday night. “It is much more likely that this was a homicide than a suicide.”

Wecht has been president of the American Academy of Forensic Science and the American College of Legal Medicine, and has performed about 17,000 autopsies. He has consulted on several high-profile cases, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

At the request of the Argentine current events show “Periodismo para todos,” hosted by the eminent Argentine journalist Jorge Lanata, Wecht analyzed Nisman’s case photos, videos, studies and forensic reports. Interviewed from Pittsburgh, Wecht said that the position of the gun would have made it difficult for Nisman to shoot himself.

Interesting that this particular pathologist had been consulted on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If he says it was most likely a homicide then why the cover up? Who was behind his assassination?
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Pope Mum Over Prosecutor s Mysterious Death in Argentina Daily News NCRegister.com


Argentinian prosecutor Alberto Nisman, pictured here in November 2013, was found dead from a gunshot wound in the bathroom of his Buenos Aires apartment.

Read more: Pope Mum Over Prosecutor s Mysterious Death in Argentina Daily News NCRegister.com
BUENOS AIRES — Argentina is the country of Pope Francis, whose voice often appeals to consciences crying out for justice in many cases of violence on different points of the planet.

But the Pope has remained silent about the mysterious death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman on Jan. 18. His death came hours before he was going to present an accusation against Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and other high-level authorities, of trying to cover-up the apparent perpetrators in the 1994 terrorist bombing of a Jewish community center run by the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) in Buenos Aires. The attack killed 85 victims.

Nisman was found dead from a gunshot wound in the bathroom of his apartment. Authorities ruled it as a suicide.

The almost 300-page report Nisman was going to read before the Argentinian Congress revealed telephone wiretaps that linked secret negotiations between Argentine government agents and informal Iranian representatives, with the intent of signing a memorandum of understanding between Argentina and Iran over how to investigate the 1994 bombing. The memorandum was discussed but never signed by the countries’ respective foreign-affairs ministers in a meeting they had in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2013.

The Pope remains silent and his silence is evidence of his complicity in the affair of this mans murder.
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Leftist Who Tried to Cover Up Iran Bombing Admits It On Tape
“Who do you think we’re negotiating with, Switzerland?”
December 23, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


The murder of prosecutor Alberto Nisman temporarily reawakened interest in Iran's bombing of a Jewish community center which killed 85 people. The most explosive part of the murder lay in Nisman's allegations against his own government.

President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner immediately declared that Nisman committed suicide but reversed herself Thursday, in the face of evidence to the contrary, as well as nationwide anger at Nisman’s death.

Nisman’s investigation focused on the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AIMA).

His report accused President Kirchner of “deciding, negotiating and arranging the impunity of the Iranian fugitives in the AMIA case.” She and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman allegedly “took the criminal decision of inventing Iran’s innocence to satisfy commercial, political and geopolitical interests of the Argentine republic.”

These officials planned to get Iran off the hook in return for oil and weapons, while imaginary suspects would be fingered for the bombing,

Nisman also charged Minister Timerman with obstructing justice and had prepared to ask that his assets, worth $23 million, be frozen.

Nisman's murder investigation is struggling along, but now something even more damning has emerged.

Argentine journalist Daniel Santoro on Friday revealed two recordings in which former Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman is heard admitting that Iran “planted the bombs” that demolished the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994. Timerman was speaking with the president of the local Jewish community Guillermo Burger in 2012, when negotiations with Iran over its responsibility for the terrorist act had just begun.

Santoro said that during the conversation, revealed Santoro’s new book Nisman Must Die, “Timerman pressured members of the AMIA not to release a statement at the start of negotiations with Iran.”


You can imagine similar chats in the White House. Alberto Nisman was murdered by people who were trying to protect their dirty deal with Iran even while they knew what Iran had done. And yet in public they were trying to absolve Iran of responsibility.

It would be nice to think that it can't happen here, but it can.

Leftist Who Tried to Cover Up Iran Bombing Admits It On Tape

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