Want to see liberal double talk and hypocrisy in action? Hey libs, explain Maxine waters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
How can a member of Congress afford a $4.5 million Los Angeles mansion that takes up half a city block in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in L.A. and the country? AskMaxine Waters, aka: "Mad Max".

Now ask her about her other two homes as well, worth another approximate $850,000 to $1.1 million. Savvy real estate acquisitions for a public servant with a $174,000 House of Representatives salary, free health care & life-long pension. Whoops, almost left out Maxine's property in Palm Springs, California. Add that to her list.

Only one of her homes is located in the gritty Los Angeles congressional district which she was elected to represent. Her exclusive estate is miles north ... well outside her congressional district ... far away from Los Angeles street crime, murder and the folks she is supposed to help. Apparently, Maxine has addressed concerns about help. A private company maintains her property and impressive manicured landscaping at the mansion.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW

Now watch and behold the liberal hypocrisy
If any of the bed wetters even respond, they will spin it, divert it to a discussion about republicrats, racism or other inane shit.

Don't expect them to admit democrook political whores are sociopaths at best.

How can a member of Congress afford a $4.5 million Los Angeles mansion that takes up half a city block in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in L.A. and the country? AskMaxine Waters, aka: "Mad Max".

Now ask her about her other two homes as well, worth another approximate $850,000 to $1.1 million. Savvy real estate acquisitions for a public servant with a $174,000 House of Representatives salary, free health care & life-long pension. Whoops, almost left out Maxine's property in Palm Springs, California. Add that to her list.

Only one of her homes is located in the gritty Los Angeles congressional district which she was elected to represent. Her exclusive estate is miles north ... well outside her congressional district ... far away from Los Angeles street crime, murder and the folks she is supposed to help. Apparently, Maxine has addressed concerns about help. A private company maintains her property and impressive manicured landscaping at the mansion.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW

Now watch and behold the liberal hypocrisy
Republicans run the Justice Dept

What are you waiting for?
How can a member of Congress afford a $4.5 million Los Angeles mansion that takes up half a city block in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in L.A. and the country? AskMaxine Waters, aka: "Mad Max".

Now ask her about her other two homes as well, worth another approximate $850,000 to $1.1 million. Savvy real estate acquisitions for a public servant with a $174,000 House of Representatives salary, free health care & life-long pension. Whoops, almost left out Maxine's property in Palm Springs, California. Add that to her list.

Only one of her homes is located in the gritty Los Angeles congressional district which she was elected to represent. Her exclusive estate is miles north ... well outside her congressional district ... far away from Los Angeles street crime, murder and the folks she is supposed to help. Apparently, Maxine has addressed concerns about help. A private company maintains her property and impressive manicured landscaping at the mansion.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW

Now watch and behold the liberal hypocrisy
What kind of hypocrisy are you looking for? Waters is a wing nut activist. Like Trump she has a solid base of support from other wingnuts but the majority in the middle see her for what she is... nothing more than a mouthpiece.

It does shock me that she got elected
How can a member of Congress afford a $4.5 million Los Angeles mansion that takes up half a city block in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in L.A. and the country? AskMaxine Waters, aka: "Mad Max".

Now ask her about her other two homes as well, worth another approximate $850,000 to $1.1 million. Savvy real estate acquisitions for a public servant with a $174,000 House of Representatives salary, free health care & life-long pension. Whoops, almost left out Maxine's property in Palm Springs, California. Add that to her list.

Only one of her homes is located in the gritty Los Angeles congressional district which she was elected to represent. Her exclusive estate is miles north ... well outside her congressional district ... far away from Los Angeles street crime, murder and the folks she is supposed to help. Apparently, Maxine has addressed concerns about help. A private company maintains her property and impressive manicured landscaping at the mansion.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW

Now watch and behold the liberal hypocrisy
What kind of hypocrisy are you looking for? Waters is a wing nut activist. Like Trump she has a solid base of support from other wingnuts but the majority in the middle see her for what she is... nothing more than a mouthpiece.

It does shock me that she got elected
Her constituents are dependent on government programs. She's a lock to win every time because she controls the purse strings.
Why don’t you check her taxes and tell us where she’s scamming .

Then we can check Trumps and..... oh we can’t.
Why don’t you check her taxes and tell us where she’s scamming .

Then we can check Trumps and..... oh we can’t.
You're ignorant about her schemes. She's been in Congress for years. Trump was a private citizen until 2-1/2 years ago. Idiot.
Why don’t you check her taxes and tell us where she’s scamming .

Then we can check Trumps and..... oh we can’t.
You're ignorant about her schemes. She's been in Congress for years. Trump was a private citizen until 2-1/2 years ago. Idiot.

Then point out what she did wrong .

Lol. I love when hypocrite conservatives point to someone’s wealth as proof of wrongdoing .

They don't even try. They just proudly boast of their demented disposition.

Fucking losers
Why don’t you check her taxes and tell us where she’s scamming .

Then we can check Trumps and..... oh we can’t.
You're ignorant about her schemes. She's been in Congress for years. Trump was a private citizen until 2-1/2 years ago. Idiot.

Then point out what she did wrong .

Lol. I love when hypocrite conservatives point to someone’s wealth as proof of wrongdoing .

Dont know how to click on a link?
Why don’t you check her taxes and tell us where she’s scamming .

Then we can check Trumps and..... oh we can’t.
You're ignorant about her schemes. She's been in Congress for years. Trump was a private citizen until 2-1/2 years ago. Idiot.

Then point out what she did wrong .

Lol. I love when hypocrite conservatives point to someone’s wealth as proof of wrongdoing .
Google this: Maxine Waters family corruption. Read the links yourself.

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