Warnings Unheeded


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....and we live to regret it.

1.When blinded by ideology, no amount of experience, logic, education has any effect on the behavior of those so blinded.

And there we have the explanation for Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Fascists, Nazis, Liberals….Democrats.

2. And that brings us to today’s birthday boy, who lived both sides of the political divide, recognized which one was better and which one was deadly.

George Orwell, pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair, (born June 25, 1903, Motihari, Bengal, India—died January 21, 1950, London, England), English novelist, essayist, and critic famous for his novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-four (1949), the latter a profound anti-utopian novel that examines the dangers of totalitarian rule. Britannica.com

3. As the latest assault on Western Civilization makes its way through the education industry, directed by the Democrats, of course, ….that would be Critical Race Theory…..no astute observer can miss the revelation of NewSpeak in this Leftist program.

4. "Critical Race Theory is against free societies.

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. Since Critical Race Theory exists specifically to agitate for and enable radical racial identity politics, it is therefore against free societies and how they are organized.

Critical Race Theory: “critical race scholars are discontent with liberalism as a framework for addressing America’s racial problems. Many liberals believe in color blindness and neutral principles of constitutional law” The famous “critical whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo (author of the now overwhelmingly famous book White Fragility) puts it even more plainly, writing with a colleague named Ozlem Sensoy in a widely read education book called Is Everyone Really Equal?,

The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow.

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

5. Do you hear Orwell in the above:
"—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down."

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
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Dear Poli-Chik Person:

Perhaps you should provide a capsule definition of CRT - one that is generally accepted on the Left - before you start shooting daggers at it. It's too easy to disparage something that is undefined.
Dear Poli-Chik (sic)Person:

Perhaps you should provide a capsule definition of CRT - one that is generally accepted on the Left - before you start shooting daggers at it. It's too easy to disparage something that is undefined.

I am preparing a rather long discussion of that....but if you demand the most succinct version, it is this:

Every American is either an oppressor or a victim.

Your response to that description marks you as a Democrat or a Republican.
....and we live to regret it.

1.When blinded by ideology, no amount of experience, logic, education has any effect on the behavior of those so blinded.

And there we have the explanation for Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Fascists, Nazis, Liberals….Democrats.

2. And that brings us to today’s birthday boy, who lived both sides of the political divide, recognized which one was better and which one was deadly.
View attachment 505351

George Orwell, pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair, (born June 25, 1903, Motihari, Bengal, India—died January 21, 1950, London, England), English novelist, essayist, and critic famous for his novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-four (1949), the latter a profound anti-utopian novel that examines the dangers of totalitarian rule. Britannica.com

3. As the latest assault on Western Civilization makes its way through the education industry, directed by the Democrats, of course, ….that would be Critical Race Theory…..no astute observer can miss the revelation of NewSpeak in this Leftist program.

4. "Critical Race Theory is against free societies.

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. Since Critical Race Theory exists specifically to agitate for and enable radical racial identity politics, it is therefore against free societies and how they are organized.

Critical Race Theory: “critical race scholars are discontent with liberalism as a framework for addressing America’s racial problems. Many liberals believe in color blindness and neutral principles of constitutional law” The famous “critical whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo (author of the now overwhelmingly famous book White Fragility) puts it even more plainly, writing with a colleague named Ozlem Sensoy in a widely read education book called Is Everyone Really Equal?,

The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow.

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

5. Do you hear Orwell in the above:
"—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down."

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
What a load of white-right falderol!

CRT will destroy civilization! LOL!!! White racists exposed, and look how they whine! Anyone with eyes open can see institutional racism grinding on daily... and who is it objecting to CRT? Who is doing all the whining now? OMG, the members of the White Right Party, the GOP! And why do THEY object to this?

It is like the pedophile's lawyer in court trying to get evidence suppressed which makes his client look bad.
Dear Poli-Chik Person:

Perhaps you should provide a capsule definition of CRT - one that is generally accepted on the Left - before you start shooting daggers at it. It's too easy to disparage something that is undefined.
NONE of them understands the first thing about CRT. Just as they cannot articulate any policy or position, only name-call and repeat the cliches the white-right media feeds them.

Radio Rwanda.
Dear Poli-Chik Person:

Perhaps you should provide a capsule definition of CRT - one that is generally accepted on the Left - before you start shooting daggers at it. It's too easy to disparage something that is undefined.
You know what it is. This garbage ideology that teaches whites are inherently racist. That dumb General talking about “white rage”. It’s racist anti-white ideology.

Of course there is no real definition of CRT and exactly what it’s supposed to be, but that is by design.

Tucker made an excellent video about it.

....and we live to regret it.

1.When blinded by ideology, no amount of experience, logic, education has any effect on the behavior of those so blinded.

And there we have the explanation for Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Fascists, Nazis, Liberals….Democrats.

2. And that brings us to today’s birthday boy, who lived both sides of the political divide, recognized which one was better and which one was deadly.
View attachment 505351

George Orwell, pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair, (born June 25, 1903, Motihari, Bengal, India—died January 21, 1950, London, England), English novelist, essayist, and critic famous for his novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-four (1949), the latter a profound anti-utopian novel that examines the dangers of totalitarian rule. Britannica.com

3. As the latest assault on Western Civilization makes its way through the education industry, directed by the Democrats, of course, ….that would be Critical Race Theory…..no astute observer can miss the revelation of NewSpeak in this Leftist program.

4. "Critical Race Theory is against free societies.

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. Since Critical Race Theory exists specifically to agitate for and enable radical racial identity politics, it is therefore against free societies and how they are organized.

Critical Race Theory: “critical race scholars are discontent with liberalism as a framework for addressing America’s racial problems. Many liberals believe in color blindness and neutral principles of constitutional law” The famous “critical whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo (author of the now overwhelmingly famous book White Fragility) puts it even more plainly, writing with a colleague named Ozlem Sensoy in a widely read education book called Is Everyone Really Equal?,

The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow.

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

5. Do you hear Orwell in the above:
"—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down."

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
What a load of white-right falderol!

CRT will destroy civilization! LOL!!! White racists exposed, and look how they whine! Anyone with eyes open can see institutional racism grinding on daily... and who is it objecting to CRT? Who is doing all the whining now? OMG, the members of the White Right Party, the GOP! And why do THEY object to this?

It is like the pedophile's lawyer in court trying to get evidence suppressed which makes his client look bad.

" Anyone with eyes open can see institutional racism"

Any examples?
Dear Poli-Chik Person:

Perhaps you should provide a capsule definition of CRT - one that is generally accepted on the Left - before you start shooting daggers at it. It's too easy to disparage something that is undefined.
NONE of them understands the first thing about CRT. Just as they cannot articulate any policy or position, only name-call and repeat the cliches the white-right media feeds them.

Radio Rwanda.
So why don’t you tell us what it is? Otherwise why object to our rejections?
So true and so scary to think about!!...... :eek-52:
The trouble with Reagan is that he was a criminal against humanity who should have been tried at The Hague and then hung. And you support him...

And you deny the Holocaust...

And you hate women...

Not exactly our best and brightest, are ya?
....and we live to regret it.

1.When blinded by ideology, no amount of experience, logic, education has any effect on the behavior of those so blinded.

And there we have the explanation for Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Fascists, Nazis, Liberals….Democrats.

2. And that brings us to today’s birthday boy, who lived both sides of the political divide, recognized which one was better and which one was deadly.
View attachment 505351

George Orwell, pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair, (born June 25, 1903, Motihari, Bengal, India—died January 21, 1950, London, England), English novelist, essayist, and critic famous for his novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-four (1949), the latter a profound anti-utopian novel that examines the dangers of totalitarian rule. Britannica.com

3. As the latest assault on Western Civilization makes its way through the education industry, directed by the Democrats, of course, ….that would be Critical Race Theory…..no astute observer can miss the revelation of NewSpeak in this Leftist program.

4. "Critical Race Theory is against free societies.

Believe it or not, Critical Race Theory is not a liberal idea. It is, in fact, critical of liberal societies and against the idea of freedom to its core. Critical Race Theory sees a free society as a way to structure and maintain inequities by convincing racial minorities not to want to do radical identity politics. Since Critical Race Theory exists specifically to agitate for and enable radical racial identity politics, it is therefore against free societies and how they are organized.

Critical Race Theory: “critical race scholars are discontent with liberalism as a framework for addressing America’s racial problems. Many liberals believe in color blindness and neutral principles of constitutional law” The famous “critical whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo (author of the now overwhelmingly famous book White Fragility) puts it even more plainly, writing with a colleague named Ozlem Sensoy in a widely read education book called Is Everyone Really Equal?,

The ideal of individual autonomy that underlies liberal humanism (the idea that people are free to make independent rational decisions that determine their own fate) was viewed as a mechanism for keeping the marginalized in their place by obscuring larger structural systems of inequality. In other words, it [free society] fooled people into believing they had more freedom and choice than societal structures actually allow.

In other words, Critical Race Theory sees free societies and the ideals that make them work—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down. When its advocates accuse people of being “complicit in systems of racism,” this is part of what they mean. Obviously, they would prefer that we do not have free societies and would rather arrange society as they see fit and make us all go along with their ideas."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

5. Do you hear Orwell in the above:
"—individualism, freedom, peace—as a kind of tacit conspiracy theory that we all participate in to keep racial minorities down."

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
What a load of white-right falderol!

CRT will destroy civilization! LOL!!! White racists exposed, and look how they whine! Anyone with eyes open can see institutional racism grinding on daily... and who is it objecting to CRT? Who is doing all the whining now? OMG, the members of the White Right Party, the GOP! And why do THEY object to this?

It is like the pedophile's lawyer in court trying to get evidence suppressed which makes his client look bad.

" Anyone with eyes open can see institutional racism"

Any examples?
Start with the schools. Students have long been tracked, often ethnicity being a factor in the tracking. Teachers support each other in their racist treatment of students. Some of the institutionalization of which we speak is simply in the minds of whites who behave as racists because that's what they know, and they reinforce each other.

The teacher who told her Mexican students that they should not speak Spanish in public because it "sets a bad example"... there's an example of it.

The employer I overheard in a Salinas, California, breakfast cafe: "Sure, I'll hire Mexicans... for certain jobs..." and his business-owning buddies all cackled.

The complete answer would require volumes. Lose the denial and open your eyes to what is all around you.
So true and so scary to think about!!...... :eek-52:

And even more scary.....

Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.
So... government will now be conducted by means of standardized tests?

It already is.


To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted.

When will you realize you've been lied to your whole life, and nothing you believe is true?

1.When blinded by ideology, no amount of experience, logic, education has any effect on the behavior of those so blinded.
Which is why, even after being told that 99.9% of covid deaths over the last few months are among unvaccinated people, tRumpling whack-a-doodles still won't get their shots.

Also why the same folks, after months of recounts and investigations, still can't understand that they just lost.

BUt you just go ahead and project that on to Democrats. We understand. We know it's the only way to make yourself feel better, like you're actually worth the space you're occupying.
Critical Race Theory is basically Marxism being rebranded and sold to the naive public as a legitimate social science.
When in fact it's about as scientific of a theory as astrology and tarot cards ... :cuckoo:
You know nothing of Marxism or CRT, obviously.

I'm quite sure also you know nothing of social science. And so, your attempt to criticize CRT is just hot air. Misinformed reactionism.

In the 60's, the white-right Southerners used to claim that Dr. King was a Marxist, and civil rights was communist. That sounds like your position, and it is retrograde and evil.
Dear Poli-Chik Person:

Perhaps you should provide a capsule definition of CRT - one that is generally accepted on the Left - before you start shooting daggers at it. It's too easy to disparage something that is undefined.
NONE of them understands the first thing about CRT. Just as they cannot articulate any policy or position, only name-call and repeat the cliches the white-right media feeds them.

Radio Rwanda.

I am an expert on the subject, you are a dupe...er, Democrat.

Watch me prove it:

the most succinct version, it is this:

Every American is either an oppressor or a victim.

Your response to that description marks you as a Democrat or a Republican.
So true and so scary to think about!!...... :eek-52:

And even more scary.....

Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.
So... government will now be conducted by means of standardized tests?

It already is.

View attachment 505357

To put it another way: Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools. An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted.

When will you realize you've been lied to your whole life, and nothing you believe is true?

Well, let's see, what is the USA history of treatment of Hispanics and blacks... oh yeah, discrimination at every turn, segregation, violent Policing, racist policies by banks, employers, schools, landlords...

Then when we attempt a remedy, you cry. How about being honest about your motives. You're COMFORTABLE in a racist system which favors you.
1.When blinded by ideology, no amount of experience, logic, education has any effect on the behavior of those so blinded.

Says the OP who is blinded by ideology….


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