War on Police is not a meme anymore. Now it's Blue Racism


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.
DeBlasio is exhibit A for Blue racism, Rahm and governor moonbeam provide more supporting data the anti-fa and other neo-barbarians need to be crushed.
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

tenor (2).gif
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

View attachment 145201

Well, if I called the police, they would take at a minimum 40 minutes or so to respond as I live in deep rural Georgia. And it wouldn't be to report that I had been shot. If I was injured in some way, I'd probably call my neighbor who is a Volenteer Fireman, that way I'd get help while I had a chance to live.

Why do you assume I would call the cops ever?

Because I know what happens when you call the cops. You get your rights violated or you all get shot. :)
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

View attachment 145201
Normally you'd call for medical help after being shot, cops don't do first aid...
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Go fuck yourself. They protect your right to make an ass of yourself as you just did.

You get treated like a dick head when you act like a dick head.
Pressure is mounting for police departments to weed out the bad cops. This is what needs to happen, the good cops need to get rid of the few that are causing all these problems. The 'good old boys' mentality has to crumble before this situation will finally shake out in favor of the good police.
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Go fuck yourself. They protect your right to make an ass of yourself as you just did.

You get treated like a dick head when you act like a dick head.

Somebody is touchy. Are you upset that the war on cops meme is now dead?
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

View attachment 145201

Well, if I called the police, they would take at a minimum 40 minutes or so to respond as I live in deep rural Georgia. And it wouldn't be to report that I had been shot. If I was injured in some way, I'd probably call my neighbor who is a Volenteer Fireman, that way I'd get help while I had a chance to live.

Why do you assume I would call the cops ever?

Because I know what happens when you call the cops. You get your rights violated or you all get shot. :)

Yo, Hope Your Day Comes Quick? And Your Neighbor Is Not Home? Please Do Us Patriots A Favor? Lay There And Die!!!

Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.
I guess you were not paying attention last year....
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

View attachment 145201

Well, if I called the police, they would take at a minimum 40 minutes or so to respond as I live in deep rural Georgia. And it wouldn't be to report that I had been shot. If I was injured in some way, I'd probably call my neighbor who is a Volenteer Fireman, that way I'd get help while I had a chance to live.

Why do you assume I would call the cops ever?

Because I know what happens when you call the cops. You get your rights violated or you all get shot. :)

Yo, Hope Your Day Comes Quick? And Your Neighbor Is Not Home? Please Do Us Patriots A Favor? Lay There And Die!!!


Again, if I am injured, why wait more than 40 minutes for the cops to show up? Why not call the paramedics? They're a lot closer, there is a fire station just around the corner, about five minutes away.

You aren't very bright are you? I mean, the cops will handcuff you and kick you a few times but they're not going to give you any first aide, unless you are a cop too then they suddenly remember how important it is to stop the bleeding, you know, things like that.

Why would I call the cops? I mean, the most you can hope for then is that they give the corpse a ticket for loitering.
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

View attachment 145201

Well, if I called the police, they would take at a minimum 40 minutes or so to respond as I live in deep rural Georgia. And it wouldn't be to report that I had been shot. If I was injured in some way, I'd probably call my neighbor who is a Volenteer Fireman, that way I'd get help while I had a chance to live.

Why do you assume I would call the cops ever?

Because I know what happens when you call the cops. You get your rights violated or you all get shot. :)

Yo, Hope Your Day Comes Quick? And Your Neighbor Is Not Home? Please Do Us Patriots A Favor? Lay There And Die!!!


Again, if I am injured, why wait more than 40 minutes for the cops to show up? Why not call the paramedics? They're a lot closer, there is a fire station just around the corner, about five minutes away.

You aren't very bright are you? I mean, the cops will handcuff you and kick you a few times but they're not going to give you any first aide, unless you are a cop too then they suddenly remember how important it is to stop the bleeding, you know, things like that.

Why would I call the cops? I mean, the most you can hope for then is that they give the corpse a ticket for loitering.

Yo, Go Back And Read Your Previous Post? It Might Say Something Like This? """I live in deep rural Georgia""" Are You For Real Fool? Damn You`re Dumb, Go Lick Obama And Hillary`s Ass Fool!!!!!

tenor (2).gif
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Angry at what they say is widespread discrimination leveled against their ranks, a group of police officers in New York City coined the term “Blue Racism” as a way to draw attention to the mistreatment they say they face at the hands of the public.

While a string of police-related killings over the last few years and the rise to prominence of groups like Black Lives Matter have shed light on the abuse some minorities face at the hands of law enforcement, the New York Police Department’s Sergeants Benevolent Association says they too have become victims.

“Cops are being shot at and killed just because they are cops,” Ed Mullins, the SBA president and a 36-year NYPD veteran, told Fox News. “Police are being made to be the bad guys and I’m not saying that there aren’t a few bad apples, but the majority of us are trying to help people and do our jobs.”

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.
I guess you were not paying attention last year....

You mean the 63 cops who were shot and killed last year? That number was less than ten years ago, when Bush was President.


So where is this huge spike showing this war on cops? Way more dangerous to be a cop in 1973 than it was in 2016. But whatever floats your boat man.

The Most Dangerous Jobs in America

It's safer to be a cop than it is to be a Logger, a fisherman, a commercial driver, and the list goes on and on, and on. In fact, pilots have a greater chance of dying on the job than a cop does. Is there a war on Pilots? A war on loggers? Is there a war on fishermen?

My God, do you realize what this could mean? Well other than the obvious, there is no war on cops. If there was, the number of dead cops would be a lot higher. There are 3 million cops in the country. That means the cops are outnumbered by the rest of us by about 100 to one. Even if you just count the people who used illegal drugs, some 20 million people in this nation alone, then the cops are outnumbered by about six to one. Using the math of the standard police spray and pray shootout, that means after the cop killed the first two baddies, he'd be out of ammo and defenseless before the other four.
Yes, the non existant war on police ended the hype of that particular rhetoric. Frankly, it's safer to be a cop now than even ten years ago, but hey, that did not stop them from trying to get it to be a real thing.

Now, we have this. Since the protests last week were about Racism, and the cops are used to being the victim in the narrative, the new thing is Blue Racism. I wish to God I was making this up.

Blue Racism? New York police association says cops are victims of racism

Stand by for the "we're the victim" quote from the Police.

Damn it, someone else is the victim and people might forget that the police want to be feared and respected and loved or whatever. Damn it, who is paying attention to the whining of the police with all those other news stories?

Next on the list of Meme's when someone does a special report on Elder Abuse will be Blue Abuse. It's just not fair.

List any Meme's you think the cops will try and take over next? War on Cops supplanted the War on Blacks, so I guess Blue Racism is meant to distract from whatever abuses the cops are up to now.

So far, we've had the most dangerous job meme utterly destroyed. It wasn't the cops despite the rhetoric. Now, with the fact that the numbers of dead cops is lower than ten years ago, we may be seeing the end of the "War on Police" meme in favor of Blue Racism.

Well. Here's a hint Barney. If you abuse people, harass them, and roust them, they tend to resent it and don't want to serve you at the Dunkin Donuts. That by the way, was the example provided to prove the Blue Racism exists. I think there is a promotional video out too.

Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

View attachment 145201

Well, if I called the police, they would take at a minimum 40 minutes or so to respond as I live in deep rural Georgia. And it wouldn't be to report that I had been shot. If I was injured in some way, I'd probably call my neighbor who is a Volenteer Fireman, that way I'd get help while I had a chance to live.

Why do you assume I would call the cops ever?

Because I know what happens when you call the cops. You get your rights violated or you all get shot. :)

Yo, Hope Your Day Comes Quick? And Your Neighbor Is Not Home? Please Do Us Patriots A Favor? Lay There And Die!!!


Again, if I am injured, why wait more than 40 minutes for the cops to show up? Why not call the paramedics? They're a lot closer, there is a fire station just around the corner, about five minutes away.

You aren't very bright are you? I mean, the cops will handcuff you and kick you a few times but they're not going to give you any first aide, unless you are a cop too then they suddenly remember how important it is to stop the bleeding, you know, things like that.

Why would I call the cops? I mean, the most you can hope for then is that they give the corpse a ticket for loitering.

Yo, Go Back And Read Your Previous Post? It Might Say Something Like This? """I live in deep rural Georgia""" Are You For Real Fool? Damn You`re Dumb, Go Lick Obama And Hillary`s Ass Fool!!!!!

View attachment 145230

I do live in deep rural Georgia. Not many people, and not many cops. So the response time for a shooting is literally more than 40 minutes. Or do you think that the cops hang out on every dirt road corner here?

You're the idiot. I don't call the cops. I don't interact with them at all. I know you have a hard time believing that, but it is true. Oh, and dumbass, I voted for Trump.

There was no war on police. Hard for you to fathom, but it's true.
Yo, Dumb-Ass? Who Will You Call If You`ve Been Shot After A Break-In? You Are So Stupid, Can You Apply To Go Back To Elementary?

View attachment 145201

Well, if I called the police, they would take at a minimum 40 minutes or so to respond as I live in deep rural Georgia. And it wouldn't be to report that I had been shot. If I was injured in some way, I'd probably call my neighbor who is a Volenteer Fireman, that way I'd get help while I had a chance to live.

Why do you assume I would call the cops ever?

Because I know what happens when you call the cops. You get your rights violated or you all get shot. :)

Yo, Hope Your Day Comes Quick? And Your Neighbor Is Not Home? Please Do Us Patriots A Favor? Lay There And Die!!!


Again, if I am injured, why wait more than 40 minutes for the cops to show up? Why not call the paramedics? They're a lot closer, there is a fire station just around the corner, about five minutes away.

You aren't very bright are you? I mean, the cops will handcuff you and kick you a few times but they're not going to give you any first aide, unless you are a cop too then they suddenly remember how important it is to stop the bleeding, you know, things like that.

Why would I call the cops? I mean, the most you can hope for then is that they give the corpse a ticket for loitering.

Yo, Go Back And Read Your Previous Post? It Might Say Something Like This? """I live in deep rural Georgia""" Are You For Real Fool? Damn You`re Dumb, Go Lick Obama And Hillary`s Ass Fool!!!!!

View attachment 145230

I do live in deep rural Georgia. Not many people, and not many cops. So the response time for a shooting is literally more than 40 minutes. Or do you think that the cops hang out on every dirt road corner here?

You're the idiot. I don't call the cops. I don't interact with them at all. I know you have a hard time believing that, but it is true. Oh, and dumbass, I voted for Trump.

There was no war on police. Hard for you to fathom, but it's true.

Yo, Were You At The KKK Protest? Sounds Like It, And Dumb-Ass, I Voted For Trump, But I Think Trump Would Refuse Your Vote, KKK Member!!!

You mean the 63 cops who were shot and killed last year? That number was less than ten years ago, when Bush was President
I'd love to see a link to that ass umption , But regardless there is a difference between being shot and being assassinated. Don't be foolish in the attempt to make a weak point. Don't be too smart by half. First rule of debate. During Obama's term he worked at revving up his base by using race and police shootings. He had BLM leaders over to the white house for dinner. Come on man.
Well, if I called the police, they would take at a minimum 40 minutes or so to respond as I live in deep rural Georgia. And it wouldn't be to report that I had been shot. If I was injured in some way, I'd probably call my neighbor who is a Volenteer Fireman, that way I'd get help while I had a chance to live.

Why do you assume I would call the cops ever?

Because I know what happens when you call the cops. You get your rights violated or you all get shot. :)

Yo, Hope Your Day Comes Quick? And Your Neighbor Is Not Home? Please Do Us Patriots A Favor? Lay There And Die!!!


Again, if I am injured, why wait more than 40 minutes for the cops to show up? Why not call the paramedics? They're a lot closer, there is a fire station just around the corner, about five minutes away.

You aren't very bright are you? I mean, the cops will handcuff you and kick you a few times but they're not going to give you any first aide, unless you are a cop too then they suddenly remember how important it is to stop the bleeding, you know, things like that.

Why would I call the cops? I mean, the most you can hope for then is that they give the corpse a ticket for loitering.

Yo, Go Back And Read Your Previous Post? It Might Say Something Like This? """I live in deep rural Georgia""" Are You For Real Fool? Damn You`re Dumb, Go Lick Obama And Hillary`s Ass Fool!!!!!

View attachment 145230

I do live in deep rural Georgia. Not many people, and not many cops. So the response time for a shooting is literally more than 40 minutes. Or do you think that the cops hang out on every dirt road corner here?

You're the idiot. I don't call the cops. I don't interact with them at all. I know you have a hard time believing that, but it is true. Oh, and dumbass, I voted for Trump.

There was no war on police. Hard for you to fathom, but it's true.

Yo, Were You At The KKK Protest? Sounds Like It, And Dumb-Ass, I Voted For Trump, But I Think Trump Would Refuse Your Vote, KKK Member!!!

View attachment 145237

You keep making asinine assumptions about me. Not one has been right yet. Keep trying though.
Yo, Hope Your Day Comes Quick? And Your Neighbor Is Not Home? Please Do Us Patriots A Favor? Lay There And Die!!!


Again, if I am injured, why wait more than 40 minutes for the cops to show up? Why not call the paramedics? They're a lot closer, there is a fire station just around the corner, about five minutes away.

You aren't very bright are you? I mean, the cops will handcuff you and kick you a few times but they're not going to give you any first aide, unless you are a cop too then they suddenly remember how important it is to stop the bleeding, you know, things like that.

Why would I call the cops? I mean, the most you can hope for then is that they give the corpse a ticket for loitering.

Yo, Go Back And Read Your Previous Post? It Might Say Something Like This? """I live in deep rural Georgia""" Are You For Real Fool? Damn You`re Dumb, Go Lick Obama And Hillary`s Ass Fool!!!!!

View attachment 145230

I do live in deep rural Georgia. Not many people, and not many cops. So the response time for a shooting is literally more than 40 minutes. Or do you think that the cops hang out on every dirt road corner here?

You're the idiot. I don't call the cops. I don't interact with them at all. I know you have a hard time believing that, but it is true. Oh, and dumbass, I voted for Trump.

There was no war on police. Hard for you to fathom, but it's true.

Yo, Were You At The KKK Protest? Sounds Like It, And Dumb-Ass, I Voted For Trump, But I Think Trump Would Refuse Your Vote, KKK Member!!!

View attachment 145237

You keep making asinine assumptions about me. Not one has been right yet. Keep trying though.

Yo, Facts Tell The Truth, Can You Just Live With It? Damn, You`re Not The Only Dummy Here!!! """GO AWAY FOOL"""

"""Go About Your Business Now"""
tenor (1).gif
You mean the 63 cops who were shot and killed last year? That number was less than ten years ago, when Bush was President
I'd love to see a link to that ass umption , But regardless there is a difference between being shot and being assassinated. Don't be foolish in the attempt to make a weak point. Don't be too smart by half. First rule of debate. During Obama's term he worked at revving up his base by using race and police shootings. He had BLM leaders over to the white house for dinner. Come on man.

The year of 2016. 146 died in line of duty. 63 by gunfire.


The year 2007. 206 cops died in line of duty. 67 by gunfire.


I guess the war on cops had a better year in 2007 eh?

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