"VP Harris "Is NOT Doing 'THE BORDER'!"

kami does the border.jpg
Biden pretty much hosed Harris on this, especially since he mentioned he was considering a second term. Looks like Biden's puppet masters aren't going to hand the reigns over to Harris after all.
'Yeah, about that whole "VP Harris is now in charge of the Border and figuring out how to stop the crisis" thing......'

It did not take long for Harris to figure out that Biden had flicked a radioactive booger on to her when Joe declared VP Harris was going to be in charge of the Border crisis, in charge of negotiating with the leaders of the Southern Triangle country leaders, and in charge of finding a way to end the crisis. Both Biden and Harris know they have opened 'Pandora's Box', have let the genie out of the bottle, and that is is damn-near impossible now to get that genie back in the bottle.

Harris knows the border DISASTER is a Four Alarm Fire, and ....looking to be the next President....she knows if this disaster is pinned on her to solve - which she knows she can't do - it will be al albatross around her neck, a massive failure SHE will be blamed for.

So what's a Socialist Leftist Extremist to do? You put out a press release and declare what Joe REALLY meant is that he tasked Harris with doing his job of contacting South American nation leaders, tell them they are re-starting Barry's failed policy of given them BILLIONS to make their nations more appealing to their people who are leaving to come to the US (Money which these leaders will just pocket), and beg them to help slow down the massive flow of illegals to the US.

Harris knows exactly how bad this Humanitarian, Trafficking, COVID-19 Spreading, National Security Disaster is, and she wants no part of having to solve it all placed solely on her because it could destroy her political aspirations.

So, you declared she isn't in charge of the border, but by the end of your post you're telling us about what she's doing while in charge of the border.

Typical faux niwz doublespeak, and absolutely meaningless.
So, you declared she isn't in charge of the border, but by the end of your post you're telling us about what she's doing while in charge of the border.

Your reading comprehension level is that of a homeless illegal 3yo. You should REALLY have a nadult read this to you and explain it to you so you don't keep embarrassing yourself.

Biden named Harris in a 'press conference' to be THE woMAN in charge of solving HIS Border disaster. Since then Harris has realized, whether on purpose or not, publicly, politically set her up to FAIL by doing so.

Harris may be a radical Leftist Socialist extremist who slept her way into politics and to where she is now, but she isn't stupid. She knows the borders is a lost cause...and she wants nopart of being the one left 'holding the bag', being blamed for this disaster not being solved.

So she has 'clarified' her role is to Make phone calls and work directly with the Southern Triangle country leaders as the Biden administration re-instates the failed Obama policy of giving these leaders Billions of dollars to improve their country to entice their people to stay. (They only pocket the cash and are glad to be rid of so many poor citizens.)

That's it.

She's not going to the border.
She is not going to see the disaster Biden has caused.
She is not going to tour the inhumane Biden Kiddie Cages.
She's not going to meet / talk with the experts.
She will continue to laugh at the media's questions.
She will continue to compare ICE to the KKK.
She will continue to call / work for the decriminalization of illegal immigration.

She has flatly rejected Biden's call for her to solve his mess.
I think she laughs uncontrollably because she cannot fucking believe she is going to be President.

She won exactly 0 electoral votes in the Dem Primary. 0% of the vote....and she is going to be President.

She just cannot believe this is real life. So she does this... :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :laughing0301:
Can you imagine if this whore broke out into a laughing fit during the state of the union address?
I think she laughs uncontrollably because she cannot fucking believe she is going to be President.

She won exactly 0 electoral votes in the Dem Primary. 0% of the vote....and she is going to be President.

She just cannot believe this is real life. So she does this... :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :laughing0301:

Visions of the Biden State Funeral dancing in her head make her cackle

Also, his VP ignores him, what foreign leader would listen to Biden?
I think she laughs uncontrollably because she cannot fucking believe she is going to be President.

She won exactly 0 electoral votes in the Dem Primary. 0% of the vote....and she is going to be President.

She just cannot believe this is real life. So she does this... :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :laughing0301:

There are no electoral votes in a primary. She dropped out before the first primary.
Lefties. You elected an old rich senile White man as President and a cackling whore as VP who got to the top on her back and knees.
'Yeah, about that whole "VP Harris is now in charge of the Border and figuring out how to stop the crisis" thing......'

It did not take long for Harris to figure out that Biden had flicked a radioactive booger on to her when Joe declared VP Harris was going to be in charge of the Border crisis, in charge of negotiating with the leaders of the Southern Triangle country leaders, and in charge of finding a way to end the crisis. Both Biden and Harris know they have opened 'Pandora's Box', have let the genie out of the bottle, and that is is damn-near impossible now to get that genie back in the bottle.

Harris knows the border DISASTER is a Four Alarm Fire, and ....looking to be the next President....she knows if this disaster is pinned on her to solve - which she knows she can't do - it will be al albatross around her neck, a massive failure SHE will be blamed for.

So what's a Socialist Leftist Extremist to do? You put out a press release and declare what Joe REALLY meant is that he tasked Harris with doing his job of contacting South American nation leaders, tell them they are re-starting Barry's failed policy of given them BILLIONS to make their nations more appealing to their people who are leaving to come to the US (Money which these leaders will just pocket), and beg them to help slow down the massive flow of illegals to the US.

Harris knows exactly how bad this Humanitarian, Trafficking, COVID-19 Spreading, National Security Disaster is, and she wants no part of having to solve it all placed solely on her because it could destroy her political aspirations.

Six word points are compact, such as "Hated my mother; became like her." My recent point:


  • Harris 5-20-2021.jpg
    Harris 5-20-2021.jpg
    73 KB · Views: 16
Harris is a failure and a failed VP. She has been given 2 critical tasks by the President so far, and she has intentionally failed at both.

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