Voters are generally stupid - much dumber than Hillary and slightly smarter than Trump


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
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What other conclusion can be reached? 2/3 of Americans can't even name all three branches of government. How can we expect them not to believe the false equivalency between Trump and Clinton?

Clinton is far from perfect as a candidate, but Trump behaves and talks like a 12 year old. He should be nowhere near public office. If his daddy hadn't given him a million dollars to start his failing businesses, he would just be the crazy, ranting hobo you avoid on the bus. Hillary is highly educated and is experienced in public office. She has her share of controversy, but only Trump is being brought to court over fraud and sexual assault on a child. People hear "FBI" "emails" and "Clinton" and their feeble minds just assume the worse.

Why is it so hard for people to see these fundamental differences?
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Failing businesses? Trump inherited a million dollars and then made 10 billion.

4/3 of liberals can't do math.
What other conclusion can be reached? 2/3 of Americans can't even name all three branches of government. How can we expect them not to believe the false equivalency between Trump and Clinton?

Clinton is far from perfect as a candidate, but Trump behaves and talks like a 12 year old. He should be nowhere near public office. If his daddy didn't give him a million dollars to start his failing businesses, he would just be the crazy, ranting hobo you avoid on the bus. Hillary is highly educated and is experienced in public office. She has her share of controversy, but only Trump is being brought to court over fraud and sexual assault on a child. People hear "FBI" "emails" and "Clinton" and their feeble minds just assume the worse.

Why is it so hard for people to see these fundamental differences?

I see the big difference between Donald John Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton and what is funny is you defending Hillary Rodham Clinton...

Oh and I am voting third party so please don't attempt to claim I am voting for Trump and here in Texas Hillary Clinton will not win...
Failing businesses? Trump inherited a million dollars and then made 10 billion.

4/3 of liberals can't do math.
Oh Christ. There is zero evidence Trump is actually worth 10 billion. You just believe every lie that sack of shit says. Also, adjusted for inflation, Trump's million dollar gift in the early 80s was 6.5 million today.
Failing businesses? Trump inherited a million dollars and then made 10 billion.

4/3 of liberals can't do math.
Oh Christ. There is zero evidence Trump is actually worth 10 billion. You just believe every lie that sack of shit says. Also, adjusted for inflation, Trump's million dollar gift in the early 80s was 6.5 million today.

Well, that makes all the difference.
Trump has an IQ of 156 (estimate).

You don't have half that so stop talking.
Failing businesses? Trump inherited a million dollars and then made 10 billion.

4/3 of liberals can't do math.
Oh Christ. There is zero evidence Trump is actually worth 10 billion. You just believe every lie that sack of shit says. Also, adjusted for inflation, Trump's million dollar gift in the early 80s was 6.5 million today.

Well, that makes all the difference.
Thank you. I think it does too.
Trump has an IQ of 156 (estimate).

You don't have half that so stop talking.
That's a load of shit. Experts do say he has the vocabulary and speech sophistication of a 5th grader.
Trump has an IQ of 156 (estimate).

You don't have half that so stop talking.
That's a load of shit. Experts do say he has the vocabulary and speech sophistication of a 5th grader.

He speaks in such a manner that everyone, even you, can understand him. That's called tolerance.
Voters are generally stupid?

Wholeheartedly agree.

If they weren't, we wouldn't have Trump OR Hillary as candidates.

They'd both have been out of the running by Easter.
What other conclusion can be reached? 2/3 of Americans can't even name all three branches of government. How can we expect them not to believe the false equivalency between Trump and Clinton?

Clinton is far from perfect as a candidate, but Trump behaves and talks like a 12 year old. He should be nowhere near public office. If his daddy hadn't given him a million dollars to start his failing businesses, he would just be the crazy, ranting hobo you avoid on the bus. Hillary is highly educated and is experienced in public office. She has her share of controversy, but only Trump is being brought to court over fraud and sexual assault on a child. People hear "FBI" "emails" and "Clinton" and their feeble minds just assume the worse.

Why is it so hard for people to see these fundamental differences?
The way a society chooses to entertain itself is essentially a reflection of that society.

In our case, that would include the Kardashians - a symptom if there ever has been one - on one network and people literally pooping and barfing for our amusement on another.

Similarly, the people a society chooses to "lead" it are essentially a reflection of that society.

In both cases, we just keep lowering standards and lowering standards until standards simply no longer have value. Hence, Hillary & Trump.

The fact that we have ended up with these two is another such reflection. The partisans won't admit that, of course, because they are in fact part of the problem.

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