Want to see inside the mind of a monster...


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Dec 21, 2003
Everywhere, simultaneously.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
The Demons Have Taken Over
¶ 9:17 PM

Thanks for the comments. As far as letting God take care of the Demons, too late. They've locked up the "Happy Joe" person in the same dungeon that "Happy Joe" kept them in for so many years. Now they are loose and I am very afraid. From now on I may refer to "Happy Joe" as "Jet" (me) and the demons as "The Bogeyman." If you are familiar with me or even my fifthnail website then you will understand the names (see www.fifthnail.com).
I have been asking God to help defeat the demons. In fact, last night I was on my knees begging him, crying out loud to him, to help me. He didn't answer, again. The problem is I am loosing my religion. I don't accept anything at face value, not even my own thoughts. So when I start having religious convictions I question the source. And in my current situation I figure I am under a lot of stress, and there are perfectly natural human mechanisms that account for all religious experiences. The demons (if that's what they/it are/is--I use the term for mere convenience) have convinced me that I should at least question my religious beliefs, (this makes sense, otherwise I would believe anything) and that is how they got the key to the dungeon, and trapped me inside.
To be more specific, I am scared, alone, and confused, and my reaction is to strike out toward the perceived source of my misery, society. My intent is to harm society as much as I can, then die. As for the "Happy Joe" (Jet), well he was just a dream. The bogeyman was alive and happy long before Happy Joe.
I was in prison for over 18 years, since the age of 17. As an adult all I knew was the oppression of incarceration. All those years I dreamed of getting out...And getting even. Instead, I got out and I got even, but did not get caught. So, I got even again, and again did not get caught. So, I figured, well, I got even twice (actually more, but that's here nor there), even if I'm the only one who knows, so now what? Well that was when the "Happy Joe" dream started. I met a bunch of really great people, the kind of people I didn't even know existed, but here they were, bunches of them, my neighbors, my landlords, my professors, my coworkers, and they were all good people, who were willing to give me a chance despite my past. They were willing to accept me and be my friend, something that was new for me, having been betrayed by many "friends" and even my own family.
So, I tried to make it work. But the problem was those demons. The ones who "got even" for me. They kept reminding me that if my new "friends" knew about them (and what they, I, had done to even), then so much for their friendship. So, "Happy Joe" was just dreaming, or pretending to be happy.

Friday, May 13, 2005
Still Confused
¶ 5:43 PM

My blog entries lately are erratic and full of a lot of B.S., for that I apologize. I am just trying to put down what is in my head, regardless. As far as "taking people with me" well, I don't know if that is right or wrong. In fact, I don't know much any more what right and wrong even is. My view is either everything is right (in some regard) or everything is wrong (in some other regard). The question (one I am struggling with at this point) is, "Does it matter?"
Does anything matter? My mother is crying right now, because her son is in trouble again. She tried to raise a good son, and she knows her son has a good heart, so why does he do these things? She is probably more hurt and confused than me. Does it matter? It hurts me to know these things, but DOES IT MATTER???
A hundred years from now, all my mothers pain will be forgotten, and other mothers will cry for there sons. A million years from now there probably won't be any mothers (at least not like we know).
I have feelings, in fact I think I must be more sensitive than most people because I seem to feel more than they do, at least more than what they openly express. I feel for the starving children and families in the world, others say, "Oh, that's too bad, but I can't do anything so..."
I wish I could be more honest about my feelings, but those demons made sure I'd never be able to do that. I might not know if it matters, but just in case, I am working on an encrypted journal that is hundreds of times more frank than this blog could ever be (that's why I keep it encrypted). I figure in 30 years or more we will have the technology to easily crack the encryption (currently very un-crackable, PGP) and then the world will know who I really was, and what I really did, and what I really thought. Also, maybe then they will understand that despite my actions, I'm not a bad person, I just have a disease contracted from society, and it hurts a lot.
I hope to complete this journal before I die (soon) or turn myself in (I still might do that, I think it is the right thing, but of course, I'm not sure).
Speak of being sure; I wish I could be sure about my thoughts. But right now the only thing I'm sure about is that I'm sure about nothing. It is not a good position to be in considering my circumstances (being a felony fugitive and all).

Two days after posting this last entry on his internet blog, convicted sex offender (big surprise) and fugitive from the law (no kidding), Joseph Edward Duncan III...


...broke into the home of the family of Shasta and Dylan Groene (8 and 9 years old respectively), bound and bludgeon to death their family, then kidnapped them for a month during which time he repeatedly molested them both and eventually murdered Dylan as well.

What's going on when people like this, who behave so brazenly as this man did, ranting openly on the internet, aren't even monitored?

Anyway, I thought reading some of the things he wrote might be of interest to someone. It will certainly be poured over by psychiatrists for a long time. Perhaps, someday, it may even serve to protect children from similar monsters. Ideally it will even be used to help form profiles to present to judges to put some of these people away forever.
I wonder if the homosexual community will publically denouce one of their own. If ANYONE has a case for being 'born that way', it's this sick focker.

-=d=- said:
I wonder if the homosexual community will publically denouce one of their own. If ANYONE has a case for being 'born that way', it's this sick focker.


You did mean the pedophilic community, right?
MissileMan said:
You did mean the pedophilic community, right?

perhaps both. (shrug) The man committed homosexual acts with the boy - the same acts, likely, NAMBA advocates.

Homosexual Pedophiles are Gay.
-=d=- said:
perhaps both. (shrug) The man committed homosexual acts with the boy - the same acts, likely, NAMBA advocates.

Homosexual Pedophiles are Gay.

He killed the boy and kept the girl to molest. What say you now?
-=d=- said:
I wonder if the homosexual community will publically denouce one of their own. If ANYONE has a case for being 'born that way', it's this sick focker.

Would the Black community publicly denounce their young men, seeing that statistically
most crime is committed by them? Nope..so why drop this on the gay community? Easy?

This guy is a sick F'k and should be locked away for life or executed by society, not denounced by one community.
This kind of thing happens partly because of the sexualization of children in our society... it isn't just the gay community that's doing it, it's all over the place. Even academics are pushing the idea of "inter-generational love" and teaching children as young as 3 and 4 years old about sexual behavior and encouraging them to "explore" it.

One thing is clear, the idea that we can teach kids about sex in the mistaken notion that they will then be better informed and therefore make wise choices is ludicrous. That is what parents are for. Kids and adolescents do not have the capability to think rationally or make sensible choices. That's what parents are supposed to be doing.

Furthermore, teaching young kids about sexual behavior only helps open the door to molestation by adults (which is probably why there is such a push to teach kids all about condoms, homosexuality and so forth, it will be much easier to seduce them!). After all, if you teach a kid that having sex is "normal", then if they get hit on by an adult, do you expect them to be more or less likely to resist? Then we wonder why kids are being molested.

Also, pushing the idea that kids are sexual beings only encourages sickos like this guy and gives them fodder for excuses ("hey... kids ENJOY having sex!", "kids think about sex all the time!" etc)

Let's be honest, since sex education has been introduced in the schools, has the number of teenage pregnancies gone up or down? How about the number of teens with sexually transmitted diseases? And how many kids have been sexually active, either with other kids or with an adult? Yeah... well, that proves my point.

All we are doing is hurting our kids. It's time to pull the plug on sex education in the schools and let kids be kids. Most kids don't even think about sex, let's face it, unless they've been exposed to it somehow. It's also time to stop glamorizing these sex researchers who glorify aberrant behavior (S&M, Bondage, group sex and so forth) like Freud, Masters & Johnson, Kinsey and so forth. Let's call them for what they really are.... perverts and incompetents! And the same goes for Hugh Hefner and the porn-meisters. Hugh Heffner is a dirty old man. The only thing remarkable about him is that he hasn't succumbed to HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, HPV, or another STD!

And yet another point while I'm ranting and raving here. Those people who like to quote the statistics that we have more people incarcerated in prisons than any other nation on earth (except for China, and North Korea), let them deal with having their children raped and kidnapped. The truth is, we need more prisons built to incarcerate these animals. Better criminals live in prison than kids or little old ladies live in fear in their own homes.

And while I'm thinking about it, let's make it a policy that ONE STRIKE and you're in jail for the rest of your life. If you are caught molesting a kid, that's it.... you go to jail, you stay in jail, no parole. You are a sicko that can't be cured. And if you purposely kill a kid (unless it's self defense), then it should be an automatic death sentence for you!
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OK, you fooled me. I thought this thread was going to be about Dick Cheney. :2guns:
KarlMarx said:
After all, if you teach a kid that having sex is "normal", then if they get hit on by an adult, do you expect them to be more or less likely to resist? Then we wonder why kids are being molested.
Are you suggesting that kids are encouraging adults to molest them? Kids are 100% blameless for being molested. I don't care what they've been taught, kids that don't know better (and none of them really do) are never to blame for being molested by an adult that should know better. Hopefully I misunderstood your point.
HorhayAtAMD said:
Are you suggesting that kids are encouraging adults to molest them? Kids are 100% blameless for being molested. I don't care what they've been taught, kids that don't know better (and none of them really do) are never to blame for being molested by an adult that should know better. Hopefully I misunderstood your point.
You sure did misunderstand. I was suggesting the reverse, adults are encouraging kids to be molested. And that's just my point, kids do not know better. If children get exposed to a sex curriculum at a young age where they are told about "alternative lifestyles", fellatio, and other sex practices, there is a real danger that if approacheed by an adult, they may be more receptive to being molested.
Article by Linda Chavez re what to do about pedophiles. I think castration should enter into the picture at some point, possibly after the first offense. Maybe that would put enough fear into these people to leave children alone. One thing is for sure: these people should not be turned loose in society again.

Lock Each and Every One of Them Up!
By Linda Chavez
July 6, 2005


How many children must die before lawmakers and the courts decide to keep certain classes of sexual predators behind bars permanently?

Some states have enacted "sexual predator" laws to try to prevent similar horrors. These laws allow the state to commit pedophiles to maximum security mental hospitals after they have served their criminal sentences, a practice the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld on the grounds that these men (and offenders are almost exclusively male) are being treated, not subjected to preventive incarceration. Frankly, for most of these deviants, no treatment is possible. Men who prey on little boys, in particular, are likely to do so again and again. Some estimates put the re-offense rate (which is different than the re-arrest rate) upwards of 80 percent, with the average pedophile likely to commit 13 offenses before he is caught. So why should such men ever be put back on the streets?

The punishment for raping a child ought to be life in prison, period. There ought never to be a second chance for such persons. And while lesser sexual crimes — fondling or possessing child pornography, for example — might deserve a second chance, it must come under the most restrictive circumstances: life-long, electronic monitoring. Any second offense of such crimes should earn a life sentence, with no possibility of parole. Does that mean tens of thousands of ex-sexual offenders (some estimates put the number at 500,000) might end up in jail for life? Not likely, since most of these are not pedophiles, the category of sexual offenders least likely to be rehabilitated. But even if we have to build many more jails to keep such criminals behind bars, wouldn't it be worth it to save the lives of children like Jessica, Sarah, and so many others who have died because of our failure to do so?

for full article

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