VP Biden's Son Joins Ukraine Gas Company...

"In 1928, Koch traveled to the Soviet Union searching for business opportunities, but he came to despise communism and Joseph Stalin's regime, writing in his 1960 book, A Business Man Looks at Communism, that he found the Soviet Union to be "a land of hunger, misery, and terror".[16] He toured the countryside with Jerome Livshitz. Livshitz gave Fred Koch what he would call a "liberal education in Communist techniques and methods" and Koch grew persuaded that the Soviet threat needed to be countered in America."

Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nope not the same in the slightest, but good far left political stab based on faulty programming.
Ol' Fred didn't much care where his money came from before he got rich:

"In 1927, Koch developed a more efficient thermal cracking process for turning crude oil into gasoline which allowed smaller players in the industry to better compete with the oil majors.

"The larger oil companies quickly sued in response, filing 44 different lawsuits against Koch, and embroiling him in litigation for years. Koch was to prevail in all but one of the suits (which was later over-turned due to the fact that the judge had been bribed).[11]

"This extended litigation effectively put Winkler-Koch out of business in the U.S. for several years.

"Koch turned his focus to foreign markets, including the Soviet Union, where Winkler-Koch built 15 cracking units between 1929 and 1932.

"The company also built installations in countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.[1]

"In the early 1930s, Winkler-Koch hosted Soviet technicians for training.

"Having succeeded in securing the family fortune, Koch joined new partners in 1940 to create the Wood River Oil and Refining Company, which is today known as Koch Industries.

"In 1946 the firm acquired the Rock Island refinery and crude oil gathering system near Duncan, Oklahoma. Wood River was later renamed the Rock Island Oil and Refining Company.[13]

"In 1966 he turned over day-to-day management of the company to his son, Charles Koch."

Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neither did George Soros, the Kennedy's, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Pelosi's, the Reid's and especially the Biden's..

SO is there a point to your post or are you on far left drone patrol?
Fred Koch's faulty programming poses the same risk to US democracy as those families you mention. Are you under the impression Fred had no business deals with Stalin?
OP- Good for him. Where's any corruption mega-money, or conspiracy, tin foilers?

You have no shame. Defending the indefensible makes you a bad person. Take a break from the 'Party before Country' stuff. Try doing the right thing.
A closer look.

Burisma Holdings Limited, the largest non government gas supplier in Ukraine, is owned by Brociti Investments Limited, a Cypriot offshore company.
So who is involved in that?

Mykola Zlochevsky (gosh, there goes a serious name, and minister to Viktor Yanukovych)
Aleksander Kwasniewski, ex Polish president

It's also interesting to note, Joe went to Ukraine in April 2014, to tell Ukraine, "to reduce its dependence on Russia for supplies of natural gas.. could help provide technical expertise for expanding domestic production of natural gas".
Seems he meant to say, "give my lad a job, you owe me a favour".

That basic stuff took ten minutes - I'll bet there's a lot more to dig out.

A very wise observation. Thanks.
OP- Good for him. Where's any corruption mega-money, or conspiracy, tin foilers?

You have no shame. Defending the indefensible makes you a bad person. Take a break from the 'Party before Country' stuff. Try doing the right thing.

Is there some reason you can't articulate what you think you mean by "indefensible"?

Wassamatta? You're always ready to make shit up that you claim somebody else said... Koch got your tongue?
Liberal scum like the Bidens taking advantage of a situation doesn't prove a conspiracy on the world stage. You have to be insane to believe Joe Biden somehow orchestrated the situation in Ukraine so that he could help his "son" make more money.....fucking insane.

This is an example of a scumbag taking advantage of the chaos in Ukraine to line his own pockets and the Ukraine gas company using that scumbag as a lifeline against Russian aggression.

So.....if Putin overruns Ukraine and lets Biden's son stay on board this company.....do you kooks then say Biden's son was working with Putin???

Yeah, you're that fucking stupid and insane.
OP- Good for him. Where's any corruption mega-money, or conspiracy, tin foilers?

You have no shame. Defending the indefensible makes you a bad person. Take a break from the 'Party before Country' stuff. Try doing the right thing.

Is there some reason you can't articulate what you think you mean by "indefensible"?

Wassamatta? You're always ready to make shit up that you claim somebody else said... Koch got your tongue?

Defending the indefensible makes you just as bad a person as those you despise. Like i said, shame on you.
Liberal scum like the Bidens taking advantage of a situation doesn't prove a conspiracy on the world stage. You have to be insane to believe Joe Biden somehow orchestrated the situation in Ukraine so that he could help his "son" make more money.....fucking insane.

This is an example of a scumbag taking advantage of the chaos in Ukraine to line his own pockets and the Ukraine gas company using that scumbag as a lifeline against Russian aggression.

So.....if Putin overruns Ukraine and lets Biden's son stay on board this company.....do you kooks then say Biden's son was working with Putin???

Yeah, you're that fucking stupid and insane.

I wouldn't say he alone orchestrated it. Obviously, he isn't capable of pulling that off. Him and his brat are just reaping some of the rewards of the orchestrated coup. Many other Globalist Elite assholes are gonna get rich off this as well. It was a collective effort. They instigated instability and did orchestrate the coup.
Shitbag....you started this conspiracy thread. :cuckoo:

Liberal scum like the Bidens taking advantage of a situation doesn't prove a conspiracy on the world stage. You have to be insane to believe Joe Biden somehow orchestrated the situation in Ukraine so that he could help his "son" make more money.....fucking insane.

This is an example of a scumbag taking advantage of the chaos in Ukraine to line his own pockets and the Ukraine gas company using that scumbag as a lifeline against Russian aggression.

So.....if Putin overruns Ukraine and lets Biden's son stay on board this company.....do you kooks then say Biden's son was working with Putin???

Yeah, you're that fucking stupid and insane.

I wouldn't say he alone orchestrated it. Obviously, he isn't capable of pulling that off. Him and his brat are just reaping some of the rewards of the orchestrated coup. Many other Globalist Elite assholes are gonna get rich off this as well. It was a collective effort. They instigated instability and did orchestrate the coup.
Shitbag....you started this conspiracy thread. :cuckoo:

Liberal scum like the Bidens taking advantage of a situation doesn't prove a conspiracy on the world stage. You have to be insane to believe Joe Biden somehow orchestrated the situation in Ukraine so that he could help his "son" make more money.....fucking insane.

This is an example of a scumbag taking advantage of the chaos in Ukraine to line his own pockets and the Ukraine gas company using that scumbag as a lifeline against Russian aggression.

So.....if Putin overruns Ukraine and lets Biden's son stay on board this company.....do you kooks then say Biden's son was working with Putin???

Yeah, you're that fucking stupid and insane.

I wouldn't say he alone orchestrated it. Obviously, he isn't capable of pulling that off. Him and his brat are just reaping some of the rewards of the orchestrated coup. Many other Globalist Elite assholes are gonna get rich off this as well. It was a collective effort. They instigated instability and did orchestrate the coup.

It's not a 'Conspiracy Theory.' It's Conspiracy Fact. It's right there in front of your face. Their brazen about it. They're not hiding anything. Globalist Elite assholes like Biden and his brat, are gonna get very rich off this. And you the average American Taxpayer are gonna be forced to go broke helping them get richer. You'll never see a dime in profit off this. But i assure you they will.
So kook....when Russia invades Kazakhstan....how are you going to spin that one into a conspiracy????

FYI....this Ukraine mess was not part of a plan by Obama, he helped cause it by being weak and ignoring Putin. Putin is the one person on this planet to be blamed for the mess in Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, etc.
You have no shame. Defending the indefensible makes you a bad person. Take a break from the 'Party before Country' stuff. Try doing the right thing.

Is there some reason you can't articulate what you think you mean by "indefensible"?

Wassamatta? You're always ready to make shit up that you claim somebody else said... Koch got your tongue?

Defending the indefensible makes you just as bad a person as those you despise. Like i said, shame on you.

So you have nothing but inane repetition of your own yammer that you can't define.

Color me unsurprised.
So kook....when Russia invades Kazakhstan....how are you going to spin that one into a conspiracy????

FYI....this Ukraine mess was not part of a plan by Obama, he helped cause it by being weak and ignoring Putin. Putin is the one person on this planet to be blamed for the mess in Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, etc.

The Globalist Elites in the West instigated and orchestrated the coup in Kiev. They left Putin and Russia with no choice but to respond. They got the mess they wanted. Now it's time to make some cash. Too bad you the average American Taxpayer won't ever see any of that cash though. It's all reserved for the Globalist Elite scum.
Kook.....did those "global elites" force Putin to invade Chechnya and Georgia? :cuckoo:

So idiot, there's a pattern here....Putin invades weak neighbors.

The "coup" in Ukraine was because the people there finally realized the scumbag in office was working for Putin, not them. He stole money from Ukraine when he ran to Moscow....yet you claim he was some saint "illegally kicked out of office."

He is also being investigated for the murders of protestors in Kyiv by his secret police force.

So you side with a murderer and thief.....you also side with Snowden who stole TS intel from the US and gave it to the Russians......hmmmmmmmm.

So kook....when Russia invades Kazakhstan....how are you going to spin that one into a conspiracy????

FYI....this Ukraine mess was not part of a plan by Obama, he helped cause it by being weak and ignoring Putin. Putin is the one person on this planet to be blamed for the mess in Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, etc.

The Globalist Elites in the West instigated and orchestrated the coup in Kiev. They left Putin and Russia with no choice but to respond. They got the mess they wanted. Now it's time to make some cash. Too bad you the average American Taxpayer won't ever see any of that cash though. It's all reserved for the Globalist Elite scum.
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Is there some reason you can't articulate what you think you mean by "indefensible"?

Wassamatta? You're always ready to make shit up that you claim somebody else said... Koch got your tongue?

Defending the indefensible makes you just as bad a person as those you despise. Like i said, shame on you.

So you have nothing but inane repetition of your own yammer that you can't define.

Color me unsurprised.

Now you're just flailing away trying to justify your defense of the indefensible. You've become a bad person. You have no right to preach to others. In your mind you may think you have some sort of high ground, but in reality you don't. You've become all you supposedly despise.
Kook.....did those "global elites" force Putin to invade Chechnya and Georgia? :cuckoo:

So idiot, there's a pattern here....Putin invades weak neighbors.

The "coup" in Ukraine was because the people there finally realized the scumbag in office was working for Putin, not them. He stole money from Ukraine when he ran to Moscow....yet you claim he was some saint "illegally kicked out of office."

He is also being investigated for the murders of protestors in Kyiv by his secret police force.

So you side with a murderer and thief.....you also side with Snowden who stole TS intel from the US and gave it to the Russians......hmmmmmmmm.

So kook....when Russia invades Kazakhstan....how are you going to spin that one into a conspiracy????

FYI....this Ukraine mess was not part of a plan by Obama, he helped cause it by being weak and ignoring Putin. Putin is the one person on this planet to be blamed for the mess in Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, etc.

The Globalist Elites in the West instigated and orchestrated the coup in Kiev. They left Putin and Russia with no choice but to respond. They got the mess they wanted. Now it's time to make some cash. Too bad you the average American Taxpayer won't ever see any of that cash though. It's all reserved for the Globalist Elite scum.

Actually, you need to read up a bit more on the Georgian issue. Georgia was the aggressor. And Chechnya is none of our business. That's an internal issue between the Russians and Chechens. And btw, we invade weak nations all the time. Who are we to preach on that?
You're a nutjob. :cuckoo:

I'm one of the biggest anti-Obama CONSERVATIVES here....and I say Obama did nothing regarding Ukraine, that is why Putin invaded Ukraine (Crimea) and is slowly working on stealing more of Ukraine.....like he did with Georgia using bullshit claims of oppression along the border.

Putin today and Hitler long ago appreciated stupid fucks like you in the US, they appreciate your support, useful idiot.

Kook.....did those "global elites" force Putin to invade Chechnya and Georgia? :cuckoo:

So idiot, there's a pattern here....Putin invades weak neighbors.

The "coup" in Ukraine was because the people there finally realized the scumbag in office was working for Putin, not them. He stole money from Ukraine when he ran to Moscow....yet you claim he was some saint "illegally kicked out of office."

He is also being investigated for the murders of protestors in Kyiv by his secret police force.

So you side with a murderer and thief.....you also side with Snowden who stole TS intel from the US and gave it to the Russians......hmmmmmmmm.

The Globalist Elites in the West instigated and orchestrated the coup in Kiev. They left Putin and Russia with no choice but to respond. They got the mess they wanted. Now it's time to make some cash. Too bad you the average American Taxpayer won't ever see any of that cash though. It's all reserved for the Globalist Elite scum.

Actually, you need to read up a bit more on the Georgian issue. Georgia was the aggressor. And Chechnya is none of our business. That's an internal issue between the Russians and Chechens. And btw, we invade weak nations all the time. Who are we to preach on that?
You're a nutjob. :cuckoo:

I'm one of the biggest anti-Obama CONSERVATIVES here....and I say Obama did nothing regarding Ukraine, that is why Putin invaded Ukraine (Crimea) and is slowly working on stealing more of Ukraine.....like he did with Georgia using bullshit claims of oppression along the border.

Putin today and Hitler long ago appreciated stupid fucks like you in the US, they appreciate your support, useful idiot.

Kook.....did those "global elites" force Putin to invade Chechnya and Georgia? :cuckoo:

So idiot, there's a pattern here....Putin invades weak neighbors.

The "coup" in Ukraine was because the people there finally realized the scumbag in office was working for Putin, not them. He stole money from Ukraine when he ran to Moscow....yet you claim he was some saint "illegally kicked out of office."

He is also being investigated for the murders of protestors in Kyiv by his secret police force.

So you side with a murderer and thief.....you also side with Snowden who stole TS intel from the US and gave it to the Russians......hmmmmmmmm.

Actually, you need to read up a bit more on the Georgian issue. Georgia was the aggressor. And Chechnya is none of our business. That's an internal issue between the Russians and Chechens. And btw, we invade weak nations all the time. Who are we to preach on that?

Not trying to offend, but you do seem to lack knowledge on the Georgian issue especially. They were actually the aggressor. Most supported Russia's efforts there. And this coup could not have been pulled off without support from the Globalist Elites in the West. They instigated the turmoil in Ukraine. Russia had no choice but to respond.
You have no shame. Defending the indefensible makes you a bad person. Take a break from the 'Party before Country' stuff. Try doing the right thing.

Is there some reason you can't articulate what you think you mean by "indefensible"?

Wassamatta? You're always ready to make shit up that you claim somebody else said... Koch got your tongue?

Defending the indefensible makes you just as bad a person as those you despise. Like i said, shame on you.

So you have nothing but inane repetition of your own yammer that you can't define.

Color me unsurprised.

Now you're just flailing away trying to justify your defense of the indefensible. You've become a bad person. You have no right to preach to others. In your mind you may think you have some sort of high ground, but in reality you don't. You've become all you supposedly despise.

How many times does that make using the term "indefensible", yet when asked to define what it means all you have is "hummahummahumma"?

We can wait....
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Shithead....Georgia reacted to the Russian spies and spec ops working inside their border like they are doing inside Ukraine right now, that is why Russia had "an excuse" for invading pieces of Georgia.

You see inbred.....Russia uses their spies and spec ops to go into other countries to rile up the ethnic Russians against the GOV...they are doing it right now in other countries not named Ukraine, idiot. If that country reacts with their troops or police, Russia has an excuse for so-called stop the chaos they created, how quaint.

Russian TV channels send propaganda to other countries about the "Russia motherland" and trashing "the US and NATO" to fill their minds of mush. That is why the Russian goons working inside Ukraine have taken over TV stations Cleatus, they want to do their PR war against Ukraine "inside" Ukraine.

Putin loves idiots like you, you help him steal other countries.

You're a nutjob. :cuckoo:

I'm one of the biggest anti-Obama CONSERVATIVES here....and I say Obama did nothing regarding Ukraine, that is why Putin invaded Ukraine (Crimea) and is slowly working on stealing more of Ukraine.....like he did with Georgia using bullshit claims of oppression along the border.

Putin today and Hitler long ago appreciated stupid fucks like you in the US, they appreciate your support, useful idiot.

Actually, you need to read up a bit more on the Georgian issue. Georgia was the aggressor. And Chechnya is none of our business. That's an internal issue between the Russians and Chechens. And btw, we invade weak nations all the time. Who are we to preach on that?

Not trying to offend, but you do seem to lack knowledge on the Georgian issue especially. They were actually the aggressor. Most supported Russia's efforts there. And this coup could not have been pulled off without support from the Globalist Elites in the West. They instigated the turmoil in Ukraine. Russia had no choice but to respond.
So you have nothing but inane repetition of your own yammer that you can't define.

Color me unsurprised.

Now you're just flailing away trying to justify your defense of the indefensible. You've become a bad person. You have no right to preach to others. In your mind you may think you have some sort of high ground, but in reality you don't. You've become all you supposedly despise.

How many times does that make using the term "indefensible", yet when asked to define what it means all you have is "hummahummahumma"?

We can wait....

You're officially a bad person. Congrats. But hopefully one day you'll get past that stupid 'Party before Country' shite. I actually still have hope for you. I do believe you'll evolve. I know it takes time though. I wish you the best of luck.

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