Virginia...has more guns now....less gun crime, even with the latest shooting.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes, this article looks at the gun laws in Virginia. Katie Pavlich is a journalist and has completed the AR-15 and pistol classes at gun fighter school. she wrote about her experiences at the school last year. her she is discussing the myths that we need more gun laws and that we have a gun violence epidemic...

Of course, gun murder is going down, not up...and now 12.8 million people carry guns for self defense.

Katie Pavlich - The Truth About Guns in Virginia

Finally, it's important to point out that although every crime carried out with a firearm is a tragedy, there isn't a "gun violence epidemic" as the anti-gun activists claim. In recent years, gun sales in Virginia have exponentially increased while crime, including crimes carried out with firearms, have significantly decreased.
Yes, this article looks at the gun laws in Virginia. Katie Pavlich is a journalist and has completed the AR-15 and pistol classes at gun fighter school. she wrote about her experiences at the school last year. her she is discussing the myths that we need more gun laws and that we have a gun violence epidemic...

Of course, gun murder is going down, not up...and now 12.8 million people carry guns for self defense.

Katie Pavlich - The Truth About Guns in Virginia

Finally, it's important to point out that although every crime carried out with a firearm is a tragedy, there isn't a "gun violence epidemic" as the anti-gun activists claim. In recent years, gun sales in Virginia have exponentially increased while crime, including crimes carried out with firearms, have significantly decreased.

And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.
Yes, this article looks at the gun laws in Virginia. Katie Pavlich is a journalist and has completed the AR-15 and pistol classes at gun fighter school. she wrote about her experiences at the school last year. her she is discussing the myths that we need more gun laws and that we have a gun violence epidemic...

Of course, gun murder is going down, not up...and now 12.8 million people carry guns for self defense.

Katie Pavlich - The Truth About Guns in Virginia

Finally, it's important to point out that although every crime carried out with a firearm is a tragedy, there isn't a "gun violence epidemic" as the anti-gun activists claim. In recent years, gun sales in Virginia have exponentially increased while crime, including crimes carried out with firearms, have significantly decreased.

And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

Which means the OP's premise fails as a confusion of correlation and causation fallacy, for at least the 200th time.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

You understand that a murder and a "gun death" is not the same thing, correct?

Are we talking about murders, or people choosing to end their own lives?
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

No they aren't....
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

Gun murder is higher in counties that voted for I said, disarm democrats and the gun murder rate goes down.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

No they aren't....

Yes, the are.....

It seems like a relatively obvious equation: The weaker the gun laws and the higher the rate of gun ownership in a given state, the more deaths from gun violence that state will see.

That's the conclusion of a report released Thursday by the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit organization that researches the public health impact of gun violence.

Alaska has the highest rate of gun fatalities in the country, according to data from 2013. The state saw 19.59 deaths per 100,000 people, which is significantly above the national average of 10.64 deaths per 100,000. VPC's report indicates that Alaska also has the country's third-highest rate of gun ownership, with firearms in 60.6% percent of households.

States With Most Gun Deaths Have High Gun Ownership And Weaker Gun Laws, Report Shows

And high gun ownership rates aren't great for cops either.

The higher the rate of gun ownership in a state, the higher the likelihood of a law enforcement officer being killed, a new study has found.

Researchers, writing online in the American Journal of Public Health, used F.B.I. data on the rate of police officer deaths in each state, along with information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on gun ownership rates. From 1996 to 2010, there were 782 homicides of law enforcement personnel, 92 percent of them by gunfire. Responses to domestic disturbance calls resulted in 116 police deaths, 15 percent of the total.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.


Gun Control: Myths and Realities

4. States that allow registered citizens to carry concealed weapons have lower crime rates than those that don’t.

True. The 31 states that have “shall issue” laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons have, on average, a 24 percent lower violent crime rate, a 19 percent lower murder rate and a 39 percent lower robbery rate than states that forbid concealed weapons. In fact, the nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all right-to-carry states. Remarkably, guns are used for self-defense more than 2 million times a year, three to five times the estimated number of violent crimes committed with guns.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

No they aren't....

Yes, the are.....

It seems like a relatively obvious equation: The weaker the gun laws and the higher the rate of gun ownership in a given state, the more deaths from gun violence that state will see.

That's the conclusion of a report released Thursday by the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit organization that researches the public health impact of gun violence.

Alaska has the highest rate of gun fatalities in the country, according to data from 2013. The state saw 19.59 deaths per 100,000 people, which is significantly above the national average of 10.64 deaths per 100,000. VPC's report indicates that Alaska also has the country's third-highest rate of gun ownership, with firearms in 60.6% percent of households.

States With Most Gun Deaths Have High Gun Ownership And Weaker Gun Laws, Report Shows

And high gun ownership rates aren't great for cops either.

The higher the rate of gun ownership in a state, the higher the likelihood of a law enforcement officer being killed, a new study has found.

Researchers, writing online in the American Journal of Public Health, used F.B.I. data on the rate of police officer deaths in each state, along with information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on gun ownership rates. From 1996 to 2010, there were 782 homicides of law enforcement personnel, 92 percent of them by gunfire. Responses to domestic disturbance calls resulted in 116 police deaths, 15 percent of the total.

Yeah...not true...I just saw that debunked but can't find it now.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

No they aren't....

Yes, the are.....

It seems like a relatively obvious equation: The weaker the gun laws and the higher the rate of gun ownership in a given state, the more deaths from gun violence that state will see.

That's the conclusion of a report released Thursday by the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit organization that researches the public health impact of gun violence.

Alaska has the highest rate of gun fatalities in the country, according to data from 2013. The state saw 19.59 deaths per 100,000 people, which is significantly above the national average of 10.64 deaths per 100,000. VPC's report indicates that Alaska also has the country's third-highest rate of gun ownership, with firearms in 60.6% percent of households.

States With Most Gun Deaths Have High Gun Ownership And Weaker Gun Laws, Report Shows

And high gun ownership rates aren't great for cops either.

The higher the rate of gun ownership in a state, the higher the likelihood of a law enforcement officer being killed, a new study has found.

Researchers, writing online in the American Journal of Public Health, used F.B.I. data on the rate of police officer deaths in each state, along with information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on gun ownership rates. From 1996 to 2010, there were 782 homicides of law enforcement personnel, 92 percent of them by gunfire. Responses to domestic disturbance calls resulted in 116 police deaths, 15 percent of the total.

And high gun ownership rates aren't great for cops either.

That is just more anti gun extremist is the truth....

CPRC at Fox News: Researchers are wrong about private guns, police deaths - Crime Prevention Research Center

The study, which was announced last week and is forthcoming in the American Journal of Public Health, received extensive national and international news coverage. But if the researchers hadn’t left out controls used by everyone else for this type of empirical work, they would have gotten the opposite results from what they claimed.

Previous research has done just that. And it has found that concealed handgun permits lead to fewer police deaths. The authors offered no explanation for the new study’s unorthodox approach.

There is a big benefit to using so-called panel data, where you follow changes in crime rates across many different states over a number of years. Doing that allows you to have many different experiments and makes it possible to more accurately explain for differences in crime rates across states or over time.

A couple of simple examples show why other studies on crime take into account these factors.


Looking at data by state over many years allows researchers to account for both of these potential biases, but the American Journal of Public Health study doesn’t account for this bias over time and the authors offer no explanation for this lapse.

If they had done what everyone else does, it would have reversed their results. Instead of their claim of a one-percentage point increase in the percent of suicides committed with guns increasing the total number of police killed by 3.5 percent, they would have found it reducing police killed by 3.6 percent.

Previous work has shown that letting law-abiding citizens carry guns reduces the rate that criminals carry guns, thus making it safer for both civilians and police alike.

But perhaps the craziest thing about this study is how it “measures” gun ownership.

While the media talks about gun ownership being related to police deaths, what they are actually measuring is the percentage of suicides committed with guns. While this may have some relationship to gun ownership, this much more likely picks up whether the population is relatively more male, as men are more likely to use guns for suicide, as well as other demographic and geographical differences. For example, even when women own guns, they are more likely than men to use other methods of committing suicide.

Despite all the extensive news coverage of the American Journal of Public Health study, there were no interviews with anyone who might have been critical of the controversial study.

In reality, criminals have ways of getting guns even when guns are banned. For example, drug gangs will get their guns to protect their drugs just as easily as they get their drugs to sell. Thus gun control primarily disarms the citizens who obey the laws. There are lots of good law-abiding citizens who not only protect themselves and their fellow citizens, but even help protect the police.

Yes, this article looks at the gun laws in Virginia. Katie Pavlich is a journalist and has completed the AR-15 and pistol classes at gun fighter school. she wrote about her experiences at the school last year. her she is discussing the myths that we need more gun laws and that we have a gun violence epidemic...

Of course, gun murder is going down, not up...and now 12.8 million people carry guns for self defense.

Katie Pavlich - The Truth About Guns in Virginia

Finally, it's important to point out that although every crime carried out with a firearm is a tragedy, there isn't a "gun violence epidemic" as the anti-gun activists claim. In recent years, gun sales in Virginia have exponentially increased while crime, including crimes carried out with firearms, have significantly decreased.

And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

And at the same time more and more Americans now own and carry guns for self defense. There are now over 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense and the gun murder rate is going down, so your belief that more guns lead to more gun murder is wrong.

Law abiding citizens do not murder other people, they can carry guns all day long 365 days a year and they will not increase the crime rate or the gun murder rate.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

No they aren't....

Yes, the are.....

It seems like a relatively obvious equation: The weaker the gun laws and the higher the rate of gun ownership in a given state, the more deaths from gun violence that state will see.

That's the conclusion of a report released Thursday by the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit organization that researches the public health impact of gun violence.

Alaska has the highest rate of gun fatalities in the country, according to data from 2013. The state saw 19.59 deaths per 100,000 people, which is significantly above the national average of 10.64 deaths per 100,000. VPC's report indicates that Alaska also has the country's third-highest rate of gun ownership, with firearms in 60.6% percent of households.

States With Most Gun Deaths Have High Gun Ownership And Weaker Gun Laws, Report Shows

And high gun ownership rates aren't great for cops either.

The higher the rate of gun ownership in a state, the higher the likelihood of a law enforcement officer being killed, a new study has found.

Researchers, writing online in the American Journal of Public Health, used F.B.I. data on the rate of police officer deaths in each state, along with information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on gun ownership rates. From 1996 to 2010, there were 782 homicides of law enforcement personnel, 92 percent of them by gunfire. Responses to domestic disturbance calls resulted in 116 police deaths, 15 percent of the total.

The Violence Policy Center has been caught lying multiple times with their can't trust them, they hate guns and lie to get policy changed.
Why the dropping murder rate? Fewer households have guns.

And this is why the General Social Survey is crap...

Problems with using the General Social Survey to measure gun ownership - Crime Prevention Research Center

Yet, the GSS survey shows a large drop that you don’t see in many other surveys. According to Gallup, in October 2011, they wrote: “At 47%, reported gun ownership is the highest it has been in nearly two decades — a finding that may be related to Americans’ dampened support for gun-control laws.” Here is the Gallup survey data since 1991.

Gallup also reports the data differently elsewhere.

Or take the ABC News/Washington Post Poll

Surveys always have problems with them, but in many cases surveys are the only way to determine gun ownership rates. One measure is to look at licensed gun owners, though there have only been a few states that have licenses and haven’t changed the rules for getting the permits. Most notable is the state of Illinois. Over the last six years the GSS survey implies that legal gun ownership has fallen in Illinois, but FOID cards, which are necessary to legally own a gun, have been rising.
Why the dropping murder rate? Fewer households have guns.

And the bias against guns at the General Social Survey also affects how they handle the issue...

The GSS survey has raised concerns for some time. Here is something that John Lott wrote in his 2003 book The Bias Against Guns.

A few years ago, while I was doing research at the University of Chicago, I had lunch with Tom Smith, who is the director of the General Social Survey at the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). This private organization conducts many important national surveys for the government as well as other clients. During lunch Tom mentioned how important he thought the General Social Survey was. He felt the large drop in gun ownership implied by his survey would “make it easier for politicians to do the right thing on guns” and pass more restrictive regulations. His surveys have traditionally shown one of the lowest gun ownership rates among any of the surveys: for example, almost 20 percentage points lower than recent polling by John Zogby. . . .

Tom Smith is still the director of the GSS. It is interesting to note that both the JAMA study this week as well as Tom Smith have received funding from the Joyce Foundation, which is well known for its gun control advocacy (or see here). This discussion is definitely not saying that the Joyce Foundation funding altered their views, but just that Joyce knows the individuals who are on their side of the debate.
And for at least the 20th time, murder rates have been dropping everywhere. In places with massive gun sale increases. And places without it. When your 'effect' exists regardless of the presence of your 'cause', your 'cause' isn't.

You do realize that knife cuts both ways, right?

That increased gun ownership doesn't increase murder rates? Gun deaths are higher in states where there are more guns.

You understand that a murder and a "gun death" is not the same thing, correct?

Are we talking about murders, or people choosing to end their own lives?

I'm talking gun violence. The more guns, the more gun violence. Including the more cops likely to be shot.

Less guns, less gun violence. Including cops less likely to be shot.

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