VMI Superintendent Resigns After Allegations of Racism By Black Cadets


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute resigned Monday morning after Black cadets described relentless racism at the nation’s oldest state-supported military college -- It was the last public college in Virginia to integrate, admitting five Black students in 1968. Retired Gen. J.H. Binford Peay III, 80, has been superintendent of the 181-year-old school since 2003. During the retired four-star general’s tenure, multiple accounts of racist incidents have surfaced at VMI."

Blacks need to stop whining about racism.......we have bigger more realistic problems to deal with like the fear of being taken over by Sharia law and having Christianity be made illegal, Marxism, Communism and Socialism -- all at the same time...
Such terrible wacism, that they cannot even speak of it.

Why should an institution only 8 percent black, bow down to their demands? If they don't like it there, they don't have to GO there.
Some testimonials...

"This one time, a white cadet was looking at me and i just know he was thinking the N word."

"I was speeding on campus and when campus police pulled me over, they didnt do it because i was speeding; they pulled me over because i was black"

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