Walker needs to understand American workers are not enemies


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Walker needs to understand American workers are not enemies.

unions and union workers are fine in private business . The problem for me is 'unions' for public servants that far outpace private industry in wages , benefits and perks and arbitrary [bossy] power over the taxpayers that pay their wages and other perks . Public employees , including teachers are nothing more than the 'kings' men !!
Public employee unions are the enemies of the American public. They represent monopolistic enterprises who can hold the public hostage to their demands and then pay bribes to elected officials who give in to these demands. The result of this unholy alliance is astronomical unfunded health and pension obligations which will imprison future generations with crushing debt.
How is giving the worker the choice to join a Union or not taking a position of "American workers are the enemy"?

I'll wait while you keep making up bullshit hoping something sticks to help you out in 2016 seeing as it has slipped away from you.
unions and union workers are fine in private business . The problem for me is 'unions' for public servants that far outpace private industry in wages , benefits and perks and arbitrary [bossy] power over the taxpayers that pay their wages and other perks . Public employees , including teachers are nothing more than the 'kings' men !!

Private unions realize that they can only push so far before whatever product or service they supply becomes uneconomical, and they end up losing all their jobs. They also have a true adversarial (it doesn't have to be hostile) opposite who seeks to maximize the return from the work recieved.

Public unions lack such a limit (in their mind), because they think they can always increase revenue. Couple that with a lack of a opposite with any real stake in the game (if a politician gives away the barn, it doesn't come out of his pocket) and you create an unbalanced situation where the real "owner" i.e. the citizens, have no real part of the negotiations.
Public employee unions are the enemies of the American public. They represent monopolistic enterprises who can hold the public hostage to their demands and then pay bribes to elected officials who give in to these demands. The result of this unholy alliance is astronomical unfunded health and pension obligations which will imprison future generations with crushing debt.

But if we get the Rich to pay "just a little bit more" then everything is solved!!!

/progressive statist mindset.
Walker's statement was controversial and stupid.

Workers in America, government or private sector, are not the enemy.

To imply they are enemies demonstrates Walker is mixed up.
Fakey Jakey needs to realize that all American workers are not lazy ass union scum
Fakey Jakey needs to realize that all American workers are not lazy ass union scum
Those are your words, not mine.

The American worker is not the enemy of America.
Walker's statement was controversial and stupid.

Workers in America, government or private sector, are not the enemy.

To imply they are enemies demonstrates Walker is mixed up.

Oops! I must have accidentally unignored you. Problem fixed.
Anybody who thinks that Walker was not playing for cheap shots comparing union members to confronting jihadis does not thing well.

Your OP has nothing to with what you just said here...

Now you wanabe conservative....

Link to Scott Walker calling the American worker "the enemy." Or else you lied.

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