Wailing Wall Gets In Eyes Of Trump RE: "Massive Recession?"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
"A Radical's Election Paradise," is how the answer could have been put, on a Johnny Carson Tonight Show skit. "What do you call an election choice between a Woman, A Jew, and Three Really Loaded, hallucinating, Old White Men?" would have been the question, Abolish IRS. Build A Wailing Wall. Hope that Congress does another bail-out. Those are the three old choices. The other two are deciding on a political party to identify with.

In the one case, the old Trump person, the answer is self-admitted delusion. The unemployment rate he calls a lie, and citing no alternative report at all! The Chinese economy actually started to turn positive in February-March, the U. S. Stock Markets are all now positive for the year. The Short-Sellers made their money at the beginning of the year. Only now, really-old-Trump maybe thinks he missed it?!? There is a "Massive Recession" about to happen, which will allow Trump to take $2.5 tril. per year, and pay down the national debt(?). Would short-selling now, qualify him for the U. S. Presidency?
Trump predicts 'very massive recession' in U.S.

The real unemployment rate is 20% according to Trump. The public, published rate is 5% as of Friday. Things are so bad, likely according to Trump(?), even the President's approval rating has climbed back up to 52% during the last week. That is most recent Gallup. Obama-legacy Clinton may do better than expected in Wisconsin, it may turn out. The Constitution applies to "persons born." The climb of the female to the likely nomination is a public record. Even that part had to be put in later on. The matter of Constitutional Rights for Women was actually iffy, for a long time. Blacks had a problem with them, too(?)!

Hallucinating Old White Men are nothing new, by comparison. A Wailing Wall is nothing new, by comparison.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Gay Old White Keynes now widely popular: "For he bade the people bend over and await the Public Works. . .in America(?)!)
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i love that wailing wall. also that you're old enough to remember a johnny carson skit.

djt thinks the unemployment rate in some sectors (geographic) is much higher than twenty percent.

i agree. those numbers are cooked by the whitehouse for elections.

but even so 80 percent of the people working is still pretty good from a half baked executive branch.

btw ? wouldn't the expression hallucinating old black men be construed as racist ??
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The most recent Trump concept of a massive unemployment rate, or a massive recession, would not mesh with the Obama approval ratings. At 52% nationwide, neither can they be thought all Sanders voters, nor can they be thought all Clinton voters. Probably they are not Trump voters--just somehow seems to be able to be noted(?).

Pulling $2.5 tril. per year, out of the economy, does create the likely next Trump messages(?)! "If elected, I promise to short the market within the first 100 days I am in office!" Cruz easily has the same speech-writers, probably outsourced to Pakistan. Kasich would be more likely said to propose bailing something out--anything out--for $2.5 tril., and within the first 100 days. That, of course, would not be useful for shorting the U. S. Stock market. Following Bush-Cheney, (GOP), and Obama-Biden, (Democrat): Then anyone knows in fact where the $2.5 tril., winds up. Anyone sees what the Ivy League thinks it is for.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Bend Over--But(?) only a few get the federal deficit dollars, anymore. Many then go do coitus, to foal and spawn, and get more money from welfare spending programs, run by educated people!)

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