Voter Fraud - Election Fraud

You mean you have an objection to when the Justice Department attorney in New Mexico refused to investigate election fraud as he was required and was fired for not doing so -even after discovering that employees of several Democrat state senators had paid people to fraudulently register to vote -which is a felony? You consider that to be some kind of effort to "suppress" votes? ROFLMAO! Which vote is being "suppressed" by such an investigation?

I fail to see how opposing voter and election fraud somehow benefits only Republicans as opposed to ALL legitimate voters when NONE of their voices should be diluted by fraudulent votes -unless you believe that Democrats are engaged in a lot of voter and election fraud in the first place and are actually HARMED unless voter and election fraud is ignored. So I guess you believe a democratic republic should turn a blind eye to voter and election fraud regardless of the evidence -because not investigating that is something you think benefits YOUR political side. Which says something really bad about you and those you support, doesn't it?

Their is a special prosecutor investigating the firing of the Justice Department attorneys.

The truth will come out, and some people in the Bush administration will go to jail.
got a link to that? I believe I've read they've fired those workers who fraudulently filled out registrations but I think I missed where ACORN admitted guilt for these workers and/or paid fines.

ACORN has agreed to pay $25,000 as the result of their "work" in just one county in Washington that included the city of Seattle. 7 employees in that one ACORN office, including the office supervisor, have already been charged with crimes, 3 already sentenced and one who was charged with voter fraud failed to appear in court and is now a wanted man. Of a total of 1,805 registrations submitted by this single ACORN office -only NINE have been confirmed as legitimate. (Hard to claim ACORN has a fraud rate of 33% because those doing the registering committed these crimes on their own - when this one case shows the office supervisor is alleged to have been part of the scheme too.)

Further criminal charges and fines are expected as the result of the investigation into the Tacoma, WA branch of ACORN in the near future.

Voter-registration workers charged with submitting bogus registrations
ACORN has agreed to pay $25,000 as the result of their "work" in just one county in Washington that included the city of Seattle. 7 employees in that one ACORN office, including the office supervisor, have already been charged with crimes, 3 already sentenced and one who was charged with voter fraud failed to appear in court and is now a wanted man. Of a total of 1,805 registrations submitted by this single ACORN office -only NINE have been confirmed as legitimate. (Hard to claim ACORN has a fraud rate of 33% because those doing the registering committed these crimes on their own - when this one case shows the office supervisor is alleged to have been part of the scheme too.)

Further criminal charges and fines are expected as the result of the investigation into the Tacoma, WA branch of ACORN in the near future.

Voter-registration workers charged with submitting bogus registrations

This had nothing to do with voter fraud. It was a case of workers cheating their employer, ACORN....

From your own link....

But the scheme had nothing to do with an attempt to manipulate elections and everything to do with the workers' efforts to keep their $8-an-hour jobs, prosecutors said.

In fact, no votes were cast based on the more than 1,760 fraudulent registrations submitted by workers for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, interim Prosecutor Dan Satterberg said.

"The defendants ... cheated their employers to get paid for work they did not actually perform," Satterberg said. "The defendants simply realized that making up names was easier than actually canvassing the streets."
So far it is voter registration fraud and it is a felony to knowingly register fraudulently -or in the case of ACORN, to knowingly turn in fraudulent registrations.

Wrong. Its not illegal to turn in bogus registration cards.

Its the law to turn in every registration card you have. Whether they are legitimate, whether they have typos, whether somebody scrawled Mickey Mouse on it as a joke, or whether they were indeed frauduently filled out.

You can't hold onto any registration card the state gives you. You have to turn all of them in.

All the reports are saying that ACORN flagged the ones they thought were bogus, and turned them over to the State. Its the state's job to determine if the bogus ones were crimes, whether they were typos, or whether they were stupid practical jokes.

In any organization as big as ACORN, there's going to be a few jerks they hire who turn in some bogus registration cards as a way of making a fast buck.

There's never been a shred of evidence however, that any bogus card that was filled out for ACORN has turned into a fraudulent vote.

Please post it if you have proof that a bogus registration card actually turned into a fraudulent voter turning up at the polls.
Their is a special prosecutor investigating the firing of the Justice Department attorneys.

The truth will come out, and some people in the Bush administration will go to jail.

The truth has come out and no one will ever go to jail for it. Strange how people like you would rather see someone investigated for firing someone who refused to investigate election fraud -then seeing those who committed that election fraud investigated. Says a lot but nothing very good.

All Justice Department attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President and any of them can be fired at any time for NO CAUSE at all. A President can fire as many as he wants and then give their jobs to attorneys he prefers for whatever reason. The Supreme Court ruled years ago that the Attorney General is the President's agent and can act on his behalf in that regard. Which means NO reason even need be given for that firing. But the fact a reason was given doesn't mean he couldn't be fired anyway. Gonzales says he refused to follow a direct order and was fired. And the investigation shows that this attorney DID find evidence of voter fraud and then refused to carry out any further investigation. In my book, refusing to follow the direct order alone is grounds for firing -even though no grounds at all are ever necessary for a Justice Dept. attorney to be fired. That he refused even after already having found evidence of voter fraud makes it worse -for him.

Did you demand an investigation when one of the first things Clinton did as President was fire all 33 Justice Department attorneys because he said he wanted "his" people all holding those jobs, something no President has EVER done -and even though doing so meant shutting down more than a few investigations Clinton didn't want to see reach any conclusions or result in any criminal charges against a couple of his buddies and the new attorneys ordered to drop those investigations? Of course you didn't -entirely different in your book no doubt.
This had nothing to do with voter fraud. It was a case of workers cheating their employer, ACORN....

From your own link....

But the scheme had nothing to do with an attempt to manipulate elections and everything to do with the workers' efforts to keep their $8-an-hour jobs, prosecutors said.

In fact, no votes were cast based on the more than 1,760 fraudulent registrations submitted by workers for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, interim Prosecutor Dan Satterberg said.

"The defendants ... cheated their employers to get paid for work they did not actually perform," Satterberg said. "The defendants simply realized that making up names was easier than actually canvassing the streets."

That was the official explanation by the national ACORN office -NOT what the prosecution says it is. This worn-out excuse is ALWAYS what ACORN says to explain why of all voter registration drives in the nation only theirs has a sky high fraud rate that no other organization even comes close to. Especially in the battleground states where enough fraudulent votes have the potential to change the legtimate outcome.

Funny ACORN has never claimed these people were threatened with losing their $8 hr. jobs unless they produced X number of registrations a day (because they weren't)-and since they weren't being paid on the basis of their registration production rate, then the motivation to create phony ones doesn't even exist. In fact, the reason the office supervisor in the Seattle office was charged with voter fraud is that what was found on office computers led prosecutors to believe this was an office-wide and deliberate scheme and not a matter of a few people just trying to hang on to those jobs. And oddly enough, of the 7 people charged -it is the office supervisor making plenty more than $8 hr. who failed to show up in court and is now wanted on those felony charges. And not so oddly enough, it was only after the computers in this office were seized that ACORN claimed the computers in a Boston office were "stolen". I imagine plenty of other ACORN offices suddenly found themselves in need of new computers too.

You don't get to repeat ACORN's pathetic explanation and pretend that is what this really was -and in every single state where ACORN is under investigation for voter fraud. Clearly this is a WIDESPREAD scheme and not the random acts of a few low paid employees who were never threatened with losing their jobs unless they produced X number of new registrations a day anyway. Voter and election fraud is not based on whether they are actually successful at getting away with it -but for ATTEMPTING it.

In 2006 this same Washington branch of ACORN committed what Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed said at that time was the "worse case of election fraud" in the state's history. That time, of the 1800 new registrations turned in, only SIX were found to be legitimate. Maybe in your book it is some kind of improvement that this time around they had 9 legitimate ones out of 1805. But that still leaves another 27,000 registrations from all Washington branches of ACORN "manufactured" just between January and July, 2008 that have been shown to be likely frauds as well.
That was the official explanation by the national ACORN office -NOT what the prosecution says it is. .


SEATTLE TIMES: King and Pierce County prosecutors filed felony charges today against seven people who allegedly committed the biggest voter-registration fraud in state history.

The defendants, who were paid employees and supervisors of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, concocted the scheme as an easy way to get paid, not as an attempt to influence the outcome of elections, King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg said.

Local News | Felony charges filed against 7 in state's biggest case of voter-registration fraud | Seattle Times Newspaper

I really wish you Bush voters would get your information from somewhere besides Limbaugh and Hannity.

I've been telling you for days that the voter registration fraud cases involved workers who were looking to make a fast buck. There was no election fraud, nor was their any intent to cast fraudulent votes.

Guess what? When you hire hundreds of people for 8 bucks an hour, a few of them are going to potentially fill out bogus registration cards with fake names, in order to get paid some fast bucks.

You republicans were fooled by WMD in Iraq, you were fooled by George Bush, and you were fooled by Dick Cheney.

Once again, you're barking up the wrong tree at best, and lying at worst. Rush Limbaugh has really misled you. Its what he does.

I really wish you Bush voters would get your information from somewhere besides Limbaugh and Hannity.

I've been telling you for days that the voter registration fraud cases involved workers who were looking to make a fast buck. There was no election fraud, nor was their any intent to cast fraudulent votes.

Guess what? When you hire hundreds of people for 8 bucks an hour, a few of them are going to potentially fill out bogus registration cards with fake names, in order to get paid some fast bucks.

You republicans were fooled by WMD in Iraq, you were fooled by George Bush, and you were fooled by Dick Cheney.

Once again, you're barking up the wrong tree at best, and lying at worst. Rush Limbaugh has really misled you. Its what he does.

In this case it was from the Seattle Times, but lying sits better with you, right?

I really wish you Bush voters would get your information from somewhere besides Limbaugh and Hannity.

I've been telling you for days that the voter registration fraud cases involved workers who were looking to make a fast buck. There was no election fraud, nor was their any intent to cast fraudulent votes.

Guess what? When you hire hundreds of people for 8 bucks an hour, a few of them are going to potentially fill out bogus registration cards with fake names, in order to get paid some fast bucks.

You republicans were fooled by WMD in Iraq, you were fooled by George Bush, and you were fooled by Dick Cheney.

Once again, you're barking up the wrong tree at best, and lying at worst. Rush Limbaugh has really misled you. Its what he does.

Oh I guess that means that hasn't been ACORN's official explanation for their widespread scheme when investigation in state after state was announced. LOL It is what ACORN always says. But it fails to explain why the Seattle office supervisor was charged with felony voter fraud although not an $8 hour employee sent on the street to register voters.

All while you ignore the real problem with this cheesy excuse. None of these people were being paid on the basis of how many people they registered -they were paid by the hour. Even ACORN says none were threatened with being fired unless they produced X number of registrations. And without that basis -there is no MOTIVATION for fraudulently manufacturing literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of fraudulent registration forms in state after state. That excuse fails to explain this, much less explain the sheer magnitude of it.

It also fails to explain why of all voter registration drive organizations, ONLY this one has a sky high fraud rate and no others anywhere close to it.

This was not election fraud -it was voter fraud. And whether it is successful or not does NOT determine whether it was a crime. The ATTEMPT is a crime. Just because some other entity or person foils the attempt by detecting these ACORN manufactured registrations doesn't remove the criminal element -which is why the supervisor was charged with felony voter fraud and was the only one who skipped out on the court date and is now wanted for flight to avoid prosecution in addition to that felony count. It isn't thanks to ACORN this so far hasn't resulted in election fraud in the past. Thanks to ACORN which outdid itself this time around, the odds of it being successful in one of the battleground states where the greatest level of fraudulent registration took place in preparation for THIS election -has increased. If someone tries to kill you time and again and just because they haven't yet been successful at bumping you off -do you think that means the state shouldn't take it seriously until they finally do?
Wrong. Its not illegal to turn in bogus registration cards.

Its the law to turn in every registration card you have. Whether they are legitimate, whether they have typos, whether somebody scrawled Mickey Mouse on it as a joke, or whether they were indeed frauduently filled out.

You can't hold onto any registration card the state gives you. You have to turn all of them in.

All the reports are saying that ACORN flagged the ones they thought were bogus, and turned them over to the State. Its the state's job to determine if the bogus ones were crimes, whether they were typos, or whether they were stupid practical jokes.

In any organization as big as ACORN, there's going to be a few jerks they hire who turn in some bogus registration cards as a way of making a fast buck.

There's never been a shred of evidence however, that any bogus card that was filled out for ACORN has turned into a fraudulent vote.

Please post it if you have proof that a bogus registration card actually turned into a fraudulent voter turning up at the polls.

1. Actually individuals can tear up their own registration cards and are not required to turn those back over to whoever is running the voter registration drive. ACORN is only required to turn in those that were filled out by someone ELSE and given to them. But that isn't what is being discussed here. We are talking about ACORN manufacturing those phony ones THEMSELVES and then turning them in KNOWING they are phony. It is a felony to knowingly turn in fake voter registration forms. Since they created them in the first place, they would certainly KNOW they are fake. The MASSIVE numbers involved while no other voter drive organization in the nation has anywhere close to this fraud rate proves it is NOT a matter of a "few jerks" who did this -but is a widespread scheme.

2. According to what "all" reports did ACORN flag their own phony registrations? Because that is NOT true in the least. Every investigation in every state where ACORN is suspected of voter registration fraud it is either because of the sheer numbers CAUGHT by the state or because of repeated complaints by citizens of ACORN's activities of using bribery, pressure and coercion to get individuals to falsely register. You seriously think they are going to flag their own phony creations? LOL

3. Voter fraud is not a crime only when it is successfully committed -it is a crime to ATTEMPT it as well. Just because it is foiled by the state doesn't remove the criminal element here. Voter registration fraud increases the potential of fraudulent votes on election day in those states with less than efficient means of weeding them out -such as exists in Ohio right now.

It doesn't matter whether or not voter fraud is successfully used on election day or not. Fraudulent voter registrations means it is being attempted. And NOW because so many states have decided that if any discrepancy exists on election day, the individual is given the benefit of the doubt and allowed to vote with their votes not even set aside until it can be determined they are a qualified voter -any such fraudulent votes will be in the system. Their votes will be cast and counted -and with no way of removing them.

You don't stop election fraud on election day -you stop it with the registration process itself.
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Once again the press going to an ACORN ally in attempt to discount legitimate requests for oversight.

They aren't legitimate. Total factual evidence that ACORN is conspiring to commit voter fraud = ZERO. You seriously think Obama and ACORN sat down together and decided to register a bunch of Mickey Mouses and Donald Ducks to win the election? And I guess all the election workers are either incredible stupid or in on the conspiracy.
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Current story on Yahoo! News Home:

ACORN controversy: Voter fraud or mudslinging? - Yahoo! News

ACORN controversy: Voter fraud or mudslinging?
By DEBORAH HASTINGS, AP National Writer Deborah Hastings, Ap National Writer Sat Oct 18, 12:37 pm ET

The stories are almost comical: Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, registered to vote on Nov. 4. The entire starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys football team, signed up to go the polls — in Nevada.

But no one in either presidential campaign is laughing. Not publicly, anyway...

"This is all just one big head-fake," said Tova Wang of the government watchdog group Common Cause. "What silliness this is, at this point. It's all about creating this perception that there is a tremendous problem with voter fraud in this country, and it's not true."

On Friday, during a campaign appearance, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin repeated McCain's recent claims that Obama has close ties to ACORN.

"You deserve to know," Palin told thousands in a park north of Cincinnati. "This group needs to learn that you here in Ohio won't let them turn the Buckeye State into the Acorn State."

Obama helped represent ACORN in a successful 1995 suit against the state of Illinois, which forced enactment of the so-called motor-voter law, making it easier for people to register vote. Obama said this week that he had "nothing to do with" ACORN's massive voter registration drive.

ACORN spokesman Brian Kettenring retaliated this week in a series of conference calls and interviews. "What we're seeing is the manufacture of a crisis, and attempts to smear Sen. Obama with it. It gives you an excuse should you lose or if there's a contested outcome of the election."...

Once again the press going to an ACORN ally in attempt to discount legitimate requests for oversight.

Common Cause is another community activist organization and a regular ally of ACORN, which AP reporters should know:


SUSAN BYSIEWICZ, in her official capacity as
Secretary of State for the State of Connecticut,

A Republican Convicted Of Election Fraud Had VIP Access To Trump's Michigan Rally | HuffPost

Hall’s level of access is notable given the Trump administration’s focus on voter fraud, which several analyses have shown is not a widespread problem. Trump claims that between three and five million people voted illegally in the 2016 election, but has offered no evidence to support that claim. In April, he dismissed the idea that voter fraud was a conspiracy theory, saying “in many places, like California, the same person votes many times, you probably heard about that.”

In 2012, Brandon Hall forged signatures to get a judicial candidate on the ballot in Ottawa County, Michigan. He was convicted of 10 counts of election fraud and sentenced in 2016 to 30 days in jail and 18 months probation. He is still serving the probation portion of his sentence.
It's not just AP. Newspapers across the country have been skeptical about the trumped up charges against ACORN. Not to mention, most of us know that Bush's attorneys general got fired last time around because they couldn't find any evidence of voter fraud.

Hell, my own Republican Gov, Charlie Crist, even pointed out that the GOP was full of shit on this.

But feel free to show us any actual proof of fraudulent voting, Kathianne.

I can hook you up with a link to Anne Coulter's voter fraud.

You should look at the Chicago votes, there are a lot of dead people who voted in the Obama election as normal. Who knows how many W backs and Sheet heads voted that were not citizens.
Once again the press going to an ACORN ally in attempt to discount legitimate requests for oversight.

They aren't legitimate. Total factual evidence that ACORN is conspiring to commit voter fraud = ZERO. You seriously think Obama and ACORN sat down together and decided to register a bunch of Mickey Mouses and Donald Ducks to win the election? And I guess all the election workers are either incredible stupid or in on the conspiracy.
I liked the workers at a Mental inst, who assisted the inmates to vote. That was kind of them to help them with their voting rights.
It's not just AP. Newspapers across the country have been skeptical about the trumped up charges against ACORN. Not to mention, most of us know that Bush's attorneys general got fired last time around because they couldn't find any evidence of voter fraud.
If no evidence of voter fraud was found, then why did they plead guilty?
You twit, they are just showing one side. While trying to paint 'hate' on the other side, when the concern is undermining our electoral system.

Mark Meadows Was Simultaneously Registered To Vote In 3 Different States​

Donald Trump's top aide was registered to vote in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia — all while promoting lies that the 2020 election was rigged.

This is why you guys were so sure we were cheating. Because YOU were cheating and probably getting away with it.

But we don't have homes in 3 different states. Rich Republicans do.

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