Want to average 64 extra Paid Days off?

Eh, I'm content with my 15 hours of annual leave I get a month and the 10 days of discretionary leave I get every fiscal year, not including the sick leave that I also accumulate a month... All this and I don't have to get spat on :happy-1:

The moral hazard of getting a friend to do the spitting in order to con the system is overwhelming, but not surprising.
Eh, I'm content with my 15 hours of annual leave I get a month and the 10 days of discretionary leave I get every fiscal year, not including the sick leave that I also accumulate a month... All this and I don't have to get spat on :happy-1:

Are you an SEIU member?
Anyone want to know why Cities are out of Money?

Read this, it will make you laugh or puke :lol:



i'm figuring if anyone at your job spits at you, you'll run home crying and hide under your bed.


of course, that presumes you actually work.

Yup, that's right. The bigger the tears the more consoling I get from my lady friends :razz:

Work, what is that? I have BO to pay my way

Your benefits are obscene and probably bleeding out whatever government entity is used to funnel taxpayer money to you.

34 days of PTO with sick time on top of it? Insanity.

Thanks for being part of the problem.
Your benefits are obscene and probably bleeding out whatever government entity is used to funnel taxpayer money to you.

34 days of PTO with sick time on top of it? Insanity.

Thanks for being part of the problem.

So you're telling me that if you were offered this type of position you'd turn it down on principle. I don't believe you for you also probably have a family to support, bills to pay, and want time to live your life with said family.
Also, I help convicts get an education so they have something to fall back on after they get out. If you see this as me "being a part of the problem" you're insane.
You shouldn't judge people until you know the whole story... And just so you know I'm not wasting the tax payers money the recidivism rate for my program is under 1%

Less than 1 percent of the Oklahoma inmates who have participated in the program and later released have returned to prison
since being released. No inmate who received a degree has returned to prison. This compares with a national recidivism rate
of 7.7 percent of inmates who have taken college courses and a 29.9 percent recidivism rate for those who do not take college
courses while behind bars.
I wouldn't work for the government for any amount of money or time off. Having a family and wanting time off doesn't give you the right to sponge off taxpayers under working conditions that are completely irrational when compared to the labor market.

I prefer to do real work in the private sector.
Yup, that's right. The bigger the tears the more consoling I get from my lady friends :razz:

Work, what is that? I have BO to pay my way


yokie dokie...

thanks for proving you're going to be useless as boobs on a bull.

You have no sense of humor, do you think I would really be living off other people money and brag about it?

Actually, I have three jobs, not including the farm work

hmmmm.... boobs on a bull? maybe you do have a sense of humor after all :lol::lol::lol:

The cows around here would not fall for that one :razz:

I wouldn't work for the government for any amount of money or time off. Having a family and wanting time off doesn't give you the right to sponge off taxpayers under working conditions that are completely irrational when compared to the labor market.

I prefer to do real work in the private sector.

You are entitled to your opinion boedicca but to say that I'm not doing real work is laughable. I've given you a brief summary on what I do for the State, I spend most of my time working at those prison sites or at the school. It's non stop during a Semester and sometimes just as busy during a break. You must have this twisted view that all government employees just sit behind a desk waiting for their paycheck, well your wrong. If I were to take what I do out to the private sector, I would be making twice as much as I do now but I really enjoy helping those people.
I wouldn't work for the government for any amount of money or time off. Having a family and wanting time off doesn't give you the right to sponge off taxpayers under working conditions that are completely irrational when compared to the labor market.

I prefer to do real work in the private sector.

i have met a few like you Boe.....would not work for the Govt.....yet when they got laid off from what they were doing,here they are.....carrying Mail just like me....one guys been doing it for close to 20 years now.....and he aint complaining about his bennies or the money he is making.....but told me long ago....the Post Office?....be serious.....i want a "real" job.....well he got one....
Your benefits are obscene and probably bleeding out whatever government entity is used to funnel taxpayer money to you.

34 days of PTO with sick time on top of it? Insanity.

Thanks for being part of the problem.

I get 5 weeks of vacation (25 days), 12 sick days (should I choose to use them), 3 personal days, and 8 Holidays off.

And I work for a private company. This has been pretty standard wherever I worked after a few years at the firm.

I don't end up using them all of course, but that adds up to alot more than 34 days off.
He didn't include his holidays in the total - the government takes more holidays than anyone.

Nor did he provide a specified cap on sick leave.

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