Wait...You Bought The Covid Scam??? Sucker.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Brooklyn, NY
1. Yup.....as stated over and over, the Wuhan Red Death.....wasn't. No, hundreds of thousands didn't die from covid. No, masks were useless. It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elederly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

2. The real reason for the fake hand-wringing was to get everyone to accept mail-in voting, the method most susceptible to manipulation....and it worked. The Democrats said in-person voting would have spread the "disease".....we know that that's false because when 80 million voted in person, there was no concomitant spike in deaths or disease.

Want proof????

3. "Birx’s Book of Incriminating COVID Admissions
It’s a manual for how to leverage a crisis to subvert a government and bring down a president.


4. Either because of arrogance or ignorance (maybe both), Birx reveals the true intentions behind the government’s handling of COVID. If anything, her book confirms that Washington used COVID as an opportunity to isolate and neutralize the population while seizing permanent control of state and local institutions. Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself.

5. Here’s Birx on instituting lockdowns:

I wasn’t about to use the words lockdown or shutdown. If I had uttered either of those in early March, after being at the White House only one week, the political, nonmedical members of the task force would have dismissed me as too alarmist, too doom-and-gloom, too reliant on feelings and not facts. They would have campaigned to lock me down and shut me up.
No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it.
I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them."

1. Yup.....as stated over and over, the Wuhan Red Death.....wasn't. No, hundreds of thousands didn't die from covid. No, masks were useless. It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elederly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

2. The real reason for the fake hand-wringing was to get everyone to accept mail-in voting, the method most susceptible to manipulation....and it worked. The Democrats said in-person voting would have spread the "disease".....we know that that's false because when 80 million voted in person, there was no concomitant spike in deaths or disease.

Want proof????

3. "Birx’s Book of Incriminating COVID Admissions
It’s a manual for how to leverage a crisis to subvert a government and bring down a president.

View attachment 674538

4. Either because of arrogance or ignorance (maybe both), Birx reveals the true intentions behind the government’s handling of COVID. If anything, her book confirms that Washington used COVID as an opportunity to isolate and neutralize the population while seizing permanent control of state and local institutions. Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself.

5. Here’s Birx on instituting lockdowns:

View attachment 674539
No, no, it was real. I have first hand evidence of that, which I value the most.

The only question for me is, did the Fauci funded Chinese lab accidentally release the man-made biological weapon or was it intentional?

Since we are dealing with the CCP and DNC working hand in hand, we will never know but regardless, they are both to blame.
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1. Yup.....as stated over and over, the Wuhan Red Death.....wasn't. No, hundreds of thousands didn't die from covid. No, masks were useless. It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elederly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

2. The real reason for the fake hand-wringing was to get everyone to accept mail-in voting, the method most susceptible to manipulation....and it worked. The Democrats said in-person voting would have spread the "disease".....we know that that's false because when 80 million voted in person, there was no concomitant spike in deaths or disease.

Want proof????

3. "Birx’s Book of Incriminating COVID Admissions
It’s a manual for how to leverage a crisis to subvert a government and bring down a president.

View attachment 674538

4. Either because of arrogance or ignorance (maybe both), Birx reveals the true intentions behind the government’s handling of COVID. If anything, her book confirms that Washington used COVID as an opportunity to isolate and neutralize the population while seizing permanent control of state and local institutions. Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself.

5. Here’s Birx on instituting lockdowns:

View attachment 674539

Paid for by Obama and carried out by FAUCI, The DNC and CCP
Here are the facts,

  1. The Wuhan Designer Virus® is a corona strain of rhinovirus - hence it is NOT influenza - more closely related to the common cold.
  2. Survivability IF contracted is 98.7% Overall risk of death is <.02%
  3. Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a screendoor on a submarine. Masks are good at stopping bacteria.
  4. jillian is a Nazi
1. Yup.....as stated over and over, the Wuhan Red Death.....wasn't. No, hundreds of thousands didn't die from covid. No, masks were useless. It was simply the flu, and the recovery rate was about 100%.
The only ones in real danger were the elederly, the obese, and those with deadly debilitations already.....and most of them had DNRs.

2. The real reason for the fake hand-wringing was to get everyone to accept mail-in voting, the method most susceptible to manipulation....and it worked. The Democrats said in-person voting would have spread the "disease".....we know that that's false because when 80 million voted in person, there was no concomitant spike in deaths or disease.

Want proof????

3. "Birx’s Book of Incriminating COVID Admissions
It’s a manual for how to leverage a crisis to subvert a government and bring down a president.

View attachment 674538

4. Either because of arrogance or ignorance (maybe both), Birx reveals the true intentions behind the government’s handling of COVID. If anything, her book confirms that Washington used COVID as an opportunity to isolate and neutralize the population while seizing permanent control of state and local institutions. Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself.

5. Here’s Birx on instituting lockdowns:

View attachment 674539

Oddly enough people only seemed to die from COVID-19 in hospitals. Somehow COVID—the smartest virus in human history—knew to only kill people out of the public eye. In order to respect COVID's privacy killing tendencies, doctors the nation over were kind enough to prevent family members and other NOKs from crowding the virus's murder spree in hospital rooms everywhere. Such a nice, discrete virus that COVID-19; he was always such a quiet, well-behaved virus growing up . . .
Yeah I guess the million people who died. No biggie.


No, you imbecile....er, Democrat......the death rate was about ZERO.

1. And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

2. Here, from WebMD:

Coronavirus Recovery Rates

Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.

Coronavirus Recovery

3. Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox.

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

4. “Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

This was never about healthcare. It was, is, and always will be about control.”

Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

Let's put the conclusions up front. There is no reason for kids to wear masks. There's no reason to keep



5. If you had no co-morbidities to begin with.....



Mortality Risk of COVID-19 - Statistics and Research

Our interactive data visualizations which show the case fatality rate in each country, is updated daily.



That’s worldwide….includes nations with third world healthcare: under 1%

6. “Most people recover from Covid-19.

Most people with Covid-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care,… Most people recover from Covid-19. Here's why it's hard to pinpoint exactly how many

7. The mechanism of the hoax was simply to claim that deaths that would have occurred (most who died already had DNRs), and to substitute the real cause of death (the usual causes… heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia) and pretend that the Wuhan was responsible.

It was designed to dissipate the value of Trump’s miraculous economy….and it worked.

You won, you hurt America badly, but you got rid of your bĂŞte noire.

Give it up already: no, 600,000 Americans did not die of the Wuhan Red Death.

It's just one more of the myriad lies Democrats tell.

8. “Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?

Health officials estimate more 99% of infected patients survive

DETROIT – Health officials have confirmed the survival rate for people with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is high, but that’s no reason to relax safety measures that have been put in place.

One of the numbers that has been circulating on social media is that COVID-19 has a 98% or higher survival rate.

As of Wednesday, the number of cases in the United States was around 3,512,000 and the number of deaths was around 137,000. That would make the case fatality rate 3.9%, so based on confirmed cases, about 96% of people survive.” Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?u

Doesn’t look like a great reason to ruin the economy and the lives of millions of unaffected individuals…..

…..unless you have an ulterior purpose.


9. “Infection Fatality Rate (23k / 1.7M = 1.4% IFR)

Actual Cases with an outcome as of May 1 = estimated actual recovered (1,671,351) + estimated actual deaths (23,430) = 1,694,781.

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).” Coronavirus Death Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

10. “VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

The Question

Is the survivability rate of COVID-19 close to 100%?

The Answer

According to coronavirus data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there have been more than 992,000 COVID-19 cases statewide since the pandemic's start. To date, there have been close to 13,000 coronavirus-related deaths.

That would make the percentage of infections resulting in survival close to 99%” VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

And this:

Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.


Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.
Here are the facts,

  1. The Wuhan Designer Virus® is a corona strain of rhinovirus - hence it is NOT influenza - more closely related to the common cold.
  2. Survivability IF contracted is 98.7% Overall risk of death is <.02%
  3. Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a screendoor on a submarine. Masks are good at stopping bacteria.
  4. jillian is a Nazi

I don't know about Nazi....but she is as dumb as a bag of hair.
Oddly enough people only seemed to die from COVID-19 in hospitals. Somehow COVID—the smartest virus in human history—knew to only kill people out of the public eye. In order to respect COVID's privacy killing tendencies, doctors the nation over were kind enough to prevent family members and other NOKs from crowding the virus's murder spree in hospital rooms everywhere. Such a nice, discrete virus that COVID-19; he was always such a quiet, well-behaved virus growing up . . .

"Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

DNR patients had higher hazard ratios for risk of death and lower survival outcomes compared to non-DNR patients. The association between DNR status and poor clinical outcomes remained independently significant after adjustment for important clinical factors, including age, gender, COVID-19 symptoms at the time of admission and comorbidities.

"This study is notable because it indicates that many patients who died in these hospitals were quite ill to begin with. If this trend held in larger samples of the national population, at least one prediction made by Imperial College researcher Neil Ferguson may bear out. When he revised his statistics, he told officials in the U.K. that a significant portion of COVID-19 deaths in the country would likely have happened within the next six to twelve months without the virus"

6.” Here’s Birx on how she doctored the data to confirm that social distancing, masks, and lockdowns were working:

After the heavily edited documents were returned to me, I’d reinsert what they had objected to, but place it in those different locations. I’d also reorder and restructure the bullet points so the most salient — the points the administration objected to most — no longer fell at the start of the bullet points. I shared these strategies with the three members of the data team also writing these reports. Our Saturday and Sunday report-writing routine soon became: write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit.

Fortunately, this strategic sleight-of-hand worked. That they never seemed to catch this subterfuge left me to conclude that, either they read the finished reports too quickly or they neglected to do the word search that would have revealed the language to which they objected.

In slipping these changes past the gatekeepers and continuing to inform the governors of the need for the big-three mitigations — masks, sentinel testing, and limits on indoor social gatherings — I felt confident I was giving the states permission to escalate public health mitigation with the fall and winter coming.”

All bogus, suckers.
No, you imbecile....er, Democrat......the death rate was about ZERO.

1. And as far as how disastrous the Wuhan is to folks without those underlying co-morbidities, quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data.
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

2. Here, from WebMD:

Coronavirus Recovery Rates

Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.

Coronavirus Recovery

3. Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox.

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.
....between 20 and 45, 99.98%
....between 50 and 65, 99.5%
....and over 70, about 95%.

4. “Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

This was never about healthcare. It was, is, and always will be about control.”

Study Shows Children have a 99.995% Covid Recovery Rate with TWO Deaths Per Million Kids

Let's put the conclusions up front. There is no reason for kids to wear masks. There's no reason to keep



5. If you had no co-morbidities to begin with.....



Mortality Risk of COVID-19 - Statistics and Research

Our interactive data visualizations which show the case fatality rate in each country, is updated daily.



That’s worldwide….includes nations with third world healthcare: under 1%

6. “Most people recover from Covid-19.

Most people with Covid-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care,… Most people recover from Covid-19. Here's why it's hard to pinpoint exactly how many

7. The mechanism of the hoax was simply to claim that deaths that would have occurred (most who died already had DNRs), and to substitute the real cause of death (the usual causes… heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia) and pretend that the Wuhan was responsible.

It was designed to dissipate the value of Trump’s miraculous economy….and it worked.

You won, you hurt America badly, but you got rid of your bĂŞte noire.

Give it up already: no, 600,000 Americans did not die of the Wuhan Red Death.

It's just one more of the myriad lies Democrats tell.

8. “Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?

Health officials estimate more 99% of infected patients survive

DETROIT – Health officials have confirmed the survival rate for people with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is high, but that’s no reason to relax safety measures that have been put in place.

One of the numbers that has been circulating on social media is that COVID-19 has a 98% or higher survival rate.

As of Wednesday, the number of cases in the United States was around 3,512,000 and the number of deaths was around 137,000. That would make the case fatality rate 3.9%, so based on confirmed cases, about 96% of people survive.” Does COVID-19 have a 98 percent survival rate?u

Doesn’t look like a great reason to ruin the economy and the lives of millions of unaffected individuals…..

…..unless you have an ulterior purpose.


9. “Infection Fatality Rate (23k / 1.7M = 1.4% IFR)

Actual Cases with an outcome as of May 1 = estimated actual recovered (1,671,351) + estimated actual deaths (23,430) = 1,694,781.

Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) = Deaths / Cases = 23,430 / 1,694,781 = 1.4% (1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover).” Coronavirus Death Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

10. “VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

The Question

Is the survivability rate of COVID-19 close to 100%?

The Answer

According to coronavirus data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there have been more than 992,000 COVID-19 cases statewide since the pandemic's start. To date, there have been close to 13,000 coronavirus-related deaths.

That would make the percentage of infections resulting in survival close to 99%” VERIFY: Yes, COVID-19 has a 99% survival rate but numbers don't tell the whole story

And this:

Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.


Professor: COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%

97.1% of over 70s not in care homes survive.
Thanks for that, I've been posting here for years that Covid death rates were 0% to 5%. We shut down our whole country, economy and schools for that!! Millions of people die every year from illnesses yet we don't shut down and change our voting laws. The whole 'pandemic' was really a 'scamdemic.'
Thanks for that, I've been posting here for years that Covid death rates were 0% to 5%. We shut down our whole country, economy and schools for that!! Millions of people die every year from illnesses yet we don't shut down and change our voting laws. The whole 'pandemic' was really a 'scamdemic.'

And now we have Birx's own statements about it being a scam.
Anything — ANYTHING — that begins with the words “Chomsky said” is an absolutely lock-solid certainty to be completely worthless.
Anything — ANYTHING — that begins with the words “Chomsky said” is an absolutely lock-solid certainty to be completely worthless.
Yes one of the Commie 'skys' AlinSKY, ChomSKY.
7. “The December 2020 resignation of Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under Trump, revealed predictable hypocrisy. Like so many other government officials around the world, she was caught violating her own stay-at-home order. Therefore she finally left her post following nine months of causing unfathomable amounts of damage to life, liberty, property, and the very idea of hope for the future.

Even if Anthony Fauci had been the front man for the media, it was Birx who was the main influence in the White House behind the nationwide lockdowns that did not stop or control the pathogen but have caused immense suffering and continue to roil and wreck the world.

So it was significant that she would not and could not comply with her own dictates, even as her fellow citizens were being hunted down for the same infractions against “public health.”
Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute

If she was caught doing what she claimed had to be done to save the public......shouldn't that have been a clue????
Oddly enough people only seemed to die from COVID-19 in hospitals. Somehow COVID—the smartest virus in human history—knew to only kill people out of the public eye. In order to respect COVID's privacy killing tendencies, doctors the nation over were kind enough to prevent family members and other NOKs from crowding the virus's murder spree in hospital rooms everywhere. Such a nice, discrete virus that COVID-19; he was always such a quiet, well-behaved virus growing up . . .
You aren't actually this stupid are you? This is satire, right?

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